I'm guilty.

Filled with guilt yet shivering on the fact that I didn't get yelled at talk more of been punished; and that's what make me heated with sadness. I was never like this, never been the girl to go to where she was told not to, nor disobey her instructors but at the end of it all, I finally did, and got caught.

Just wow.

When they say life has ups and downs, I think I'm down in the bottom of embarrassment right now.

The laid back face of my teacher haunt me up the stairs, down the hall, and to my room. I hesitate before cracking the door open just to see the usual quiet, tensed atmosphere.

From the look of it, It's like I never sneaked out.

Fabiola's back is turned to me and with the way her body softly raise and fall, I can tell she's sound asleep. Theodora is, well, not in the room at all. Taiye either.

I swallow as I drop my eyes to my sneakers, the sides now covered with little prick of grasses. Inhaling deeply, I squat low and peel them off my feet, the jacket over my shoulders threatening to slip off. I quickly stand upright and hold it before it touches the floor.

Mr. Alex.

His image pops in my head again, the last look he gave me making me heave a deep breath. I slowly wave his jacket completely off my body, using my legs to take off my shoes without making sounds not to disturb the sleeping girl.

I let out a shaky exhale as I step into the scent filled bathroom, gently close the door behind to meet my reflection in the bright mirror right in front of me, nothing but sneaky Salome staring back at me. I drop my eyes to the basin beneath, guilt hitting me around all over again.

Is this the same face Mr. Alex saw few minutes back? Because, I mean... Now that I'm looking at her, me, I am equally disappointed. No doubt.

I shut my eyes and groan tiredly.


If anything, fluttering my lashes open did nothing but dump back in all I think I've forgotten, the crime I committed, and the fact that I'm even still in camp. The chirpy voice of Theodora make me glimpse down from my high bed to see her talking with Fabiola. Taiye looks like she's also listening, although just jerking her legs folded legs against the couch. She's glowing, even though still in her sleeping dress.

Rubbing my right eye, I properly seat up on the bed and that caught the attention of others. They all turn to me.

"Hey Salome!" Dora smiles brightly like we didn't get into trouble for sneaking out. Thinking about it now, I wonder who reported us. My eyes slide to Fabiola whose face is already back on Theodora.

If only I can read minds.

"Hey...good morning." I answer the only person who sees me worthy enough to be talked to. I wonder what I do that's so bad to make certain people just ignore me completely.

I clear my dry throat as I come down the bed, my head beginning to think of the possible punishment I'm likely to receive. Unlike me, Theodora clearly doesn't seem to care, she's still in her Teddy bear PJs, chatting with...her family friend? That I'm yet to find out.

Pulling down my rolled up boxer shorts, I take no time maneuvering my way pass them without distributing anyone-that would only invite more invisible hate on me. Trailing to the bathroom, I grab my grey towel from the hanger I luckily found in the room and walk to the bathroom. My back is turned to my roomies but I feel their eyes on me. Not like I'll turn back to be sure anyway. Instead, I turn the door knob open, walk in and shut it with a small thud.

"Wouldn't lie though, Salome's body is fire!"

Yep, I expected that from someone. I hang my towel and purposely not on the tap to hear more of what would be said without my presence and well, Theodora's voice clear my doubt that their eyes were traced on me.

"Oh please, not like it's real," Fabiola says. I'm not seeing any of them but I can predict her irritated face. "Besides, anyone can pump out their ass these days, it's just choice."

Oh really?

Dora laughs. "Honestly though, I think you just don't like Salome and I don't know why. She's really cool and friendly, speaking from experience. I'm just a bit sad we got caught sneaking out yesterday." Her voice is a tad low in her last words.

I sigh softly, picking up a toothpaste and uncapping it.

"Sneaked out?" Taiye exclaims.

"Yeah. Mr. Alex saw me and God...he looked so scary when he asked of Salome."

I turn to the closed door as if I can see them talking through it, my heart starting to race.

"Mr. Alex saw you?" Fabiola sounds surprised too. "Did he yell at you? Punish you?"

"No...he didn't, and that's what made it more scary. The sight of him alone did nothing but freeze my blood."

"Wow." One of them mutter.

"I still feel bad till now, I'm sure Mr. Alex yelled at Salome."

My brows furrow as I drop the toothpaste back in the fancy little basket. Yell at me?

