I really don't know why this took me so long to make. I may just post a new one at some point this week or next week along with the ones on Sunday's. I need to get back into that routine again anyway's especially if it's getting to the point in the story where we get to my favorite parts >:). Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 51.
Soviet's POV
I sat there on the outside chair trying to really understand what that all ment. "What do you mean by that, Отец?" (translation: father) he crossed his arms over his chest. "Well it's exactly like I said, you can crash two reality's together like in this instance a friend of mine was able to fuse the afterlife with the human world but only for a few minutes." I sat back into the couch really deep in thought.
How was all of that even possible.
"You still seem really confused." I felt as the couch dipped from new added weight. "Don't you hate me? I killed you." I looked back up from the floor and to the Russian man next to me. Through the mesh covering his face I could see his eyes close and he faced forward.
"Soviet you're people wanted a change and you gave that change. Our job is to serve and protect our people. Prices are payed and my death was what had to happen. You heard what I said to you that day."
I felt as a lump formed in my throat. I couldn't believe even half of the stuff that was being said. Would I just wake up and it all be a dream? I don't really know, shit I didn't even know what I see or think is even real half the time.
"Why did you decide to come here, shouldn't you have seen Finland instead?" Отец scoffed and crossed one of his legs over the other. "I'm sure your brother is a great young man now. Actually he's not young anymore, that boys 40 something now." a small smile spread across my face and oтец kept going.
"I came here because I know Finland is doing okay but you are not." suddenly the atmosphere around us turned very negative. "I'm fine really, why wouldn't I be?" his smile immediately washed away into a frown. "Soviet, I don't know everything because I'm not a creepy bastard like some of the others but I still know what happens here. Your not fine." I started to scrunch up the fabric of my pants a little. "I don't really know why you would stay with someone that hurts you, especially a German representation."
"He's not hurting me." his eyes then shifted to me. "He would never hurt me without a valid reason." Отец just stared at me I couldn't tell what he was even feeling. "What do you mean he would never hurt you, that's utter bullshit coming out of your mouth." he sat up straight on the couch and I was shocked about his reaction. "But oтец-"
"You better shut your mouth and I don't want to hear it." I then went dead quiet. I didn't want to talk back, for some reason the thought of doing that was terrifying.
"Why would you ever want to stay with someone that put that on your face and my god I don't even want to know what types of wounds are all over your body. Why would you want to stay with someone that is never here and talks shit about you. Why would you ever want your children to grow up in that."
I felt as tears started to form in my eyes and the look that oтец gave me made it all worse. "I-i don't want that. I know that me and him can work it out and it will all be better." oтец then let out a sigh. "And what happens if that German bastard puts his hands on them, huh?" while oтец said that he pointed to the backdoor. I then started to slightly shake my head back and forth. "No, no, no, he would never hurt them." my breathing started to get uneven as I tried my damn hardest to not cry.
"You sound like your trying to make yourself believe that." I couldn't look up at him. My mind started to go to the time's when he would scream at them, threaten them, and even scare them.
I listened to every little thing that came out of oтец's mouth and I hate it all. I didn't know what to believe anymore, either oтец's words or his words. Then my soul left my body from hearing the next thing he said.
"He doesn't love you Soviet, I don't think he ever did." I then felt as a fiery rage quickly boiled inside me and exactly like a volcano I erupted.
"Shut up! You have no idea what the fuck your saying and why would I believe a dead man's words?! Why would I believe someone that can't even keep his own god damn wife?!" he didn't have a single reaction to what I said, nothing at all. "He loves this family and I will not let you try and convince me that he doesn't or that I should leave him." I then felt as my anger got replaced with sadness.
"I won't believe anything coming out of your mouth if it doesn't come out of his. I believe him and it will make him happy." tears then started to roll down my cheeks but for some reason when they did it became harder to say what I wanted to but I did it anyways.
"I promised him on our wedding day that I will never ever leave his side and he promised me to. I will not doubt that ever in my life because I trust and believe every word that comes out of his mouth." I then swallowed the lump in my throat and said in a very confident tone.
"He would never lie or hurt me or our kids."
