Chapter Δύο (Two)

Lauren quietly sits up, her heart hammering in her chest. She puts on her light jacket and zips it up, flipping the hood over her blonde hair. She creeps toward the stairs and strains her ears for any other sounds.

"We told you we'd be able to. Now, make it easy for us, and tell your guy to make it a weapon!" Lauren tenses up and presses her back against the wall. That man's voice was not her father's. This voice was eerie, and it sounded like he was trying to scream but stay quiet at the same time.

"You're going to have to tell your buyer what I said. I refuse to help in any way, Shade. I told you I was out once I knew what you planned to do!" Now that was her father. Lauren quickly but quietly opens the small closet next her, removes the towels, and grabs a metal baseball bat.

"You don't understand. This is going to change the grand picture! Don't you want to help us make the world a better place? This revolutionary technology will change the future," the eerie man says. Lauren peeks around the corner and looks down the stairs. Her eyes widen when she sees three people in the living room. One is her dad who is sitting in his rocking chair. The other two have weird outfits on, almost as if they were spies.

Lauren's dad glances quickly up the stairs, spotting Lauren. The two intruders don't even notice. "Troy will never make what you want, even if you don't kill me, so good luck."

The creepy voice guy steps toward Eric who stands up, sensing danger. Lauren grabs her bat, ready to beat them up if the intruders get any funny ideas.

"We'll just take the boy anyway. Maybe he can speak for himself. After all, our L.I.G.H.T. technology is one of a kind. Maybe he will understand the potential for it." The creepy man's voice turns to a low growl at the end. Lauren steps on the first step, trying to be as sneaky as she can.

"I can't let you do that." Lauren's dad whips a small gun out of his pocket, but before he can do anything, the second intruder shoots his own gun.

The bat drops out of Lauren's hand and rolls down the stairs. The two intruders freeze in their tracks, and Lauren shakily walks down the stairs. She turns to the living room and surveys the scene, her heart not believing what her mind is processing. Blinking away tears, Lauren notices the guy who shot her dad is also pointing the gun at her.

"Murderer!" In one swift motion, Lauren reaches forward and grabs the gun around the barrel, forcing it away from her and punching the man in the face. The creepy intruder snaps out of his shock and reaches for Lauren's neck, but the blonde ducks and kicks the man in the knee. The creepy man falls and Lauren lets go of the gun, sprinting out of the house.

The man with the gun shoots at Lauren multiple times as she runs away, but none of the bullets reach their target. Lauren jumps into her car and lays low, fumbling her keys out of her pocket and starting the car. She drives away without a second thought, going to the only place she knows will give her answers. Her dad's shop.

It's still dark out when Lauren arrives. She processes what happened at the house during the car ride. She mourns over her father, not believing that she is now all alone with no one to protect her. However, she quickly wipes her tears and shakes her head. She can't think about this now. Her father would want her to figure this out and keep those people from getting what they want. Although, she does promise herself that if she ever meets those two again, she will get her revenge.

There are a couple things Lauren could decipher from the conversation she overheard. One was that the evil people found a substance and want to make it into a weapon. The evil people knew about her dad beforehand, forced him into a contract of some kind which he backed out of, and wanted him to make them the weapon. No, they wanted her dad to get Troy to make the weapon. They're going after Troy next.

Lauren parks her car and heads into the big building. The censor lights turn on whenever she enters a new hallway. She reaches her father's office and sits at his desk, logging onto his computer.

She pulls up the file of employees. Scrolling through, she finds the man she was looking for. Lauren pulls out her phone, clicks on the Notes app, and copies down Troy Martin's address. She puts her phone away and logs off the computer, but not before she spots an odd symbol. It's like an altered, squiggly light bulb. Under the symbol is the acronym, L.I.G.H.T., which she reads stand for, Lethal Intellect Group of Human Technicians. She clears the history in case any of the L.I.G.H.T. Agents comy by. She doesn't want them to know that she knows about their secret little club.

Lauren hops back in her car and pulls her phone out of her pocket. Thank goodness she recognizes the street. Without wasting another second, Lauren makes her way over to Troy's house. Hopefully the evil spies haven't gotten to him yet.

Troy's house is small but cute. When Lauren hops out of the car this time, she puts the roof on to make it look a bit different than before. After triple checking the address, Lauren walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. Troy doesn't answer and Lauren looks around her nervously, keeping an eye out for the creepy guys. She knocks on the door and rings the doorbell again, and this time she hears shuffling from inside the house. Lauren prepares herself for those two guys again, and when the door opens, she jumps backward.

"Lauren?" The woman in question smiles and sighs of relief when she sees Troy standing in his doorway. "It's three in the morning. What - are you ok?"

She couldn't take it anymore and Lauren lets the tears fall. Troy opens the door and leads her inside. He sits her on the couch in the living room and hands her a box of tissues. Troy then goes to make some chocolate milk. His boss, Mr. Thompson, told him that Lauren is a sucker for chocolate. Troy comes back in the living room and places the cup of chocolate milk on the table in front of Lauren, sitting next to her on the couch.

After she settles down, Lauren explains what happened back at her house. "And now they're coming for you."

Troy was silent for the story, completely in shock when he heard that his boss was murdered. "We need to call the police."

"I was thinking about that while on the stairs. Somehow, I don't think the police can help us in this situation. These people...they found something. They're going to make it a weapon one way or another." Lauren sips on her beverage after she explains her reasoning. Troy contemplates this and reluctantly agrees with Lauren.

"Well then we can't stay here. Those people can come at any moment, and we need to figure out a plan." Troy gets up and starts putting random things inside a backpack he got from his room. Lauren peeks over and spots a video camera, an old flip phone, and many more electronics.

"What are all those for?" Lauren asks as she stands up.

"In case we need to build something." Troy zips up the backpack and heads out the door with Lauren following. The two slide into her car and Lauren starts the engine.

"Where to, Mr. Martin?" Troy smirks at Lauren's formality.

"There's a place where I used to work. It has building equipment and machines of all sorts. We are going there to make a plan." Troy directs Lauren to their destination, and when they finally get there, the sun starts to rise.

"So how did you escape the two people again?" Troy asks, intrigued on the fact of the famous pianist's hidden skill.

"I studied in martial arts when I was young. I received my black belt after my mother died. After that, I thought I should learn more and studied judo." Lauren recalls her training in fighting and martial arts when she was young. Now that she thinks about it, she's grateful for it because it just saved her life back at her house.

The two enter the abandoned research facility and flick the lights on. Troy goes on to explain about the building and his old job as they walk to his old room. "I can't say I didn't like it here, but it just wasn't enough. I dreamed to work for your father's company. So, after a lot of hard work, I was hired and left this compound."

Lauren nods, not really knowing what to say, but also understanding what that feels like. "I guess it was kind of like that for me too. I was a job hopper and only found joy in my music, so I decided to make a name for myself." Then Lauren remembers a question that has been nagging in her mind since she met Troy. "And how do you speak English?"

"Ah, see I used to live in America. I came here to France to study abroad and it just stuck with me. I found a job in this building and everything fell into place." Troy finishes his explanation as they finish setting up his equipment.

"That makes sense. I'm originally from America too," Lauren says, thinking of how they are going to stop these people. "I learned Greek when I was young, and it became a secret code for my father and I."

"Maybe we can use that to our advantage." Troy looks up from his computer to see Lauren thinking hard on their current situation.

"Troy, I think I have a plan."

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