Thank you so much for 1.04k reads guys!!!🤗
I'm so happy we've gotten this far... Honestly, it's elevating!😍
This chapter should be the longest so far😂but anyways, let's go to camp?😊cuz that's why we going currently.
And please vote vote vote! And comment🤗
God bless!💗
Dedicated to alllll my readers!!! Muah💕
My thumb gently rub the golden credit card in my hand continually like it can seize the confusion in my head. Like it can assure me that what I saw isn't what I tame it to be.
I couldn't stop the rush of euphoria gathering in my body as I dragged my somewhat heavy bag to tell my dad goodbye. Normally, he'd be in his study, sorting out one thing or the other but today, when I entered his room, he was in the bathroom, directing me on where to open and check for his credit card just so I can spend in camp as much as I want.
It was at that point, as I opened one of his bags that my eyes caught something strange. A gun liked shape peeping just beneath his brown wardrobe that made me froze instantly. I wasn't sure what I saw but when I heard my dad's voice again, asking me if I've found the card, I couldn't help staggering backwards like I've been caught seeing what I'm not supposed to, the whole file in the transparent file I was holding slip and fall lifelessly in the process.
I could sense my dad switch off the shower, preparing to come out and my breathing quickened for reasons that I'm still not sure of. My eyes scan through the stack of papers littered on the ground, not taking me up to five seconds before I spot the gold card, picked it, and spattered out of the room. I tried turning back, just to clear my head and be sure of what I saw but I couldn't just attempt it with the level of fear that gripped my body.
"Victoria high?" The driver's voice pull me out of my trance. I shoot up my head from the card I'm holding, stammering that it's my stop. The driver has probably stopped a while ago but my thoughts are just too clouded to even notice that he's already in my location.
"Yes -yes sir," I stutter, pulling my bag as I stumble out of the BRT bus. The driver narrows his eyes to look at me, probably wondering where my head is. I step down, right in front of the familiar gates of Victoria high school. I'm backing the big bus but I hear it zoom off down the road.
"Okay, here we go," I mutter to myself, heaving a deep breath and pushing back the unusual scene that occurred earlier. I'm relieved, I won't lie. I'm also sure before I get back from the trip, my head would reset and I'd be sure of what I saw. If possible check my dad's room again.
Adjusting the thick straps of my heavy bag, I make my way to the entrance and into the reception room.
The vibrancy from my classmates just as I push the slide door leading to the field make me smile. From afar off, I can see them all in casual outfits- skimpy clothes according to Zara- their bags lingering around them as they engage in chit chats and squeals. I sigh softly, making my way to join the scattered queue. And maybe eyes search Zara.
My hands suddenly feel clammy as I approach the rest of my jovial looking classmates, not only for the fact that they abruptly turn their attention towards me but also adding that I am going to camp. There's no doubt that they're just surprised since it's the first time I decide to partake in going.
I purse my lips, glancing down at my outfit. It's nothing much, really. Why the eyes? It's not like I did too much. I even added a huge red and white jacket to cover my hips from bulging out of my partially crazy jeans even with how immensely hot the weather is. Unlike what other girls seem to be wearing. Some putting on almost the same with me, jeans or joggers with crop inner top and sneakers. Just without a jacket though.
(Salome's outfit😍)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not... Insecure. I just want to be comfortable, not attracting too many eyes.
But then I begin to tap my fingers on my thigh, humming to whatever song pop in my head as I walk closer to closer, the stares getting unbearable. Like come on people, I'm not the only one here!
Zara. She just made it worse by yelling my name from wherever she is. Pulling out a nervous smile, I approach the others, my eyes darting around to catch the yeller of my name.
"There you are..." Hands wrap my waist and I look over my shoulders to find Zara. Vice versa, she found me first. She's squeezing me in a hug that I soon find it hard to breath. "Gosh... You smell so good," She muffle, releasing herself to see me smiling at her. Thankfully, even though most 12th graders are still staring at me, Zara is here to distract my attention from them.
"You don't smell bad either," I shrug, carefully keeping my bag on the grass like others. Zara spins to my front, a weird smirk raising at the corner of her mouth.
"So tell me, must. You. Wear. This. Jacket?" She point to the red jacket that is half zipped up, her words spelt out for clarification.
