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It's going to take us forever to board the bus taking us back home. It's currently 8:30am and we've all been on a long queue, some people freely running out of the queue saying they forgot certain things in their rooms.
Talk of unprepared.
“God... I don't want to leave,” Theodora whines from behind me. I chuckle, turning around to her pouted mouth. She has been whining since she woke up this morning, saying she still isn't ready to go back. Taiye scoff at her act, throwing a glance from her spot in front of me.
“Then stay, It's not that deep.” I hear Taiye murmur, loud enough it somehow got to Dora's ears.
“It is!” She squeals, peeping over my head to see her.
I laugh softly, blocking my ears with my hands. “Gosh, Theodora, your voice's so loud,” I say between laugher, but she clearly didn't hear me.
“I just wish they'd let us stay for like... two more weeks, by then, I'd be able to...” Dora trails off, her eyes widening like that of animated cartoons. Instinctively, I train her eyes to see what entrapped her attention.
Our teachers are walking toward us, chuckling together like one of them threw a super funny statement. My lower lip finds it's way to my mouth, my teeth gently nibbling it to the sight of you know who. Mr. Alex is side by side with Mr. Leo, both now discussing something totally out of our ears. Like they both planned their outfits, they're both glowing in simple yellow shirt, with baggy sweatpants. Mr. Alex's own is kind of mustard shade though.
“Why does he have to look so cute all the time, it's unfair,” Theodora purs, and I drag my eyes away from them to see that everyone is literally gawking.
Victoria high school, really?
But you did the same.
My subconscious hits and I purse my lips, smiling down at the grass almost covering my white and wine sneakers. I'm aware I did the same, but at least I got myself earlier and he didn't get to see me. My eyes trails down my outfit, nothing more than ash long sleeves shirt, and combat trousers. Yep, ash is appealing to me.
“Are we still going to ride in Mr. Leo's car? Please tell me we are,” Dora mumbles, just as other people had already started side-talks.
Me too, Theodora. Me too.
But I can't tell her that.
“Well, just keep wishing the long ass bus gets full before our turn so with that, we'd get to ride with them like we did to get here,” Taiye who I didn't know was listening, chides. Theodora's eyes lightens up to Taiye's words. She snaps her fingers.
“Exactly!” She squeals, taking up the rails of her travelling box.
“Exactly what?” I ask, watching her with furrowed brows, and squinting my eyes from the harsh morning sun.
“Exactly why we should,” She grip the handle of her travelling box, the tyre rolling beneath. “Go to the back, if possible be the last on the queue.” Theodora says, her eyes darting back and forth.
“Woah,” Taiye puffs out air, giggling. “So deep in love yeah? To the extend you don't mind the blazing sun peel out your skin just because you want a ride with our teachers?”
I can't help laughing at her words.
Dora shrugs. “You see, that's the credit, I'm black. I don't get sunburst or whatever they call it.”
“It's sunburn, Theodora.” I voice out, laughter evident in my voice.
Theodora rolls her eyes. “Whatever, sunburn. I mean, you have to work to get what you want, isn't it?” She raise her perfectly curved brows. I nod, glancing at Taiye who's looking between me and the deep-in-love girl.
At this moment, the nervousness to go back isn't as intense. Standing under this super scorching sun; laughing and conversing with these amazing people, waiting in queue to board the bus, this exact moment, right now, I don't want it to end.
Unaware, my eyes trace the people in front of us, the queue now moving faster like it heard my thoughts on loving the moment.
“Please...” Theodora pouts, her hands clasped to her chest. She has been pleading with us to leave our position to the last on the queue. I don't mind though, Taiye's the only one been adamant to remain in her lane, saying she'll get sunburnt. “Okay Taiye, I promise to buy you a cartoon of sunburn cream when we arrive, any product of your choice.”
“No, thanks.” Taiye shuns, and I swear I hear her chuckle underneath. They're literally both gas-lighting each other.
After a lot of Please, and No thanks, we saw ourselves at the back, simply because the people at our back thought we weren't serious and instead, maneuvered their way to our front.
We're now in front of the bus, with Theodora desperately peeping inside, calculating the amount of people left so she can say—
“The bus is full!”
Both me and Taiye look over our shoulders to her squealing voice.
