White body hug dress, silver heels and a perfectly brown installed hair.
Mildred's outfit rings in my head as I settle on the couch, staring blankly at the movie playing on the huge screen while waiting for them to get back from their talk.
Mildred was astound to see me, that I know. I was obviously the last person on earth she expected to meet at Mr. Alex's place and I kind of understand. It's just surprising she's here too. At this time, this moment.
I rub my palms together when cold breeze blows the thick brown curtains forward. It will rain sooner or later.
I don't know what instantly ran through Mildred's head but after the most briefest greetings with me, she asked Mr. Alex to see her for a minute and with a sneered look, he reluctantly followed her up the stairs.
For what seemed like an hour, I hear footsteps and I raise my head to the stairs, disappointed to see just Mildred coming down. She plastered a smile on her oval face the second she sight me.
"Salome, it's really surprising to see you here." She quips, her heels already off and her legs engulfed in white flops.
Yeah, you too...
"Oh yes," I smile stiffly, looking up just in time Mr. Alex make his way down too.
"I mean, it's not like it's bad that you're here or anything, but you know, really out of the blue." She chuckle sweetly, settling beside me on the couch. I throw a look at Mr. Alex as he goes over to the kitchen. "But, why?"
"Huh?" I drag my eyes from him to her.
She stare at me for a moment, makeup evident as she's closer to me. "Why are you here, if I may ask."
"Oh, I came to-"
"Dinner is ready."
We both turn to Mr. Alex's announcement. He place the dishes on the dinning table, indirectly cutting Mildred off for food. Which is nice enough, but I have no idea how to reply her question.
She beam at me, getting up. "Come on, let's eat."
The food is really tasteful and prefect. A meal of garnished chicken, rigatoni, some side salad, and a healthy glass of grape juice. I pick some salad with my fork, taking it to my mouth.
"Hmm this is so nice, Alex," I hear Mildred speak beside me. "You should be a chef."
"And you'd be the judge?" Mr. Alex ask almost immediately.
I keep my head low, hoping I am as invisible as I seem. I don't want to be the center of attention, and although the air is a tad tight, I wish it doesn't get more awkward for me.
"So yeah, told you I plan on coming with my client today, I couldn't when I saw the change in weather," Mildred keeps talking as the gentle sounds of clanking spoons and forks fills the air. I look up for a second, jamming eyes with Mr. Alex as he take sip of his juice. He slowly places the glass on the table, honey eyes not leaving mine.
His nose is still a bit red too.
I blink down to my dish, the fork slipping from my grip and fall on the white plate. I quickly pick it up.
"Are you good, Salome?"
That was Mildred's voice. She bob her head to see my face while I just smile at her, nodding.
"Hmm yes I am, thanks."
And that was it, thankfully. No other words is said, except for the movement of forks and spoons. After the meal, I requested to do the dishes which was turned down by Mr. Alex. Yet, I insisted this time and get to work before he said anything more.
"Wow, you got scriptures? really dope!" Mildred cheers at the black structural images by the side of the sitting room. I glance behind me to see her attentively checking them out.
Mr. Alex hums, getting up from the dinning area with his plate and coming towards me. I carefully give him space in the counter, raising a plate under the running tap. His taller figure stands beside me, dumps the plate in the empty sink, raise his sleeves before going ahead to washing it and the unwashed ones I placed aside.
"Thanks for the meal, Mr. Alex." I say, watching how he flexibly wash the plate. "It was really nice." I add.
"You are welcome." He simply says, and I purse my lips. That was smooth I guess. "I told you not to bother with the dishes." His voice came out stern and direct.
I place the plate on the strainer beside the sink, shaking my head. "Y-yes, I just wanted to..."
His turn his eyes to me, sharp enough to cut my words off. His throat moves, and I'm forced to look away and focus on raising off the plates instead.
"Alex?" Mildred calls for like the millionth time.
"Yes?" He doesn't turn but answered.
"Guess what?"
She laughs cheekily. "You have to guess first."
"You know I'm not good with guessing." He stretch and take the remaining plates from my side.
"Okay fine. So..." She trails, while I weirdly wait for whatever she has to say. "I got a contract with Latifah West!"
I freeze in my stance, my eyes widening comically. Latifah West? The Latifah I stalk on instagram?
"Oh great, that's cool." Mr. Alex casually retorts.
I spin my head around to Mildred, seeing her giggling and settling on the couch elegantly. I purse my lips from smiling noticeably as though I am the one awarded a contract.
