Hey wattfam!!!
So sorry for the late update.
With that, I think I made it worthy enough by adding aesthetics to the main characters, which is 'Salome & Alex'
She coil and uncoil her legs, chewing the inside of her mouth and gently hitting the bottom of her pen to ease the greatly inconveniencing cramps in her lower body. Salome has been unable to adjust to the constant twist in her stomach so instead, she'd sink in her seat and try to make it all unnoticeable.
“And with that been said, I hope you all get the little trick about the whole theory,” Mrs. Ray, their history teacher say, heaving a deep breath afterwards. She has been speaking on a particular topic which half of the class still don't get. Some would say she's boring but oh well...
The tired looking students hum to her finalities and the woman shakes her head as she pack her books from the front desk and walk out of the class, secretly happy her subject period is almost over.
“Finally!” A girl flings her hands in the air. Maybe they have been waiting for the boring class to end anyway, “That woman can teach Africa!” She beams, dragging her seat closer to her group of friends.
The class is all of sudden noisy and rowdy again as the teacher is absent.
Salome puffs our air, taking deep breaths and rubbing her stomach at the same time. If she knew this discomfort would start today, she would have taken her pain relief for cramps with her. She shut her eyes, thinking of the classes she has to attend for the rest of the day.
She tiredly open her eyes and turn her face to the voice that sounded close. A small smile flourish her face as the worried eyes of Kenny stares at her.
“Are you okay?” Kenny asks, pulling his seat close to her.
Salome nods, resting her hands on her laps under the desk. She seriously can't tell him that she's dripping blood without actually been injured.
Kenny bobs his head to see her face. “Sure? You look... Pale.”
She swallows and rub her forehead, thinking of a clean way to tell him what's wrong. It's natural after all.
“I'm just...” Salome trail off as the screeching of chairs make her turn around to see her classmates adjusting in their seats. She then glance up to the entrance to see Mr. Alex. They all know that they're having his subject next but can't he wait for like...two minutes?
Salome sighs and Kenny adjusts in his position. The class dead silent like a graveyard.
The instructor walks in confidently and keep his books on the podium then shove one hand in his pocket. He is indulged in grey trousers, white long sleeves shirt and a thin black tie resting on his neck.
“Good afternoon class,” Mr. Alex greets and the class chorus a, 'Good afternoon sir.' Their voice is loud and clear like that of preschoolers.
Salome fight the urge to roll her eyes at their tone toward him. Couple with the fact that she's very uncomfortable in her seat, she prays the class end fast and fast!
A sharp pain make her squeeze in her seat and she bite her lips, holding her stomach and tapping her leg on the marbled floor.
That small noise is enough to distract her teacher as he snap his head to her, glaring.
“Salome, can you stop that?” His jaw is clenched and he sure looks suddenly angered and irritated.
Salome raise her head and nod, not having the strength to say a word.
Mr. Alex tilts his head. “Words, Salome.”
She takes a deep breath, ignoring the head turn of her classmates. “Yes sir,” She mumble, looking at his grey suit trousers. She knows the face he's putting on already so she don't need to look at him.
Mr. Alex spins around, grab a marker and write the topic of the day on the board. He is stressed and will definitely loose it and pour it on his disrespectful student.
Kenny glance at her again, sketches of worry all over his face. He pokes Salome and she look up at Mr. Alex's back before turning to him. Kenny's brows knit in worry and she flash him a small smile, verifying that she's fine.
“Out of my class,” A deep voice make her face front. Her teacher is standing akimbo with his eyes directly on the both of them. The whole class turn to their direction and that made Kenny confused and Salome chewing her mouth, knowing fully well that she's the one he's talking to. She's not surprised.
As she shift her chair to stand, Mr. Alex's voice make her halt.
“No, not you. Kenny, get out.” He elaborates then pick up the the textbook on the desk and flip through the pages.
Gasp erupts from the class as to why Kenny is been sent out of class but one glare from their teacher make them all comport themselves in a jiff.
Salome's brows furrow, looking from shocked Kenny to her teacher. Kenny didn't do anything wrong.
“Okay sir,” He inhales sharply and get up, Salome's eyes tailing his actions. She feel the need to say something.
“But he— he didn't do anything wrong,” Salome voice out before she could stop herself. It's really not fair with the way Mr. Alex take things.
The teacher gently raise his head from the book, a far cold expression on his face as he stare at the frowning defender.