"Why?" Taiye press.

"Well...he coaches her privately so I was thinking he would be gravely disappointed at her for doing that, sneaking out I mean." Theodora tells them while I pay attention. Hearing it from someone else suddenly make me more ashamed.

Apart from the news of students sneaking out of camp, Mr. Alex might answer series of queries since he tutors me privately. But hold on, how does Theodora happen to know that? Can't remember telling her.

"Well, I'm not supposed to say but like he can just cover up for her and you, right?" Fabiola says and a loud clap follows, probably from Theodora.

"Exactly!" Dora snaps.

Taiye laughs out of nowhere. "You seriously think your teacher would that? When it's not like he has a thing for you."

Okay, what does she mean by that? Something like what?

"Nah... Mr. Alex isn't the kind of person to have feelings for his students. Nope, not possible." Dora laughs softly.

"True though. I mean, have you seen Mr. Alex?" Fabiola asks.

"Well...he doesn't teach my class so..." Taiye drawls.

I reach for the tap and turn it open, their voices now toned down as clean water gush out of the thin silver holes. Cupping my hand, I take some water in my mouth, shake it around and pour in the basin before brushing my teeth. I've heard enough and they aren't lying, it's just not possible for a man like Mr. Alex to have feelings for his student. And with the continuous mention of his name, the scariness of returning his jacket gives me goosebumps.

I mean, what if he sees my face and remember how I made him search for me like a missing seven year old and yell at me?

"Ouch!" I groan, spitting out the paste in my mouth, blotch stain of blood following the white minty paste.

Yep, serves you right for brushing too hard. My subconscious reminds.


The description to our teacher's rooms isn't as complicated as I thought I'd be. After taking a long bath, I stepped out to meet questioning faces and acted like I didn't hear anything. We were called for breakfast not too long after and I once again got the chance to see Zara. Either she saw me or not, I don't know, since she was so interested in whatever her roomies were talking about and me? I was so in thought on what to say to Mr. Alex, though the announcement of tonight been our dinner night not missing my ears due to the cheerful squeals from the others.

To burn some time and nervousness, I choose to take the stairs, counting the amount in one rail. Why? Because it seems to calm my racing heart a bit. Tightening my hold of my teacher's black jacket, I take a deep breath as I arrive to the rolls of rooms in front of me, sweat sprinkling down my neckline to my black fitted top.

One question though. Which of the rooms is Mr. Alex's?

My head snaps to the screeching sound of one of the brown doors and my heart waste no time beating without rhythm. Remind me never to trust counting stairs to calm my chest.

I suck in my lips as the door fly open, my legs giving away to gravity as the first thing I sight before dropping my eyes to my feet is ash sneakers. I honestly don't think I'm ready to-


I narrow up my eyes at the sound of my name coming from the person I least expect.

"How are you?"

It's Mr. Leo. He's smiling at me, standing tall in ash round neck and black sweatpants. I blink away, trying to calm my heart and hoping I won't sound as scared.

"Good morning sir. I'm fine, thank you." I shift in my feet, biting my lower lip.

Mr. Leo sighs softly, turns back at a certain door then back to me. Not me realizing how tall he really is, If not taller than Mr. Alex.

"You see, what happened yesterday," His voice is lower as he starts, talking a step closer. "About you know, you wandering out?"

I nod slowly, embarrassment hammering me down.

"I understand. I totally do."

My eyes widen at the way he's saying it casually. Apart from his facial expressions neutral and truly relaxed with understanding, he sounds like he wasn't mad when he heard about our risky sneaking.

"I was once a student," He chuckles, pointing to himself. "Yeah, and I get that it's normal to want to explore once you get the opportunity. I mean, what's the fun in school if not the risky part of it?"

I laugh softly, I never take Mr. Leo to be this cool talking about things like these, he's the total opposite of Mr. Alex. I kind of want to ask who reported us though.

"Thing is," He licks his lips, shoving his hands in his pocket. "You guys kinda weren't careful enough, I'd say. It was risky, no doubt, just that you two were girls and it added to the anxiety of searching for two teenagers who don't know their whereabouts around here." He shake his head, eyes solely on me. I swear I notice a smirk at the corner of his mouth. "But I'm sure it was adventurous, right?"

I nod again, a small smile forming on my lips.

