I stare at my reflection in the mirror as Aunt Jenny ties the rope part of the dress. The girl staring back at me doesn't look anything like me. She looks... Stunning. Unbelievably a perfect princess of an empire.
I blink slowly as I can't seem to wrap my head around looking this pretty. I settled with wearing net black long sleeves under the black dress to prevent my boobs from popping out too much, hair down in a sleek low ponytail, and face made up in the cleanest beat I've ever had on. Thanks to Maria.
"You look breathtaking, Salome." My aunt drools as she steps away for me to take a proper twirl. My heart swells with adoration as I do so, taking a wholesome breath and staring at myself in the mirror. A fulfilled smile greases my lips at every blink I take.
"Thank you, Aunt Jenny," Tears of joy threaten to drop from my eyes. She rushes to my face, shaking her head.
"Please don't cry, it took forever to get those liners perfectly," She chimes, promoting a chuckle from me.
"Okay okay," I raise my head a bit to stop the tears from falling. "I won't. I'm just so happy."
My aunt holds my shoulders, dragging a full breath. "I am so proud of you Salome, and your dad... He's always proud of his baby girl."
I nod, taking calm breaths to ease my heart and eyes from tearing up again.
"He might not be physically here, but trust me, you're always in his heart."
"Hmm, thank you, Aunt Jenny," I tell her sincerely, just as my bedroom door clicks open slowly. Maria peeps through with a gleeful smile.
"Alex is here." She announces with joy all over. My heart leaps at her words, my eyes widening a tad bit. I press my lips together as I nod with a heaving thudding chest.
"Ouuuu," Aunt Jenny Chun, moving toward the door to meet Maria with her stained sky blue bubu dress due to dressing me up. "Let me say hi," Then she turns to me. "Come down when you're ready, Salome. It's your day." She tells me before walking out.
I don't miss the wink Maria gave me before jumping outside with Aunt Jenny. The second they shut the door, I wobbly sat by the edge of the bed, puffing out air from my mouth.
My hands grow cold in tension. I blink at my intertwined hands, reframing my mind to seeing the man that makes me weak in the knees at the sound of his name, melts my body into his alluring energy, and doesn't have to try hard to rely on him.
I think I love you.
His last words have been ringing in my head ever since. It left been breathless, gasping for understanding and assurance as to how long he had been wanting to say that.
I know I love him. Every fiber of my being can testify to that without doubt. But seeing him after all that happened the other day? Boy. I'm dead nervous.
I shake my head, and exhale sharply, getting on my feet again. I'd see him either way, nervous or weak in the knees. Besides I miss him so much too.
I grab my silver clutch from the bed. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror, I reach for the doorknob and pull it open.
It was almost eight, but looked darker outside. The moon seems to be nowhere to be found tonight. New moon alert.
I step downstairs, all the while hearing their voices. Gripping the cold rails tighter, I clear my throat. That seems to get Maria's attention. She turns to me and sees me walking down, alerting my aunt, then Mr. Alex.
My breathing seizes at her eyes on me at once. Maria and Aunt Jenny have this proud smile on their faces, getting up from their seats on the couch. Mr. Alex? His eyes say it all.
His outfit is adored in a pair of perfect black pants, a sleek white shirt that has some sort of stones in it, and a gold wristwatch glistening on his hand.
I unhurriedly take my eyes up to his face, a small gasp escaping my lips. His honey eyes bore straight into mine, concentrated and deep. His hair is perfectly curled and although we're a few feet apart, his scent invades my nose, almost making me lose my stance.
I part my lips to speak. "Hey," I mutter, watching his chest heave down in a sharp breath.
"Come on let's take a picture," Aunt Jenny ruffles through a black duffel bag on the couch and brings out a camera. My eyes drop to her cheerful self. "Salome, could you stand right here, just on the last stair."
"Sure, okay," She helps me with my dress as I stand on the stairs. I stir my eyes back to West whose eyes had been on me.
Aunt Jenny made sure to take the cutest pictures before handing the phone to Maria so she could take pictures with me too. Nervously, I lean in with a toothy smile. My eyes on their own, glance at West again.
He's still staring... More intensely I'd add.
"Thank you, Maria." My aunt chides, just as Maria stands in for a picture too.
"Alex, come take a picture with her," Aunt Jenny says, blushing all over. He steps forward before she finishes speaking, completely blacking out with his scent.
