Months flew by, and the next thing Allison knew, it was four days before Halloween. During that time, Buck was suing Department One Eighteen for not reinstating him to his full-time position. Allison wasn't thrilled about it and wasn't happy because Eddie couldn't bring Christopher around.
She didn't hear the end of that...
Sighing a little bit, Allison was taking pictures of the Firefighters doing their job like she normally did. She actually had a few clients herself to take pictures of. She had Mocha with her as she was a trained puppy for bad situations and to keep her safe.
Her father made sure of that when he got Mocha. Allison continued snagging pictures until her phone chimed, and she pulled her phone out to see a message saying it was time to get some pictures of the police force. Smiling a little bit, she packs her things as she begins walking to her vehicle with Mocha following her.
Today was Buck's first day back at the One Eighteen. After everything that happened with them, Bobby was kind enough to let him come back on 'light' duty. When she got to her new red Toyota 4Runner, she opened the back door, and Mocha jumped in while she put her things in the back with her. Allison shut the door and opened the door, got in, and began driving. She was meeting a police officer on a drive.
Before she got any further, Allison's phone was ringing. She pressed the button on her steering wheel and answered it.
"Hey, Allison, it's your mother."
"Oh, Olivia, what the hell do you want, and how did you get this number?"
"Your brother, Leo, he called me from jail." Her mother spoke. "I was wondering why he was in jail for five years?"
"..." Allison sighs a little bit, shaking her head. Thankfully, Olivia couldn't see it. "I'm sure he explained to you and blamed me like he normally does," Allison states to her. "Even though it was his fault."
"Now, now, why are you blaming him, Allison Marie? He told me you ran into him with your vehicle."
"Yep," Allison stated, sighing again. "There it is," panic started rising in her chest as she hated confrontation, especially with her family. Mocha sensed it and growled a little bit, walking to her and touching her shoulder with her nose. "Listen, as much as I love to chat with you, Olivia, I have to go to do my job."
Before Olivia could answer, she hangs up on her and takes her phone while she sits at a stop light quickly and blocks her number. Her pulse was racing a little bit as her breaths became quick and panicked.
Mocha barked once indicating she was about to panic while Allison nods and then turns left at the next light and pulled into a parking lot and began taking her deep breaths while Mocha kept her nose on her shoulder to calm her down. She leans her head down on the wheel, closing her eyes.
Allison debated whether or not to call her dad about the conversation with Olivia. After calming down, Allison put her vehicle in drive and started heading out to her job.
Allison, later that night, sat in her chair by the island and started sifting through her computer in her emails. She had some emails pertaining to the lawsuit she was filing against her brother for the damages to her vehicle and her hospital bill. No one knew about this-- not even Buck, and she'd rather keep it that way. Allison didn't want to bother them with everything going on. Taking a deep breath, she closes the email before Buck comes home from his first day of work and makes sure he can't open it.
Buck was notorious for looking at her emails without her knowing, but she knows. She's seen him do it a few times. She's brought it up to him, but he says he's sorry and that it was up on her computer. She has been careful since. Allison began typing on her computer for everything else. She finished her photos an hour ago, and now she was figuring everything else out. Mocha was lying by her chair sleeping while she continued typing.
Mocha then hears the door jiggle, and she snaps her head up and begins growling lowly. Allison paused what she was doing and closed her computer, looking back at the door while Mocha stood up with her as they both cautiously went to the door. Allison went to the peephole, and it was covered. Allison pinched her lips and grabbed her phone that was near the door and dialed a number.
"Dad..." Allison whispers to him quietly. "How fast can you get here?"
"Why? What's going on?"
"There's someone at my door, and they're covering it up..."
"..." Elliot was silent. "I'm on my way."
They both hang up as Mocha growls lowly again. She knew not to bark, and she went in between Allison's legs and stayed there while Allison grabbed her bat and held it in her hands. Taking a deep breath, Allison continues onto the door, and the handle jiggles again as she backs away now from it.
"I know you're in there, Ali. Just open the door." Allison tensed up when she heard the familiar voice of Daniel. It has been months since he has been back, and he now chooses four days before Halloween to show up. "I don't know why you're hesitating."