“Oh?” Mr. Alex bobs his head, “Why don't you leave too, not like you'll pay attention to whatever I have to say anyway.” He says calmly, jam the book close and face the class.
Salome open her mouth to talk but close it, her inside burning with all kinds of things. How he say something like that? Something that...cruel.
Frustrated, she get up and storm out of the class, suddenly not wanting to stay in the stuffy four cornered classroom any longer. Kenny glance at the teacher before walking out, pressing his lips to stop himself from saying something that could put him in trouble.
“Nice enough,” Fabiola mutter to herself, smiling sheepishly as she flutter her lashes. She had been carefully watching their every move and now, she's more that excited that she's been sent out of class. Or she sent herself out of class rather.
“What you did back then was unexpected, Salome,” Kenny says in a rather hush tone but Salome heard him anyway. They are currently at a corner in the library, the only place where they wouldn't be punished if been caught. Lucky enough, the harsh librarian is not on seat and they hope she won't be back in forty five minutes time, Mr. Alex's teaching would be done by then.
Salome take a deep breath and divert her eyes from the stacks of books by her side. “Well...I seriously do not see anything bad in what you did, that's why.” She loose her intertwined fingers and gently unbutton the two buttons of her blazer jacket. Even though she's still feeling the merciless cramps twisting her stomach, she's trying her best to pull it off.
Kenny nods, staring flatly on the table, “It's weird though—he is weird. Why is he always on you?” He raise his gaze to Salome who instantly shake her head then shrug. “How are you even coping with the extra classes?”
Salome drop her eyes to her skirt, the memory of how she almost broke down in front of her teacher swelling her up, making her feel somewhat pathetic. Mr. Alex must have fully believed that even though she has a body of a full grown lady, she's still a cry baby. She bite her lips at the thought.
She snaps up her head to the voice of Kenny. He's staring at her with scrunched brows. “Uh...” She rub her hands on her thigh, “It was the first time you know, I'd definitely get used to his kind of teaching.”
Kenny hums and nod. “I get you... But you know you can back out at anytime, right?”
Salome swallows, her face twitching to the sting of pain flowing down there. She nods coldly, taking steady breaths.
“Are you sure you're alright?” Kenny bobs his head, taking in her pale facial looks. He glance up at the ceiling, the fan swirling quite fast yet she's sweating profusely.
Salome wipes the beads of sweat on her forehead, “Yeah...I am, it's just—”
“Cramps?” Kenny asks and Salome's eyes widen. How in the world did he know that? And how can he say it so...causal?
She swallows, embarrassment washing all over her body. Kenny purse his lips to stop himself from giggling at her cute act.
He sighs, “It's okay, really. You shouldn't be embarrassed about it.”
Salome look at him and look back down to the thick book in front of her. “But, but how did you—”
“My sister experience it too so...” He drawl, folding his hands beneath his chest. Salome's brow arch together as her mouth open partly. Kenny has a sister?
He turn to her and she instantly cast her eyes down, still feeling a tad shy. “You didn't know I'm a twin? Geez, Salome, you don't know anything about me.”
Salome pout her mouth, then her mouth form an 'o' as realization hit her, “Oh...now I get, that means your sister is...”
“Taiye,” Kenny completes with a sigh, “She's in science class, same grade.”
Salome stare at how he talks about his twin sister and the eagerness to see her pricks her skin. She must have seen her around since they're all in the same grade but didn't just know. Another sting made her clutch her stomach and sink in the seat. Kenny get up abruptly.
“That's it, let's go to the sickbay,” He says. Salome timidly get up, consciously looking at the seat to if there's any stain. She sigh heavily as she see that the smooth brown chair is still it's respective colour. She look up at Kenny to see him staring at her and she let out a tight smile.
“Come on, Salome. I'm sure there would be some painkillers for it there.”
Salome nods, walking side by side with him, “Yeah...” She look up at him, a small smile of appreciation greasing her lips.
The loud bell jerks Salome to seat abruptly, her chest rising and falling as she glance up at the wall clock by her side. She has been in the nurse's office since then, after taking some painkillers for the cramps she's having. Kenny had left when he saw that she fell asleep, not wanting to disturb. Although she felt a bit relieved and slept a little, the uncomfortable feeling still nudge her here and there.
It was the last bell of the day, dedicating that school is over and she would soon be cupped with Mr. Alex for extra lessons. She sigh, staring out the window as students rush out of the school round, engaged in conversations and laughing vibrantly. Tearing her eyes from them, her eyes perk up as she notice the nurse staring at her, her hands on her waist and her facial expression neutral and comported.