"Latifah," I mutter, plastering it at the back of my mind to ask her about it later. This is huge, I have never been more favoured to be a place where I could hear things that would spark my whole self.
I smile at the last plate that need to be rinsed, and it smiles back at me. The lights above appear brighter, and all the absurd thoughts in my head dissolved. I place the last plate on the drainer, beaming. When I glance beside me, I see that Mr. Alex is looking at me intently, and I realise how weird I must be right now so I purse my lips.
"I need to take a shower," He says, tearing his eyes from me and turning to the stairs.
"O-okay." I stutter, cleaning my wet hands with the kitchen clothe.
"Alex?" Mildred calls behind, but he doesn't stop as he race up the stairs. "Where are you going?"
I double think if I should reply her since he refused to. Twisting my mouth, I make my way to the couch and settle down. There is really something unexplainable between them and I don't think I wish to come in between.
Mildred clears her throat as the couch dips beside me. I don't need more conformation that she's seated, her legs crossed.
"Salome do you find him weird sometimes?"
"Hmm?" I blink at her, her question rumbling in my head at once. "Mr. Alex?"
She nods, flexing her thin rings as she stare down at it. All of a sudden, her eyes are on me again. "Also, your hair..." She trails, her eyes sliding to it. "Been meaning to mention, why did you switch it up? Don't get me wrong though, it's pretty."
Now I've got two questions to answer.
"Uh just felt like," I smile softly, hoping she doesn't find the missing lines. "Haven't tried something like this, braids."
She hums, staring at it for awhile. "It's really pretty, making you look way more mature than you are."
My mouth form an 'o'. Is that how it really is?
"I mean, if someone who doesn't know you see you, they would think you're twenty five." She adds.
"Oh..." I don't know what to say about that. Honestly, I've always looked bigger than my age, but saying it out hits different. "Not in school uniform though." I chuckle, finding the right reply.
Mildred smirks cutely, resting her back on the couch. "Funny how Alex still seems to be interested, in uniform or not."
I turn to her for a second to see her head tilted, to see my reaction I presume. My chest tightens, and drops.
"Right?" She press, causally voicing out my fears like she knows how deep it hurts to think about it.
I force out a smile, humming. "Yes..."
"You like him too?" She blurt out almost immediately, leaving me lifeless. I've never admitted to anyone apart from myself on how I feel about him. I breathe through my mouth, clocking eyes with her relaxed ones.
Why is she doing this? Her presences alone throws me in a hurricane.
"I-I..." I find myself getting up, my mouth unable to release the words. Should I ask about Latifah now? She doesn't look like she wants to let it slide though. "I need to use the bathroom." I say instead, walking away without waiting for a reply.
It's like I'm been through into an ice making machine. My cold hand meeting the metal rails causes my body to tingle all over again, but I don't let it get to me as I walk up as fast as I can like I know where I'm going.
I stop when I find myself in a long hallway leading to a white door. Actually, there are bunch of white doors but I have no idea which one leads to the bathroom.
Anyway, I'm glad I'm out of Mildred's sight and questions. I reach the last door, my chest and bladder throbbing as I raise my knuckle to knock. This can't be Mr. Alex's bedroom right?
I knock once, twice, but no answer.
"Okay must be the bathroom then," I mutter, turning the knob open, having in mind to looking up to see a pure WC.
My body stiffen at the opposite sight in front of me. My mouth drops open for like the tenth time today as my wide eyes graze Mr. Alex with a white towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping from his hair down his caramel skin and torso. I look up at his face again, but he still look as calm as ever, honey eyes staring down at me.
It then flashes to my thick skull that I'm standing here gawking at my teacher half naked. Totally wrong!
I spin around sharply to sprint away, when big hand grips mine, and I'm been dragged into his room before I can think anything. My back is placed against the white door, his hands above my head. I stare blankly at his exposed caramel chest.
My breathing stop for few seconds as I try to remain on my feet, my hands tight in a ball by my sides. His scent isn't helping one bit because the more I breathe in, the more I'm turing into puddle of slime.
Mr. Alex bobs his head, knocking my breathing away again as he smirks.
"Uh, I-I was..." I try to talk, jamming a thumb at the closed door. "I didn't know that..."
"That this was my bedroom?" His eyes dance in mine, the droplets of water dripping from his wet hair.
I shake my head, shifting my eyes away. "N-I mean yes!" What am I saying...
"Hmm, is there anything you want to ask me?" His voice is deeper, or its all in my head.
"N-no, uh yes... I wanted to ask where the bathroom is." I finally complete with a nod. "Yes, the bathroom."