He clicks his teeth, snickering. "I trust you. Although... " He drawls, taking a glimpse at the same door he once glanced at. Why do I feel like I know where he's going?

"Your teacher, Mr. Alex," He raise a brow. "Seen him?"

I shake my head, muttering a 'no sir.'

He hums, nodding. His eyes falls to the jacket in my hand and to my face.

"Your teacher didn't take it that way though," He breathe out. "I mean, you know how he is, straightforward, disciplined, and all. He found it quite annoying, disappointing and worrisome."

My mouth fall open. I thought about it, how his reaction would be if he heard about our wayward departure but I just...

"He didn't take it lightly at all. When I said I understand, it's actually because," He lean to my ear, "Because I've done the same in school." He whispers and I can't help my lips from spreading in a smile despite his faint seriousness as he withdraw to his former spot. "But he took the other way which I still understand. Mr. Alex tutors you privately, right?"

"Yes sir..."

He nods, pouting. "Exactly, I think that added to his anger, he's the kind of person that loves organizing and been strategic so when it goes the opposite way, it tend to piss him off."

Now I know how messed up sneaking out is. While Mr. Leo is trying to correct and maybe indirectly advising me, I not only get it clear that him and Mr. Alex are two entirely different people but how much fear would be in either of them to realise how disobedience their students can be.

We both turn to the direction of a sudden opening door to see Mr. Tai stepping out.

I swallow the sudden bile in my throat. "Good morning Mr. Tai." I greet as he shut the door and gesture towards us.

His face brightens as he walk closer. "Good morning," He turns to Mr. Leo who already gave a curt head bow. "Yeah, I need to see you Leo."

Mr. Leo smiles faintly. He glance at me then to Mr. Tai who's shuffling his pocket for something, his eyes focused on what he's searching for.

"Okay sir," He squeezes my shoulder before walking pass me. "I'm here sir."

They both walk down and into the elevator. I shut my eyes and let out a shaky breathe, taking my legs to the door Mr. Leo had been glancing at. I don't need more say to know it's Mr. Alex's.

I raise my knuckle to knock, my hands reluctant to meet with the brown smooth wood. Sighing again, I drop my hand to my messy bun, pulling the curls out like it can ease the tension that's choking me inside.

Closing my eyes this time, I finally knock the door. It's now or now. I'll still do this no matter how much I try to procrastinate.

Like my teacher has been waiting or expecting someone, the door fly open the second my knuckle comes in connect with the door, leaving me with the same face I was too scared to look at yesterday.

Still scared by the way.

Seems like he just came out of the shower, his hair looks wet, the curls appearing thicker. He's putting on a red cardigan and grey sweatpants. I drop my eyes and shift in my stance, feeling his honey eyes on me. It's a good thing I decided to keep my hair in a messy bun, tendrils falling to my face, hiding my eyes temporarily.

"Good morning sir." I say softly, this is not his office but why do I feel like we're been teleported back to school?

"Come in."

My breathing seize at his voice. It's not harsh like I expected, just reserved and calm? I hope it last long.

Mr. Alex shut the door with a light thud while I stand aside, waiting for him to tell me to hand over his jacket and find my way out of here. The urge to take a proper look at his space make me slowly raise my head a bit.

"Have your seat."

I almost gasp at his words, taking my eyes up to see him walking toward a door I presume is the bathroom. Chewing the inside of my mouth, I walk toward his organized reading desk and settle on the couch, few books arranged at the edge on it, his bed just by the corner. I don't why he told me to have your seat, but I do know that I'm about to snivel my eyes out if he remember how much I stressed him yesterday.

Before that, I should at least let my dry eyes waver around how neat his room is, plus how his scent manages to penetrate the atmosphere. I smile at the thought, it's weird I know, how I seem to spot Mr. Alex's scent without struggle.

Light approaching footsteps tear my eyes to the jacket in my hands, my legs swinging back and forth under the desk.

"Your hair..."

Mr. Alex trails off as I instinctively touch my hair, emitting a light chuckle from him. He shake his head as he walks closer and seat opposite me, shoulders laid back. I slowly drop my hands from my bun, hoping he would continue what he wanted to say.

"It's cute."

Not only did I notice that he's staring at me as he says that but also that I'm looking at him. Like, more like eyes contact kind of thing. My wide eyes match my agape mouth as my brain tries to process what I just heard. Did I hear wrong? What if he told me to get out but it came to me like 'it's cute.'