I pout my mouth, nodding. Zara is putting on something similar, but as I thought, without a jacket. Beige joggers and black inner crop.
Zara lift her brows but just when I thought she's going to drag and snatch the jacket from me, she pulls me in a hug.
"Don't mind me curly head, I'm just so excited you decided to come," She says, tapping my back.
I playfully roll my eyes, ignoring how some of our classmates stare at us. "Yeah, yeah, it's okay. Don't spoil my hair."
Zara sharply withdraw herself from me. She scans how I packed it neatly then scoff nonchalantly. I slap her shoulders, earning an over hyped loud 'ouch' from her. Even though I packed it in a low messy bun, it took my ages to be satisfied with how it came out.
(Her satisfied hairstyle😁)
I don't know what took my eyes to the drive through but with the series of 'wows' from the other eager students around me, I can't help tracing my eyes to see what is 'wowing' them.
"Wow..." I glance sideways to see Zara's eyes focused on the white BMW. She's never the type to fawn over cars or... Things in general. Who's that?
And it's not only her, everyone's staring. Just who exactly is behind that tinted glass to draw this amount of eyes?
The only person I am very much aware that can draw this much attention is-
"Taiye!" A girl screams, just as a light skin girl steps out of the vehicle.
"This girl is just so..." That's Zara's voice. I'm not looking at her but sensing how bougie Taiye is appeared.
"Her skin..."
"Yeah, it's glowing..."
"Taiye is just so beautiful."
"Yeah, because she's fair, huh?"
I'm forced to look at the person that made the last statement. She's standing close to Fabiola, same grade but not the same class with me.
My eyes travels around once again, over the drooling pupils to the other entrance. Our teachers are walking in with their portable bags and a smile form nowhere part my lips. Weird I know but it's so sudden that I can't help it.
Light pulling of my jacket reluctantly drag my gaze from the entrance back to Zara, my brows knitting in slight annoyance at the distraction.
"What is it?" I ask, trying to catch her eyes. She's still staring at Taiye who's now walking towards the crowdy students, her brother Kenny following behind. I let out a tired sigh, and completely zip down my jacket. The sun is scorchingly pinching my skin and I have no idea when we would all board the bus.
"I'm mad at you Salome." Zara fold her arms, now looking at me.
Mad at me? Why?
I try shielding my hands on my forehead from the merciless morning sun. "Why if I may ask?"
"Because..." She narrows her eyes to the direction where the twins are standing. I wonder how she does that. "You didn't tell me Kenny is this cute."
My mouth hangs open. I confirm with a glimpse of him and apparently, he's smiling and coming to our spot.
"You've always knew Kenny is cute, why drooling over him today?" I ask, a small smirk on my lips. I know exactly how to false words into Zara's mouth and now that Kenny is just few steps behind, with Zara backing him, he's bond to overhear her confession. He looks older since he's not on uniform, growing muscles and veins bulging from his red round neck.
"Yeah... I know. But like, this is the first time I'm seeing him in causal outfits that's not uniform," She leans closer. "He doesn't look like an high school student."
"Ooh..." I glance over her and there he is, blushing as though he heard her loud and clear. "Hey Kenny!" I beam and Zara's eyes pop out as she swifty turn around. I have never seen my best friend this embarrassed. While I'm greeting the cute boy, I can see from the corner of my eyes that she's chewing her lips.
"How are you doing?" Kenny extends his hand for a handshake which I gladly accept. It's been awhile we talked, although we're in the same class but due to tests exercise throughout the week, everyone was pretty serious with it, making me prod on how the external exams would look like. Which is in like... Three months time.
"Fine, very fine." I reply with a genuine smile, watching him drink in my outfit.
"I'm happy you are going with us this year, at least I'd have a friend to play with."
I roll my eyes, chuckling. Kenny has lots of friends. Or lots of people are willing to be his friend rather, he's just too cool to be around with.
"I like your outfit by the way."
And he said it. He actually did voice out what he was staring at. I mutter a shy 'thanks' and turn Zara's shoulder to us. The red handed girl has been trying to distract herself, staring at the others lingering around.
"Oh hey..." She says softly, smiling.
