Chapter - 9 - Hospital love
Tanjiro's pov
I heard yelling and things moving before Akari burst into the room I was locked in.
"Tanjiro..! Please say that you love me..say it!" Akari cried as she laid her head on my lap. I was disgusted as I tried to push her off me but the ropes were really tight and my mouth was taped shut so I could say anything.
"Please say you love me to Tanjiro.." Akari repeated sobbing onto my lap. What she did was unforgivable but I still a little felt bad for her so I let her lie on my lap before I heard footsteps from up stairs. Just the basement door flew open and police invaded the place.
"No! Please don't take me away from him!" Akari cried as a police man handcuffed her and took her away while another was uniting me. I left the house with a huge sigh of relief as I sat in the ambulance with Muichiro. He was unconscious so I was a bit worried but the nurses said he would be fine.
When we got to the hospital they had to check up on me since I was still bleeding. After I got treated the hospital called my family and they were still at my grandparents place since something happened there so they have to stay another week. But thankfully Nezuko stayed along with the rest of my friends.
"What happened to you while you were there?" Zenitsu asked.
"Well, she shot me with a syringe? But it wasn't poison or a tranquilizer it was something else..I'm not sure though.." I answered when suddenly my doctor walked in.
"Is Tanjiro going to be okay?! Will he be able to go home?" Nezuko asked as the doctor responded with a nod.
"He will be able to go home he just needs to take some meds that I prescribed for him to take for the future headed aches or migraines. Overall he's free to go home anytime he wants." The doctor reassured Nezuko.
Nezuko sighed in relief but before anyone could say anything the doctor spoke again, "Oh! I almost forgot! We need to run a few test on you Tanjiro before you can go home."
"What? Why?" Kanao asked.
"Because something happened in his DNA that's gonna change his life for a while until we can figure out what happened to change his DNA back to normal. if we dont find out how to fix it fast I'm not sure what will happen but it won't be good." The doctor answered.
Slience fell upon the room luckily the doctor seemed to notice the confusion so he broke it down for us to understand.
"Tanjiro is a omega since the day he was born, correct? Ever since he got here something has been going on in his DNA that apparently swapped his role with his future spouse. Which means you are now an Alpha and your fated partner his an Omega." The doctor clarified before grabbing his clipboard and began heading to the door but before he left he added, "We'll let you know if there's any cure to this," then he finally left.
We all stayed silent before Inouske broke the silence, "What..the f**k was he talking about..?"
We all just looked at him before sighing deeply. I mean what did I expect this is Inosuke.
"The real question is..who is your future significant other?" Zenitsu asked.
I shrugged having absolute no idea who else it could be. I was thinking for a while until I started feeling a little light headed.. I wanted to take a little nap so I tapped Nezuko's shoulder while everyone started guessing random female names.
"What is it..?" Nezuko asked.
"I'm feeling a little tired could you please excuse everyone for me please?" I whispered to her. She nodded her head in understanding as she started telling everyone to leave.
I mouthed to her thank you while she nodded and left closing the door behind her. I finally started drifting off to sleep after a really really long and terrifying night.
Muichiro's pov
"Muichiro my baby!!" My mother cried as she hugged me tightly, "are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt?? Do you want me to get you anything!?"
"Mom I'm fine..I'm just a little tired.." I reassured her. But she still went on and on about how I could've died and how worried she was when I was missing . It sounded like it would never end until Yuichiro walked in interrupting mom in the middle of her sorrow.
"I just came back from the cafeteria and it was crowded as fu-.." Yuichiro began before stopping to see the look on my moms face.
"Watch. Your. Language.." mom said coldly before looking at the clock, "Ah! I'm late for work!! I'll be back later hunny call me if anything happens, okay?" Mom rushed kissing me and Yuichiro's foreheads and leaving.
Me and Yuichiro talked for a few more hours until visiting hours were over. With a soft goodbye Yuichiro left. My mind was blank for a while until I suddenly thought about Tanjiro.. "is he doing okay..? Maybe I should pay him a small visit.."
I gathered all the strength in my body just to get up from my hospital bed and struggled to stand for a moment before finally being able to stand properly. I practiced walking and I soon was able to walk fine on my own. I grabbed my IV pole with my blood transfusions on it and snuck out my hospital room. I walked down the hall looking at the room doors to see if Tanjiro was in any of them and so far nothing.
I've been walking for a while now and I was starting to get tired. Looking for someone in a hospital isn't easy on your own.. I was about to give up and head back to my room until I saw someone familiar.. is that..Nezuko? I walked up to her and to my surprise it was!
