"Yeesh, and here I thought that you were obsessed with me!"
Name: Roka (Like all Saiyans, she has a Vegetable like name. This one in particular is a letter switch of Okra)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual/Bi-romantic
Nickname(s): None.
Date of Birth: 06/12
Species: Saiyan
Blood Type: AB
Affiliations/Organizations: Z-Fighters
The Character's Appearance
General Appearance: She has black hair that stops at her mid back. She has light brown eyes and has a slim, but still well-built body for fighting. She also kept her tail in case she needs to go SSJ4.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs.
About the Character
Personality: Roka is a very battle-hungry person. She loves to fight and find more ways to grow stronger, but she also knows that violence isn't always how you solve things. Outside of battle, she can be playful, and joking with those she's close to. And she always puts the ones she loves first.
Powers and Abilities
Strengths: She is strong in hand-to-hand combat, normally knowing where to hit to deal the most damage.
Weaknesses: Despite what she seems like, long range fighting isn't her strong suit. She can use ki-blasts and those do a bit of damage, but they aren't very strong. Her special moves are, however, but they take a bit to charge.
Alternate Form(s): Due to being in relations with the Z-Fighters, she has access to a few transformations, and even took the path of the Primal Roots and Godly Roots. She is more adept in her Primal forms, however.
Primal Roots: Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Two, Super Saiyan Three (Still working on perfecting it so it doesn't cause so much stamina drain), Super Saiyan Four. She also found a glimpse of another form, but she hasn't gotten grasp of it yet.
Godly Roots: Super Saiyan God. Super Saiyan Blue. A transformation akin to Ultra Ego.
She has also learned the Kaioken technique, but she never has a need for it. She can't use Super Saiyan Blue all that effectively, but she pretty much mastered the God form, making her have the ability to use Kaioken with it. She can only use up to X4, however. Any higher and it causes horrible damage.
Character Background
Roka doesn't often tell her origin, but it's because she only remembers her life on Namek. Being a surrogate child to two Saiyan women, Roka was born on Planet Vegeta. Unfortunately, Frieza was prepared to attack the planet, so in her haste to get their child to safety, her mother sent her off-planet in a pod. The shockwave from the energy of the planet being destroyed sent her pod off-course, allowing it to careen through space, where she eventually landed on the Planet Namek.
The Namekians were cautious, but Elder Moori took pity on the child. Nurture prevailed over nature, so he chose to take her in, raise her as one of their own. Roka grew older and thought nothing of it. (Could she have been an Albino Namekian? She wasn't sure.) And she lived for the first quarter of her life here...that is, until the planet was invaded by the Frieza Force.
Roka tried her best to fight back, but she was unable to do anything against the stronger of the Force. Assumed to be dead, they left her to drown...then, she was saved by a group passing by, pulling her out of the water. They seemed wary of something at first, but when she tried to warn them of what was happening, they figured that she could help them out.
She went with them, going from village to village...each one was gone. They got to the one where Frieza was, Roka watching in terror as the ones she cared for were slaughtered. But when the pink minion aimed at one of the children, Cargo, she couldn't stand by. She rushed in, grabbing the child as the other boy, Gohan grabbed a hold of Dende. She gave Elder Moori a solemn look, while he gave a curt nod that said everything. Protect the children, don't worry about him. The pink alien walked forward, snapping the Elder's neck. She grit her teeth, holding back tears as she rushed off, the bald man, Krillin following suit.
And they evaded Frieza's forces, eventually taking the two to Grand Elder Guru's home. She explained everything to his protector, Nail, who was hesitant...but he gave in, allowing them to see the Grand Elder. It took two trips, one for Krillin, the other for Gohan. But the second, Guru stopped Roka from leaving.
"Young Roka...I fear that my time remaining is short. This loss, this stress on my old heart...it is growing too much for me to bear." He says, holding out his hand to place on her head. "I trust you to help the Earthlings...keep them safe, use the Dragon Balls for good...keep the name of the Namekians safe." And suddenly, her body flooded with power, feeling her strength increase. They exchanged a look, Roka nodding as the Grand Elder smiled. "I love you, my child..." he spoke softly as the Saiyan left, going with Gohan to get back, before running into Vegeta.
