My body is stagnant, unable to move. But my chest? It's hitting hard in all areas I've never imagined exists in a human body. Apart from the fact that Mr. Alex stop the vehicle all of a sudden, the way he turn his body to me did nothing but throw me off. Except that I'm still seated here, stiffened like a frightened cat and staring straight at him.

"Uh... why did you..." My voice trail, I could barely hear myself talking.

"Salome, where did you learn to be this way? Have you always been like this?"

My brows squeeze in utmost confusion. My mouth trembles as I ask;

"W-what way?"

His gaze softens.

"Have you always been this... Interesting? This attractive? This sensible?"

Have I always been this... Interesting?

I blink down, then up to the dark windscreen, hoping my hands isn't fidgeting on my thighs. It's quiet, meaning he's waiting for me to say something, anything. But the second I open my mouth, it is an awkward laugh that came out. I quickly purse my lips, nodding and mentally patting my dump head for acting without thinking.

"I-I'm sorry, I just..." I glance up to see Mr. Alex still staring at me. His gaze dangles around my face, and I find myself clearing my throat once, then twice.

Awkward. Awkward.

Mr. Alex breathes down, and I sight a small smile on his mouth. "Know what? You don't need to answer, I'll answer for you." He beckons to continue driving, while I adjust in my seat, my heartbeat accelerating back to normal, my ears pricking up to his next words.

"You, Salome, you are funny," He start as the vehicle begin to move down the aesthetically serene road. "You are interesting," He glance at me with a grin, "You are sensible, yeah, and... pretty." His eyes are on the road at his last complement, and I find myself smiling my lips out. He spares another glance, but I'm already facing the tinted glass to hide my face.

"Also, you look cute in your uniform."

I snap my head to face him, chuckling. "Okay... thanks, but Victoria high uniform? Yikes!" I push up my nose in disgust, earning a breath full laugh from him.

"Come on, it's not bad. You wear it well, besides you'd definitely miss wearing it when you graduate." He says, while I hum, nodding. He's right.

This is it, this is time to ask if he'd be here till then, or after. I suck in my lips, coming to realization that we're almost at my place. I should ask, now. I may not get this opportunity again.

"Uh..." I crinkle my toe nails, fighting the nerves trying to keep me mute. Why is so hard to just... ask.

The vehicle gradually comes to a stop just beside my perfect adobe, automatically causing my chest to drop. This is it, I'm going inside, and my whole dream world ends.

"Here we are," Mr. Alex turns to me, but I'm way to intrigued in my head to attempt to step down. He obviously doesn't notice as he pulls out his phone, an eerie blue light luminating his face as he tap on it.

I pull out a tight smile, cracking the door open, which prompts him to look up at me.

"Thank you so much Mr-" I bite down my lips. “Alex, it was really nice, I had fun today." A fun I may never get to have in future but still...

He smiles with his eyes, nodding. "Sure, you're welcome."

"Yes..." I mutter, pushing the door fully open and climb out into the chilly coolness of the night, slam it shut, and draw in a breath.

It's not too late, I know that. But against my will, my legs are already moving toward the threshold. I stiffly turn my neck around to see that he's still on his phone, even though I can't see his face due to the whined-up tinted glass.

My hold tighten around the strap of my bag as I take one step forward, other, and other, and all of a sudden, like I've been punched with courage and transported into the realm of encouragement, I spin on my heels, just to be standing face to chest with Mr. Alex.

My breathing seize as I stumble back, almost falling on the next step, if not for a firm arm that hold me in place. I regain my trembling footings, slowly looking up to a taller person. My teacher. Warmth creep into the thin material of my clothes, and it rapidly drawl to me that his hand is still holding the small of my back.

"Be careful," He stare down at me, my eyes. As though I'm hypnotized, I nod my head, his hand on my back burning through my clothes and gradually plastering against my skin.

"Yes..." My voice came out rather hushed, but with how intense I seem to be drowning in his eyes, it's difficult to form simple words.

The burn wears out, inking to me that he has drop his hand. I blink down, attempting to take a feet back.

Mr. Alex tilt his head a bit, shoving his hands in his pocket. "You looked like you want to ask something."

Christ! how did he...

I nod again, pushing my weight from one foot to the other. Swallowing, I glance around my yard like I'm a foreign place. Is this how deep nervousness is?

"Y-yes." I look up at him, he looks so fine in the late night, with the moon, and— focus, focus. I clear my throat. "Yes I wanted to ask something. I wanted to ask if..."

He takes an unaware step forward like he's barely hearing me. I understand, because I'm hardly hearing myself. Just that if he should take another step closer, I'd turn to jelly. Jelly Alan.

