American Soldier |Logicality and Prinxiety|

•Logicality and Prinxiety•
•Fluff/Angst (depending on how you look at it)•
•American Soldier by Toby Keith•


I'm just trying to be a father
Raise a daughter and a son
Be a lover to their mother
Everything to everyone

Roman smiled as he hugged his children and husband goodbye. He had to go to work and made sure they knew how much he loved them.

"Will you be home for dinner Papa?" Roman's son, Römische, asked. Roman nodded, kissing both Römische and Dani on their foreheads before giving Virgil one last kiss.

"Oh course my loves, I'll be home at the same time I always come home." Roman replied before going to his car. His family watched from the doorway of their house.

Up and at 'em bright and early
I'm all business in my suit
Yeah, I'm dressed up for success
From my head down to my boots

"Stay safe Logan," Patton murmured, hugging his husband. Logan smiled a little and gave the usually cheerful man a reassuring kiss.

"I will Pat," He spoke in a hushed voice. "I'll be home before you know it. I love you and tell our little Dee I love him too."

"Love you too Logan..." Patton replied, watching his husband get into the car and drive off. He heard the baby crying and reluctantly moved away from his spot to go care for his bundle of joy.

I don't do it for the money
There's bills that I can't pay
I don't do it for the glory
I just do it anyway

Virgil tried to distract the children while Roman was gone. He knew the prince of his dreams may not make it back home tonight. He had gotten a call last night about being on field instead of working in the hospital on base.

Providing for our future's
My responsibility
Yeah, I'm real good under pressure
Being all that I can be

Patton paced around the living room. He knew Logan would be safe; after all, he's a trained officer in the Army (my knowledge about the military is limited because I never paid attention during class, oops. But I do know some about the Army soo...). He tried to stay positive and keep Dee happy.

And I don't call in sick on Mondays
When the weekends been too strong
I just work straight through the holidays
And sometimes all night long

Roman yawned as he downed his fifth cup of coffee. He was working the late shift again, having convinced his commander to swap him with another person. Instead of Roman out on the field, another man was.

"I might be home a bit late tonight Virge, can you tell the kids to save me a slice of cake if I'm not home before bedtime?" Roman asked Virgil, having called him. Virgil replied in a sad tone, causing Roman to sadden as well.

You can bet that I stand ready
When the wolf growls at the door
Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady
Hey I'm true down to the core

Logan got to his work and had a long talk to his commander. He pleaded to not be put on the field but it was no use, he was gonna have to fight with the others. It wasn't that he didn't want to be a soldier, he was afraid that he won't see Patton or Dee again.

And I will always do my duty
No matter what the price
I've counted up the cost
I know the sacrifice

Virgil was a bit heart broken that Roman was working overtime. He missed spending time with him but was proud that his husband was serving the country. Uncle Sam chose him and Virgil couldn't be more proud. (If you don't know who Uncle Sam is then you're an idiot. If you do, I'm proud of you. The "chose him" part came from an old army phrase that my step dad's coworkers told me)

Oh, and I don't want to die for yoy
But if dyin's asked of me
I'll bear that cross with honor
'Cause freedom don't come free

Patton received a phone call from Logan telling him he's on the field. Patton broke down at the news, knowing Logan would be willing ro die for the country.

"I love you Logan..." Patton whispered. "Don't die out there..."

I'm an American soldier, an American
Beside my brother's and my sisters
I will proudly take a stand
When liberty's in jeopardy
I will always do what's right

Roman did his best ro work through his shift. He did an autopsy on three bodies, which resulted on getting blood on his shoes. He gagged at the foul stench but got it done.

I'm out here on the front lines
Sleep in peace tonight
American soldier, im an American soldier

Logan gulped as he helped the other soldiers out. Did he want to be there? No. Did he feel honored to fight for the country? Yes.

He kept it in mind that he had to survive, for Patton and Dee if not for himself.

He couldn't believe that he was shipped out fairly quickly but that's what his job is. If they need him, he must go. Whether it's on short notice or long notice.

Yeah, an american soldier, an American
Beside my brother's and my sisters
I will proudly take a stand

He got done with his shift and made his way home. He knew he was going to need three or four showers to get the dead body scent off him, but he was glad to see his family nonetheless.

It was nearly bedtime for the kiddos and he wanted to kiss them goodnight. He smiled at the thought of seeing them happy.

He pulled up to the house and made his way inside. He went into the kids' room and hugged them both. Virgil and the two kiddos smiled and welcomed their "Papa" home.

When liberty's in jeopardy
I will always do what's right
I'm out here on the front lines
So sleep in peace tonight

After a year of fighting (yes I time skipped Logan's part, so what?) Logan was finally allowed to return home. He happily drove home, smiling at the thought of a happy pappy Patton hug.

He knocked on the door, his duffel bag next to him (just pretend he had packed his clothes and shiz 😅). The door slowly opened to reveal and shocked Patton.

"I'm home Patton..." Logan smiled, opening his arms for a hug. Patton excitedly hugged him, endlessly saying 'i love you's to him. Dee came up behind Patton and ran up to his father. The young boy hugged his father tightly.

American soldier, I'm an American soldier
An american
An american soldier

The families settled down for bedtime and made their military father's feel special.

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