Thanks for +300 reads guys! You are the best! I know most people do not like author notes so let's just skip to the story, shall we?
Edited 3/20/17
When the girl with blue hair finally regained her consciousness, she found herself in a comfortable bed. She touched the towel that was on her forehead before the last events dawned on her. She quickly got up, but then she felt a bit dizzy.
"You need to stay in bed," a kind, masculine voice said. The girl turned to look at the source of voice.
She was surprised, not at the blonde male magi, but at he person who stood next to him who held the black haired magi in her arms. "Akemi.." she mumbled, both magis gave her a questioning look.
It seemed that the blue haired girl realized something before taking her head, "Nothing." she muttered. "Who are you?"
Yunan smiled gently, "I am Yunan." He then pointed at the blonde child, "And this is Celestia."
The blue haired girl nodded, "I'm Mila."
Yunan pointed at the toddler in Celestia's arms, "And he is..?"
Mila looked troubled, "I don't know what's his name."
Both magis couldn't hide their surprise, "What?"
Mila sighed, "His parents were killed not long after he was born, I'm not even sure if they even named him or not. Probably not though, they didn't have the time."
The female magi swallowed, "Killed? Who would do such a thing?"
Yunan's eyes narrowed, "Was it Al Thamen?"
Mila smirked, "You have more knowledge than I though, and yes. They were targeting the poor baby, what they didn't expect was for that for another child, me, to take that baby and ran away from them."
"That's impossible, Al Thamen wouldn't have allowed a child to escape." Yunan denied, her story seemed to have to many flaws for it to be true.
Mila rolled her eyes, "Of course I wasn't alone, dumbass. My attendant was with me, she cast a powerful spell that fooled those Al Thamen idiots."
Yunan and Celestia were speechless at Mila's choice of words.
Mila sighed, "But then we somehow got separated, we had previously planned to go to Riem after. But it had already been two years since then and I still can't find that moronic attendant of mine!"
Both Yunan and Celestia laughed nervously, "What's her name? Your attendant I mean."
"Huh?" Mila had this look of realization before answering, "It's Jennet."
Yunan then seemed to be concentrating before replying, "Oh, she's at the this inn too."
"WHAT?!" Mila exclaimed before taking Celestia's hand and sprinting out of the room.
"Why me too?!" Celestia yelled as she kept up with Mila's speed. They went to the first floor, Mila looking for her attendant and Celestia thinking why the hell she pulled her with her.
"Ah!!" Mila exclaimed before speeding up to a brown haired woman. She wore a beautiful red dress with her hair pulled up in a ponytail. She was sitting leisurely in one of the sofas reading a book. "Jennet!"
The woman turned to look at Mila, her blue eyes widened before standing up, "Mila!" She hugged the blue head child before shifting her eyes at the person next to Mila. She froze, "Another magi.."
"What? Celestia is a magi?" Mila asked surprised, she released Mila and stepped closer to the blonde, "But that's impossible, Reim's Great Priestess is one. Then we have the Wandering Magi. And lastly.." she looked at the black haired boy that was held gently by Celestia.
"There had never been more than three magis in history," Jennet says thoughtfully, "The boy was born two years ago, that was when the previous third magi died. Then who are you?" She inquired, Celestia blinked, who was she?
How is she supposed to know that?
Jennet sighed before looking at Mila, "My king is going to kill me."
Mila gave her a skeptical look, "It's true that we told him we would be back in four months, but we could just tell him that unexpected trouble got in the way of returning on time."
Celestia was bewildered, "A king?"
"Oh? Didn't I mention it? I'm Mila, princess of the Kingdom of Syreni." She announced proudly.
Celestia gave her a blank look, "Does such a kingdom even exist?"
Mila looked like someone hit her face. She looked at Jennet, "Why is that everyone's reaction?"
"Probably because no foreigners visited our kingdom in a very long time, a few centuries I think." She answered before her expression turned serious. "Now that I had found you we have to get back to our kingdom as soon as possible."
Mila went to hide behind Celestia, "I won't leave without her.." she muttered.
Jennet furrowed her eyebrows, "You have been gone of two years, Mila. You must return."
"It can wait, right?"
"A few days?"
"Absolutely not."
Mila muttered a few curses before sighing, "Can't we take her with us?" She asked Jennet with those puppy eyes that no one could resist.
Jennet ran a hand through her hair, "I guess, if she agrees, though I don't know what my King's reaction to her would be, why do you want her to anyway?"
