Party preperations
Holy niblets! There's about 4 more chapters left! I absolutely can't believe this! Thankyou all so much for all the support! Let's hope these last chappies are good!
[Song: The hills- The Weeknd]
P.S Look out for the mini specials for when I finish the book!
A/N Also just to let you all know! That my usual chapters are about 400-500 words but these last chapters will be like 2,000 words and won't have a part 2 of the chapter because there so long anyway... so enjoy!
Word count:
(Marinette's P.O.V)
My alarm boomed in my ears as I woke up. Ugh. I hate waking up early Just because I have to keep my secret safe. As you can all see, I'm definitely not a morning person...
"Morning Marinette!" Tikki beamed waking up from her sleep.
"Morning Tikki." I yawned stepping up.
"Today you get to show me around the castle!" Tikki squealed excited.
"Yes Tikki! I have a surprise waiting for you!" I winked playfully walking over tomy closet. Hmm. I have to meet people today so I have to be 'Princess Classy.'
I decided that I would wear a blue cherry blossom dress and turquoise bow-heels and let my hair out brushing it gently brushing out each knot.
After getting ready I applied some mascara and some pink eyeshadow and brushed my teeth.
When I walked into the room. Tikki, had already picked out my bag for her to sit in just in case anybody saw her on the way to the hotel. Wow. Tikki has really got good taste, must've got it from me. (Mari you little shit!😂)
I placed Tikki inside my bag, cookies,(not carrots🥕😂) purse and my phone in my bag and left the hotel room.
I opened up my phone to check my schedule today for the palace. I knew it was going to be tight and it's 10:00 AM already, so I'll guess I'll just have to wait and see!
At least it' not that bad.... I should be able to get through this. I just hope my match maker parents don't do anything awkward at the party! I don't want to have to dance with the Prince of England, Michael, again. Eww. At least I can see Princess Eliza, Princess Ariana and Prince Jeremy. That should be good.
(A/N I don't think Marinette should be worried about her matchmaking parents. She should really be worried about the match maker author! Hue hue hue!)
I walked into the lobby and stealthily and speedily walked outside looking for my limo. Surprisingly, the galaxy limo wasn't here, not even the gold limo was. What was waiting for me was... MY CAR!!! OMG YES! FINALLY!
You may remember when I was telling Alya that I had a car but didn't tell her what type of car it was, she hasn't seen it yet, but damn. When she sees it...
So yes, i really was surprised when I noticed that it was my hot pink Lamborghini Vueno.
I was given this car by my parents for when I was going to be 16. I honestly didn't find just going with my red audi CX2 Toyota, but with all the pressure and guilt of not wanting to make my parents sad got to me. Thinking about it now, indefinitely happy that I have it!
I hopped into the driver seat, gaining looks and admirable stares from some tourists walking by. I took a selfie with me in the car and sent it to Alya. I got a reply within seconds.
[Alya] OMG! Where did you get that?!
[Marinette] Remember when I told you I had a car? Well I got it today and it's my pink vueno!
[Alya] Girl! That's so cool! Where are you? Are you at the hotel? I'm coming!
Haha yay! I'm at the hotel Alya! Who are you with?
[Alya] Myself, Nino and Adrien. Lmao there asking me who I'm talking to! Haha!
[Marinette] BWAHAHAHAH! Bring them to!
[Alya] Ok girl! Be right there! Bye!
[Marinette] Bye!
Yes! I'd be finally able to go to the palace with my friends for once! Growing up in the castle was fun but i really only grew up reading and playing with the princes, princesses and some other people that were my age.
[i had to add this lol soz]
I remember that once when I was in Ireland I was hanging out with Prince Lachlan II and we were reading a book called 'The tomato's Child' turns out the tomato was called Nathaniel to! Lol! What a coincidence...
"Hey girl! Why're you laughing?" A familiar voice asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over and found Alya, Nino and Adrien smiling and waving.
"Oh, Nothing." I laughed replaying the memory. "Just some memories."
"Well okay then. OOH! Where's your snazzy vueno!?" Alya asked.
"Over there!" I giggled pointing to my pink Lamborghini.
"YOU HAVE A LAMBORGHINI?!" Adrien and Nino screamed while I nodded.
"Yeah! Let's go!" We all walked in and jumped into the Lamborghini.
I hit the pedal and gas and we were all cruising down the road.
"Hey Alya! Can you go on my messages and contact the person called 'Lachlan' & 'Jeremy' saying that I'll see them soon?" I asked pointing to my phone that was in the cup holder.