I adjust my steps to give more space for West to stand beside me on the stairs. Swiftly, his arm snakes around my waist, making me gasp with a head down at his hand.
"Look at the camera, Salome." He whispers in my ears. I raise my head to smile at the phone, my body all tingling from his touch. My aunt keeps taking pictures of us, all the while sinking into the warmth of West.
Like it's been planned with his arm around my waist, he gradually turns my body to face him. I slide my eyes up to his towering figure, searching his honey eyes for a reason. West does nothing but look down at me in all adoration. He doesn't even have to say a word for me to read the compliments in his eyes.
"You are beautiful," He finally says, just for my ears. His eyes dance between my eyes and face as a whole, completely knocking me out of the fact that we aren't the only ones here.
"Thank you," I voice out, my face stretching in a wild smile.
"For the umpteenth time, you make me speechless. Tell me, are you ready to pay for it?" His arm holds my waist firmer, eyes drilling holes in mine. I open my mouth to speak, my head flipping sideways to see my Auntie's jaw drop open.
The fact that they didn't hear what he said makes me melt in my footing. What does he plan to do this time? I was literally breathless the last time!
"You guys..." She drools, fanning us off.
West's hand loosened around my waist, taking my free hand instead and leading me closer to them. He laughs at my aunt's cheekiness. Too astounded to talk, I can only blush my face off, holding onto his bigger hand.
Maria exhaled calmly like she enjoyed what just happened. Aunt Jenny swiped through her phone and faced it for me to see the pictures she took. I take the phone from her, totally wowed at the outcome.
She took pictures of West and I staring into each other's eyes. My smile reaches my eyes as I look at it, West doing the same.
"Perfect right? I'd send them to you." She beams, bouncing off to show Maria.
"Uh, it's getting late, we should head out now," I mention the second my eyes catch the wall clock.
"Sure sure, do so," Maria pushes, leaving the way for us to pass.
"Have a perfect prom night, Salome." My aunt yells from the kitchen. I didn't even notice when she left the sitting room.
They said a brief goodbye to West before we finally step out the door. West does the honor of pulling out the car door for me as usual, and I step in, muttering a 'thank you.'
I watch him walk over to the driver's side and climb in, shutting the door with a thud. Memories leash out on me about the previous day in his car.
I try to shake it off with a relaxed sigh, turning to see that he's already looking at me.
"What were you thinking of?" He asks, adjusting in his seat.
I subtly shake my head, facing the windscreen. "Nothing," I clear my throat.
"I don't believe you, Salome," He comments, starting the engine with the key. The vehicle makes a welcoming sound as it comes alive. "You look so pretty, almost couldn't handle it."
A smirk rises at the corner of my mouth. The car propels down the dark road. He couldn't handle my beauty? Well, I'm just getting started. Hehe.
"Saw it on your face," I add, trying to hide my smile. "Never thought I'd look this charming to you."
He scoffed out a laugh, "Don't even get me started." His eyes stay on the road. He looks so good too. Quite intimidating I could add.
West releases one hand from the steering wheel and sinks into mine. My chest eases at the action, prompting my eyes up his face again.
"Salome Alan, you can't imagine how proud I am of you," His hand gently rubs mine in the most relaxing way. "When you walked down the stairs earlier, I realized how lucky I am. I'm sorry in advance if I get too careful and protective, but it's just a reverence of how sacred you are."
My eyes stayed on him all the while he talked. He never taught me just literature, but how to increase my self-worth and value, showing me that I'm more than just his student.
"Thank you." I take my time to say, his hold on my hand doing the most of relaxing my nerves and soul.
"Always." He steals another charming look at me. Oh, I love how he stares at me.
My eyes catch the bright street lights on the road. Six shots by Sam Smith softly spills through the speakers of the car. Like the perfect movie scene, I would love to watch it over and over again and not get tired of it.
We arrive at the huge gates of the school, and other luxurious cars are parked around the vicinity too. I mean, I knew my school pupils were rich; but not crazy rich.
They were pulling up with their dates, looking all stunning and shiny in their prom suits and dresses. I spot Taiye and Kenny climbing down from a white limousine, making an entrance as the other gasp and whisper with eyes on them.
I smile genuinely at it. That must have been Taiye's decision with the way she's blushing and beaming. Kenny looked unbothered with the whole thing, yet ravishing in a clean white suit.
I glance at West who is trying to maneuver his way into the crowded school gate. He is so attentive as he pays attention to making sure to park properly before heaving a relaxed sigh. I beam at his cute face.