"Nezuko..!" I called out to her.
She turned to face me and it was her, "Muichiro! I'm happy to see that your okay!" Nezuko smiled as she hugged me. "Why aren't you in your hospital room?"
"I was just trying to look for Tanjiro..but so far I've found nothing. I'm sure you know where Tanjiro's room is?"
"Oh! He's sleeping we were planning on leaving right now. You can still try to visit him at least, the room number is 304 have fun!" Nezuko smiled before heading out the hospital doors along with the rest of Tanjiros friends.
I thanked her then left for room 304. Once I got there I knocked on the door only to get no reply, "oh wait..! He's asleep.." I thought to myself before sighing and walking in anyway.
I sat by his bed side and looked at him for a while. I sat there longer than I thought I would until I lied down next to him holding onto his hand. "Your hands are warm.." I whispered under my breath..
"I really hope your fine..You've been through a lot yesterday because of me..please be okay.." I said holding onto his hand tighter but before I knew it I fell asleep too.
I woke up to someone gently patting my head when I looked up to see who it was I was greeted with Tanjiros warm smile. "I was pretty surprised seeing you here when I woke up. You were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you up."
I could feel my facial cheeks heat up as I quickly sat up to hide my face. "I-I'm sorry..I wanted to check up on you to see how you were doing, it took a while to find your room but I managed and I ended up falling asleep here.."
"If anything your the one who need to be checked up on..! You suffered the most.." Tanjiro frowned while holding onto my hands tightly. "If only I knew wouldn't have been in that situation.."
"It's fine really! It did hurt a lot but I feel fine now," I reassured him with a smile.
Tanjiro looked at me before giving me a hug. At first that was unexpected but I hugged him back, "I'm just glad you made it out alive.." He sighed in relief, "Me too.."
We talked for a really long time Tanjiro was filling me in on everything and I tried to tell him what happened to me but sometimes it would be to painful to remember.
"So did you get the same news as I did?" Tanjiro asked.
"What news?"
"You know..didn't the doctor tell you that your role was swapped? What do you have now?" Tanjiro tried to tell me.
"Oh! That..." I paused before sighing.. "Yeah I got the same message..I'm an Omega now.." I mumbled.
Tanjiros eyes widened for a moment before he frowned.. "I'm sorry to hear that.."
"I'll deal with it somehow.." I sighed before looking at the time. "How is it so late?" I asked.
"I guess time just flies when your having fun." Tanjiro smiled. I smiled back at him before hopping off the hospital bed.
"I have a therapy session I have to get going..I'll try to visit more often-" I suddenly got stopped from Tanjiro's finger pressed on my lips to stop me from talking.
"You don't need to come and visit me. I'll come by and visit you since I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow anyway.." Tanjiro said softly.
"Your leaving..tomorrow..?" I frowned pulling Tanjiro's finger away from my lips..
"Yeah..I didn't suffer from terrible injuries like you they're letting me go early." Tanjiro sighed..
I didn't want him to leave..I still have a week left in this hospital..
I guess Tanjiro noticed my sadness because he pulled me into a tight hug, "it's okay Mui..I'll be visiting as much as I can. I'm not gonna leave you this time okay..?"
I nodded as I hugged him back..
Nobody's pov
As Tanjiro promised he visited Muichiro everyday after school. They'd talk for hours until visiting hours were over.
It was all good until one day something happened..
Tanjiro's pov
As I made my way to Muichiro's hospital room I was hit with a sudden was so strong that I felt nauseous.. and it was coming from his room..
"Hey Muichiro..? You okay in there..?" I knocked at the door but there was no answer so I let myself in only to stop in my tracks when I saw him..
"T-tanjiro...." Muichiro managed to say through pants and groans.. "W-what's..happening..?"
"I-.." I stopped and looked around the room for any sign of help before closing the door behind me. "Your going to be okay Muichiro..just give me a minute.." I reassured him..
I tried to stay strong and hold back but his pheromones just kept getting stronger as I looked for his suppressants.
After a while of searching I found them in a cabinet next to his hospital bed.
"Muichiro can you sit up..?" I gently shook him but that only triggered a sound which made him more sensitive..
I wasn't sure how I can try to help him without triggering anything. I sighed deeply helping him sit up and take his meds but before I could give them to him he pounced at me.
"Uhm...Muichiro..?" I said..he looked like he we burning up with a fever but it was just his heat cycle getting worse..
"I-..need..your help.." he panted while nuzzling his head into my neck..
What am I going to do..and how am I going to help him..
Author: I just killed two birds with one stone this week by updating both of my stories 😋
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