“Mr. Tai, I think the bus's full, we can just ride with—”
“Oh yes, you girls can leave your bags and go in, I'll get someone to carry them to the luggage bus.” He instructs, wiping out our wish right to our faces. Theodora's mouth hang open, her brows squeezing in pure disappointment as we lastly step in.
“Sorry Dora,” I squeeze her shoulders as we settle on our seats. I take my seat close to the window, Taiye next to me, and Dora at the edge.
“It's not fair, I don't want to be here...” Dora whines, her hands folded beneath her bust, her face contoured in a deep frown. Taiye gasp out a laugh as she slap a hand over her mouth to sniff it in. I on the other hand, smile to myself as I turn my head to the window, viewing the vibrant field and flowers. It's just a matter of minutes before the huge tyres of this luxurious bus drive out of this world of mother-nature.
I let out a deep breath, allowing my eyes waver around for probably the last time.
“So how was camp?”
I turn sideways to the voice of the light-skinned girl beside me. Taiye is smiling at me, a very contagious kind of smile I can't help but imitate.
Humming, I glance up in thought. Camp was... emotional. Even though we're still here, the whole memories of me and Zara in a total mess, the heartwarming conversation with Sean, the part of me not having self control, and pressing my lips against my teacher's—
“Too much to handle?” Taiye pierces through my reverie. I blink down to her, my once faded smile reforming on my face again.
“Uh, not really...” I look down at my fingers on my thigh.
“Because she didn't get to see our breathtaking teacher most of the time,” Dora bursts in, her voice mumbled like she still isn't happy we're here instead of Mr. Leo's cozy vehicle.
I squint my eyes at Theodora, laughing softly. Didn't get enough time to see our breathtaking teacher? Trust me Dora, it was more than I could handle.
“I actually did enjoy my days in camp, kinda sad we're leaving,” I tell them, noticing Dora's face fall. If anyone is the saddest to leave camp, she'd be number one.
“Yeah... See, even Salome doesn't want to leave, it's not just me.” Theodora sighs sharply, shaking her head dramatically.
“But we can always come back, right?” I look from Taiye to her, expecting a positive answer. There's no way I'm saying goodbye to this world of embodiment forever.
“Yes.” Taiye shrugs.
“Of course!” Dora add with wide eyes.
Then there's no biggie.
I throw a glance outside the glass again, watching the driver hop in front, and slam the door behind. Impulsively, my gaze travels to the same deep blue jeep that took us here. Like on clue, as though they know I'm looking, Mr. Leo and Mr. Alex appears from God knows where, with portable black bags in their hands.
Mr. Leo pulls the trunk open, and they dump them in, just as beaming Miss. Divine catwalk around the car in a long pink summer dress, a thin handbag hanged on her shoulder. My brows furrow against my will, pulling out her long brown wig wouldn't aid to relieve whatever is rushing through my veins at the sight of her.
There's a quick chitchat before they all finally walk around, pull the door open and slam it shut. Mr. Alex in his same spot at the front, and Miss. Divine at the back. I chew in the insides of my mouth. As much as I don't want to feel the fact that I'm not bothered, I can't accept but feel like that teenager who knows nothing about adults.
They know how to control whatever they feel so perfectly, making me want to grow up quick.
“Did you see what she wore for the dinner? Oh my god, it was so lovely.”
“Yeah, just not as stunning as yours.”
“You think?”
I rest my head against the half open glass, signing heavily as the voices of the others fly around the atmosphere. I think I even heard Zara's. She sounds fine, so unruffled it causes my chest to shrink in unhappiness. It seems like it doesn't even hurt her as much. I wonder what I did to the extend she's fine without me. I'm not.
The forever talkative amongst us made it clear that the bus have come to a stop, for a lunch break, or bathroom break. Or both.
They all storm down, stomping their feet loudly against the flood boards as they hurry down the bus. I blink my eyes tiredly, turning on my phone to check the time.
11: 55am.
It's almost noon. The ear pods plunged to my ears indeed worked for two rational reasons. Disconnect the voices of the others, and capture me to sleep dimension.
“Salome, what would you get to eat?” Taiye ask, drawling to me that we're the only ones left in the bus, the others around the little kiosks, just beside where the driver packed. The place looks oddly familiar, as though it's the same route we passed on our way to camp. The road is clear, just few vehicles passing by as seconds pass.