"Okay girl!" Alya replied opening up my phone. "Who are they?" She asked smirking. "Boyfriends?"
"Ugh!" I groaned. "Why am I friends with a demon?" I asked aloud.
"Yeah, Mari who are they?" Adrien asked, was that jealousy? Oh well.
"Well Lachlan is my childhood friend and is also known as Prince of Ireland, and, Jeremy is the prince of Finland." I replied shrugging.
"So they're not your boyfriends? dudette?" Nino asked curiously.
"Eww! No way! They're like brothers to me. But Alya, you better watch out for Prince Michael!" I shivered.
"Why?" Nino and Adrien asked while Alya shot me a look of curiosity.
"Well~" I hummed thinking of the right word. "He's sort of like a player? I guess. I have my fair share of moments." I shuttered.
"What do you mean 'moments' Mari?" Alya asked.
"Well... I'll just leave you up to that to imagine. WAIT! With you evil un-pure dinner minds I don't wanna know what your thinking!" I quickly said.
"Whatever... Don't wanna know, know, know, know. Who's taking you home, home, home, home. Or loving you so, so, so, so! The way I used to know~" Alya sang while we all laughed.
"Woah!" Adrien and Nino exclaimed as we entered the castle gates.
I nodded my head at the guards, who nodded back and opened the large metal gates showing off my marble castle.
"Updates?" I asked driving past a guard leading me to where I'm allowed to park.
"Well, Princess. There has been a special upgrade for you to hang out with your friends in." The guard told me.
"Thankyou Stefan!" I smiled driving into the car park.
"I wonder what's the new entry?" Adrien curiously said. Well he is a cat, what do I expect?
"Curious?" I asked.
"Yes purr-incess." Adrien whispered trying to kiss me. I caught his nose with my hand and pushed his face away.
"Let's go show the boys the castle!" Alya cheered walking out with all of us. "After all." Alya whispered to me. "When you're married to Adrien he has to know his own house." Alya snickered while I glared.
"True!" Nino said wrapping an arm around Alya. Aww- But still!
"What are you talking about?" Adrien asked. Thank miraculous! I guess my ladybug luck is finally paying off.
"Were talking about when you marry Marinette and have millions of kids and become the prince of China while Mari will become your Princess!" Cut kit that thing, y'know where I'm talking ABOUT MY LUCK! Okay Mari, calm down. Don't let the sinners get to you.
Adrien blushed a deep shade of red and then smirked. This is probably the most Chat-like I've seen of him.
"What'd you say princess?" Adrien asked slyly.
"No." I flatly replied. Y'know I really love Adrien and I know he likes me... I'm just not ready yet. So basically, I lied! I'd love to date him!
"Well let's go!" Alya said walking into the school gates, the boys following behind Alya and I.
We walked up the castles stares and opened the big doors and walked in.
"Ahhh." I sighed. "It feels good to be home."
"Wow! Your palace is beautiful princess!" Adrien said wrapping an arm around me.
"Yeah, yeah." I laughed pushing his arm around me loosing my warmth.
"Woah, woah, woah!" Alya said. "Holdup!" Alya said placing an arm up.
"Are you dudes dating?" Nino asked incredulously.
"No." I replied. "Yes!" Adrien cheered nuzzling into me... Awww.... but... oh.
"ADRIEN?!" I shrieked pulling him aside. "What are you doing?" I asked.
"Hugging MY'Lady." He replied easily.
"Why?" I asked. Like I don't know the answer...
"Because you would've never let me get away with this!" He replied smirking.
"Can you die it down?" I asked and he nodded. "Thanks" I kissed his cheek, giggling and walked away.
I walked over to Alya and Nino and starstrd heading towards the ball room, Adrien shortly appeared blushing later on.
"Dude! Why're you red?" Nino asked.
NOTHING!" Adrien screamed and ran into the ball room. Whoops.
"Mari-" Alya asked me but I was already gone and in the room.
Alya and Nino walked in the ballroom and it was just how I remember it! [Picture in the chapter palace!]
It had more of a ball room and was larger! It was all cleaned out and many workers were all cleaning the corridors and tables hoping to make everything perfect! They're all invited to my birthday, not as slaves but as guests!
"Wow girl! It's so pretty!" Alya said.
I giggled and lead them all to the table in the middle. I pulled out my phone and sent everyone a copy of my checklist.
"This is what I have to do guys, do you want to help?" I asked.
"YES!" They all cheered while I smiled.
Hmm, what should we do first?