Kenny returns a charming smile to her. "Nice to meet you Zara."
Zara's eyes widen comically but she's quick to comport herself. "Thanks, you too..."
Kenny shoves his hands in his black combat pants, a smirk on his face, "Wondering how I got to know your name, right?"
She nods and I smile shamefully, looking between the two of them.
"Well..." Kenny looks at me, "Your best friend here talks about you alot."
I sense how Zara's eyes lit up instantly. He's not wrong, because her name spills out my mouth time to time. I don't think I'd get a penny if I'm told I'd get paid a day for not calling Zara's name.
Just when I look up, from where we're standing, I sight Mr. Alex in the mist of other teachers which I now recognise from the list. He looks... Ravishing as usual, putting on a simple white round neck, black trousers, and a matching black jacket. Simple, yet... Hot?
I look down at the green grass, giggling at my broad thoughts.
"Okay people!" A croaky voice, followed with loud hand claps jolts everyone to pay attention to the familiar voice. Mr. Tai. Honestly, if Victoria high wants to succeed in anything relating to planning camp outing or school competitions, Mr. Tai should be present. He's just so good at been coordinated. He deserves an award.
"Good morning campers!" He yells again and the engrailed students starts jumping, screaming back 'good morning Sir!' A small smile form on my lips, it's interesting watching them been this excited. If not for their already known faces and names, I'll mistake them for another set of people. Why? Because the Victoria highschool students I know are mostly serious with their lives that it's kind of soul lifting seeing them outside school works.
"Surprised?" I heard Kenny beside me. With my eyes still on the squealing students, my smile widen and I nod slowly. From the corner of my eyes, I can see him looking at me with a toothy smile. The view is beautiful and we've not even gone get. Kenny was right. I finally glance at him, my smile still intact.
"... And yes! The bus is here so i want you guys to line up in a queue. Preferably two lines to make it faster." Our coordinator instructs and immediately, everyone starts lining up, their bags by their side. It's then I notice the huge box Zara is struggling with. My brows furrow and I purse my lips from laughing out loud.
"Christ, Zara?"
She look over her shoulders, sweat dripping down her face as she draws it closer, the tires underneath rolling off the grass. Before I could tease her for bringing such a big bag, she waves me off, laughing at herself.
"I know it's big, please don't say anything." She says, standing in front of me while giggling. When she said it took her a whole week to organize and pack her things, I'm no longer in doubt with what I'm seeing.
There are still few people at our back but I still have to giraffe my neck to see that the queue is gradually moving.
"God... I'm so excited." Zara squeals in my front, clapping her hands like she's going to see her favorite celebrity in a concert. Just when I'm about to make jest if her, a noiseless vibration dangles in my white thin bag. I quickly fumble with the zip, walking out of the queue.
"Salome, where're you going?!" Zara yells and I point to phone that's now in my hand. As though she grab what I mean, that my phone's ringing, she nods rapidly, securing my bag closer to hers.
Making sure I walk afar from the loud bunch of students, I make a stop right in front of a deep blue jeep, glancing at the pitch black tinted glass then the caller's ID.
It reads, 'My Hero.'
It's my dad.
My body freeze instantly as the vibration buzz on and on. It's my dad, I shouldn't feel this way. This is the person I wouldn't think once before answering but now... My body is reacting in a total opposite way. My mind flashes back to what I saw in his room. Is he calling to ask if I saw it? Or why I left his files scattered and running out like a I've been dying to leave home?
I have a question though... Does Aunt Jenny knows something about... No. I shouldn't think that far.
My hands begins to vibrate, just like the phone I'm holding. I raise my thumb to swipe and answer when the phone dings, signifying I missed the call. I let out a shaky breath, slowly looking up to the tinted glass which displays nothing but a reflection of me. Instinctively, I step closer, and instead of getting a clearer view of myself, I see my dad's face forming on mine.
My chest tighten as fear spread through my body. Right now, I don't want to see myself, because if I do, I see him. But I can't change it right? I am my Father's daughter after all.
Another vibration sound make me jolt slightly, tearing my eyes from the glass to my phone again. I should answer, I want to. I probably saw the wrong thing. He's just calling to ensure my safety. I shouldn't leave him in the dark.