"Sir?" I need to be sure of what I heard.

Mr. Alex seats upright, intertwining his hands on the desk. I swallow inaudibly.

"I said your hair is cute." He repeats, staring at me like he meant what what he said, that I didn't hear get out.

Unable to fight the smile forcing it's way out, I drop my gaze to his hands, biting my lips.

"Th-thank you..."


"Thank you sir." I quickly correct myself, looking up for a second to see if that annoyed him.

Mr. Alex hums and take a deep breath. This is weird. Why do a part of me feels like it's a trap?

"So tell me Salome, how was it?" He ask as he perches his elbow on the desk, resting his chin on his palm.

My brows furrow as I battle with the question internally. How was it? How was what?

"How was sneaking out?" He elaborates.


But why is his voice this calm? It's nothing like I expected. I hum softly, thinking of a wise way to answer because like I thought, it's a trap, no doubt. I think Mr. Alex is trying to make me say everything to decide how much punishment I'd serve.

"Owen university..." I meet his eyes briefly and he nods, indirectly pushing me to go on. I purse my lips, look around then to him again. "We went there because I've been hearing about it," I pause again, checking to see the slightest frown on his face but there's none, thankfully.

"And how was Owen university? Just like you've been hearing of or..." Mr. Alex trails off when I interrupt him with nodding. He smiles a little, gesturing for me to go on.

Just like that, like something has been screwed out of me, I rest the jacket on my thigh, gesticulating and picturing with my hands exactly how it was, our journey to the school and the kind of people we happened to come across there.

"Honestly, the internet didn't do justice to how aesthetic It really was, it was like I... I belonged there, and even though it was so wrong to attempt sneaking out, seeing the school alone was worth it." I press my lips to stop myself, not me picking my words carefully but ended up throwing out the whole content.

Weldon Salome.

I glance up at the white ceiling, suddenly embarrassed for a minute. Did I just say all that to my teacher? To Mr. Alex?

"Hmm...nice." He nods, inhaling deeply. I glance at him to see him still staring at me with full attention, like he's trying to decode what I can't pinpoint, his brown eyes appearing a shade lighter, probably due to the sun spilling through the balcony.

"Weren't you scared?" He ask, shrugging. "Like, what if I get lost or we get lost and can't find our way back, didn't that cross your mind?"

I open my mouth to talk but close it back, biting my lower lips instead. What will I say? Theodora is the queen of sneaking out and since it wasn't her first time and she knows the route that's why I followed? Nope.

"We, uh..." I trail off, my hands doing the weird demonstration and mistakenly hitting the stacks of books as I stutter. My mouth form a big 'o' as the books stumble and fall off the table. Still seated, I waste no time bending down to pick them up, hoping there won't be any split or tear. From the corner of my eyes, as I gather the books in my shaky hands, I sight Mr. Alex placing his palm by the edge of the desk. I pause for a second, narrowing my eyes to see his hand before gathering them up again.

"Sorry sir." I mutter, arranging them exactly as they were. He retreats his hand and fold them beneath his chest. What was that gesture about though?

"It's okay," He says, mustering a small smile. The same smile I find myself getting lost in when I get complemented in doing well at school.

On it's own, my gaze drop to the jacket on my thighs and I immediately recall why I'm here. I quickly stand on my feet and corner the desk, his eyes following my steps.

"I came to return this..." My eyes are on the jacket, hoping for him to take it from me. When he doesn't make a move, I raise my head.

"You've not answered me Salome." Is all he says, shifting his orbs from the jacket to me, his tone more serious this time. I instinctively shift back, blinking rapidly as I walk back to the couch and settle down.

"Good." I hear him whisper under his breath.

"Honestly, I was." I start, meeting his face to see the eagerness in his eyes. "I was scared of how much fear would be in our teachers if they found out. We were been disobedient and I'm ashamed on how bad we messed up."

"Exactly." Mr. Alex taps his fingers on the desk, looking at it. "You got me worried Salome." He takes up his head and now, not only can I taste the seriousness in his tone no matter how he tries to suppress it; but how worried he must have been, how relieved he looked when he saw me.

"I'm sorry sir..." I bite down my lip. "It won't happen again."

