𝟚. 𝔼𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤 & 𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤
"Since the capacitor has decided to stop working, we'll be heading to Tatooine for a quick repair!" Astrid's obvious irritation toward her small-scale starship surprised Annika. The Jedi's first interaction with the Medic gave her reason to believe that she was a levelheaded woman. However, the aggressive way she piloted the ship with a deep frown on her face, had Annika questioning her sister's composed and unruffled demeanor.
"Do you have any experience in this field?" Astrid asked, gesturing to the defective vehicle.
"No, sorry," She apologetically replied, "I won't be very useful in that department. Although, I am good at self-defense if you ever want help with that." She helplessly added with a crooked smile to which her sister returned.
"I may take you up on that," Astrid said, then turned her attention to the incoming desert planet.
Astrid landed her ship in a docking bay shaded with tan tarps. The pair exited the overheating metal vehicle and sought out the repair droids. After explaining what the issue was to the mechanics, Astrid announced that she would go find some chow. Annika stayed behind to watch the repair job.
The Medic wandered through the bustling streets in search of decent dry goods. Scorching winds blew against her face, throwing flecks of sand into her eyes. Hoping to escape the wretched winds, Astrid ducked into an alleyway. As she shook the sand from her long hair, a deep voice startled her.
"Are you a medic?" A tall Zygerrian man inquired with pleading eyes. Astrid glanced down at the red Medic insignia on the medical bag she took everywhere and answered calmly, "I am. Can I assist you?"
"Yes, yes! My friend is unwell, he needs help! He's just this way." The Zygerrian guided her over to a nearby docking bay, which held a sizeable cargo ship.
"Where is this friend of yours?" Astrid asked, peering at the ship. She turned around when he didn't answer. The Zygerrian shoved her to the course ground and before she knew what was happening, a blue shock made contact with her body, and she lost consciousness.
✵ ✵ ✵
Annika's brows furrowed in concentration. She witnessed three Zygerrian men drag her sister's limp body into their cargo hull and she made a risky split-second decision. When the men momentarily cleared the area, the Jedi swiftly sprinted into the open ship door. Annika made herself small behind a massive cage, which ensnared a rowdy creature, and held her breath in anticipation. A moment later, the unsuspecting Zygerrians boarded their ship, without so much as a glance in Annika's direction.
Less than an hour passed before the ship jolted out of hyperspace, temporarily alarming the stowaway. Voices carried into the back of the hull when they roughly landed. Annika watched silently as the Zygerrian men towed Astrid outside. The light emitting from the new location nearly blinded Annika when she stealthily stepped out of the humid ship. To say the least, her new surroundings were surprising. Ruins of what might have been a city stood haphazardly before her.
The Jedi scurried behind a fragmented wall and crouched down low. From her hiding place, she spotted Astrid, who was still unconscious, chained to a dry crumbling fountain. Abruptly, in the corner of her eye, she noticed...a clone?
That can't be! What would they be doing in a place like this? A pang of distress overwhelmed the Jedi. Before she could prevent it from happening, she lost control of her thoughts and painful memories instantly emerged. Brutal images flashed through her mind unceasingly. First, her old master's fighter appeared, and Annika watched in horror as his ship was shot down. She saw the soldiers she had fought alongside train their blasters on her. They fired without hesitation, but Annika managed to escape their brutality, just barely.
Her heartrending memories were cut off by a shout, originating from one of the slave traders.
Annika took several deep breaths as she inspected the situation. Apparently, four clones had been captured and were chained against the fountain as well. The Jedi's brows scrunched together as she brainstormed rescue plans. For the first time, Annika noticed the bind around their necks and sighed to herself, This is gonna be harder than I thought.
✵ ✵ ✵
Astrid's eyelashes slowly fluttered open. Immediately, she coughed up the gathered dust in her lungs. The Medic sluggishly sat upright, wiping the dirt from her hair and the side of her face. Somewhere nearby, a cry was let out, making her gasp. She looked around and spotted a man a few feet away from her, viciously getting shocked. Astrid's body trembled as she watched the horrific sight play out. Then, she felt the bind around her neck and shackles on her wrists and lost it.
No, no, no! She repeatedly thought to herself. The Medic began to hyperventilate as she clawed at her bind uselessly. Her mind raced, overrun with panic, until two steady hands slowly lowered hers away from the bind.
"That won't help," The spectacled man beside her said gently, lightly shaking his head. Astrid stared at the man as her lips trembled.
"I-I-where am I?" The woman struggled to ask.
"Nowhere good. But don't worry, we'll get you out of here." He reassured her. "Our rescue plan is already in motion." His eyes pointed to a young girl, climbing the ruins around them. Confusion replaced her earlier anxiety.
"Uh-I don't understand," She quietly admitted to the armored man.
"You'll see," He said smiling slightly.
How could he possibly have so much faith in a mere child?