"It's a secret." Mila grinned, Jennet sighed. What was she going to do with this princess?
"Um, I'd rather stay with Yun." The blonde, female magi confessed, she didn't want to stay with strangers, sure she was interested in figuring out if Syreni Kingdom exist but still!
"Why? Don't you want to see a legendary country? Why are you refusing to see one?" Mila questioned, she didn't bother to hide her disappointment. She really wanted Celestia to come with her.
"Why not?" Yunan's familiar voice made Celestia turn to look at him in surprise. "You go have a bit of fun with someone your age, and I'll take care of this little guy here."
He gently took the boy from Celestia's arms.
"Yun.." Celestia whispered, looking at him with murderous eyes. "DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU GREW SICK OF ME!!"
Yunan patted Celestia's head, effectively calming her down. "Go have fun." He said to her before looking at Mila and her attendant. "We must give this child a name, don't you think so?"
Jennet stared at him, "Another magi?"
"Oh, are you perhaps a magician?" Yunan asked cheerfully.
Mila glared, "Are you the Wandering Magi?"
Yunan patted Mila's head, "Is that what the rest of the world call me? But yes I'm Yunan."
Celestia cleared her throat, "Concerning this baby's name..."
They all started to think of names.
"How about Marcus?" Mila's attendant, Jennet asked.
Mila gave her a look, "No."
"Rogue?" Jennet tried again.
"Rejected." Mila said, Jennet tried many other names but got the same answer from Mila.
Irked, Jennet yelled, "Why are you refusing every one of my awesome names?"
"Why can't you actually suggest a suitable names not the trash ones." She replied with the same harsh tone. (AN/ no offense intended.)
"How about Shou?" Celestia recommended. "He could fly and soar as high as he pleases. How about it?"
The magi, princess, and attendant all nodded in agreement.
"I like it," Mila said in all honesty. "Well, Shou it is then."
Yunan nodded before disappearing along with Shou. Celestia then turned to Mila and Jennet. "How to get to this legendary kingdom of yours?"
Mila rolled her eyes, "We must first go to Balbadd and then go to my kingdom with a magical transportation."
Celestia's eyes sparkled, "You mean like flying? I know how to fly too!" She exclaimed.
Jennet grinned, "Great! I don't have to carry two brats with me then."
Mila glared at the brunette, "What do mean by brats?"
A spark of lightning formed between the two, their forehead were against each other as they tried to push the other on away with their heads. "Exactly what I said." Jennet replied evilly.
Celestia sighed, she could only imagine how tough traveling with them would be.
It had taken a whole month to make it to Balbadd, Jennet summoned her staff. She sat on it and ushered Mila to sit behind her, Mila did but not without rolling her eyes. Celestia noted that she did that a lot.
The blonde summoned her own staff before sitting on it after securing that it was flying. She was grateful that Yunan taught her how to fly, she would rather fly by herself than depend on someone crazy to do the job instead.
"Let's go~" Jennet picked up the pace ignoring the screaming of Mila as she drove in circles.
Celestia sighed in relief, she didn't want to imagine what could have happened had she not known how to fly on her own. That woman was a wild spirit, the type that didn't care about he consequences of their actions. Not someone Celestia would like to be with.
"Lets pick up our speed, shall we~? We want to get there before sunset. Do you think you could keep up, brat?" Jennet inquired, Celestia nodded her head. Obviously, at night they wouldn't be able to tell if they were even going in the right direction. So arriving before sunset was the best option.
Even though she nodded her head, Celestia wasn't sure whether or not she could keep up. But she would rather try than force them all to spend days at the ocean without any land to set their feet on.
"Good, then lets go!" She sped up causing Mila to hold her tightly afraid of losing her life.
Celestia tried keeping up, the rukh assisted her in doing so. She was sure if she depended on her own magoi than she wouldn't be able to keep up. Mila muttered colorful curses at Jennet who either didn't hear what she said, which is not likely, or chose to ignore it.
Eight hours passed, Celestia was starting to feel dizzy from her speed. She was sure she could challenge the speed of light and actually win.
Celestia could see uncountable tornadoes and whirlpools in the distance.
A white bird collided with Celestia's face, the rukh around her were getting a bit loud.
'He's hurt! He's hurt!'
'Help him! Help him!'
What— or who were they talking about?
Celestia didn't have to think for long, a large creature emerged from the ocean. A huge, blue seahorse monster roared, its blue and gold scales glistening from m then right sun. It was at least twenty feet tall, something that intimidated the three.
