It was planned earlier that the ghost twins would be going to school with Superboy and Megan. They accepted on the condition they got to choose their names and what they'd look like. They received some brown wigs and brown contacts. Spook chose the name Nyssa, and Phantom chose Dominic with the last name Lavigne.
Inside Spook's room are the twins. They transform into their human selves and put in the brown contacts.
"Won't Superboy hear our heartbeats?" Raimundo asks.
"I already have an excuse for that," Vanessa says, tying her hair into two high, swirly pigtail buns. "Go to your room and get into your outfit."
"Okay," he sighs and shuts the door behind him.
She walks over to lock the door before getting into her outfit. She finishes her look by putting blue ribbons on each bun. Compared to her creepy ghost self, she looks completely different. So much so, nobody would even compare her to her other half. One might say she looks somewhat cute lolita-like. She exits her room right as her fratello opens his.
"We're really doing this twin thing, aren't we?" Rai says, tugging on his backpack strap.
"That's why I love to be a twin!" Vanessa squeals, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Let's go find Megan or Superboy."
They disappear down to the hangar to find Superboy working on his bike. Sphere comes over and nudges Superboy.
"Jealous much?" Superboy jokes as Sphere beeps in response.
"Hey, Superboy," Vanessa greets.
"Ready for school?" Megan asks, floating in. "Whoa, you two look amazing!"
Superboy turns to look at the twins and freezes. "You look... great."
Spook and Superboy have been kind of avoiding each other since the whole 'kiss' thing. "Uh, t-thanks..."
Superboy suddenly frowns. "You two... y-you have heartbeats..."
"Yeah, about that," Vanessa says. "We can do this thing where we can make it seem like our hearts are beating. We're only doing this just in case there's some student at the school that somehow might be able to hear."
"Does it happen when you sleep too?" Superboy asks. "Because I sometimes hear heartbeat sounds coming from both of your rooms at night."
"Then I guess we do it unintentionally," Rai says.
"That makes sense," Megan says. "Anyway, I made our lunches."
"The first day of a scholastic season carries great cultural resonance," Martian Manhunter says, walking in with Kaldur and Red Tornado. "We want to wish you all well."
"Guess it's not a Kryptonian thing," Superboy sighs sadly.
"You may wish to change before you depart," Kaldur says to Megan and Superboy.
"Ah, I spent hours choosing this outfit!" Megan exclaims, changing into a pink skirt, white top, and a matching pink sweater overtop. "What do you think? Can M'gann M'orzz pass as an Earth girl now?"
Kaldur eyes her green skin. "Well..."
Megan giggles, changing her skin to Caucasian. "Just kidding! Meet Megan Morse." She does a little twirl and holds out the sides of her skirt with a bow. She turns to Phantom and Superboy. "What's your new name?"
"My what?" Superboy asks.
"I chose the name John Jones for myself," Martian Manhunter says, changing into a dark skinned male in a tux. "And suggested John Smith for Red Tornado. You could be John's too."
"Pass," Superboy and Rai say.
"Conner's always been my favorite name," Megan says, looking at Rai.
"I actually already gave myself a name," Rai says. "Superboy can have Conner. I'm Dominic Lavigne but only call me that at school. I don't want it to be my real name. We want to figure that out on our own."
"Conner has a nice ring to it," Vanessa says. "Anyway, I'm Nyssa Lavigne. Same for me, don't call me that unless we're at school or have a classmate around."
"Nyssa and Dominic Lavigne those are nice," Megan says.
Superboy shrugs as he thinks of the name Conner.
"A last name will also be required," Kaldur says.
"Perhaps, Kent," J'ohn suggests.
"Oh, in memory of Dr. Fate!" Megan says. "The late Kent Nelson."
"I feel it has a different reason behind it," Vanessa thinks.
J'ohn transforms back to his martian self. "Ah, of... course."
"Okay, sure," Superboy agrees. "I guess it would be an honor or something."
"Well, Conner Kent, time to change your shirt," Vanessa says.
"You don't wanna reveal your identity," Megan says.
Conner grabs the back of his shirt and lifts it over his head, turning the shirt inside out. "Will this work?"
Vanessa feels heat rise to her face and chuckles. "T-that works for me..."
"Perv," Rai giggles.
"Wait, shouldn't I be Conner Nelson?" Conner asks, putting the shirt back on but inside out.
"Kent sounds better," Vanessa says, walking out behind him.
They all arrive at Happy Harbor High School and walk into the crowd of students in the front. They walk out and Conner immediately catches a boy on a skateboard that was about to run into Vanessa.
"Ah! Hey!" the boy cries out. The skateboard goes tumbling and everyone turns to us. "What?"
Conner lifts him up to look at his shirt to see a superhero shirt. Conner points to it. "Explain this."
"Why?" the boy cries out.
"What's your problem?" a deeper male voice calls out.
They turn to see a large dark skinned male with a Superman shirt on and an arm around a cheerleader. They look around to see just about everyone else wearing some kind of Justice League member shirt from Superman to Green Lantern.
"That guy is ripped!" Rai whisper shouts.
"Put my man Marvin down," the boy warns.
"I-I don't think he likes my shirt," Marvin cries out.
Conner raises an eyebrow. "Your shirt's fine. Everyone's shirt is fine," he growls through his teeth, placing Marvin back on the ground.
"Someone's fine," the cheerleader flirts which obviously is noticed by the large male.
He furrows his eyebrows as he saunters up to Conner.
"Hi, we're new. I'm Megan Morse. This is Nyssa and Dominic Lavigne. And this is Conner Kent."
"Double alliteration. I like it," Marvin says.