The adolescent girl sneaked through the ruins, unnoticed. That is until one of the Zygerrians snatched her just as she attempted to unlock a shuddering cage. What happened next perplexed Astrid. The Zygerrian, roughly holding the young girl, abruptly unhanded her and was slammed against a wall.
What?! Astrid wondered in disbelief if there was some sort of invisible force in the working. How else could that man have been thrown several yards away with no one but the girl near him? The Medic's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Astrid! Are you okay?" Annika anxiously asked, appearing in front of her.
"Annika?" Astrid was bewildered. "Aren't you supposed to be in Tatooine?"
"I was, but when I saw these slave traders knock you out, I decided to join you." She replied, dodging a Zygerrian whip. With sure steps, the Jedi effortlessly took down any slavers who dared approach her. In minutes, the Zygerrian leader was the only remaining slave trader, and with the help of the clones, Annika freed the captives.
Although she had been immensely skeptical, Annika decided to trust her gut by releasing the clones as well. The man, who she assumed to be their leader, stepped forward after his manacles were unlocked. In a husky voice, he said, "You're a Jedi." Incredulousness heavily coating his statement. Annika's heart nearly stopped.
"Did you say Jedi?" She questioned the man, feigning innocence.
"That's right. I've only ever seen a sight like that in the presence of a Jedi." Annika struggled to hold his eye contact, for the skull tattooed on one side of his face was quite intimidating.
"I'm not sure what you mean by that," She insisted. Hunter, who took her rapid heartbeat as a sign of confirmation, challenged her.
"Really? Then how would you explain what happened to those guys back there?"
"How should I know!" She spat defensively. The sergeant slightly tilted his head, "Listen, I understand why you wouldn't want to trust us clones, but we're not like the others." Annika huffed in response, as he glanced at his brother, who was currently holding Astrid steady.
"Tech," He said to his brother, "A little help?" Annika eyed the lanky clone he was addressing with suspicion.
Tech responded in a neutral tone, still supporting Astrid, "What Hunter is trying to say, is that we're defective clones." He emphasized the word defective without emotion, "While all other clones executed order 66, we did not. Due to our deviant natures, our chips," he tapped his temple, "Did not active, thus, we were able to see the error in the directive."
Annika pondered this for a moment, however, she was unable to identify any flaws in his straightforward argument. She let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Maybe she could trust these soldiers...
"You know," Hunter began, "It's not a good idea to stay in one place for too long when you're a fugitive." Annika's brows raised.
Only then did she realize her predicament.
She was on an unknown planet with no way out of there. Astrid's ship was still on Tatooine, most likely being stripped down for parts since the sisters had left it unguarded.
Annika glanced up at the sergeant, who seemed to be debating with himself. Before the Jedi could speak, he ventured, "If you two need any assistance...we'd be happy to take you wherever it is you need to go." Annika's lips parted in shock.
"That would be...most appreciated," She uttered, "However, I'm not certain where that would be. I doubt our ship can be recovered..." She paused, upon noticing Hunter round up his brothers and the little girl.
"Hold that thought," He said with a small grin. Huddled together, the soldiers discussed a matter with serious faces. After a moment of awkwardly standing there, Annika walked over to Astrid. The Medic's pale face immediately worried her sister, who asked what was wrong.
"N-nothing," She insisted, "Just not every day that you get kidnapped by slave traders, you know?" Annika was unconvinced by her sister's light chuckle but decided not to push her.
"Right. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yep, I'm sure." She promised. Someone behind them cleared their throat.
Hunter spoke with his brothers beside him. "The boys and I talked it over and we don't think it's safe for you two to just wander through the galaxy without backup. Especially since one of you is a Jedi-"
"Jedi?" Astrid smiled in amusement, "I think you have us mixed up with some other people." Her smile faltered, upon noticing Annika staring at the dirt intently. "Right, Annika?" She barely whispered.
"Umm, well, actually," The Jedi laughed uncomfortably.
"She is a Jedi," Tech stated, eyes glued to his recently-recovered datapad. Hunter sighed and pointed out, "Tech, that's not exactly your news to share."
Tech appeared unfazed, "Well, I figured she needed the assistance since she was stalling."
Astrid turned toward her sister, "Then where's your laser sword?"
Annika pulled out her lightsaber hilt, concealed under her poncho against her hip. The Medic's jaw hung open.
"How did I never notice that?!" Her wide eyes stared in disbelief at the weapon in her sister's palm.
Annika shrugged. "Don't ask me, I was surprised you didn't notice, too."
"So that's what you meant when you said you aided the war effort," Astrid figured, then remembered how they ended up discussing this and faced the clones. "What were you boys proposing?"
"Right." Hunter looked at them both when he spoke, "Since we, too aren't on good terms with the Empire how would you two like to join us? Our squad, I mean."
"Technically," The goggled soldier piped in helpfully, "You couldn't be worse off."
The sisters looked at each other and seemed to communicate telepathically. They nodded in unison.
Annika said contentedly, "We gladly accept your generous offer."
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