Mr. Alex rolls his eyes to the side, combing his fingers through his curls. "Oh," He drops his hands, and I think I can finally breathe well. Or not.
He turns around, pointing to another closed door at the edge. I get the chance to see his bedroom in full the second he steps aside for me to pass. I gasp at the perfection, the thought of going to pee escaping my mind for a minute.
I walk as slowly, taking in the interior of his space, the combination of ash, grey, and dark blue creating the atmosphere of an alpha bedroom. Glancing over my shoulder, I shiver when I figure that I'm still captured by his honey eyes while he remain standing the same spot.
I tear my eyes way, matching faster to the bathroom, pull the door open and step in, closing it without looking up.
A sigh of utmost relief leaves my lungs immediately, just to be in another awe of his well set bathroom. It's like I'm inside Mr. Alex himself because it all smells like him.
I quickly hurry to do my business before I drool in the pool of my wet panty if I keep gawking. When I'm done, I flush the waste and go ahead to wash my hands. As the cold water touches my skin, I look up at the clear mirror, fresh gush of breeze coming in at once.
I turn off the running tap, shaking my head as the image of him in towel flashes my mind. I shouldn't have seen him in that, I really shouldn't. How else would I go to bed without thinking about him. His body. His...
A soft knock make me jerk a bit, my eyes snapping to the closed door instantly.
I blink, walking over to pull it open. "Uh, I'm done." I smile a bit, my nose doing its work by picking Mr. Alex every scent. He is now dressed in black sweatpants and fluffy grey cardigan.
He stare at me, nodding and stepping aside. "O-okay, just wanted to check."
My head swells a bit. Did I just hear Mr. Alex stutter?
I close the door behind, pulling down my top as I walk behind until he abruptly turn around, making me halt straight to chest with him.
"Oh sorry," I take a step back, afraid of our position. We aren't the only ones here, even though the thought of been here with my teacher makes my heart beat faster than normal.
Mr. Alex smiles, dimple prominent in his cheek. "It's fine, Salome."
I nod once, stirring my eyes up to his attractive ones. His hair is still a bit damp. I try my hardest to keep my hands from running them through it.
"What you said..." He trails off, my heart pounding louder. He wants to dig out something I once mentioned.
"We should head out!" I blurt out, bypassing him. I don't get the chance to take up to two steps before I'm been dragged back firmly, turned in a wink to stand closer to Mr. Alex. I don't step back this time, instead look up at him.
I let my eyes settle in his piercing ones, his hold on my hand burning my skin in the most amazing way. "Mildred is here." I didn't know when I said that, but I wish I didn't. His face dropped a bit, his look hardening a bit, before softening again.
"Salome, I want you to know that-"
A knock comes in, breaking him before he could finish. I fold my hand in a ball, reluctantly letting go as thought of Mildred's questions and presence consumes my mind.
Mr. Alex glances down at my hand, then my face. I look away, knowing fully well how this won't be as we want.
He places his hands on my shoulders, making me gulp. Mildred is here!
"I want you Salome, and although I can't show you how much right now, I would try my best to make it possible."
My heart melts from his words, but then turns rock hard when a knock comes in again. I nod once, slowly turning away. She might be suspecting us already.
Mr. Alex leads and pulls the door open, Mildred's astound face coming in view. I make my way out first, ignoring her wide eyes.
"Uh... what's going on?" She ask him.
"She had to use the bathroom." He simply replied.
"Okay?" She sound skeptical, then clear her throat. "It's really going to rain heavily so I wanted to ask if Salome could head home before it starts."
I stop in my stance at the hallway, swallowing hard. Why is she making it so uncomfortable?
Letting out a deep sigh, I continue walking.
"Yes, I'll give her a ride."
A tear almost fall from my eyes at the last words from Mr. Alex. I understood what he said to me in his bedroom, but facing life outside his bedroom crumbles me. Its utterly clear Mildred doesn't want us together, and I'm afraid she might not be the only one.
I make sure my face is tear free as I hear footsteps behind. I get it all. She wants me to leave as soon as possible, and I would do just that, as hurtful as it sounds. I love been here, but I guess the spell has worn off, time to be all formal and attentive as teacher and student.
I pick my bag laying on the couch and turn around with the most fake smile I've ever pulled out. Mr. Alex called me, so I turn to him. His eyes watches my features keenly, and I notice his throat move in a gulp.
"I'll take you home now." He says, Mildred staring between him and I.
