Chapter I: You Get the Big Guy

Out in what seems to be the middle of nowhere, a tall building sits. The building looks abandoned and is still going under construction. It is still nighttime, and the moon is the only source of light on the inside and out.

Inside the building on the top floor is a group of people. A red headed woman is tied up in a chair, sitting right in front of a large construction hole in the floor. A Russian General stands in front of her with his hands behind his back. One of the General's thugs stands between them and backhands the woman on the side of her face.

Feeling the pain but not breaking down, the woman looks back at the Russian General. On the inside, the General is annoyed by the woman's lack of cooperation. He smirks at her pain and speaks in Russian, "Eto ne to, kak ya khotel, chtoby vecher proshel. (This is not how I wanted the evening to go.)"

Keeping up her act as a little damsel in distress, the woman replies, "YA znayu, kak ty khotel, chtoby etot vecher proshel. Pover'te mne, eto luchshe. (I know how you wanted this evening to go. Trust me, this is better.)"

The Russian General steps forward once. "YA khotel by znat', pochemu oni otpravili vas na perevozku, vitrazh i drugiye sluchaynyye predmety. (I'd like to know why they sent you to carry out the carrier, a stained glass, and other random items.)"

The thug who previously hit the woman grabs her chair from the back, and tilts her backward over the edge. She becomes a bit scared so she replies, "YA dumal, chto general Sokholot otvechayet za eksportnyy biznes. (I thought General Soholob was in charge of the export business.)"

The woman is put back down and the thug moves out of the way. The General walks up closer to the woman. "Soholob? Vasha reputatsiya dovol'no progressiruyet. Znamenitaya Chernaya Vdova. I vse zhe, eto ne chto inoye, kak yeshche odno krasivoye litso. (Soholob? Your reputation is quite a progression. The famous Black Widow. And yet, she's nothing more than another pretty face.)"

The Black Widow, more commonly known as Natasha Romanoff, calms down now that her chair has all four of its legs back on the ground. "Ty deystvitel'no dumayesh', chto ya khoroshen'kaya? (You really think I'm pretty?)"

The General walks over to a little side table that has a case on it. He opens the case, revealing a bunch of tools. "Nam ne nuzhen Lermontov dlya peredachi tankov. Skazhite yemu, nu... (We do not need Lermontov to transfer the tanks. Tell him, well...)" The man picks up a pair of pliers and the thug holds open Natasha's mouth. Then, in English, the General finishes, "You may have to write it down."

Natasha struggles in her seat for a minute before someone's phone starts to ring. An awkward silence settles in as the other thug of the General answers his phone. "Yeah?" The thug listens for a second then turns to the General. "Eto dlya neye. (It's for her.)"

The General snatches the phone and yells, "Teper' vy slushayete ochen' vnimatel'no - (Now you listen very carefully-)"

On the other end of the phone Agent Coulson cuts off the Russian General. "You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, third floor. We have an F22 eight miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby."

The General pulls back the phone and looks at it before giving it to Natasha. She holds it between her shoulder and her ear, since she's tied down. Agent Coulson's voice is urgent. "We need you to come in."

"Are you kidding? I'm working!" Natasha decides in her mind that Coulson can't make her get out of this no matter what he says.

"This takes precedence." Natasha sighs at Coulson's insistence.

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything." Black Widow looks at the General as she speaks.

"I don't give everything?" The General looks between his thugs, asking more than telling.

Natasha gives the General a look that makes him shiver. "Look, you can't pull me out of this right now."

"Natasha." Coulson didn't want to bring this up until she got back to the base, but this is the only way to convince her. "Barton's been compromised."

There goes the promise she made to herself. "Let me put you on hold."

One of the the two guards comes over to take the phone back. Right when he bends down to take it from her, Natasha kicks him in the gut and headbutts him. The other guard runs over to restrain her, but she also kicks him. He gets back up though, so Natasha quickly jumps up and rolls on the floor with the chair still attached to her.

The first thug comes over and picks her up from behind, slamming her on the ground. The chair breaks, but she still has two wooden sticks tied to her wrists. She uses that to her advantage and knocks out the two guards with it. The General tries to get away, but Natasha sees this. She grabs a chain that was hanging over the hole in the ground and uncoils it. She pushes the General down the shoot and attaches his ankle to the chain, letting him hang there upside down.

Natasha turns around and walks away, grabbing her black heeled shoes and the cell phone from the thug. "Where's Barton now?"

"We don't know." Coulson checks his watch and sees it only took Natasha a couple minutes to beat up three men.

"But he's alive." Natasha continues to walk out of the building.

"We think so. We'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to go talk to the big guy." Coulson turns to a computer screen that shows Natasha and Clint fighting alongside each other.

"Coulson, you that Stark trusts me as far as he can throw me." Natasha laughs and rolls her eyes as she thinks back to when she met the billionaire.

"No, I've got Stark." Now it's Coulson's turn to laugh. "You get the big guy."

Natasha stops walking immediately when she realizes what Coulson is talking about. "Bozhe moi. (Oh my God.)"