Jennet stared at the monster, "Want a fight buddy?" The monster growled, "Alright, I'm gonna give you one." Jennet started changing a spell, just when she was about to launch it she paused when she heard a yell.
"Stop!!" Celestia zoomed and went to the monster. Maybe he's whom the rukh meant, she wouldn't let him die. "Don't hurt him!"
Celestia stared intensely at he seahorse, the seahorse returned her stare even more intensely. Mila and Jennet looked at their friend, they were worried that he as going to eat her or something.
Celestia smiled gently.
The seahorse growled, smoke coming out if his nose.
The blonde magi places her hand on his coronet, patting it gently with a soft smile.
The seahorse growled, Jennet got ready to fight him when she thought he was going to attack Celestia. The seahorse inched forward, and he..
Licked Celestia?
"Ahahha!" Celestia giggled, "Stop it! Ahaha."
The seahorse grinned, but then he whined suddenly. The sound was painful that Celestia asked him what was wrong. The seahorse motioned with his head at his first tail ring. Celestia was surprised when she saw red, it was covered in blood.
"Curare!" She yelled and a bright light enveloped where the seahorse's wound was. After a few second the light lessened, until there was no more. Jennet and Mila were surprised to see no sign of an injury being there in the first place. It was amazing how a six year old kid could do amazing staff like that.
Celestia sighed, even though life magician was not her type, she was glad it was opposite to hers. She was a yellow magician.
She turned to the seahorse, who gave his back to her. Celestia raised her brow, what was he doing?
When the seahorse realized she couldn't understand him he opened his mouth, revealing his sharp teeth. Mila flinched, "RUN!" She shouted, alarmed.
The blonde looked at the blue haired girl, still confused. Why was she telling her to run. A tug on her sleeves made her shift her gaze to the seahorse who looked at her with puppy eyes.
He then released her and gave his back to her again. That was when Celestia realized what he wanted, he wanted to give her a ride!
She sat on his back, telling Mila and Jennet to do the same.
"Just know that if I died I will hunt you for the rest of your life, brat." Jennet told Celestia who grinned.
"Go." She whispered, the seahorse immediately sprinted forward. In a speed that was easily much swifter than their her own speed.
Celestia's eyes couldn't keep up with the seahorse's speed, though she managed to catch a glimpse of the tornadoes and whirlpools that were right in front of them. Were they going to die now?! She closed her eyes and tightened her hold on the seahorse.
A few minutes passed when the seahorse's speed finally lessened, Celestia opened her eyes to see a big island in the middle of the ocean. She looked around, it seemed they already passed the tornadoes and whirlpools that were surrounding the place, it seemed. She couldn't imagine something like a beautiful island existed in the middle of those whirlpools and tornadoes.
The first that caught her eye was a huge castle that appeared to be in the middle of the island. Buildings were built in an interesting architecture that she had never seen before.
As they went closer she could see the citizens working and carrying things around. But as they got closer they started drawing attention to themselves.
Eventually, people started shouting at them, "That's Princess Mila! She's back!"
"And that's General Jennet!"
Celestia's ears perked up at that, Jennet was a general? She had heard that she was Mila's attendant, not a general.
The now big crowd cheered as they stopped in front of land, Jennet quickly hopped off and helped Mila to get off too. Though Celestia hesitated.
The seahorse then turned around and shook his back making Celestia fall off of him. She looked at him in surprise, the seahorse glanced at her and nodded.
Celestia hovered towards the giant seahorse and patted his head. He chuckled, a chuckle that looked like a growl, before returning back to the water.
The blonde, female magi looked down. Her eyes saddened, she wanted to stay with him a bit longer.
"Don't look so down now," Mila's familiar voice snapped Celestia out of it. She looked at the blue haired girl who smiled gently at her, "That type of seahorse is rare and is said to be loyal. If you two really formed a bond, then you two will definitely meet again." Mila explained, she then started walking forwards and motioned to Celestia to follow her. Jennet was beside her looking a bit troubled.
Celestia, who noticed this, raised a brow. "What's wrong?" She asked Jennet who looked frightened.
"Nothing, brat. Nothing." Jennet grumbled, scratching the back of her neck nervously.
Mila snickered, "You're just afraid of my father, aren't you?"
Jennet looked like someone just slapped her on the face, froze her with a spell, the threw her in the sea, leaving her there to die.
"I-I'm NOT!" She denied, though her stuttering and her now red cheeks revealed her lie.