"Thank you so much, West."
He stares with pure admiration, eyes glistening with love. God, you're so good.
He leans forward, and plants a kiss on my forehead. "You are stunning, I wish to become a high school graduate just to walk you down the red carpet."
I bob my head with smiles as I watch his cuteness overload. He sighs with a nod, peering into my eyes. "Have fun, Salome. I'd be here."
I nod with pursed lips, holding his hand a tad tighter. "You are still my prom king, a high school graduate or not."
West chuckles and raises my hand to peck my fingers. I intently stare at him as he does so, my confidence level skyrocketing at every rub.
"Let's get you out now," He reluctantly releases my hand. I reply with a smile, too stunned to form words.
West climbs out, slams the door, and turns around to open mine. I can hear chatters and squeals from students hanging around. How did they even see him in the dark?
Exhaling sharply, I climb out of the vehicle, cool air almost whipping me off my feet. West steps closer to me, practically ignoring the eyes and mouths. I crane my neck up to his eyes.
"Text me when you're ready to leave, okay?" He calmly says. I hum with a nod, my smile utterly refusing to seize.
"I will." My voice is inaudible, my legs growing weak at the intensity of his stare. He subtly steps back and flashes me that signature charming smirk.
I lift my gown a bit, carefully taking my steps to the entrance. On getting to the glass doors, I glance over my shoulders to see that West is now in the vehicle but hasn't left yet. A blush creeps up my cheek knowing the fact that he's watching me go in.
I turn around and head in, coupled with other beautiful squealing students.
The best love song by T-pain spilled loudly as I approached the hall. The entrance is endorsed with red, and pink love balloons with the description, 'Congratulations' written on them.
I smile proudly stepping in to see the outburst of dancing students. The multicolored lights almost blur my vision at the continual swirling.
Subtly and carefully, I pass through the radiant crowd to the decorated drinks stand. Few people are hanging around taking cocktails, and sodas. I bet some boys are sneaking around with alcohol, and some girls will likely lose their virginity tonight.
I scan the drinks with my eyes, softly picking one mocktail from the middle. My eyes slide up to my side after sensing a very familiar figure a few feet away.
Kenny. He casually looks away like he wasn't staring at me just now. Thinking back on the time we've had together, and the memories shared. I never thought of finishing with a bad omen between us and truthfully, Kenny had always been there for me.
The music keeps on blasting in the arena. Dragging in a breath, I lift my dress and walk over to Kenny who's now out of the hall following the back door.
I wave to friends and classmates on my way out. They all look so bright and alluring, and the joy of seeing us leaving school aches my heart a bit. I'd miss them, friends, or not.
Kenny stares afar off, standing in the balcony area. I pause in my steps to take a proper look at him. He is a tad bigger like he's been hitting the gym or something. His side bread is forming surely too, and the white suit snatched on his body.
And all of a sudden, I don't want to lose such a good and supportive friend.
He exhales sharply with a turn to see me. A small smile greased my lips. His gaze softens as he removes his hands from his pocket, and gestures to come closer, but I'm already walking to him.
"Hey," I mutter, looking up at his taller frame. Kenny just keeps gawking at me without saying a word. I open my mouth to speak again when he wraps his arms around me.
"Come here, Salome." He says against me.
I chuckle as I tap on his back. "You look so good, Kenny."
He released me with a glance at his outfit. "Thank you. You look dazzling too Salome."
I did a double take at myself with a laugh. "Thank you." I wipe my hair to the side. He purses his lips, looking down for a second and up at me. With a sigh, our lips move at the same time uttering the words.
"I am sorry."
My mouth part open. Kenny smiles. Guess we both had the same thought of apologizing to ourselves after all.
"No, I should be one apologizing to you, Salome. I wasn't a friend when I should be the stronger shoulder to lean on." He starts to say, eyes imploring guilt. "I'm sorry that I assumed, instead of being patient enough."
I nod, smiling. "You still got a strong shoulder though," I chide in. He holds himself from bursting into laughter.
"Hey, I'm trying to apologize here," Kenny says between laughter.
I shrug my shoulder, snickering. "Well, just stating the obvious. But seriously Kenny, you been working out?"
"Yes— Salome wait, that's by the way. I honestly want to make sure that—"
"That I missed you, Kenny. And I honestly want to make sure we don't get to break out again." I smoothly interrupt. His shoulders slump. "Ever," I add.
"Sure," He drags in a breath. "I didn't get to tell you congratulations."