“Uh, anything, we can just—”
“Annoying!” Theodora snaps, getting up suddenly.
“What's wrong now?” It's Taiye that asked. Dora begins pacing around the bus, her feet making the only sound in the serene bus.
“Don't you remember how Mr. Alex and Mr. Leo helped us get food like total gentlemen?”
A smirk raise on my mouth. Dora's around to rant about everything.
“The whole... princesses treatment, I mean, didn't any of you feel special when they did that?” She stands akimbo.
Honestly, I did.
But I just shake my head, same with Taiye, earning a death glare from her. She glare at us, clutching her hands tight, before thundering out of the bus. Me and Taiye share a knowing look, bursting out in laughter then finally get up before we'd be told to board, and won't get anything to chow.
Theodora's words, not mine.
Students had already started returning to the bus as we got ourselves some snacks of potato chips, ice cream, parfait, chicken and chips, roasted meat, something that looks like colored rings, and yes, can't name them all.
With full hands, we settle in our spaces. Dora who bought most of the list, waste no time tearing the paper wraps open to dig in. She didn't know me and Taiye are staring at her until she look up.
“What? I'm hungry, you can stare all you want, I don't care. Mr. Leo isn't here anyway.” She eye us, going back to taking out chicken wings to her mouth, the spicy aroma filling the air. I giggle at her expression, taking out my parfait filled with all sort of fruits, and tear the potato chips open, which is all I got.
The bus falls unusually quiet as the driver drives off, the A/C now spilling from all holes, and serving the bus some quietness. Instead of voices, the shuffling of polythene and loud manner of chewing did the noise, as we got on the main road again.
“Looks like Mr. Leo didn't m-make a stop, didn't see them,” Dora mumble, her mouth filled with what I can't decipher.
“Please shut up and eat, hmm?” Taiye coos, screwing open the lid of a bottled water. “And try not to choke on those chickens wings, won't be princess-like report.”
“See you in school!” Dora yells, poking out her head from the window as I pick up my bag from the ground. I turn around, waving her as the tyres of the huge bus roll out of my hood. A small smile find it's way to my lips as I drag my somewhat weighty bag up the threshold.
Since the school decided to alight us in our home's, we spent more time because the driver had drove from one street, and lane to the other. Taiye and Kenny had gotten down before me, and I got the opportunity to know where they stay, couple with some other people. One comment for Taiye's place?
The sun is not too harsh, yet not to dull, just glowing mysterious down. I sigh softly, raising my knuckle to knock.
Can I do this?
Of course.
I don't think so, I'm quick to remind the small voice. Exhaling for the umpteenth time, I plaster back the smile and instead, press the door bell, something I solely forget to do. Thin sounds vibrates through the quiet place for a bit before it dies down.
The brown door make light shuffling sound, then slowly pulls open, revealing the face of;
“Maria?” I whisper call, and the slim-face lady flashes me a knowing smile like she knew it was me at the door.
“Welcome home, Salome,” She attempt to collect my bag, and I didn't know when I release it to her. “Come on in.” She step back, giving me way. I gulp down the name I almost called out— which was Aunt Jenny— and walk in, homely scent capturing me in it's comfort.
“Thanks,” I smile at her, suddenly a tad uncomfortable. This is the same person I've been rude to times without number, remember?
Maria gives a curt nod, still smiling ever brightly. I take a second to look down at her. She's wearing a turquoise short, and baggy white round neck top, thick thighs way thicker than mine in view. She's not on makeup, just her straight black hair flipping around her shoulders, outlining her oval face.
“Wh-where's my dad?” I ask, my voice almost cracking at what my head seem to be processing. If she's here, dressed this way, means she has been staying...
No. Don't think like that.
I tell myself.
“Oh,” Maria jab a thumb up the stairs, and I watch her take my bag up the stairs. “He's in his study, you can go see-”
“Sure,” I gently cut her off, smiling cheekily to cover my slight disrespect. Either she saw it, and choose not to react, I have no idea, since she just nod, continuing her strides to my room.
My room?
My eyes widen at that, my feet moving on it's own to take back my bag.