I purse my lips with a nod. "Okay, thanks. It's an honour been here." I look at Mildred who suddenly smiles at me. "Nice to meet you too, Mildred."
She nods, beaming brightly. "Yes, you too. Would love to see you soon."
"Hmm you too."
With that, Mr. Alex leads me out the door while my chest burns with all kinds of emotions conjuring in me. I realise how dark and heavy the clouds are when we step out and into the vehicle. It doesn't take long before we're out on the somewhat quiet road, cold breeze penetrating my skin.
My eyes are on the tall palm trees we pass by in flashes. I don't know what to say, my mouth seems to fail constructing words.
My chest does the skipping thing at the soft sound of my name from the man beside me. I shake it off, taking my eyes to him.
Obviously he doesn't like me been formal when it's just us. But no matter what, our status can't change in a wink, right?
He sighs. I can see a bit on hurt in his honey eyes but I choose to look away. I think I'm hurt too.
"I know you are not happy about leaving."
I keep mutt, staring straight at the windscreen. It would definitely pour soon.
The vehicle slowly comes to a stop beside the walkway. I blink up at Mr. Alex as he turn his full attention to me.
"M-Mr. Alex, why did you..."
His gaze softens at me, completely knocking my words off.
"You make me happy Salome," He's staring in my eyes, the scattered emotions detaching one after the other. "Like I said earlier, I know I can't show you how much right now, but I'm willing to be patient, even though it could hurt sometimes."
Every word he's saying dissolves in my head and memory. It's like the spell to be with him is back on. I hope it stays longer this time.
"Also I really don't want to distract you." He adds.
He's going back to school, and I think I know where this is going. I don't want to hear it anymore. I know it's reality, but I think I've grown too comfortable in my little world to the extent reality inks me.
I nod, breathing through my mouth. "Okay."
He stares at me, even though I've looked away couple of times. Yet, my chest still burns like an erupting volcano.
"You really don't distract me, Mr. Alex." I think I lied, because his brows furrows. "I-I just want you and the opposite thought weakens me. Yet It's clear! It's crystal clear that they don't want us. It's forbidden, but still..." A tear spills from my eyes, the one I've been keeping in for sometime now. I turn the window to hide my eyes.
I hate been this emotional. I can't take it. The society rules doesn't seat well with me at all, it crumples me.
I sniff in, wiping my eye before another one drops.
Warm hand holds my arm, gently turning me to his face. I still keep my eyes down, I hate going back and forth. Why do I like him so much?
"I-I'm sorry," I pull away, my annoying thoughts hitting harder. Swiftly, I'm out of the vehicle before I can think more, both my tears and the dripping rain almost blurring my vision.
I can't look at him. Not like this.
Trying again, I wipe the unstoppable tears with my palms, walking blindly by the side walk. My chest keep squeezing and storming in pains, the thought of the stranger tailing me the other night making me weep more. Why is it all so scary?
I jolt when cold hand touches my flinging one. I'm been twirled around and tossed to a hard chest in a second. My body tries to relax when it recognizes that it's Mr. Alex. He wraps his hands around me, holding me in place.
His heart is racing too, I can hear it from my pressed ear on his chest. The thought comes in again before I get to chance to relax in his embrace, prompting me to withdraw from his firm arms, but he doesn't bulge at all to release me.
I try again, detaching my body from his. This time, he draws back a bit, something undisclosed in his eyes, his hands going up to cup my face as he press his lips on me. Hungrily.
My body tense immediately at the contact, but gets heated instantly as my body recognizes the man's lips on mine. My eyes flicker close, thicker droplets of water raining down my hair and face.
His lips dominates mine like it's territory, like he has been patient and holding on for too long and he can't take it anymore.
My hands goes up to his covered chest as his nipples on my bottom lip. My jelly legs stagger at the motion. I'm been held at the small of my waist immediately, drooling in both the intensity of his lips and hold.
It's quiet, but I don't care where we are or who's looking at us.
I don't know if I'm doing the right thing by kissing him back, but before I can think about it, Mr. Alex slowly pulls away. Almost as though he didn't to.
With my eyes still closed, I take in a shaky breath as I feel heavier drops dripping from the sky.
My eyes slowly blinks open just as I'm swiftly tossed back in his arms. I waste no time wrapping my hands around his broader body.
"You are all I want, Salome." He says, one hand in my wet hair. I reply by holding him tighter. I don't want to have any other thought. I just want to be here, in his ams, under this drizzling rain.
Thanks for reading 💗
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It encourage me to write more! 😘
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