Allison looks around and then backs up a little more as Mocha continues growling lowly and quietly. The next thing Allison heard was the door being slammed open, making her gasp when Daniel was standing there glaring at her. Mocha kept her stance between Allison's legs while she kept hold of her bat. Daniel begins stomping towards her while her eyes widen as Mocha bares her teeth and keep her stance under Allison.
"Think your dog can keep you safe?"
Allison smirks when she slowly puts her bat down. "Yes, actually. I'm sure you're gonna feel this morning."
Daniel raises a brow while Mocha charges at him and grabs his arm dragging him down making him yell in pain as Elliot runs in and sees him on the ground while he smiles widely seeing Mocha holding him down.
"Good job, Mocha," Elliot congratulated.
It was four days later, and it was now Halloween. That night with Daniel, Buck came home seeing Police cars everywhere and seeing Allison standing outside with Mocha sitting by her and panting as Athena was petting her head while talking to Allison and Elliot. Buck ran up to them and Allison assured him she was fine.
"The only one who is injured here is Daniel," Athena spoke as they all turn seeing Daniel with a wrap around his arm from the bite he received from Mocha, yelling that he was going to sue the city for not giving him the proper medical aide he needed for his bite and that he would come back to get Allison.
Allison was sitting in the One Eighteen with everyone while they were doing their thing. Taking a deep breath, she was waiting for everyone to leave so she could help Buck with the kids.
"Think you could handle it?" Bobby questions Buck who was looking at him with a small nod. "Teal bucket is for kids with food allergies. Everything in there is nut-free, dairy-free, egg-free, soy-free, and gluten-free."
"And who are these for? Kids allergic to fun?" Buck points to the other buckets on the table as Bobby quietly chuckles.
"Those are for the parents. Also, there should be some pamphlets about basic fire safety that should be in the closet."
"Exactly how long are you gonna keep on punishing me?"
"You know, Buck, someday you're gonna figure out when to stop pushing and learn some patience."
"I hope we're both alive to see it..." Buck whispers after Bobby walks off as Allison begins walking downstairs with Mocha following behind her.
Allison was dressed as Umbreon from Pokémon. She was wearing a pair of short black shorts with yellow rings on the sides, a black tank top with a yellow ring on the back, black thigh-high socks with a yellow ring around the knees with black heels. Finishing off the look was a pair of ears she got off amazon.
Buck was just wearing his fireman uniform. But-- he was happy seeing Allison in uniform. She had some makeup on her face to accent the costume she was wearing. Mocha was dressed as a Hondour from Pokémon. Buck smiled her way after Chimney left. She stood right beside him while they left to go help the people during the time of Halloween.
Allison was helping Buck hand out candy. A lot of men were hitting on her in front of Buck, which was making him frown deeply. Allison giggles at his jealousy while she leans up and kisses his cheek, assuring him that she is his and his only.
While they handed out candy, the kids wanted to pet Mocha, which Mocha was okay with doing. Mocha was panting with what looked like a smile on her face. Allison was smiling again while she bent down and patted Mocha's head gently and began walking to the bathroom to relieve herself from all the standing around. When she finished, Allison washed her hands and dried them. She paused to look in the mirror and turned to see her right thigh. Seeing a shiny pink scar there from the earthquake, Allison took her finger and gently touched it.
It felt like a huge welt on her skin. She then turns to the left side and sees a smaller scar on here, and it is disappearing. Frowning deeply, Allison fixes her shirt and heads out to finish helping Buck with the candy.
"That's it. Get your candy." Buck stated while Allison chuckles while Mocha sits on the side of the table, panting. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry, buddy, two-piece limit. Those are the rules."
"That's a stupid rule."
"Yeah, not the world's greatest defense strategy..." mutters Buck making Allison giggle once more.
"What are you supposed to be, anyway?"
"I'm a firefighter."
"So how come you're not out fighting fires?"
Allison then hears the truck's horn. "Mom, look, the real firefighters are here."
"Oh, my gosh. Is he trying to get more candy out of you?" A mom asked, scolding her child.
"Uh, no, no, he's fine. In fact, here, why don't you take a smoke detector. Keep him safe until his parole hearing."
"Buck..." Allison gasps with a small laugh as the mom glances at Buck and then at Allison and begins walking off with her child.