"I hope so," He says, exhaling sharply. "And that's why you're keeping my jacket. If you even try to sneak out again, at least wear something warm." I raise my brows, his words twisted in ways that's both seating well and making me nervous at the same time. Mr. Alex replies my thoughts by getting up, his hands on either sides of the desk as he peer down at me.

"And I'd really appreciate if you try not to hide things from me, Salome." My teacher tells me, no; instructs me. With the way he's intently peering at me, and me having no choice but staring up at his towering built, my head goes blank that the only thing I feel is the nodding of my head. I don't know, I think it's something more than sneaking out, something deeper.

"Good." He withdraw from the desk and shoves his hands in his pocket, leaving my mind pondering on what I just accepted to do even though I'm obviously confused. While my eyes are still in the same spot Mr. Alex just left, his hovering body above me assure me that he's now at my back. He stretch forward and reach for the first novel on the desk. I almost sink in my seat as he pick it, his body been that close to mine emitting another level of heat crawling in my insides.

I slowly turn around to see him flipping through the book, unaware of how jungled up that act gave my body. He sucks in his lip in concentration, eyes radiating through the lines of whatever is written in it. As he suddenly tears his eyes to me, I turn my neck so fast I think I'd end up having neck pains.

Okay, I get that the stack of books are in my side of the desk, but does he have he get up, go around, and choke the air out of me by hovering so close?

"Here." He place the book he was once flipping through in front of me, now standing by my side. I swallow, reading the title one word after the other. I glimpse up and my teacher and to the book, mentality counting to five before taking it.






"Okay sir." Since he didn't add to it, I grab the novel from the desk, staring at the cute font used to design the title and how the dark combo of colours seems to appear just perfect, fitting the title, 'Whispering Palms.' The cover is a painting of an express road sort of setting with high palms just by the roadsides.

"That is the new novel we'd be working on in school." He finally enunciate. Interest pricks in so I open the first chapter, grazing through to see what it'd be about. "I'm sure you have yours, right?"

I blink up at my teacher and he tilt his head, brows raised in question.

I do actually, I think I have it, just somewhere under my bed or so. Don't blame me, I wasn't into literature.

Like Mr. Alex already knows what my reply would be, he points to the book, adverting my eyes back to it.

"Anyways, I want you to read ahead, that's one of the privileges of me tutoring you."

An unexpected smile spread my lips as those words roll out of his mouth. That means I'm special, right?

I clutch unto the book, smiling toothy. "Thank you sir, I'll go through- I mean read it! I'll read it over and over again, and even summarize it to you."

Oh Salome...

I purse my lips, ignoring my almost negative subconscious. A smirk raise at the corner of Mr. Alex's lips as he nods. He steps backward.

"You can go now." He says and turn around to take his cellphone on the bed.

With an unstoppable smile, I slowly get up from the couch I suddenly don't to stand from and make my way to the door. If he notice my slow steps, he doesn't complain. I hold the door knob, my head working on it's own by looking over my shoulders and like planned, Mr. Alex takes up his curly head from his phone, meeting my face, my eyes. My feet drain weak all of a sudden, my hand becoming lifeless that a simple thing like turning the knob open is almost impossible to do.

"You have something to say?" He asks, shoving his phone in his pocket as he begin walking closer.

With wide rimmed eyes, I shake my head so fast, turning the knob with the littlest strength I have in me. Without another turn, I open it, stumble out and shut the door behind me.

I think I'm about to have an heart attack because with how fast my chest is thumping, I might collapse if that should happen again.

While I try to feel my legs, lifting just a step, the opposite door fly open, Miss. Divine walking out in her noisy heels. She shuts the door behind, eyes darting from me to the door behind me.

"Good mor-"

"What are you doing here?" She interrupt, brows snitched in confusion as she place her hands on her waist.

It's more than five seconds I left Mr. Alex's room and my chest is still hitting against my ribcage, but with the way Miss. Divine is glaring at me like she just caught me stealing, my hands are starting to get clammy.

"I came to take..." I trail off, showing the book Mr. Alex gave me earlier. She drops her eyes to it and to my face instantly. She steps closer, the sound of her heels disorganizing my thinking.

"Be careful Salome, I'd be watching you." Miss. Divine whispers close to my ear, stepping back before walking off. I watch her press the elevator button, enter it and disappear inside; then drop my eyes to the jacket and book in my hands.

What did she mean? And why did she have to be so...scary?

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