"You are!"
"Am not!"
Jennet widened her eyes, Mila snickered. "You said it! You said it! I can't believe you actually said it!"
Irked, Jennet yelled, "You're the brattiest brat I know!"
Celestia sweat-dropped, who saw them like this wouldn't guess them being a princess and a general. And how could Mila keep up with Jennet and swear more than herself anyway? She didn't seem older than her, in fact she seemed younger.
She chose to ask her.
"Huh? I'm five year old, why?" Mila questioned.
"So that meant you saved Judar when you were just three?" Celestia asked in surprise, she tried to imagine how it have been when a three year old Mila was running a an infant in her hands.
Maybe they stayed hidden these two years thanks to their small size.
Before she realized it, they had already arrived at the castle. Celestia took a deep breath to calm her nerves, she was about to meet the King of this country and that alone was enough to push her to the edge.
As they entered the castle gate, Celestia noticed from the corners of her eyes how some persons working gaped at her. From the staffs they were holding it was clear that they were magicians. She guessed this was a country that depended on their magician more than other countries, considering how she saw people holding staffs almost everywhere.
Not like that country that were killing their own magicians. What was that country's name again, Musta'sim Kingdom? She believed that was the country's name. She could never forgive however thought it was a good idea to kill magicians. Why? Out of fear of them? Of them being different?
"Mila!" A shouted was heard, a young boy came running towards the blue haired girl and pulled her into a tight hug. "You're back!" The boy exclaimed in happiness.
Mila smiled, hugging back, "Yes I'm back, Theon-nii."
Theon's golden eyes then shifted to Jennet whom he greeted, but then his eyes turned to Celestia. "You brought a foreigner to this country?" He asks surprised, he then released Mila and inched closer to Celestia. Inspecting her like she was a rare animal.
"U-Umm.." Celestia stammered, not knowing what to say. Her cheeks flashed pink and she took a step back. "Who are you?"
The blue haired boy realized that he had not introduced himself yet, he grinned, "Ah, I'm Apollo, the prince of Syreni Kingdom."
Apollo cackled at her, "Oh? Is that all you had to say? You are a weird one, you know that?"
"What?" Celestia questioned, was there something else she was supposed to do or say? She didn't remember anything like that.
At her confused expression, Apollo smirked. He didn't know why his sister brought that child here, but she was too amusing to him.
"Sorry to interrupt your reunion, but my King requested to see Princess Mila as soon as possible. Along with General Jennet, and of course," he eyed Celestia, a wicked gleam flashed in his eyes. "The foreigner."
Celestia's eye twitched at his choice of words but decided to brush it off. She was about to meet with the King now. She touched her necklace, her clothes glowed before transforming into a red dress.
Mila, Jennet, and Apollo looked at her in awe, "What kind of spell is that?! I've never heard of it before!" Jennet exclaimed.
Celestia laughed nervously, "We shouldn't keep the King waiting, should we?"
Jennet snapped out of it, "Oh yeah, I forgot about him." She looked around and sighed in relief when she realized that he was gone.
General Nero was one of the people Jennet didn't get along with, at all. His serious demeanour always managed to annoy her.
"Come on, lets go!" Celestia said, walking forward. She felt nervous at the idea of her meeting a king, but that didn't mean that she wasn't a tad bit excited.
"Uh," Mila sweat-dropped. "You're going in the opposite direction."
An enormous door with peculiar design stood before them. Jennet gulped before pushing the door open, Celestia noted how nervous Jennet was.
The room was large, it easily fits at least twenty small houses. At the other side of the room, a person was sitting on the throne.
A man that looked in his early thirties looked at them intimidatingly. His golden eyes flickered on Celestia, who after noticing this ran and hid behind Jennet.
Jennet gave her a questioning look, though she decided to push it aside.
"Papa!" Mila explained before running and hugging her father. The King chuckled before wrapping his arms around his daughter.
"I missed you." He said.
Jennet bowed to her King, "We came back my King."
The King raised a brow, "It is good to see you back, General Jennet, with my daughter. Though I have to ask what took you too long? You have excused yourselves for just a few months but took two whole years."
Jennet, still bowing, raised her head. "There had been a few problems that prevented us from doing so, my King."
The King didn't bother to hide the surprise in his eyes, "Problems? I'm listening."
Jennet's sight shifted to General Nero, her King got the hint and spoke, "If you don't mind, General Nero, we would like to speak in private."