"If?" He ask.

I take a shuddering deep breath, looking at my feet more. "I wanted to ask if—"

"If I'd still be at Victoria high after you graduate?"

My eyes widen comically, how did he know that was what I wanted to ask?

Mr. Alex chuckles at my expression. "I had a feeling you wanted to ask, no?"

"No... I mean yes!" I quickly add, looking at him longer than I should. Why does he have to look so perfect, and say the correct things? I take back the curses I've once chanted on him, we weren't close then. "Would you?" My voice almost inaudible.

For the first time, he tears his eyes away, heaving a breath. I take the slight opportunity to look at him again, his side face. His teddy trails down the side, caramel skin glowing admist the dark. And his lips... pitch pink.

I keep my eyes there, savoring the time until he turn his face to me again, capturing me in it's territory without me unable to escape early.

"I'd let you know on monday, is it okay?" He searches my eyes, disappoinment almost marring his face, but I nod quickly.

"Sure, it's okay," I smile to ease the gravitating tension, gesturing to turn around. "Uh, I'll head... inside then."

As I'm about to turn, a gentle hand touch hijack my breath. I train my eyes down to his hand around my arm, then slowly raise my head up, my heart almost jumping out of my body.

"Wait," Mr. Alex says softly, as though I'd fight back and pull my hand away from his grasp. He takes a step closer, his Adam apple moving in his throat. My body automatically hardens like a stone, a stone that's unmovable despite his obvious movements. What's he about to do?

I stare into his dark eyes, my lips parting but no word daring to spill out. I inarguably can't deny how his eyes deep down to my parted lips, and I find myself giving him a broader view by properly facing him, his gaze not waving at all. His arm still around mine doing more than creating depths and depths of heat into my skin. I tear my eyes down to it, gulping.

Thinking that would give a clue that it would make him leave me, he doesn't. With a heavy sign, Mr. Alex lifts his second hand to rest on my shoulder, making me almost gasp out air. My eyes widen as he then place his two larger hands on either sides of my shoulder.

The air is cold, but there is this gravitating heat emitting right between us. I can't even look up at him.


I can't look at him. I keep my eyes on the middle button of his jacket.

"Salome, look at me. Please."


I slide my eyes up at his appealing tone of voice, my legs growing weaker the longer I stare. Although I'm wearing heels, I still have to crane my neck a bit to see his full face.

The corner of his mouth twitches up a bit, like he's attempting to ease whatever unfamiliar rush is blurting through my body, or whatever thought is in my head. Which apparently doesn't work.

"Thanks for today."

I purse my lips, nodding my head. I can't talk or I'll end up stuttering and then he'd know something is seriously wrong with me.

Mr. Alex sigh, looking down for a second. "Can I... can I hug you?"

My eyes almost pop out of their sockets, my chest thumping he must be hearing it with how close we're standing. His eyes... they appear as calm, hoarded with emotions I can't explain.

I nod again, slowly this time. I don't know how It would feel, I've honestly thought of hugging him sometime back but only imagined it was all in my head, not until he close the gap between us by wrapping his arms around me.

A mud of puddle, slimy jelly, melted butter. That's what I am right now.

My breathing completely seize as the side of my face press against his chest, my hands clutched tightly by the sides. As though he notice that I'm not breathing, he rubs one hand down my back, and that's all it takes for me to burst out the whole-full air that I've been holding.

Mr. Alex's manly cologne fills my nostrils instantly, my hand flying up in a slow pace to hug him too, but stops midway, my breathing still uneven. At the same slow pace, I drop down my hands.

His breathe fan my neck as he speaks;

"It is nice having you around, I certainly confirmed that today."

I didn't know when a soft sigh escape my lips, weird chills running down my veins, my eyes fluttering shut for some seconds. Him speaking this way, saying things I've always only imagined in my head suddenly feels like a dream.

I flutter my eyes open to be sure. It isn't ...

Mr. Alex gestures to release me, and I almost stumble in my footings, the chills still driving around my entire body. I blink up at him, taking slow breaths. He smiles down at me.

"Sorry... If that made you uncomfortable."

It... didn't.

"N-no, it's fine." I manage to say, just as he step back.

He deeps his warm hands in his pocket. "You can go in."

My mouth curve in an 'o'. Nodding, I step backwards then turn around to open the door to my home. The smooth wood clicks open, and I hastily walk in and close the door with a small thud, pressing my back against it. It's like my body is melting into the cold door, but if it'd help in calming my thumping chest, I wouldn't mind staying here in the dark compartment of my home.