"Thank you, congratulations too." I tap his arm, while he chuckles. "Come on, let's not waste the night apologizing while we should be having fun!" I pull his arm. He willingly follows me.
"So tell me everything about you and Mr. Alex." Kenny draws as we walk back to the hall. A huge blush spreads through my face.
"Trust me Kenny, too innocent for your ears." I throw at him. He abruptly comes to a stop, his mouth dropped open in surprise.
"What?!" He burst out laughing, other people looking back at us.
It was a long unforgettable night. I got to dance with my friends and... Non friends. Just everybody.
The prom queen was, of course, Taiye. I mean who else could stand a chance?
And prom king? SEAN!
Yes, I'm equally as surprised as you are.
I was stunned at the mention of his name. He was shocked too, and almost declined. But a cheer up from me did the deed.
Zara and I talked about school. Taiye joined after collecting her crown, and we took pictures. A whole lot of pictures. Zara is dressed in an armless royal blue dress, and Taiye in a golden lace dress, embedded with expensive-looking beads.
At the end of the event, memories of throwback pictures were shown on a huge projector. Shouts and squeals filled the hall at the remembrance. I hoped to see mine and eventually did. Pictures of camp glided through and I couldn't help a tear falling from my eyes.
The last picture of the camp was with our teachers. Everyone drooled at the image of Mr. Alex. Both Taiye, and Zara bobbed their heads at me and couldn't help smiling my face off.
"Aww look at her, so in love." Zara sings, gripping my arm.
"Ugh, Mr. Alex is just everything." Taiye drags in a breath.
I share a look at the both of them. Honestly, I wish for the same for them, someone filled with love and support.
"Thanks, girls," I appreciate their comments.
"Will he be at our graduation ceremony?" Taiye asks eagerly, her hands plastered on my chest.
I roll my eyes in thought, "Hmm yes." I give in to their wish. They both throw their hands in the air in bliss, and just then the DJ goes on playing afro beats to cheer up the crowd again.
Not long after, I decided to call it a night. While we stand in the balcony area, I text West. He replies in a nanosecond like he had been waiting.
I tuck my phone in my purse, looking up to see eyes on me. Zara and Taiye have a weird smirk on their pretty faces. Theodora is present too. She only shakes her head with a sigh.
I chuckle weirdly, "W-what is it?"
"Nothing," Zara and Taiye chorus, turning away and eyeing themselves.
"It's not nothing, Salome. Mr. Alex literally just replied in a second!"
I nod slowly. "Yes... Wait, how did you girls know it was him I texted?"
"Because it's all over your face..." Taiye gestured with her hand pointing right at me. "Ugh... I'm so happy."
I pull out a tight smile. How did I even manage to act like I didn't have feelings for West for the past few months?
In less than ten minutes, my phone dings in my purse. I quickly check through. My face drops on seeing a text from Mildred.
It's a simple "hi" text with a view once the video is inserted. The music and the voices of the girls thin out in my ears as I click it open. It makes a loading sign. I gulp.
Mildred and I haven't talked in a while. She came around after the incident with my dad, but that was purely out of remorse.
My chest picks up at a higher rate. It's a video of her at West's place. His bedroom. My shaky thumb taps to play it.
A smiley face of hers covered my screen. She has a long black hair extension, full-blown makeup glam, an olive mesh top or something, basically showing her cleavage and jewelry all over.
I watched the video continually till I heard West's voice at the end of the video. I couldn't clearly pick up what he said but it's something like...
"You know I hate it when you..."
And that was all!
Hate it when you what?!
My blood begins to boil as the video disappeared. Stiffly, I stuff my phone into my purse, taking deep breaths. The girls didn't seem to notice as they are so indulged in what they're saying.
I clear my sudden dry throat, unknowingly pulling other attention. I try to smile a bit so as not to show any displeasure or hurt.
"I-I need to leave now," I jerk a thumb over my shoulder. My purse is squeezed in my left hand to ease the burn in my chest.
"Aww okay," Zara clasped her hands to her chest. "Her knight in shining amour is here to take her from us."
"Hmm..." I part my lips to chuckle dryly.
We all hugged and bedded ourselves goodbyes. I turn an begin to walk when I recall Kenny telling me to let him know when I'm leaving. I turn around in my stance.
She immediately wipe her head to me who's already feet away.
"When you see Kenny, please let him know I've left. I'll text him." I raise my voice. She nods in understanding and waves again with a smile.