General Nero nodded, "Of course, my King." He then left, not before giving General Jennet a glare that she ignored.
When they heard the door close, the King turned to Jennet. "Now, you can speak without worrying that he could hear."
Jennet nodded, and began explaining the events that started from two years ago.
How she and Mila saved the newborn magi, and how they were separated accidentally. She also explained how they met Celestia, and the Wandering Magi, Yunan.
After her explanation, the King looked at Celestia. "So you're telling me that this child here is a magi?" Celestia blinked her eyes innocently at him. The King looked at Jennet, "That is hard to believe."
"But it's true, Papa! Jennet could see it too!" Mila exclaimed, she was sitting on her father's lap. Celestia smiled, seeing Mila and the King like this made her remember her parents. How she missed them!
The King looked at Celestia, "Celestia Soria, right?" She nodded, "Are you from Soria Kingdom?"
The King tapped his chin, seeming to think deeply about something. "Papa, could Celestia stay her for a while?" Mila asked, giving the King her puppy dog eyes.
The King sighed, "She could."
Mila gave a happy cry and ran to hug Celestia. Tackling her to the ground, "We'll have too much fun!" She exclaimed.
Celestia smiled, perhaps coming here wasn't too bad after all.
None of the four present in the throne room realized that someone has been eavesdropping on their conversation.
"This is your room!" Mila announced, "I told my Papa to arrange a room especially for you to use whenever you visited. I hope it's convenient for you."
Jennet, who accompanied the princess and the magi, rolled her eyes. "Why are you being nice all of a sudden, brat? We all know that you don't care about appearances."
An emotion Celestia couldn't figure out flashed Mila's eyes. Though she could feel the sadness, but why did the princess look at her like that?
She mentally shook her head, maybe she saw someone else in her that resembled her? No way that emotion was aimed at her.
Finally, the princess seemed to snap out of it. She grinned, "We'll leave you here to get all your staff figured out. Be ready, tomorrow you'll meet the generals of the East and West."
Celestia blinked, confused. "Generals of East and West?"
"Oh!" Mila realized that she didn't inform Celestia of the four generals. "There are four generals in this Kingdom. Jennet here is the General of the North. General Nero, that old geezer, is the General of the South. There are two others, the General of the West, and the General of the East. Don't think about them too much, you'll see them tomorrow. I can guarantee that they're both, at the very least better, than that brat general Nero." Mila said his name with venom in her tone. She clearly didn't like him, possibly even hated him.
"See ya!" Mila say enthusiastically before leaving.
"Until tomorrow, brat." Jennet said before leaving, also.
Celestia was left alone in her now own room. She looked at how big her room was, a king sized bed, with a mini dinning table with a few chairs. Celestia opened her closet and took a look, there were clothes in there that weren't hers, she guessed it was a gift of some sort to her. The materials of the clothes wasn't like anything she was used to, they were soft, unique.
She should've expected as much from a large kingdom that was thought to be just a myth.
She went out to the balcony, she gazed at the sparkling stars that hovered above her. She wondered how Yunan was doing, how the two-year old boy was doing with him. She wanted to see them both again, soon.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Gray na kumo ga nagare tara
Kono sora ga nakiyan dara
Kimi no koe de me o samasu
Chotto nagame no nemuri kara
(When the gray clouds drift away
And the sky stops crying
I'll wake up to your voice
From my sleep, a little bit long)
Celestia blinked, someone was singing. It was a feminine voice, she turned to see Mila singing loudly. Her beautiful voice pushing all her worries aside.