“No, it's okay. I'll take this,” I curl my fingers around the handle, taking it back. Maria look up at me, and I smile again. “Thanks.” I mutter, and she nod, stepping aside for me. While I walk, I can sense her eyes on me, but I don't turn around.
What would be running through her mind? Probably the comeback of her fiancé disrespectful daughter. Come to think of it, did she even wanted me to come back?
I keep my eyes on my feet as I walk up the stairs. When I get to the top, I swifty then around to see that Maria's no longer in sight. Father and daughter's time, yeah?
I make the turning to my room by the right when my eyes comes in contact with my dad's bedroom. My chest raise rapidly as the memory of our last meet floods through me. I had rushed out of the house like it was on fire, not letting myself be sure of whatever I think I saw, but instead, drowning in my own thoughts.
I'll greet him later. I tell myself as I make my way to my room, open the door to my small world, and close it with a small thud.
“Finally,” I sigh heavily as I drop my bag on the fluffy center rug, and bounce on my bed, letting it engulf my body in it's softness.
My tired eye irises flutter slowly as I stare up at the white ceiling, past events from camp mildly reoccurring in my head. I raise my hand and rub my forehead, taking deep breaths. I'm here now, not sure if I'm ready to face whatever now has to offer.
The vibration from my front pocket prompt my eyes open instantly. I take my feet off the rug to the bed, as I pull out my phone from my pocket.
I swipe open it, just to see a text from Theodora. I chuckle as I tap open her message. After she collected my contact in the bus, she promised to hit me up.
Theodora: Just got homeeeee ;)
A deep grin aggravate from my lips at her dramatic text. With immediate effect, I switch on my data, folding my legs beneath to get comfortable.
Multiple buzz, and dings instinctively perks my interest to who sent that amount of messages. I haven't been active for days now, simply because the fun engagement at camp was more than enough for me to even remember I have a phone.
Since the most messages are flooding from WhatsApp, I open it first, patiently waiting and staring at the back to back drop of messages from mostly my class group chat. They shared more of pictures and snap videos of literally everything that went on in camp, some I somehow managed to show in. A wide smile spread on my lips as I open the next message from Mildred. Messages rather.
“Oh my... ” I gasp loudly with eyes widen as I quickly slap my phone face down on my thighs. I blink back at it, my heart beating so fast my hand begin to shake. I didn't see it all, but the bare chest of my teacher didn't miss my view.
Mildred sent me videos of Mr. Alex. Not just one.
I think I saw seven, or even ten.
I try the method of blowing out my cheeks to ease my heart race, even placing my hand on my chest doesn't aid to reducing how fast it's beating.
But... Why?
No, no, no, I take it back. I'm not questioning. I'm just overwhelmed, and he's not even in front of me.
I narrow up my head sharply to make sure I'm the only one in the room, slowly taking up my phone back in view. It's just me, yet I feel like I'm about to do something wrong, if not, why checking if the door's locked. It's just my camp bag still laying on the rug, staring at me and waiting for utmost arrangements.
I recall Mildred promising she'll send pictures of her, and her closest friend Alex, didn't know videos would be among.
“Okay, let's do this,” I mutter, gulping hard as I swipe open my phone again, feeling sweat gather on my forehead. Come on Salome, it hasn't gotten to this.
Well, it has...
I bite hard my lower lips as my thumb tab the first video, my once erratic racing heart melting into muddles to the face on my screen. My teacher's face.
The video takes nothing less than five seconds to load, after which I'm dosed with the first video of Mr. Alex in the beach. He wasn't looking at the camera, just taking pictures of the sea with an actual camera. Mildred must have been the one silently doing that, and I never seen a sight so... peaceful. She wasn't so close, probably why he didn't notice her. The way his usual black curly hair, which look longer, blow to the direction of the wind made him more ravishing.
I didn't know when a relaxed sigh escape my lips, follow by a small smile. He look totally different. Bare footed, white short, with poker dot green and white button down shirt surely differentiate seeing him in corporate suit and tie.
Getting to the end of the video —which I never wanted to— Mr. Alex swiftly turned sideways to see that she had been videoing him all along, a wide grin appeared on his lips, and he waved her off, walking closer. Mildred got the clue and kept stepping back, her girly laugh evident. Mr. Alex stretches his long hand and take down the phone, which automatically ends it.