The soft engine sounds of a vehicle zooms off the quiet road, and it tick to me that Mr. Alex just left. I rush to the closed blinds, quickly peeping through the thin space to see the back of the vehicle down the road. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


"You have tutoring sections today?"

I groan in tiredness, nodding with my head on the smooth wooden desk, my cheeks cold against it. Kenny sighs, blinking down at me from his seat. I know he's pitying me right now, I can tell from the way he stretch forward and rub my slumped shoulder.

"Can you maybe... skip it for today?"

I lean off the desk, narrowing my face at his question. He shrugs, glancing around the empty class. We're the only ones left, the bell went off minutes ago, and I'm not surprised, I'd aso run away if it wasn't for my tutoring section.

"I mean you can just tell Mr. Alex..."

My body shudders at the sound of his name, but I shake it off, intently hearing Kenny out.

"That you can't make it, just give him an excuse, he wouldn't punish you for that, would he?"

I press my lips, slowly shaking my head. Today classes were a bit too intense due to the fact that our external examinations is around the corner and our teachers are drilling us more. Yet, Mr. Alex would understand, right? I haven't seen him today though.

"Yeah..." I drag out, a bit unsure but then take a deep breath. "Yes! I can, I can just tell him that my belly hurts so bad and I need to..." I trail off, noticing that Kenny keeps shifting his eyes from me to what I can't decipher. I chuckle at his expression. "Why are you looking like that?"

Kenny nervously scratches the bridge of his nose, still concentrated on what is behind me. I crane my neck behind me to see why he's suddenly so distracted.

My eyes pop out on seeing Mr. Alex by the entrance of our classroom, staring at us. At me. One hand shoved in his ash pant pocket, and the other lazily holding his phone. I quickly get on my feet, so does Kenny.

"Good afternoon Mr. Alex," Kenny greets, while I bite down my lower lips, goosebumps popping out of my skin underneath my blazer jacket.

Mr. Alex gives a curt nod, his eyes back on me in no time.

"I presume there's no more class for the day, so I believe I should ask what you two doing here, right?" He tilt his head a bit. "Hmm? And Salome, have you forgotten that do have extra lessons?"

My chest sinks, my hand going up to rub the other. "Y-yes..." I glance at Kenny, just as he scrap his bag off the seat handle and gesture to walk out. He mouths me 'goodbye' before respectively bypassing Mr. Alex by the door and disappear into the hall. I gulp down the knot in my throat.

Chewing the inside of my mouth, I repeat the same method Kenny did, grabbing my bag from the seat and making my way to the door.

Mr. Alex doesn't bulge or move, he watches me till I'm standing right in front of him.

"I'll wait for you in your office," I say, unable to make proper eyes contact. As I am about to corner his broader body, my body stiffen as he hold my arm, calming pulling me back to stand in front of him.

He bite down his lip, his honey coloured eyes softening immediately. "Where are you going, Salome?"

I open my mouth to talk, but he's already shaking his head to stop me.

"Heard you said your stomach hurts, how bad is it?" He raise a brow teasingly, while my hands fall to my sides. He heard me.

"Uh, not so... bad, I can wait for-" I try to protest but he cut me short.

"No. If you're not feeling too well at the moment, it's okay to skip today's lessons. Except that," He sighs, placing his hands on his waist. "You are trying to avoid me, hmm?"

"Huh?" My mouth drop open. "No, I wasn't trying to avoid..." I trail off, watching him tilt his head, a kind of eagerness evident in his eyes. "I wasn't trying to avoid you, I am just a bit tired and Kenny suggested that-" I stop talking, shouldn't put Kenny in trouble just for caring for me. But unfortunately, Mr. Alex seems to be interested since he hums, pressing his back against the wall beside the door.

"Your friend encouraged you to lie? Wow."

I blink up to see his face, shaking my head. "No, it's not like that, he just wanted to help, our classes today was more intense and he saw how tired I must have looked."

My teacher nods slowly, keening staring at me blabbing about my tired excuses.

"Well, you do look stressed out." He leans off the wall, towering height making me crane my neck a bit. "It's okay, you can go home for today," He gestures to the door, but then turn around again. "I could give you a ride home, if it's okay with you."

My eyes glister like fireworks, and I find myself nodding my head before thinking twice.

"Okay," I mutter, just as he turns around and walk out of class, my happy self tailing behind. It's like all the tiredness that tried weighing me down vanished into thin air. I love been in Mr. Alex's car, it smells like him, gives this calming dosage like there are no troubles in the world, and we are the only ones left. No distractions.