I nod at my little understanding, then swipe to answer my dad.
"Hey dad..."
"Are you sure you're all comfortable in there?" Mr. Tai steps into the loaded bus to ask, the rest of us standing aside.
Funny enough, two luxurious school bus is filled with jumpy students and few of us are left standing outside. Glancing over my shoulders, it's just me, a girl I recognise that's also good in running like me, and... Taiye, the light skinned girl. Taiye catches my gaze, her cat eyed brown eyes looking at me with disinterest. I tear my face away. Maybe she's just the opposite of her twin brother, Kenny.
I won't judge though.
"So..." Mr. Tai gathers our attention, backing the bus. He stares at us one after the other. "You girls would be going with our teachers in their car. Okay?"
Like a first class?
"Okay sir." I answer since the two others are denying. From my side view, I can see some of our classmates sticking their head out of the window to hear what Mr. Tai's saying. I chuckle softly when I sight Zara giving me puppy eyes. She's definitely sad that I don't get to ride with her so she'll keep me company throughout the trip like she planned.
"Alright then," Our instructor rubs his palm together, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Let's go, follow me."
We all carry our bags to his instructions. For the last time, I glance over my shoulders and wave Zara whose eyes is following us, goodbye.
Mr. Tai leads us the same deep blue vehicle I was standing in front of, staring at my reflection.
"Here we are..." Mr. Tai spins around to see us behind him like obedient kids. He stretch his hands forward. "You can give me your bags, I'll tuck then in the bus so you'd be comfortable."
"Okay sir," I reply instantly. Taiye takes out her phone and give him her bag, same with the third girl.
"Alright, in you go," Mr. Tai opens the door and since I'm the one in front, I hope in first. The vehicle dip down a bit as the two others climbs in.
"Wow..." I hear the girl mutter, looking around while Taiye who's seating beside me turns her phone on, not saying a word.
Again, I won't judge.
I purse my lips, taking in the interior of the vehicle. It's warm and comfortable, the leather seat adding to it's comfort. I have a positive feeling that this journey of almost five hours would be lively, if only the two girls seating with me would interact because now, it's like I'm seating with two weird strangers.
"Of course, they're strangers..."
The vehicle is quiet. Awfully quiet.
Like, who's going to drive this damn thing? It's starting to get uncomfortable.
I tap my fingers on my lap, my eyes darting to the girls. It's like they enjoy been this way... The other girl is now tapping in her phone too, just like Taiye.
It's not like I can't focus on my phone like them but I just don't want to... Agrhh...
It's equally annoying to think of.
Rolling my eyes, I perch my hand on the resting board and rest my head on it, watching the field instead, seeing how Mr. Tai is going from one place to the other, couple with other teachers. I sigh softly, absentmindedly straining my eyes to see two young men walking from a distance.
I inhale deeply, silently hailing how well dressed they appear. The leaner one with perfectly carved hair is describing something with his hands, giggling as he does. The second one is just... Listening. Hands in pocket and a small smile on his pitch lips, making him look a lot like...
Mr. Alex?
Now that they're closer and the first view of his outfit slipping in, I adjust in my seat, trailing my eyes on them as they get closer and closer.
Please don't tell they're about to...
Mr. Leo opens the door and Mr. Alex turns around to the other side. They're getting in. That means we'd be going together. Together!
"Hello girls!" Mr. Leo settles, fixing his seatbelt as he turns to see us at the back. He occupies the driver's seat, meaning he'd do the driving.
"Good morning Mr. Leo..." Taiye and the other girl chorus. Thank goodness they finally lift their heads from the device. Just then, Mr. Alex's scent fills the enclosed vehicle and my breath hitches without my consent. Last time I remember, I was in his office, marking tests scripts and getting snacks for myself with his credit card.
The same day he complemented my hair.
Mr. Leo flashes a wide smile before looking ahead while Mr. Alex sighs softly. I'm sure it won't take him a second before he...
"Good morning Mr. Alex!" I hear a thin sharp voice greet. My eyes are settled down on my fingers but I can sense Mr. Alex looking at me - -at us. Slowly, like I'm scared to see his face, I look up.
My teacher's eyes lit up. Yep, I'm surprised too.