I quickly tap the next. I think I'm enjoying this a bit too much. I don't want to stop.
So, I tap the next one.
I squint my eyes to clearly see why the phone kept moving around, shuffling in the background till someone finally took it and started walking around this extravagant bedroom —exactly those types we see in high rated movies — and I can't help mouthing out 'wow,' at the tidiness, coziness.
The continuous screeching of heels make me realise it's a female with the phone. She got to the bed, settle very close to a laying body, and my anxiousness ticks. Sleeping Mr. Alex covers my screen, and I magically can't feel my hands holding my phone anymore. I equally can't take off my eyes, I keep watching how his bare chest raise and fall in soft breaths, his scanty long lashes protectively covering those honey orbs. His lips...
I swallow, wondering how someone could glow under a dim light. It's like I'm the one watching him sleep. Although it's from my phone, but it's as though I'm inside, right next to him.
In few seconds, Mildred raised her hand, her long fingers daintily slipping down his perfect brows. She chuckle softly whilst at it, grazing her fingers down his jawline, and taking the phone closer.
Watching this right now make me realise how far I am from him. I get he's my teacher, and that I'll get to see him everyday at school. But still, with the way Mildred kept touching his face in the video, it make me feel like I don't and will know nothing about what they share.
Again, that scary foreign feeling of been naïve sliding in.
Mr. Alex's lashes begun to flutter open, and Mildred hastily withdrew her hand from his face. My hands grip my phone tighter. It's like he's staring at me as he slowly open his eyes, brown full sparkly round eyes like that of a very cute baby.
As soon as he noticed a phone in his face, he groaned tiredly and weakly slap down the phone to the bed. Mildred's chuckling escalated to a laughter. She took up the phone again, and he turned his head to the other side, muttering something like, you better stop that before I get up from here. Note, his hoarse voice doesn't go unnoticed. Laughing Mildred, reversed in her stance as she said between laughter, No, you're just so cute when you sleep, can't ignore that.
After that, the video ends there. My thumb taps another, and another, and another.
I can't stop smiling and I know it. It's almost like I'm putting on a virtual reality set, my compact bedroom imaginary becoming exactly what's on my screen.
Not until my head rest against something soft that it draws to me that I'm now laying on my bed, my hair spread on my flowered pillow, as my eyes stay glued to the muscular young man on my screen. When it comes to body built, there's absolutely no doubt that Mr. Alex's body, height, is perfect.
Mildred on the other hand, doesn't seem to miss anything she finds attractive that he does. Even while in the gym, she's there, secretly videoing how he'd lift dumbbells against his chest, bulging biceps as prominent as ever from the wide arm shirt he putted on, sweat dripping from his plaited hair —which was made by Mildred. This time, he's more focused on lifting the two visibly heavy dumbbells to see that Mildred is openly capturing him workout.
Wiggling my legs, I try pressing my lips so many times to stop it from stretching in a wide smile. Which doesn't seem to work anyway. So, I let it stretch. Yes, also can't believe I'm hooded up in my room, watching my hot-filled teacher workout in the most mouthwatering way I've ever seen. The way his muscles stretch on reflex, and relax the second he drop it would definitely make-
My phone flee from my hand before I could think twice. I snap up my head to the call of my name. Why do I suddenly feel like I'm caught doing something bad though?
“You there?”
I blink at the door, my mouth struggling to form a simple 'yes,' as I stumble from the bed, glance back at my phone which is already tucked underneath my pillow reflectively, before walking to open the door for my aunt. It wasn't locked, it's a thing she can pull open without calling my name, but if anything, aunt Jenny respects my privacy.
Teenage fantasy according to her.
A genuine smile overshadows my astonished face as I turn the knob open to see a face I haven't seen in weeks. Aunt Jenny pouts as she wrap her hands around me. I lean into her body, smiling like a little child as she runs her warm hands down my back.
“I miss you.” I murmur in her neck, taking deep breaths. Her body vibrates as she replies with I miss you too.
I unwillingly withdraw from her, drinking in her pretty face, and outfit. Have you heard of those rich aunties who always turn up in the most casual yet high standard outfits? Aunt Jenny's one of them. She's putting on a thin hand nude body hug dress, which length is way below her knee, wavy brown hair pouring down her shoulders. Not too much makeup. Mid thirties yet dope as ever. I smile as I pull the door open.