I watch my favorite teacher arrange his desk, dump some papers in the bin, tuck some files in his drawers, and grab his portable black long strap bag on his shoulder. All the while looking attractive as hell. I try not to stare too much, but even the eyes loves seeing pleasant things, so yeah.

"Let's go," Mr. Alex gives a small smile as he beckons towards me who have been standing in the doorway.

"Okay," I purse my lips from stretching in a proud smile but fail woefully. So instead, I keep my strides behind, smiling to myself as we walk down the quiet hall. I wonder if he had something more important to do, other than tutoring me, but chose to let it slide.


I fasten my steps to the sound of my name from him, now walking side by side. God, he smells like heaven.

"Sir?" We are still in school, and the one time I was permitted to be informal is over, so yes, I still respect him.

Mr. Alex glance at me just as we reach the entrance. He push the glass door open, gesture for me to go out first before closing the door behind.

Scorching sun rays flashes directly to my eyes that I have to shade my eyes with my hand on my forehead. It's almost evening yet we still get this amount of heat.

"Wait here for me." He tells me, and I nod, heaving a deep breath as my eyes trace him walk further to the parking lot, just for him to turn around like he forgot something. "And Salome, you could wait under the shade." He says with squinted eyes.

With smiles all over, I jog over and stand under the art and craft building with extended shade, my chest swelling with bliss. My teacher cares.

My gaze gets drifted to our art teacher strolling out of the other side of the building, her pretty dark tall daughter who is also my classmate following behind. She unknowingly look over her shoulders, spot me and wave with a charming smile. I do the same, then she turn around and meet up with her mom.


Ever since our large little talk at the cafeteria, I can count the times I've seen her since then. She has not been online either. It's either she's with those rude girls who always follow her about, or I'd see her in class and can't distract. I'll find a way to get us to talk again, what she told me has been on my mind ever since and it all still feels like a bad dream.

I lift my face as Mr. Alex drives to a stop beside me. Just like that, all negative thoughts disappear from my head as I climb in the front seat, engulfed with his presence and scent all over again.

"Thank you." I genuinely say as I scrap up the seatbelt around my waist, resting my back against the soft seat.

Mr. Alex begin to drive out of the gigantic school gate, glancing over at me now and then.

"You're welcome." He finally replies.

I press my lips, looking out of the tinted glass, staring at the cars zooming pass us in full speed. Some people must have been born impatient. Exhaling calming, I throw a look at the alluring  driver beside me. His eyes are concentrated on the road, one hand on his thigh and the other reflectively handling the steering wheel.

"You'd definitely become a professional driver if you keep looking at me like that."

I snap my head front, biting my lips. How did he see me?

I chuckle shyly, words failing me.

Mr. Alex turn to see my face, before looking straight again. "How is the preparation going, exams and all, must be tiring."

I sigh down, humming in response. "Yes... can't wait for it to be over already."

He smiles a bit, nodding. "I can relate to that. But you know, you can also try enjoying the process, all the while working hard whilst at it."

I nod my head, digesting every word.

"Lucky for you, I'd be around till then."

My eyes lit up, did he just say that he'd be around till I graduate? well... I stare at him, my insides warm to the extent I want to jump on him, hug him.

"I answered the questioned you asked the other day, is it-"

I cut his words by practically throwing my arm around him, the seatbelt tightening around my shoulder. "Thank you so much." I mumble in his shirt with closed eyes, inhaling his scent more.

The vehicle slow down, and the thumping of his heartbeat make me jerk back to my former position on seat, realising I just acted without thinking. Again. I gulp inaudibly, pulling at my fingernails while keeping my eyes on the windscreen. Would there ever a day that I won't embarrass myself in front of him? I breathe out sharply, and mutter;

"I'm sorry..."


I shut my eyes for a second, it's quiet, he didn't say anything, and I can't look at him. Hot mental stings in my mouth, ticking to my senses that I bit the skin in my mouth too hard. But weirdly enough, I can't feel any pain, the disappointing and shame seem to be overpowering it.

Without looking up, I feel the vehicle slowly come to a stop just beside the road, and my belly knot uncomfortably, my heart beating erratically.

"Salome, look at me,"

I keep my eyes down on my hands, holding my knapsack like If I am to look at something else, I'll drop dead.

I sense Mr. Alex lean closer, tangling the knot in my stomach more by raising my chin up to meet his face, his eyes. He doesn't look angry at all. Well, physically.

He doesn't drop his hand, even though I'm now staring into his honey eyes. He searches my face thoroughly, then sigh.

"Sometimes, it's okay to do what you feel like without feeling an ounce of regret, just... just do it, damn, whatever wants to happen should happen after that," He chuckles softly. "I can't believe I'm saying this but there's honestly nothing wrong in hugging someone."