The two Saiyans locked eyes, with Vegeta seemed stunned. "You..." he says quietly, before gripping his fists. "So there are yet more Saiyans out there...and you are with the Earthlings!" He growled as Krillin stepped up, arguing before power levels were felt approaching the planet. They made a temporary alliance, Roka going with them to get to the Dragon Balls in time.
Fights after fights occurred...with the Ginyus, one after another...but Roka barely remembers. All she had her mind on was what Vegeta said. Saiyan? Her? No way...she was...born on Namek, right? Surely that was the case.
But the more she thought about it, the more similarities she saw. The same black spiky hair, the same sort of power strength...but Vegeta had no tail...but...neither did the Namekians...
The fight with the Ginyus ended soon, Roka now sat in the infirmary on Frieza's ship as she tended to her wounds. Frieza was out there still, so she had to act fast. They waited for Vegeta to rest, while keeping Dende safe as they took him along. Luckily, they left Cargo with Bulma. Too risky for him, but Dende was able to heal them.
The Earthlings settled the Dragon Balls, with Roka stepping up, taking a breath and holding out her hands. "Takkaraput pop Porunga pupiritt paro!" She shouted, summoning the Dragon as the wishes started to be made. Revive the one called Piccolo, bring him to Namek...then Vegeta arrived, holding a blast in hand as he threatened Roka to make in immortal, but before the final wish could be made, the Dragon Balls turned to stone.
Roka felt her breath hitch, hearing them tumble to the ground, ringing in her ears. Grand Elder Guru...the one who cared for her the most of all, was dead. The shouting and arguing was muddled in her ears, gripping her fists before the sudden power nearby caused her to snap out of it, slowly looking over to see Frieza. He was responsible for this, for all of this...
And things went hazy, only seeing red as she instantly rushed at him. The rage she felt fueled her movement, each attack causing her to jolt, before going right back on the offensive.
Then, Frieza changed. She was stunned, and had to wait. He was larger, had a longer tail, longer horns...but she didn't care, she rushed in, intending to attack...but instead, she was stabbed through the shoulder with the horn, the pain numbing her senses as she was flung away. She skid along the ground, her breathing raspy...it burned, everything burned...and her body shut down to try and conserve as much energy as she could.
When she awoke, she felt the familiar feeling of Dende's healing, opening her eyes slowly as she sat up. She wasn't on Namek, that's for sure...green grass, blue skies...seemed like a crappy palette swap. Then she learned what happened. She hadn't died, she was just unconscious. If Dende hadn't gotten to her when they arrived here, it would have been too late, and the wish wouldn't have saved her...wait...wish...?
She looked out, seeing the Namekians conversing among themselves. She walked over, looking around before she saw Elder Moori, who seemed...relieved. Next thing she knew, she had rushed in, bawling her eyes out as she clung to him.
The following months felt like a blur, but eventually, the wishes to revive everyone were made, and the Namekians were going to go home. But...
"Wait!" She shouted to Dende, who promptly cut off the wish as Roka looked to her hands. She had to learn more about herself. Vegeta called her a Saiyan, but from what she knew, that couldn't be...so she walked up to Elder Moori, asking...and he gave a sad smile as he explained.
How she landed on Namek, how she had been a handful to deal with...but she was able to learn...to be kind and helpful...but she was still a Saiyan.
"I was hoping you would not need to you, young one...but I suppose some things must be told." The Elder spoke.
Roka fell silent, shutting her eyes. If she went back with them, she could have her old life back...being with the ones she saw as family...but then she could never get answers.
Moori saw the conflicting thought in her mind as he smiled. "Child. I understand. You are still young...you wish to know more about yourself..." he says, before stepping forward. "Some ancient Namekians wished to travel the world...while most stayed on the planet...so they were sent on pilgrimages, in order to discover themselves..." he says, walking closer. "I hereby...send you, young Roka, on your quest to discover who you are...and what you stand for..." he said lightly, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Dorigelop crafca lu katak..." (Fly to find your path.)
Roka teared up, softly pressing her forehead to Moori's. "Thank you...so much." She says softly. "I love you...all of you! So much!" She sobbed, gritting her teeth, as Moori held her close. "As do we, young one...as do we..."
And the wish was eventually made, with Roka staying behind on Earth as the Namekians were sent to their new planet...and she's remained on Earth since then, still attempting to find just exactly who she was.
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