Out in an Indian Slum, a little girl desperately weaves through the crowd, a certain doctor on her mind. Somehow, she knows exactly where to go. She passes buildings, crowded streets, and animals.

Finally, after running across half the city, the girl finds the building she was looking for. She gazes upon it for a second. It's probably the tallest building in the slum, standing at about two to three stories tall. Although it's completely run-down, it is the most well kept building she's seen here. Because of the building's height, it's shadows stretch over the girl. The full moon peeks over the top of the roof.

Not wasting another second, the girl runs into the building. She climbs the stairs and passes many coughing and grumbling people along the way.

Reaching the second floor, the girl peeks through the bars of the railing. A woman notices her and attempts to shoo her away. "What are you doing?! Get out, there is sickness here!"

"I heard there was a doctor here! My father is sick and he moaning and coughing but he won't get up and-" the girl was cut off by who appears to be the doctor.

"Calm down."

"My father..." The girl trails off and the man points to the sick kids in the room. He asks if her father is acting like them and she nods. She holds out a handful of cash, "Please."

The doctor agrees to visit her sick father. The two make it to a little house while dodging countless military vehicles. In all honesty, it is amazing that neither of them were caught. They both enter the house which happens to be on the outskirts of town. Then, without another word, the little girl climbs out the far window.

The doctor stares stupefied at the window the girl climbed out of. "Should have gotten paid up front, Banner." He scolds himself for being so easily tricked.

Natasha Romanoff appears from around the corner behind him. "You know, for a man who's supposed to be avoiding stress, he picked a hell of a place to settle."

Banner, who's first name's Bruce, quickly turns around to find the Shield spy there. His heart hammers as he thinks of any possible way a spy has found him after all these years. "Avoiding stress isn't the secret."

"Then what is it? Yoga?" Natasha cocks an eyebrow in an amused tone. Bruce starts to get annoyed, but keeps his cool.

"You brought me to the edge of the city, smart. I, uh...assume the whole place is surrounded?" Bruce decides to change the subject before things can get messy.

"It's just you and me." Natasha makes herself comfortable in a chair across from Banner.

"And your actress buddy, is she a spy too? Do they start that young?" Bruce asks just to clarify how he was duped so easily.

"I did."

Bruce quickly retorts with another question. "Who are you?"

"Natasha Romanoff."

"Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff? Because that's not gonna work out for everyone." Bruce walks up to the table and clenches his fists where Natasha can't see.

Natasha looks completely taken by the question. "Oh no, of course not. I'm here on behalf of Shield."

"Shield..." Bruce unclenches his fists slowly. "How did they find me?"

"We never lost you, doctor. We've kept our distance, even helped keep other interested parties off your scent." Natasha reviews what she said in her mind, approving that it was necessary to reveal that information.


"Nick Fury seems to trust you. But now we need you to come in." Natasha leans forward on the table, trying to detect any resistance from Bruce.

Bruce, on the other hand, saw this statement coming from a mile away. They're going to lure him in after all. "What if I say no?"

Natasha smirks. "I'll persuade you."

"And what if..." Bruce turns to the side a bit so he doesn't have to look at Natasha, "the other guy says no?"

Natasha's smirk doesn't falter, much to Bruce's befuddlement. "You've been more than a year without an incident. I don't think you want to break that streak."

Natasha stands up to get her phone out of her bag while Bruce stares longingly at a cradle next to him. "I don't always get what I want."

Changing the mood of the room into a more serious tone, the spy pulls up what she needs on her phone. "Doctor, we are facing a potential global catastrophe."

Bruce chuckles and turns to her. "Now those I actively try to avoid."

"This is the Tesseract." Natasha pulls out her flip phone and slides it over to Bruce in the desk. "It has the potential to wipe out the planet."

Bruce puts his glasses on and stares hard at the picture. The blue, glowing cube seems to radiate energy out of the phone even though it's just a photograph. "What does Fury want me to do with it? Swallow it?"

"He wants you to find it. It's been taken." Natasha says quickly, like she knew he was going to ask that next. "It gives off gamma radiation that's too weak for us to trace. There's no one that knows gamma rays like you. If there was, that's where I'd be."

"So, Fury isn't after the monster?" Bruce slowly takes off of his glasses and hands her phone back.

"Not that he's told me."

"And he tells you everything?" Bruce turns around slowly and gazes out the window into the night.

Natasha can sense she is losing his patience, so she tries to direct the conversation back on to the cube. "Talk to Fury, he needs you on this."

"He needs me in a cage."

Natasha keeps her voice calm even though her heart beat escalates. "No one is going to put you in a cage-"

"STOP LYING TO ME!" Bruce turns around and slams his hands on the table. Natasha whips out a gun and points it at Bruce's forehead. Bruce slowly walks away with his hands raised. "I'm sorry, that was me. I just wanted to see what you'd do. Why don't we put that down so the other guy doesn't make a mess. Ok? Natasha?"

Natasha slowly lowers her gun. She puts her hand up to her ear to turn her earpiece on. "Stand down. We're good here."

Bruce chuckles, knowing he should have never trusted her. "Just you and me."

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