“How are you feeling?” The nurse asks, moving to the window and gently pull the blinds up.
Salome adjust herself to seat at the edge of the fluffy bed. “Good. Thanks.” She reply shortly, her mind twirling back to how she would stroll to Mr. Alex's office for like...two hours max.
The nurse in white lab coat nods, pick some drugs from the counter and toss it to her. Salome slowly collect the pills.
“You might need that later, take just one as usual.” She instructs and Salome's lips pull apart, a toothy smile coming out naturally. Why is this harsh lady suddenly been cool with her?
She quickly tug it in her jacket pocket and gesture to stand, “Thank you so much.” She says.
The latter return a curt nod and walk to her desk, her hands deep in the coat jacket.
Salome walk to the door, then stop shortly in her steps to look over her shoulders to see the nurse indulged in what she's writing before opening the door, walk out and shut it behind her.
On her way to grab her knapsack, she bump into Zara who's swinging her bag on one side of her shoulder.
“Hey...” Zara rush over and hug her best friend, her head deep in her neck, “God...you smell so...good.” She muffles. Salome's chest vibrates in giggles as she wrap her hands around her.
“You can say that again.” She twist her mouth, the thought of how she rested in the sickbay flowing back to her senses.
Zara release herself and adjust the bag straps properly on her shoulder. “What's up with you?” She asks, beaming happily. Salome swiftly give way for bunch of noisy students to pass by and sigh softly.
“I'm dripping blood, Zara.” She says simply and her best friend do not need more news on that. She raise her hand and tap Salome's shoulders, giving it light squeezes.
“Sorry...I know how much discomfort you feel anytime it comes. Did you take medications?”
Salome nods, deep her hand in her pocket and show her the blue pills the nurse had given her. “Yep. By the way, that quirky nurse seem a bit nice today.”
Zara squint her eyes and raise a brow, flatly not believing her.
Salome chuckles, nudging her, “I'm serious...I swear I saw her smile at me.”
Zara hums, perching her finger on her chin. “Uh, maybe she finally has a boyfriend, you know.”
Her best friend burst into laughter, covering her mouth from stopping herself so she won't attract eyes in their direction. Not like it's working because few heads turn to them, staring at how crazy the two chicks are laughing. At this moment, this point in time, Salome couldn't care less of been in the same stuffy room with her teacher. Although it's on her mind, laughing wholeheartedly makes it all swim away and fade for the time been.
Zara leans in close to her ear, “Or maybe Mr. Alex is giving her his attention.” She whispers and her smile fade suddenly. Not for the fact that he's giving their school nurse his attention but for the fact that she is undoubtedly already late for extra lectures.
“Shit!” She mutters, quickly grabbing her backpack from Zara and sprinting off, waving over her shoulders.
“Hey! What happened?!” Zara yells, watching Salome run down the hallway.
“See you later!” She scream back without sparing a glance at her. Zara shakes her head, spin around and walk out from the other side, her eyes sighting a familiar figure as she tug her hands in the straps of her bag. Sean. He's walking toward a pitch black jeep, his hands in his pocket with his curly hair blowing around.
The sight of Mr. Alex's new office, according to Mr. Leo, comes in view and Salome slow down her steps, taking deep breath as she tries to glance at her thin wristwatch.
Standing in front of the door, she adjust her somehow rumbled uniform, mentally and physically preparing herself for two hours drilling. Unsure that she might tear up to hurtful words from her teacher, her shoulder slump unconsciously. She glance down at her sneakers, her knuckles tight as she raise it to knock.
“Come in.” A deep, rather familiar voice says and she turn the knob and crack the door open. The office is still the same, everything sanctioned in it's destined angle with Mr. Alex scent filling the entire place.
Like he knew she's the one that walked in, he didn't bother looking up. His gaze is fixated on a hard covered book on his desk, his eyes scanning the tiny formed words in it.
Salome pause at the door, waiting for her teacher to say something. Anything.
She clears her throat, making the odd sound just to get the slightest attention from him and he did move. He raise his head to see her standing by the door.
“Good afternoon sir.” Salome greets, inwardly patting her head for not stuttering. He nods, and eyes the seat in front and she quickly move to settle down.
Mr. Alex jams the book closed, rubbing the side of his eyes tiredly. Salome tries not to look at him doing that but instead, fiddling with the strap of her bag.