"Good morning sir..." My voice is low like the exact way I'd greet him when I enter his office. His deep eyes lingers on me like he's trying to decode what-I-don't-know. Then, a small smile appears on his lips and he nods at my greeting, looking at the others that I bet with my kidneys, are having different species of butterflies running in their stomach right now.
Mr. Tai never told us the teachers we'd be going with, but from the look of it, the blush on their faces is enough evidence that they love it.
"Your names?" Mr. Alex ask the girls.
Mr. Leo pushes in the key, igniting the engines of the vehicle. He glances at us from the front mirror. "Oh right, you don't teach them that's why," He starts, just as the vehicle begins to move. "The light skinned is Taiye and the melanin is Theodora."
Theodora? Okay...
Mr. Alex nods again, muttering a 'welcome' to them. He turns back around, adjusting in his seat while I press my lips together, watching how the vehicle roll out the gigantic school gates and catching up with the luxurious buses in front.
I'm dreaming, right?
Although my heart's racing a tad faster than usual but I love it, equivalent to why I'm pressing my lips from smiling too hard. From where I'm seated, I am awarded the view to see Mr. Alex side face, hair, and lashes. Now I notice how long and scanty it is, shielding his honey brown orbs anytime he...
Okay, I think I should stop looking.
"Alright girls, get ready for a fun trip!" Mr. Leo tells us and I hear Theodora giggle, Taiye smiling. "I promise you that you'll love it, trust me. Right Alex?" He glances beside him and Mr. Alex smirks at his cheerfulness, that one sided dimple drilling a hole in his cheek.
Mr. Alex turns over his shoulders, "Sure... Trust him on this!" Then his eyes flicker to me again but only for a nanosecond before he face front. He isn't doing this purposely yet I'm feeling this way, what if he decides to?
May God help me.
He's your teacher, remember?
Yes I know!
I'm quick to shut up my subconscious.
Mr. Leo laughs softly, stepping on the gas to move faster and my body automatically relaxes to the smooth vehicle sounds, couple with the variety of scent in the air. Low air condition spilling from all sides.
I look away from my phone to the sound of my name. Theodora flashes me a small smile. She's the one that called me.
"Hmm?" I hum in response. It's weird that she's trying to get my attention after been dead quiet for more than two hours straight. Currently, Mr. Leo and Mr. Alex are out to get us some snacks in the nearby store.
Theodora ignores the blocking head of Taiye who's seated in the middle to see my face.
"Mr. Alex teaches you right?" She asks.
Oh... That's why she called.
"Yes, literature." I softly say, smiling. She nods, her mouth forming an 'o'. She turns to Taiye.
"What about you?"
Taiye reluctantly raise her head from the device in her hands. Her eyes dart from me to Theodora, looking lost.
"Sorry?" She didn't even hear.
Theodora scratches the back of her hair, maybe a tad intimidated by Taiye's outrageous stare.
"I'm asking if Mr. Alex teaches your class." She repeats.
"Oh no, I'm in science class." Taiye tell her and went back to tapping on her screen.
"Then you must be really lucky Salome," Theodora drawls, pouting.
Should I tell her he teaches me privately too?
Nah... No need to brag.
"Yes... I think." I giggle, diverting my eyes to the glass. Mr. Alex and Mr. Leo are on their way back, with four shopping polythene in their hands. A smile from nowhere finds it's way to my lips, I don't want to admit how special I feel right now.
Like two attractive men getting things for their girls.
More like two attractive teachers getting snacks for their students.
Whatever... I roll my eyes at my proud subconscious.
Mr. Alex pulls the door open and slips in, same with Mr. Leo.
"Here you go..." Mr. Alex stretches three tasty filled food to us and I take one of it, my hands gently brushes against his. Taiye and Theodora follows, muttering a 'thank you sir.'
Mr. Leo place his hands on the steering then look over his shoulders. "Or... Do you any of you need to use the bathroom?" He asks.
"No sir.. I'm good. Thanks." I reply, fumbling with the food in my hands. Mr. Alex had asked what we wanted to eat before going out. What could be more cooler than that?
"I- I need to... Use the bathroom, sir." Theodora shyly point out.