Superboy walks up to the large male just to have to look up at him since he's so much taller. They glare at each other and are brought out of it by a few snaps from a teacher.
"Okay, time to get to homeroom, gang," the teacher says.
The boy shoves Conner with his shoulder as he walks by him. Conner goes to fight back but Vanessa cuts him off.
"Conner," she sternly says with a glare.
"I'm gonna..." Conner growls, glaring at the boy's back.
"Hi, I'm Wendy," a short black-haired girl greets. "I was new last year so I know how hard it is to fit in. But you two girls look like instant bumblebee material to me." She twirls. "Cheerleaders, the bumblebees. Tryouts are after school."
Megan gets giddy. "Thanks, I'll be there."
"Sounds like a lot of work," Vanessa huffs.
"Oh, come on, Nyssa!" Megan pleads, giving Vanessa her puppy dog eyes. "We could do this together as best friends!"
"We're best friends?" Vanessa asks.
"Of course!"
Vanessa sighs. "Well, I guess I'll do it with you."
"Yay!" she cheers with a jump.
"Dude, facing down Mal Duncan?" Marvin asks. "Fierce. Not too bright, but fierce."
The bell rings as Conner glares. Rai and Marvin go off to talk while Vanessa sticks close to Conner.
"Don't worry about that loser," Vanessa says. "You're Superman's son. You could pummel that guy into the ground if you wanted. We all could. Don't let Mal get to you."
Conner sighs as they follow the four to their first class together. Conner and Vanessa end up sitting together and Megan with Rai.
The teacher from before enters the room and introduces himself as Mr. Carr. "I've been informed we have four new students in our class. How about you four introduce yourselves and tell us something about you?"
Megan stands up first. "Hello, I'm Megan Morse, and I like to bake." She quickly sits down.
Rai stands up next. "I'm Dominic Lavigne, and I'm a twin!"
Vanessa rolls her eyes as she stands up. "I'm Nyssa Lavigne, and I'm the younger twin sister of Dominic."
Conner stands up last. "My name's Conner Kent, and... I... have a motorcycle."
"It's nice to know a little more about our new friends," Mr. Carr says. "Now let's begin by watching a tape of the latest news."
The recording begins and a news lady shows up on the screen. After a little while, the recording is almost over.
"If Lex Luthor's unknown strategy for peace fails the two Rhelasias are looking at all-out war before morning," the news lady finishes, and the teacher turns the tv off.
"Why is it up to that no good Lex Luthor?" Vanessa growls. "That guy should get thrown into a prison cell for life... If I ever get my hands on that prick, I'm going to explode his insides..."
Superboy glances at her.
"Who can tell me more about Rhelasia?" he asks. "Marvin?"
Poor Marvin, who was dozing off, sits up with a start. "Huh? Well, Mr. Carr, it's... better than fake Asia."
A few chuckles go throughout the room.
Mr. Carr sighs. "Anyone else?"
"Modern Rhelasia was created in 1855 and ruled by the Boquoon dynasty until it was divided by the great powers into North and South Rhelasia after World War II," Conner says.
Vanessa turns to give him a small look of surprise.
"Very good," Mr. Carr says with shock.
"But why are they fighting?" Conner asks. "They're all humans."
Vanessa slightly giggles at that by the way he said it. "Jeez, don't make it sound like you aren't one or something..." Vanessa whispers so he would only hear it.
"I mean, Rhelasians, right?" Conner corrects, giving Vanessa a slight glare.
"Right on both counts, actually," Mr. Carr says.
Megan's voice appears in Conner, Rai, and Vanessa's heads. 'It's no different on Mars. The White Martian minority are treated as second class citizens by the green majority. Of course, I'm green but that doesn't make it right.'
"I feel like that was a lie..." Vanessa whispers to herself, earning a glance from Conner.
The bell rings and off to the next class they go. The eventual end of the day comes and off to cheer tryouts the girls go. They head to the football field after getting changed into some gym clothes that were provided to them. Conner and Rai watch from the bleachers above.
"Okay, Megan and Nyssa, you're up," Wendy says.
The two girls get in position and begin the routine. "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Hornet, hornets, can't be beat. Bzzz-ting! Ow!" they say, doing the gestures and everything.
The cheerleaders begin whispering and come to a conclusion. Wendy walks up to them.
"How'd we do?" Megan asks.
"I thought you did great," Wendy reassures. "And I'm really sorry about this..."
From behind they get soaked by a bucket of water. The two girls squeal.
"What the?" Vanessa squeals.
They hear the breaking of a bleacher behind them as Conner and Rai come down angrily. They end up tripping and tumbling all the way to the bottom of the bleachers and flip over the side. Vanessa already knowing Megan fussed with them telepathically.
"Sorry, it's a stupid initiation ritual that I wish my teammates would abandon," Wendy huffs.
"Wait, initiation ritual?" Megan asks then gasps. "Hello, Megan! That means we made the team! Um, I did, right?"
"You're a bumblebee, girl," the cheerleader that was with Mal says.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Megan cheers, hugging Wendy and Vanessa.
"So, are those your boyfriends?" Mal's girl asks, pointing in Conner and Rai's direction. "Cause they're hot, but kind of freaks."
Megan and Vanessa don't answer, but their cheeks sure do turn pink. The cheerleaders soon leave, and the four are left behind.
"Here, let's dry off," Vanessa says, placing a hand on Megan's shoulder. She turns them intangible, and the water falls onto the ground around them.
"Thanks," Megan says.
"I guess we should head on home and try to get some rest before we might have to head out on a mission," Vanessa says. "I'm still wiped out from this morning and the day before..."
"Agreed," Rai says.
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