“It's evening already,” Mr. Alex states as he pulls the drawer open to take out some textbooks.
Salome twist her lips to one side, nodding. At least he didn't blabber about how late she is. Curiously, she glance up at his fingers which is slowly flipping the pages of the book with utmost care and gentleness. She sigh softly. Even a book get to be treated this way but she gets to be treated the total opposite.
“You weren't in my class today,” Mr. Alex look up to say. Not like he's concerned or anything, but for the student he specially coaches, that absence is quite disappointing. “Because you claimed your boyfriend was right, right?”
Salome's brows stitch together, she don't like the sound of him misunderstanding everything about her. “Sir, he's not my boy—”
“Never mind.” He cuts her off, waving dismissively, his eyes still on the book.
Salome press her lips, trying not to mind his cruel remarks. There's no point in arguing with him anyway, he's going to claim his stand and right no matter what.
Mr. Alex push the book to her and grab the second one by his side, “Since you weren't in class today, we'll go through what was taught.”
“Okay sir.” She adjust the book to face her, propping her elbows to rest on the desk.
“But before that,” He relaxes in his seat, “I told you to read few chapters from the other book, did you see my message?”
Salome scratch a brow, recalling her rude, yet satisfying reply she will never send back. “No sir...” She says calmly. Even if she saw the message and read it times without number, she still didn't see it. Well, there's no way Mr. Perfectionist would find out about that, right?
“Okay then, let's just scan through what was been taught today.” He injects and she force her lips to remain in a thin line. The urge to smile at her little intelligence makes her want to laugh out loud but she clearly do not want to give him the hint that she just lied.
And so, Mr. Alex explained what he taught in class all over again, repeating himself to make it clear enough for the the bored looking student in front of him. At times, he would raise his voice if she distract herself by the littlest thing but then, try to compose himself so she wouldn't weep in front of him. The first time it happened, he found that frustrating and countlessly regretted why he accepted to tutor her.
It's been an hour and the sun is gradually kissing the sky goodbye. Lectures has been going on a tad smoothy, at least Mr. Alex hasn't asked her anything yet.
Right now, Salome is told to read a particular chapter while her teacher tap away his cellphone, glancing at her now and then. Salome on the other side, raise the book to cover half of her face so he wouldn't see what she's doing. Or reading.
Her eyes take the word one after the other as she tries to grasp what the chapter is all about, knowing fully well that Mr. Alex would ask her questions on it.
Flipping to the next page, she feels her stomach clutching together, her face forming a frown as to why it is happening. Feeling her teacher's eyes on her, she straighten up instantly, ignoring the cramp twists.
Mr. Alex look back to what he's doing and she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
“Please stop...” Salome says to herself, taking one hand to rub her belly and the other hand, holding the book in place.
Mr. Alex tilts his head, “Are you okay?”
Her eyes widens as she shake her head.
“Yes. Yes sir, I'm fine...”
He nods and gesture to stand. Salome uses that to sneak one hand inside her shirt to rub her stomach properly, her legs intertwined and her second hand shaking as she finds it hard to hold the book in place.
Her teacher walk over to the blinds and stare out, his shoulder raising and falling in deep breaths.
“I think it's about to rain,” He states, his gaze fixed outside, “So you better hurry up so—” His words hang in his throat as he turn around to see his student fumbling with some sort of pills. His brows furrow as she march towards her. “Salome, what're you doing?!” He snaps and the loudness of his voice makes Salome jerk, making the pills slip off and splitter all over the titled floor.
Since his back was turned on her, she tried taking the drugs the nurse prescribed for her, having no idea Mr. Alex would snap about it.
“I—i was trying to—” She stutter, her hands shaking and her stomach twisting in unimaginable folds.
“Trying to take drugs? Hard drugs?” Mr. Alex seems visible annoyed as he stares from the scattered blue pills to the fidgeting girl, “Really? You take drugs?”
Salome shake her head, her eyes feeling heavy with the hard glare from her teacher. He's misunderstanding her again.
“No... sir, it is not hard... drug,” She stammer, squatting low to pick the only thing that can save her from the pains. As she tries to pick one of it, a veiny bigger hand grab hers and she grasp at the tight grip of her teacher.
“What are you trying to do?” He asks, his grip still on her hand as his eyes burn with annoyance. Salome's eyes flicker to his hand then his face. He's staring at her with what she'd tag as disappointment but she's just not sure. Why is he acting this way over some mere menstrual pain relief pills?
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