It didn't take me a minute to race out of the hall. As expected, some students are in concerns having the time of their lives, while I'm here with a thudding chest. I don't even what exactly to think. Why is she at his place? What happened this time? She definitely wasn't stranded.
I reach the entrance, pull the glass doors open and let myself into the cold night atmosphere. I turned from left to right. People are still hanging around. I swallow. Maybe I'm the one who's stranded, because I don't think I can seat with...
My thinking trails off. I sight West car propelling into the gates of school. He parked exactly where he alighted me earlier. My heart leaps again. I hate it when I'm in this state of mind. But I can't help it.
Before he can text me, I'm already marching towards his vehicle from the opposite direction, openly neglecting other humans.
I appear right in front of the massager's space, and give a small knock on the glass. The light of his phone was illuminated with his head down at it, obviously texting me.
He raises his head, instantly recognize and click the door opened. I waste no time pulling it opened and climb in, abruptly shutting the door behind me.
I turn to see his astound face. My legs grows at his smile but I shove it off with a head turn to my legs.
"Hey..." West lifts my chin to his face. "I'm sorry I made you wait."
Wait... He's aplogising for making me wait?
I blink away from his honey eyes. "It's fine." I mutter, chewing the Insides of my mouth.
He doesn't seem to buy that, because he's now making sure that I'm looking right at him by holding the sides of my face.
"I didn't mean to make you wait."
But I smile with the last patience in me. "Hmm okay."
His eyes scans my face again and again, something that makes my while body melts. "You are royalty, Salome. Heavenly."
I hold his eyes, subtly finding myself drowning in his aura, touch. He smiles again, stretching a bit to place a kiss on my forehead before dropping his hands. His scent.
"So how was prom?" He ignites the engine with the key and it comes alive. He skillfully pull through the bunch of cars and we are out of the gates in no time.
As much as he's curious about prom, I'm also dead curious about Mildred.
"Uh, did anything delay you?" I ask before I could stop myself. West glance at me for a second. I press my lips together, trying to keep my composure.
"Yes. But it's a surprise, Salome." He replies in a heartbeat.
"I want you to meet someone." He adds. I saw a small smile on his lips as he speaks. Okay...
Now I'm confused. Is Mildred the surprise?
"Prom was exactly as you experienced yours. Just without the sex and alcohol. Well, not that I saw." I shrug. West throws me a look, before laughing throaty. I find myself laughing too.
He places right hand on mine, and gently interwine out fingers. A sense of peace, and inauble reassurance clouds my reasoning. Suddenly, I'm at peace.
Although I still want to know why Mildred was in his bedroom though...
We arrive at his adobe in few minutes. I drag in a breath as the engine dies down. West turns to me, his hand going back to touch my hair and neck area. My eyes flutters at the delicate act. He smiles, knowing how solace his touch can be.
"It won't take long. If you're uncomfortable I will take you home myself." His eyes does more of the talking than his lips. I nod in accordance. "Also, Mildred is here."
"Oh," That's what left my lips. I smile with ease, this time leaning towards and kids his forehead. "Let's go."
He nods drowsy. The door crack opened, and he steps out first. He pulls out the door for me too.
We walk to his threshold, cold and heat air battling who would win on my skin. It's almost 11:00pm, so the air should be overly cold. Maybe I'm just nervous.
West takes my hand in his, stared at me till I gave a smile before opening the door. We are greeted with the stunning sittigroom of West. He shut the door behind, and I look around as usual. It's always top-notch clean and comfortable.
I hear footsteps advances towards us. With a glimpse, Mildred comes in view. She looks gorgeous as usual. She's actually putting on a mesh gown. She hurriedly pull me in a hug, my hand slipping out from West's hand. I lift my head from her embrace at the second figure carefully striding to us.
I gasp with wide eyes. Mildred notices and withdraw from me, letting me see the woman clearly. My body stand frozen instantly on seeing the appearance smiling at me. I take a shaky step back till I pumped into West's chest. My head whip around to see his face, then Mildred, then LATIFAH WEST?!
Oh my goodness!
West corner around to meet up with her. She smiles up at him as he places his arm around her shoulder. "Salome, meet Latifah Raine West, my mom. Mom, meet Salome Alan, my ex student who I'm in love with."
Okay. Someone wake me from this dream because this can't be possible.
Thank you lovies for reading till this extent😭❤️🔥
Much love💐
Stay tuned for a the next chapter 🥰
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