Allison then sees Eddie, who glances at Buck and slightly shakes his head. "Hey, Eddie, want to help me and Allison with all of this?"
"No," Eddie shakes his head. "You got this. You're One Hundred Percent. The lawsuit proved that, right?" Allison rolls her eyes and walks up to Eddie and puts a hand on her hip, and he stares at her. "What, Hermana?"
"You're such an asshole, you know that, right?"
"You heard me, Hermano, why?"
"You know why..."
"Get over it," Allison spoke to him and poked his chest hard, making him wince a little bit. "Shit happens. You're best friends, Hermano. He feels so guilty about how everything turned out. He didn't even take the money... He just wanted this job back."
"That's not the point, Hermana..."
"Then, what is the point?" questions Allison raising a brow. "'Cause if I'm being honest, it's not this. Figure it out. Both of you." Allison turns to walk away and help Buck clean up, but she pauses in her steps and turns back around. "By the way, if you were answering your phone from me. Daniel's been caught."
Before he could answer, Allison walked off. Eddie was shocked. Dammit. He definitely screwed up.
It was the end of the night, before they left, Eddie was gonna walk past them but then remembered what Allison had told him, he then quietly sighed. Allison touches Buck's shoulder as he's carrying a box.
"So that's how it's gonna be now. You're just gonna keep on ghosting me." Buck spurts out, making Allison stare at him in shock as she pauses in her step from going to the car, Mocha behind her. "'Cause Halloween is over, just so you know."
"I don't know what you want from me, Buck," states Eddie, not looking at him for a quick moment. Buck puts the box down and then turns to him. "Forgive, forget... make you feel better about what you did?"
"I just want you to talk to me," Buck admits to him, putting his hands up for a moment, then puts them down and chuckles a little bit. "Even if it's just to say that you're still mad..."
"I'm not mad, I'm..." Eddie sighs a little bit. "When you decided to sue the department, to make Cap the bad guy, did you ever stop for a minute to think what that could do to us?"
"Look, I just needed my job back. I missed... I missed being here. Being part of the team. I never meant for anyone to get hurt." Buck had tears forming in his eyes, and Allison could see that.
Eddie looks at him, a frown still painted on his face watching Buck walk to him. "Lotta "I" s in there." Allison looks at both of them while Mocha sits down. "Your actions, your choices, they impact the rest of us. That's what it means to be a part of a team."
Buck nods a little. "You're right. I didn't think about what could happen. I was mad at Bobby for not letting me back. I was mad at you guys for moving on without me. I was mad that there was nothing I could do about it. And I just... I just wanted to..."
"Punch someone?"
"Yeah, a little..." Buck sighs a little bit and then takes a quick deep breath. "But I get it. And I really am sorry. Whatever it takes for you to forgive me..."
"I forgive you," Eddie tells him and then looks to Allison as well as she smiles at both of them. Happy they made up. "Also, what it means to be part of a team. This... just don't do it again."
They both smile at one another and then hug it out. Allison wipes a tear that falls from her eye. Mocha barks, making them look at her while she wags her tail. Eddie turns to Allison and eyes her like they need to talk later, to which she nods. Allison then turns to Buck and lets him know she's heading to the jeep and will wait for him.
When she got into the jeep with Mocha hoping in the back. Her phone vibrated, and she brought it out of her back pocket and saw her lawyer's number on there. Blinking a little bit, she sits in the passenger seat and answers it.
"Kim, what's going on?"
"They want to make a deal. Guilty of one count of harassment. One count of attempted murder. He would be doing at least one to five years."
"..." Allison couldn't speak. No... "I don't want that deal; I want him to..."
"I know, honey, but it's the best deal they can make right now without having to go to court and put you through everything that's happened to you."
"But Kim..." studders Allison, tears forming on her face. "I..."
"You know what they would do to you, honey, and honestly-- I know you didn't want to live through your rape again."
"... I guess that makes sense..."
"Why don't you sleep on it and let me know within the next couple of days, okay?"
"Okay, thank you, Kim..."
With that, Allison hangs up and puts her head in her hands. She guessed it was time to tell Buck everything that was going on and get his opinion on it. When the door opens, making Allison jump, Buck puts a hand on her thigh, making her skin crawl with lightning.