I then rubbed my tears away and after I said all of that it became really quiet. The only thing that was heard was the crickets and the faint sounds from inside.
This went on for a few more minutes until I heard my oтец's voice. "I should have known it was little to impossible to change your mind." it came out as a very quiet whisper but it was heard. "You're to much like your мама." a sad laugh came after.
"Well I guess it's time for me to go back." I looked over at him. I saw as he watched his arm disappear at a fast paced.
"I'm sorry that I may have made this time not exactly enjoyable for you." a small smile formed onto my oтец's face. "Just make the right choices, I wouldn't want for my youngest son to be to sad." I then returned the smile. "I will try." he then placed the hand that was still visible on my shoulder. "You'll do good my son, you'll do good." that was the last thing he said before fading away.
Tears started to stream down my face when I realized that it was the very last time I will ever see him. Yet we fought with one another then eventually stopped talking.
Maybe just maybe if I didn't yell at him then maybe it would have been better.
I placed my face in my hands and started to cry more. I didn't want to cry anymore but I still did. That's what I seem to be doing my entire evening huh.
I clenched my teeth together and tried to push back all of my tears. There was no time to cry anyways, there never was or will be time for that.
September 27th, 1939
Somewhere in Poland
It was surprisingly quiet but I wasn't going to let my guard down just because of that. The Polish could easily attack and I would want to be awake for that. I wasn't going to have us all die that easily.
Other then my anxiety and paranoia it was nice having peace and quiet. Not hearing the sound's of war plane's and tanks. Not hearing my men yelling or the bombs raining down from the sky. Just all of the sounds of artillery weapons gone for hopefully a few more hours.
"Ты в порядке СССР?" (translation: Are you alright USSR?) I nodded my head, my eyes never leaving the things beyond me. I couldn't sleep at all so I decided to come out of my tent and be on watch. I should put myself to use anyways.
I was right next to a sniper. He is a very good man and I'm happy that I have gotten along with him. I wouldn't want to have a sour relation with one of my soldiers anyways.
We layed on the grass with our stomachs against the earth. The solider had a sniper with him and he looked through the scope to search for any enemy's. I was just here and tried to not blow his cover away.
"СССР." I hummed in response to my name. "Когда мы встретимся с немецкой?" (translation: When will we meet the German's?) he didn't take his attention away from the scope and our surroundings so I decided to speak. "Когда-нибудь завтра, если не рано на следующий день." (translation: Sometime tomorrow if not then early the next day.) the solider nodded and it went quiet again. The only thing that was heard was the sounds of wild animals and the wind.
It was a bit cold because fall was now starting to kick in. Soon enough the leaves on trees would start turning all types of colors and fall from their respective branches.
I let out a big sigh and layed my head down on my forearms. "Устали?" (translation: Tried?) I nodded my head in response. I really am tired but whenever I did close my eyes they just snapped right back open.
"Тогда тебе нужно вернуться в палатку. Мой лидер не может устать завтра." (translation: You should go back to your tent then. My leader can't be tired tomorrow.) I slightly lifted my head up again. "Да, это хорошая идея." (translation: Yeah, that's a good idea.) I then started to get up and when I was walking away I heard my name once again.
"СССР!" I quickly turned around and looked at the solider. "Спокойной ночи." (translation: Good night.) a smile smile made it's way onto my face. "Ты" (translation: you to.) I said before making my way back to my tent to attempt to have some sort of sleep.
Yeah I don't think it will be easy to change Soviet's mind. I mean it's not like leaving is a very easy thing to do especially if he has children. Anyways I'm not putting ThirdUnion picture's on here because instead I'm putting ones that I really like so here.
We will not question the gun Soviet has but damn he looks good. So we will have a bathtub full of blood from Reich's nosebleeds. This one is from pqkjjj on Twitter.
Russia probably fucked up really bad so before his father finds out and uses the secret weapon he will just give the secret weapon to get it over with. Soviet has raised his kids well. This one is from Yksus on Twitter.
Anyways I hope that you have a good day/morning/night or whatever time you are reading this.
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From the lovely Author (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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