"I'm your teacher, your instructor, I know," He shakes his head, sighing again like admitting it sounded sour on his tongue. "I'm not mad at you, okay?"

I nod my head, his warm fingers on my chin somehow cupping the side of my face. He is not mad, wow...

"Okay." I could barely hear my voice, my hand fiddling with the zip of my bag.

Mr. Alex smiles at this, his hand not leaving my face, causing heat crawl in my insides. I stare down at his pitch lips as he talk. "So tell me, is there any other thing you want to do, but doubting if I'd get mad at you for?"

"Hmm?" My eyes double in side, but I quickly retain it back by blinking rapidly.

Mr. Alex nods, but doesn't repeat himself.

I stare up at the light on the top of the vehicle, and he calmly take my face to face him directly again.

"I want to know. To be honest, I never liked you been uncomfortable around me." He says, but little does he know that right now, with his hand absentmindedly creasing my cheek area is mildly pulling my soul out of my body.

I stare in his eyes, my brain incapable of forming words. He finally take his hand off my face, leaning back to his seat properly, gazing ahead to the windscreen as he speaks;

"I also wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable after I say that I like you."

My breathing hits stagnant, my eyes glued to the side of his face. He... likes me? My hold tighten on the long lingering strap of my bag.

Mr. Alex smiles down, then turn to look at my astonished face. He gulps, taking a deep breath.

"I know you're surprised, I am too. But..."

But? I knew there would be a but. A 'but' I don't want to hear. He just told me he likes me, that's okay for me, even though I know my thoughts would fail me.

"But I am your student, I know." I speak out what I think he wanted to say, nodding as I drag in a breath without looking at him. "Which means it's wrong, and no matter what, nothing would come out of it. I know you see me as naïve, as just a high schooler who doesn't have self-"

My shoulders swiftly gets pushed back against the headrest, completely shutting off the rest of my words as he press close, his eyes holding something deeper than I can lift. It takes me nothing to realize he had unstrapped his seatbelt, his long hands on either sides of the seat.

"Repeat what you said." His eyes intense as they peer in mine.

I blink at his hands, my mouth quivering. "I-I said that you probably see that I have no self... self-"

My soul automatically leaves my body the second he place his lips on mine, my remaining words sinking back in my throat. My eyes become as wide as saucers, my breathing temporarily knocked out of me. Mr. Alex's hand travel down to hold my jaw in place, his soft lips carefully parting mine, and I become too hypnotized to keep my eyes open.

My hands squeeze tight in a ball, my body becoming light like a feather, sinking deep and deep into the couch.

I've watched countless kiss scenes, even practiced with my teddy bears, but little did I know that it's nothing compared to the sensation drowning me into another dimension.

He gently nimble on my bottom lip, almost drawing out something popularly known as a  'moan,' from me, but I try to mute it back in my throat, my hand going up to hold the alluring side of his face to the wave of this foreign adrenaline, but stop halfway.

Mr. Alex hold my hand before it could get to his face, slowly pulling away from me, my warm lips. My eyes remain shut as I try to digest what just happened, my heart unable to stop thumping so hard.

Mr. Alex just kissed me. He pressed his pitch lips against mine, and though he has pulled away, I can still feel his lips on mine.

All of a sudden, my hands begin to tremble as fear slides into my skin. He is my teacher, what just happened isn't supposed to, at all. I could get punished, he could... he could get-

"Salome?" His hoarse voice calls.

I gasp softly, fluttering my eyes open but daring not to look at him. The sun is gradually setting in the horizon, pouring bright orange glow down to us. I bite my lips, my hand beginning to shuffle with the door. I should leave, I really don't mind walking down my home at this rate. It would be more comfortable than looking at him.


I am already outside Mr. Alex's car before I could think twice. I slam the door with shaky hand, seeing him from the corner of my eyes staring at me from the glass with furrowed brows.

Holding the straps of my bag, I advance toward the walkway, breeze pushing my skirt around. I don't mind adjusting it, but focus on walking out of my teacher's sight. I hear the door of the car slam shut behind, he is following me.

What was I thinking? He possibly wouldn't let me walk out on him like that.

Yet I don't stop, even fastening my steps, few vehicles zooming pass me.


I keep walking, ignoring his call of my name behind, but hearing his steps drawing closer and closer. I want to stop, but I don't know how to, I don't think I'm ready to hear anything he have to say, knowing fully well that what just happened is gravely unacceptable.


Thanks so much for reading 😇
please vote, and comment whatever
you think of this scene😍
Much love ❤
See you in the next chap! 😘

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