"Me too, sir." Taiye says and Mr. Leo nods with a wide smile.
"Okay... Hop out, I'll escort you two." Mr. Leo cracks the door open.
I watch how Theodora's face drops to that of disappointment as she drops her covered food on the seat, opens the door and climb out, Taiye following.
Wait... Is she looking this sad because she wanted Mr. Alex to escort her?
I can't say.
I stare at them walking over to the back of the store, probably where the restroom is located. I sigh softly, turning my eyes to the brown cartoon containing a hamburger and cheery drink.
Instantly, my hands freezes on the polythene. Mr. Alex. He's here, seating in front and flipping through a book.
It's just us. Me and him. In the car.
Gulping inaudibly, I chew the inside of my mouth, looking up to see my teacher reading what I can't decipher. He doesn't seem to notice me. He's just... Concentrated.
I release my hands from the polythene, I don't want to make a noise, or distract him. I look out the glass again, no sigh of the girls or Mr. Leo in sight.
"Why aren't you eating?"
If I once froze, now I'm melting. It's Mr. Alex. He looks over at me and I stupidly part my lips to say... Nothing.
"Why aren't you eating? You don't like the food?" He's staring at me as he asks this. My head works on it's own by shaking itself.
"I mean, yes! I... Like it." I stutter, now fumbling with the wrapper like a toddler.
Just when I'm serious to eat, the wrapper keeps intertwining, making it difficult to tear up.
Has he stopped looking?
I take up my eyes to make sure but gasps softly when I see that Mr. Alex is still looking at me. Blinking slowly, I bite my lower lips.
"Give it here."
The next thing I see is two bigger caramel skinned hands collecting the brown paper bag from me. The only sound in the vehicle is the shuffling sounds of the wrapper.
In matter of seconds, my teacher turns around in his seat and place the open food on my laps. I slowly secure it with my hands.
"Thanks... Sir."
"It's okay, now eat up." He watches me lift the burger to take a bite, a satisfied smile on his lips before going back to what he was reading.
I chew on the food slowly to prevent choking. Because if Mr. Alex should turn around again, unexpectedly, I'd choke. No doubt.
He was... Caring. Really. And I think I like it.
Again, for what I know isn't the last time, I slip my eyes higher to see what he's reading. Looks like... Geography?
I didn't see the writings but the map signs in every angle is enough to know. He's a master in literature and now reading geography?
The vehicle begins to move slowly, climbing up a stony high surface. If I counted correctly, we should almost be in the location by now. The camp arena called Come-Stay-With-Me.
Weird I know.
It's like we're going into a bush. A bush that has just one pathway. There are not much trees, just bunch of alluring wild flowers around, some been crushed as Mr. Leo drives through.
Are we lost?
And it's not only me looking around. Taiye and Theodora are too. But not with the same scared face I portray. Theodora is squealing like she could jump out the moment the car stops and Taiye? I think she's just trying to hide her excitement, even though I notice a thin lip smile on her pretty face.
Soon enough, it eventually leads us to a main entrance with wooden gates, scrabbles of woods forming 'Come-Stay-With-Me.'
We are here! We're truly here!
Just when I thought an old man will appear from wherever to open the gates, two girls runs toward the gate, giggling as they click it open and pull out wide.
Are the others here already?
Mr. Leo drives through, thanking them as he enters. They both started smiling and it make me smile too. One is in a flowered summer dress while the second in a pitch gown, their hair both packed in a bun.
I didn't notice when the vehicle comes to a stop until I hear the doors crack open, Mr. Alex and Mr. Leo climbing off.
"Camp!!!" Theodora screams and I cringe to the loudness of her voice. She pushes the door open from her side and scurry out, Taiye gently following.
The next thing that hugged my shoes the second I step down is the welcoming of the grass. Squinting my eyes from the harsh sun, I glance around me.
Stony pathways.
I can't see it all at once. It's... More than. More than what I've ever imagined it to be. More than what I used to say Zara blabs about.
Mr. Alex's voice pulls my eyes back to him. He's looking at us, smiling.
I nod, pressing my lips to reduce how intriguing my body is.
It's so beautiful I want to cry...
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Once again, thank youuuuu
See you in the next chap!😇
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