"We don't really need to meet Lang because he texted me these details so how about we go over creating the lost of food we'll be eating?" I explained while they all nodded.
"Awesome!" I got out a massive sheet of A4 White paper and gave them all a pen and we all wrote down many different snacks all the way up to nibbles to desserts!
We had things like...
•Croissants to represent French Culture.
•Haggis to represent Prince Lachlans culture.
•Sushi to represent Princess Mika's culture. (Princess of Japan)
•Korean noodles to represent Prince (I had to) Yoosung's Culture. (prince of Korea!)
And many more dishes.
"Wow look at all the food!"
Alya commented staring at our list.
"Will there be that much people, princess?" Adrien asked beside me.
"Trust me, it'll be eaten." I replied recalling all my parties that I had in China.k
"It definitely will be eaten." A familar voice called. We all swooped our heads to the direction and standing there wad Mum, Dad and Prince Jeremy and Prince Lachlan! Yay! They're here!
"Jeremy! Lachlan! Mum! Dad!" I screamed running over to them holding them all in a tight embrace.
"When did you arrive?" I asked mum.
"This morning sweetie!" Mum said. "We have to go set up some things so you all can catch up!" Mum and dad left the room so I slowly turned to Lachlan and Jeremy.
"Hehe... hey Mari..." Jeremy replied awkwardly. Jeremy had light brown eyes and swept brown hair, quite charming actually.
"Yeah ... heehehehe hey Marinette..." Lachlan said in a really powerful Irish accent. Lachlan had Red hair and green eyes, he looked like a tomato! But we all know Tomato child is Nath so he's Tomato #2!
"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE COMING?! I TOLD YOU!!!" I screamed hugging the two of them.
"WE WANTED TO SUPRISE YOU! SUPRISE!" They screamed hugging me.
"WHY ARE WE YELLING?" I screamed confused.
"YOU STARTED IT!" They screamed and we all stopped and burst out laughing.
"为什么我们都疯了?" I asked.
"哦我不知道." They replied sarcastically.
"I know." Adrien replied which made Jeremy's, Lachlan's and my eyes widened.
"Wait you all can speak Chinese?" Alya asked.
"Well yeah, Every prince and princess is raised to learn every language because when we all have parties every prince and princess is invited but Adrien was tutored Chinese." I shrugged.
We all kind of stood there awkwardly for a while.. Shit! Forgot to introduce!
"Well... Lachlan, Jeremy these are my friends Alya." I pointed to Alya. "Nino." I pointed to Nino. "And Adrien." I lastly pointed to Adrien.
"Nice to meet you dudes." Nino nodded while Alya and Adrien waved.
"Nice to meet you!" Jeremy and Lachlan smiled.
"Wait!" I turned to Jeremy and Lachlan. "Where's Ariana and Eliza?" I asked.
"Oh! Both of our cousins are coming on the day, you see.. they wanted to be all dressed up for your 16th birthday! Y'know." They scratched the back of there necks awkwardly.
"They've never changed." I laughed.
"Well sorry Marinette, but we have to go see our parents! We'll see you in 3 days!" They smiled and walked out while I waved.
"Bye guys! Say hi to Jeremiah, Eliot, Rachel and Michelle for me!" I called out turning to my friends. Jeremiah and Rachel were Jeremy's parents and Elliot and Michelle were Lachlan's.
"So what should we do next?" I asked the group.
"Decorations!" Alya cheered.
"What about events?" Nino asked.
"Oh, my parents will have that one under control." I exclaimed.
"Well Alya, looks like it's already decorated." Adrien said Ponting to all the flags hanging round the room, neon helium balloons, streamers, ribbons and all the tables and a pretty Chrystal chandelier.
"We can do the invite list?" Adrien suggested while Alya groaned.
"That's boring." She replied lazily.
"Plus, my parents will definitely have that one covered!" I assured thinking of what we could do.
"Princess take these for your friends and change, we all have a surprise for you!" A guard said coming from behind passing us 4 swimsuits and a map!
"Okay! Let's change at the 'Suprise'" I winked walking out with the others.
I wonder what this surprise could be?
WOO NEARLY FINISHED THE BOOK! There will be some extra specials and I think I need a pat on the back. This chapter is the longest chapter of 2491 words! Crazy!!! Thankyou all for reading Ahhh Kyyyaaaa!
Also I hoped you like Tomato #2 and Jeremy! More princes and Princesses will be introduced in the next few chapters and the party! Next chapter will be called... You'll have to wait to find out!
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