"You okay?"
"Um..." Allison whispers quietly and then nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go home."
"Sounds like a plan."
It had only been five minutes while they were heading home, but-- something caught Allison's eye, and she gasped.
He then looks over and gasps with wide eyes. "Whoa! Oh, whoa! Lady!" He then begins chasing after her. "Allison, call 9-1-1!"
Allison does just that. "9-1-1, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher said through the phone while it was on speaker.
"This is LAFD firefighter Evan Buckley. I'm going south down Vermont following a gold, 4-door sedan." Buck began explaining. "There is a man embedded in the windshield."
"Sorry, did you say in the windshield?" asked the man, sounding very confused. "We had a report about that yesterday. Is that real?"
"Uh, yeah, it's definitely real, and we think he's alive." Allison answers him, "Buck's gonna approach the vehicle right now."
"Ma'am! Ma'am, pull over your car!" Buck instructs her as she ignores him. He then speeds up and then goes in front of her while he holds onto Allison's thigh gently while she watches the car slam on her brakes, making her sigh a little in relief.
"You are a horrible driver." The woman gets out of the vehicle and walks towards Buck as he gets out and rounds the car while checking over her. "You are right in my way."
"Ma'am, I'm a firefighter."
"Really? Well, your costume sucks."
"Okay, can I just take a look at your... Did you hurt yourself?" questions Buck, looking at her head while Allison gets out of the car with Mocha behind her, seeing the huge bump on her head.
"What? What do you mean?" questions the woman quietly.
Buck then goes into the car and cuts himself with some shards of glass from the windshield without realizing it. "Uh, hey... you just stay right here, okay?" Buck instructs the woman. "Ah. Sir, sir, it's LAFD. Help is on its way."
Not even five minutes later, LAFD appears with an ambulance, and they check over the woman and the man.
"Want us to check you out?"
"Nah, it's not mine, it's..."
"Buck..." Allison stops him and touches his arm, and he looks down, and then his eyes widen a little bit. "You're bleeding..."
"Maybe..." Buck whispers quietly and then looks at the paramedic. "You should know that I'm... on blood thinners..."
It was later on while Allison was sitting in the chair with Mocha sitting down beside her. She didn't hear the door open again and a familiar person coming in.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for a patient brought in not long ago. Evan Buckley?"
"Bobby?" Buck started and rounded the corner looking at him.
"Hey," Bobby spoke as Allison stood up and followed Buck with Mocha behind her. "Said you were injured, that you cut yourself."
Buck scoffs a little bit and looks at his arm. "Yeah, I just got some shallow cuts from the broken windshield glass. I told the paramedics I was on blood thinners, and they sealed the wounds."
"But they brought you here to the ER?"
"Right, no, they just thought I should get checked up. I just finished giving the police my statement." Buck explains to him, and then Allison nods.
"But what happened?"
"It was crazy. This lady hit this guy two days ago. She must have hit her head pretty bad, 'cause they found a brain bleed. That's probably why she was so confused. And what about the guy on the windshield. In surgery, the doctor says he's got a fair chance."
"It's cause you jumped in there and saved him," Allison told him, glancing at him while Mocha pants and lets out a squeak of a bark.
"Probably didn't even occur to you to worry about yourself," Bobby stated after Allison and then looked at her. "Can't imagine how worried you made Ali."
"Yeah, I know, I know, I didn't think, just rushed in like I always do," Buck tells him whispering, looking down a little bit. "I guess it's like the uniform is my costume. You know, I put it on and suddenly I'm brave, and I'm strong, I make a difference. Feels like without it, I'm not much of anything."
"Buck, you saved two lives without the uniform. It's not a costume. It's who you are." Bobby assures him and touches his shoulder gently.
Buck looks at him, a light shining in his eyes as a smile crosses his handsome face, making Allison blush. "Does this mean that you're ready to let me back for real?"
"Doesn't matter if I'm ready. You are. It's time for me to get out of your way." Buck touches Allison's hand, and they begin walking out.
"Hey, Bobby. Are you hungry?"
"Maybe I could buy you breakfast," Bobby suggests as Allison shrugs while Buck nods
Allison chimes into the conversation. "Be nice to catch up."
"Yeah, it would."
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