Kimi wa sotto mimamotta
Kono se no tsubasa
Tobitatsu kisetsu o matte
(You calmly watched
The wings on my back
Waiting for the season to take off)
"Aoi sora o tomo ni yukou yo
Shiroi sunahama o mioroshi nagara
Muzukashii hanashi wa ira nai
Kimi ga waratte kure reba ii"
Sou itte boku ni warai kaketa
("Let's go together across the blue sky
Looking down on the white sand beach
No need to have a serious talk
I need nothing except your smile"
You said so and smiled to me)
lala lalalala lala
Kotoba wa hitsuyou nakatta
Ibasho wa itsumo koko ni atta
(Words were not necessary
My place was always here)
Taiyou ga mabushii to
Tsubuyaki nagara
Urunde ku hitomi o gomakasu
(I murmured
"The sun is too bright"
And camouflaged the tears welling up)
"Aoi sora o tomo ni yukou yo
Doko e tadoritsuku n da to shite mo
Moshimo kizu o otta sono toki wa
Boku no tsubasa o kimi ni ageru"
Sou itte kimi wa sukoshi naita
("Let's go together across the blue sky
Wherever we may get to
If you receive a wound
I'll give my wing to you"
You said so and cried a little)
Kimi wa sotto mimamotta
Kono se no tsubasa
Tobitatsu kisetsu o matte
(You calmly watched
The wings on my back
Waiting for the season to take off)
"Aoi sora o tomo ni yukou yo
Shiroi sunahama o mioroshi nagara
Muzukashii hanashi wa ira nai
Kimi ga waratte kure reba ii"
("Let's go together across the blue sky
Looking down on the white sand beach
No need to have a serious talk
I need nothing except your smile")
"Aoi sora o tomo ni yukou yo
Doko e tadoritsuku n da to shite mo
Moshimo kizu o otta sono toki wa
Boku no tsubasa o kimi ni ageru"
Sou itte kimi wa sukoshi naita
("Let's go together across the blue sky
Wherever we may get to
If you receive a wound
I'll give my wing to you"
You said so and cried a little)
Korae kire zu ni boku mo naita
(And I gave way to tears as well)
lala lalalala lala
lala lalalala lala
lala lalalala lala
lala lalalala lala
Celestia smiled, resting her head in her arms. Mila's voice was so beautiful, and it was getting her sleepy.
She looked at Mila who was singing at the balcony that was next to hers. It didn't seem that she noticed her yet, and Celestia wanted to keep it that way. She slowly, without making any noise, retreated to her room. Though one thing kept her a whole hour awake before she could sleep.
Why did that song made her feel so.. nostalgic?
Celestia rubbed her sleepy eyes, she wore one of the dresses that she found in the closet. The dress reached a little below her knees, with short sleeves.
A knock shaped her out of her thoughts, "Celestia, are you ready?"
Celestia opened the door, "Yup!"
Mila grinned, grabbing Celestia's hand, "Great! Let's go then! Both Generals of the East and West are waiting."
The blue haired princess was particularly dragging Celestia to wherever they were both going. "Slow down Mila!" The blonde magi exclaimed, though Mila was paying her no mind.
"We're here!" The princess of Syreni announced as she slammed a door open.
"P-Please! N-No more.." Celestia begged as her head hit the ground, no longer having enough energy to even stand.
An amused laugh was heard, "What the hell did you do to her, princess?" A masculine voice asked.
Mila glared, "I didn't do anything!"
"Sure you didn't, brat." Jennet commented.
"Uh, by the way, the rukh around that girl are funny." The masculine voice said.
"Of course it is, Rufus, she's a magi." Mila deadpanned, twirling a strand of her teal hair with her finger.
"A magi? Where did I hear that name before..?" Rufus mused, looked thoughtful just before he was hit by a staff.
Jennet's staff.
"Weren't you listening to what we said earlier you good for nothing!" She shouted, irritated.
"What are you hitting me for? Did your flames burn some of your cell brains?!!?" Rufus shouted.
"No, but I wouldn't be surprised if yours were frozen by your ice, brat!" Jennet glared at him, Mila face palmed.
"STOP!" Mila shouted at the top of her lungs. The two generals froze. Mila's hair was glowing, her eyes were that of a demon's. "If you don't stop.." her voice was dangerously low. "I'm going to send you to HELL!"
"H-Hai!" Both generals exclaimed obediently.
Mila hair and eyes turned to normal, "I though so." She grinned. "Where's Philo?"
Jennet helped poor Celestia and gave her a piggy ride.
The door of the room opened again, "Sorry for being late princess." A man who looked like he was in his mid twenties arrived.
"Ah, you're late, General of the West, Philo."
After Celestia regained her energy, she had been introduced to the General of the East, Rufus. And the General of the West, Philo.
She had learned that out of the four generals, there were two magicians, Jennet and Rufus. Philo ,on the other hand, specialize in swordsmanship. Same with General Nero, although it seemed all the other generals despised him for some reason.
At night, Mila showed Celestia to her room when the magi admitted she forgot her way to it. "Can I talk to you about something?" Mila asked when Celestia entered her room.
"Sure." Celestia replied, wondering what the princess wanted to talk to her about.
Mila's teal eyes pierced Celestia's. "You don't remember?"
Celestia blinked, "Remember what?"
Disappointed, Mila walked away, "Forget it, when you finally do tell me."
Celestia was left dumbfounded, "What?"
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