“Come in,”
I turn around to my bed, recalling what I was watching before she came.
“You just arrived, right?”
“Yep!” I bounce on the bed again, twirling my mouth upward. Should I show aunt Jenny what I was busy with?
“Okay.” She settle beside me, taking off her heels. “Have you see your dad?” She glance up to ask. I shake my head, chewing the inside of my mouth. Her brows snitch together as she push the black heels aside. “Why?”
“Well, uh, he was... busy, didn't want to disturb.” I shrug, slowly taking out my phone from under the pillow.
Aunt Jenny hums, nodding. She then squint her eyes like she suddenly pick a piece that I'm just looking for an excuse.
“Hold up, when did Joshua became so busy to the extent he doesn't have time for his precious daughter?” She questions herself, because it was more like a statement to my ears. She attempt to get up, and my eyes follow her. “I'll be right back, I need to check what he's—”
“No!” I cut in, my hands already holding hers before she could walk out. Aunt Jenny turn around, staring from my hands on hers to my face, a wide grin creeping up her mouth.
“Hmm? What is it?” She bob her head a bit.
I leave her hand since I've gotten her attention, flashing my white teeth so I won't look so awkward as hell.
You already are, boo.
“Okay, I... I-uh yes, I have something to show you.” I quickly open my phone, turning it to her for her to see what I've been looking at.
My aunt will definitely make a fuss about my dad been too busy for me, when I am the one who didn't go to him.
“OH MY GOD!” She squeals with wide eyes, and I purse my lips. Yes aunty Jenny, Mr. Alex's hot. She clap her free hand over her opened mouth as she slowly seat at the edge of the bed, she then mutter, “Where did you see this?” She's not looking me as she asked, her eyes directly on the screen. I can't stop the smile that separate my lips this time that my mouth's beginning to hurt.
I clear my throat dramatically. “Well... you said my teacher's hot and—”
“Add sexy,” She point out. My mouth drop open and I nod, peeping over her shoulders to watch. Addictive much, you can say.
“And sexy,” I didn't know when the words left my mouth, until aunt Jenny throw me a knowing look. I quickly withdraw from peeping, shifting my gaze elsewhere. I know what she's about to do, question the hell out of-
“Go on, Salome,” She lift her legs off the rug to the bed, facing me. I glance at the playing clip between her legs, shaking my head. “Your teacher is hot and sexy and you like him?”
“Me? No!” I sharply retort, frowning like she just said the most impossible thing in the history of impossible, also trying as much not to look at the video. “I'm just replaying what you once said.”
Aunt Jenny raise a brow. “Which is?”
I slap my hands over my face, giggling at her facial expressions. Leave it to people like my aunt who knows how to manipulate and somehow squeeze out info she wants to know out of you. She gently slips down my hands from my face, now smirking.
“You know you can tell me anything, Salome,” She sighs heavily, and I roll my eyes clockwise. Mother mood on set. She place a palm on her chest. “I'm always here to listen.” Her voice has dropped a bit.
“I honestly do not know how in the world you got clips of this very...” She shut her eyes, shaking her head. “I don't even know what to call him. This... piece of perfect art sculpture, but what I do know is that you, my beautiful niece, is no doubt going to fall for him.”
My mouth drop open. Really? Just when I thought she's going to tutor me on been...
“Me? No, that's not possible,” I chuckle humorlessly, noticing the video had stopped. I keep my eyes on my phone, why is it suddenly so hot in here?
“I think he'd be...” Aunt Jenny pick up my phone on her thighs, stare at the screen for awhile before looking at me again. “25?”
“Mr. Alex's age?” I don't why, but I'm all of a sudden eager to know.
“Yes, I think he's 25, or 26,” She squint her eyes at me as if to say you-know-me-too-well. “And how old are you again?” She tilt her head, and I can sense how hard she's trying not to burst into laughter.
I fake a frown, mentally comparing my age to my teacher's. “Almost 18. I'll be 18 before graduation, so apparently, in two months.”
Maybe she couldn't hold it any longer, or my last words was the thin needle she needed, but before I look up, aunt Jenny's rolling around in a boisterous laughter.
