THE SILENCE in the air was unbearable. It was cold, and the sound of snowy wind blew across her face. The game was soon coming to an end with only 4 tributes left; Makara Lee, Wells Jones, Axel Kane and Felix Thomias.
All of ages 13 and 16. Makara Lee was one of the youngest to last this long. She was too fast— to skilled. "Wells," Makara spoke, tapping the boys face lightly. "Hm?"
"We need to go. Now, get up." She demanded, grabbing his cold wrist as she pulled him upwards. "Why are you in such a hurry? They are no where near us. We are safe here." Makara shook her in disagreement, "This is the hunger games. We are never safe."
Wells widened his eyes at her. The two are from Distract one. They found each other in the beginning and protected each other. He cared about her like a sister and he would not live with himself if she did not win.
"Okay. Let's go," he said, pulling off his beanie as he placed it on her head. Makara smiled at him before grabbing her sword. They had been hold up in some cave but it wasn't perfect. Though, It kept them alive.
As they walked and walked, Makara could only imagine what life would be like as a victor. She didn't wanna be one, but she didn't want to die.
"Wells?" Makara spoke, "Yes?"
"There can only be one winner." She spoke sadly, making him stop in his tracks. He shook his head, now getting on her level as he placed a cold knee in the snow, "Don't think about that now. You will be fine, okay?" Wells could feel the sadness and fear radiating off her. "Okay," Makara tried to smile but instead it formed into a small frown. Wells let her lead, holding her arm out for her to go forward.
Minutes passed and it was nothing but silence. The hunger games were a sick tragedy. You get picked in a bucket and you are sent off to fight for your life. Most die from the climate, starvation or being killed by another victor.
So, hearing the sounds of Wells grunting caused a fear in her heart, "Makara!" He screamed, before sending a punch to Felix's face. Felix had a small blade, but she had a bigger one as she pulled her sword from her scabbard.
Felix sent multiple munches to his face, not only before putting a knife to Wells neck did he feel the cold blade against his, "Don't do it." Makara spoke with a shaky voice, not wanting to even hurt the man. But, she knew she had to. For survival.
"What are you gonna do, sweet cheeks?" His mocking tone brought now anger to her body as her eyes traveled to Wells who sat on the ground, blood dripping down his nose. Felix laughed at the feeling of the large blade be pressed harder against him, "Awh." He ticked.
Wells saw the hesitation between both of them, taking the chance as he grabbed Felix's wrist and bending it backwards quickly, causing a crack. He screamed in agony, dropping the knife to reach for his wrist. "Makara, do it!"
Felix gagged at the feeling of stinging in his stomach, making his mouth fall open and blood to spill out. His eyes traveled to the sword in his stomach; the sword that Makara held in her hands.
She choked on her tears as she pulled the knife out, causing him to drop on his back. Wells immediately noticed this action, standing up quickly as he moved her head the other direction, holding her in his arms.
"I don't wanna do this anymore." Makara cried, "No, stop!" Wells spoke, "I don't want to do this anymore!" She screamed now louder than before, but the feeling of being yanked by her arms and jacket surprised her, "Enough! I cannot do this without you! Get your shit together, Kara!" Wells finally pushed off of her and began walking back on their trail leaving her with the body of Felix and the bloody sword.
Makara closed her eyes and shook her head, grabbing her weapon before following him. She was only thirteen. But she felt as if everything was different now.
They spent hours walking, dragging their feet amongst the snow. By the looks of the sky, it was getting late as the beautiful sunrise turned into darkness. She knew it wasn't over in this fight. It couldn't be.
"Wells, we need something. A bow and arrow or a gun." She finally spoke up. "That's all the way at the main Arena we cannot go back."
"So what, your gonna fight with your fists against a knife like you did back there? Which almost got you killed?" Wells rolled his eyes, "I almost got killed because you hesitant to kill Felix."
Makara went quiet. She knew he was right. She couldn't kill him. Because even in the bad people, she can't help but know that they wanna survive too. "Not everyone is worth sparing. It's war out here." Wells stated.
As they walked through the trees, they noticed something. The large space they had. It was almost intentional as they looked around it was only trees but where they stood, a large X was written against the snow.
"Wells?" Makara pointed to the ground, making his eyes furrow as he looked back to her, but the sight of a man charging towards her caused a surprise, "Look out!" He yelped, kicking her by the leg inward as she fell to the ground.
He quickly dodged the weapon, sending a punch to his stomach before he was sliced against the arm, "Kara!" He shouted, groaning in pain as he was kicked against the tree. Wells let out another piercing scream as they fought, making Axel laugh. Makara reacted rushing towards him as she sliced his leg open, before dragging it along his back.
Axel let out piercing scream at the contact, Wells taking the chance to kick him backwards, sending a punch to his face. Wells was knocked to the floor, and he immediately went for Makara, grabbing her by the jacket. Makara quickly lifted her knife up, stabbing him right in the chest.
His eyes widened as he grabbed her shoulder. Makara did the same dropping to her knees with him. She pulled out the knife, making blood spill out his mouth. "Come on. We gotta get out of here."
"No," Wells said as she furrowed her eyes, "What do you mean no?"
Wells shook his head, feeling dizzy. His droopy eyes traveled down to the wound in his abdomen, his shirt covered in blood. "He— Wells!" Makara let out a cry before running to catch him in her arms. "No, no, no."
Wells immediately reached to grab her hand, giving it a tight squeeze as his head laid in her lap. "Please, try and hang in there okay?" Makara sobbed, rubbing his hair. He only shook his head, "There can only be one winner." He choked out. "Find her. Take care of Claire. She won't make it on her own out there."
Makara sobbed, "I cannot do this without you. She can't! don't wanna be a victor!"
Wells reached to grab her arm, holding a grip as he stared at her, "You are strong. You saved my life in the beginning, if it wasn't for you I would've died on the first day." He cried, trying to choke out words, "Thank you."
Makara only cried harder at his words, her whole body in a trembling state as she looked at the blood on her hands, "Please, Wells. Don't go, please, please." She cried.
She only then realized his head was now limp and no one was responding. "Wells? Hey!" Makara tried to get herself together at the sound of a loud boom as she held his hands to her face.
As she looked at the corner of her eyes she noticed a camera. Makara was angry and the sound of someone coming to get her, she couldn't help but feel guilty. So, she reached her three fingers up.
"For Wells."
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