“Wait-hold up, you're 17?” She ask between laughter, adding emphasis on my current age.
It's funny, yeah, but I don't know why seeing her laugh about it makes me feel bad. So childish. So naïve.
“So that's like, seven years older? A whole seven years? Salome, think about it.” She tries to subdue her laughter, her eyes watery from laughing too much.
“But-but I'm not...” I trail off, taking my phone from where she placed it on the bed. “I don't like him, he's not only way older than me, but also has this-this very intimidating appearance that I can't seem to stand, and it makes me feel so small, like I can never get to his level in anyway.” I rap out, taking deep breaths.
My aunt just stare at me, and for the first time, I can't read her blank expression.
I drag my eyes down to my bed, gulping.
“You like him, Salome.”
My chest drops.
I finally retire to my room after having a somewhat quiet dinner with my family. Scratch that, my dad, aunt, and Maria.
I flip the switch to give my room a dim blue aesthetic vibe before bouncing on my bed, taking up my duvet up to my chest. I glace sideways at the clock beside the standing mirror.
It's not too late, and we were given few days break from school so I have no reason to sleep early. Maria's still around, and apparently, spending the night. They're all downstairs, talking about things that interests me in no way, that I had to excuse myself from them.
I turn to lay sideways, my eyes meeting my phone charging on the nightstand. I had plugged it in after having a very long talk with aunt Jenny occurring Mr. Alex. She just wouldn't believe the fact that I have no feelings for him. Her last words seemed to throw me off though. She said, and I quote, 'Just because you see yourself as small, insecure, or not up to his level like you said, doesn't mean he also see you that way.'
Then how does he see me?
I unplug my phone, roll over and swipe it open, Mildred's text replaying in my head. She asked if I would like to accompany her to a friend's birthday, which I didn't hesitate to accept.
I don't know why but getting close to her also makes me feel like I'm getting close to Mr. Alex.
I didn't turn off my data since then, so it's time to reply series of messages. Most from Instagram on Latifah's new picture I posted though.
The amount of new followers keep increasing daily, making me wonder how the real Latifah West page would continually blow up with likes and followers.
I smile at the heartwarming comments from them, making sure I also like, and reply their comments. Product of a real Latifah fan.
The air conditioner slipping through the small holes gives the room more coziness, curling me in my huge duvet.
After replying as much comment as I can, I open WhatsApp to see more videos and pictures from camp. Kenny also sent the ones we took together during the field games. I laugh softly at our funny faces. I really need to document this, and if possible, make an album of pictures from school.
Minimising to open my gallery for the umpteenth time, I tap on the one of the videos I can't stop myself from watching.
I sink into my bed as the sleeping face of my teacher over my screen, pulling me into his world.
Okay, I have no idea what I'm thinking but it's just me in here and-
The thin sound corrupts the atmosphere, prompting me to pause, and check who sent a new message.
The way I seat up from my laying position should be called, would really make a sleeping baby cry from the sudden act.
Mr. Alex texted me.
Like, he did.
I slap my shaky hand over my mouth, the second hand holding my phone becoming jelly in my hand. It slips and fall on my duvet, while I stare at my screen, my chest hitting against my ribcage.
I haven't seen his text, just seeing his name alone made my body freeze.
“Calm down, Salome. Just calm down.” I whisper to myself, palming my hand down my chest, taking deep breaths. But of course, I can't calm down. I never expected this.
I glance down at my phone which is now off, blank screen staring back at me. I close my eyes, inhaling deeply as I slowly turn it on again.
“Calm down, okay? It might not be him,” I mutter to myself, swiping my phone open.
Mr. Alex; here's what we'll be working on in few days, couple with the one I showed you back in camp.
I finally breathe out after reading his text, looking at his words like it's more than that.
All about school, again.
I deep my body back into my duvet, taking up the keyboard to reply. He's online, so he'd definitely be expecting a reply. Pursing my lips, the urge to prolong the conversation inks me.
Me; Whispering palms?
Of course I know it's 'whispering palms,' but this girl just want to talk with her teacher any slight moment she get.
I smirk at my thoughts.
Well, not so bad.
My subconscious slips in.
Permit me to say that I love love
this chapter😍
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