Here you go guys💃
Salome's first tutor section with her teacher...
Let's just pray she copes with him (and his fine face)😪

This chapter is dedicated to Ayeesha0100 for your vote on every chapter😚
I can't be more grateful to your gesture, it means a lot💕



I've been trying to distract myself from thinking too much about what I saw and heard on Saturday. It wasn't pleasant to my ears at all, my Dad announcing to me that he proposed to Maria that same day. At first, I laughed it off, saying he's joking, not until I saw a gold ring glistening on Maria's left hand.

"We will go on with planning the wedding and all, just wanted to tell you..."

My Dad's words replay in my head, making my heart remorse in pain. I glanced at my aunty but she looked like she had nothing to say and is equally accepting it. From then, I ran up to my room in tears and haven't gone out since then.

Today is Monday and I'm still lying beneath my duvet, forcing my eyes close to go back to sleep. That's the only way I can prevent over thinking for while. Hopefully.

A light knock jolts me to open my eyes again, accompanied by aunt Jenny's voice.

"Salome..." She calls and I can hear her sigh before saying something else. "Open the door."

I groan loudly so she'll know I'm awake but just don't want to answer. I feel bad for shutting her out but it's just too much right now. I can't imagine myself with a step mom. A mom who I didn't grow with, all of a sudden acting like she has known me forever.

"You're keeping me standing Salome, it's not fair at all." Aunt Jenny says in a low voice and I glance to my bedroom door, pushing my thoughts to the side and sluggishly get up to open it.

I turn the knob open and Jenny looks at me before walking in. She seat on the foamy stool and cross her legs and arms.

"Missed me?" She asks, a lopsided grin on her face and I sigh softly, move toward my bed and bounce back on it.

I drop my eyes to my hands, I know she's not happy with me but is just trying to cover it up. Aunt Jenny has always been like that but now I feel I'm taking advantage of her.

"Don't tell me you're not going to school today." Her voice make me raise my head Instantly, I've totally forgotten about school.

"I'm sorry..." My voice is low and calm, it wasn't my intention to act rudely but it just came over me.

My aunt smiles, nodding.

"It's okay. What you should do right now is get ready for school." She glance st the wall clock. "It's 7:03, you should be fast, we'll talk later. Okay?"

I find myself nodding, her energy influencing mine. I get up from my rumpled bed, pull out my uniform from the wardrobe and walk to the bathroom. But then, I spin around when I remember the good news I forgot to tell Jenny.

Excitedly, I drag my foot back to her and she raise her head to see me.

"Guess what aunty!" I say, popping my hip to the side, standing akimbo and she arch a brow, probably wondering what's going on.

Jenny giggles, getting up.

"What is it, Salome?" She asks, bobbing her head to the side.

I press my lips to stop my lips from stretching in a smile. I think I now agree with the lineage that money makes people happy. Or money makes me happy rather.

I fan myself with my hands, slightly getting hot to say the news me and my aunty agreed on.

"I'm waiting..." Jenny drawls, looking at my fulfilled face and act.

I clear my throat, gesticulating every word with my hands. "This might sound unbelievable but my teacher, accepted to tutor me!" I end, jumping at how happy I am. It's not like it's something huge but I have no idea why I'm acting this way either. My brain all of a sudden deeps me back to Mr Alex and his girl and my face drops unnoticeably.

"Wow, that's good... That means our bet still stands."

I snap my fingers, nodding. "Hell, yes..."

Jenny laughs, walking out of my room. "We'll talk about the negotiations later, that's if you won't end up enjoying his teaching to even want to get paid for it." Her last words were definitely not for me to hear but I heard anyway.

She closes the door after and I chuckle evilly, it better work out the way I want or else...

Or else I won't be happy.


Thank God I'm good at running, because I ran all the way from the bus stop to school, sweating profusely. I had no idea time is far behind and I spend most of my time chatting with aunt Jenny at home.

I'm currently walking to my class since time for assembly is almost up. Thankfully, I don't have any assignment to turn in so I'm safe to go to class, without been caught.

I'm welcomed with the sharp yellow sun penetrating from the opened windows of my class. With a sigh, I coil the straps of my rucksack on the seat's handle and walk to the window to view the entire Victoria High in general. Little by little, it feels like the day won't be so bad after all.

But then the thought hits me. The thought of having my first tutor section with Mr Alex. He scheduled the classes after school which means I'd have to stay back for like, two more hours. Not bad either.

Just that I'm feeling slightly nervous. Why? Because It's Mr Alex. The teacher I don't fancy.

Light footsteps drags me out of my thoughts as I turn to see the person who just passed by.

Been the curious girl I am, I rush out of class to see the back view of who just passed my class. It's assembly time so that person is pretty much disobedient like me.

Hands in pockets, bag pack hanged on one side of his back and faint cologne scent clouding the atmosphere. I'm wise enough to know it's that suicidal looking guy again. The same guy who entered the same car with Mr Alex. Double treat.

I find myself, or rather, my foot walking toward him. Everyone knows someone like him shouldn't be interfered with at all but something just keeps pushing me to know him. What I told Zara about staying away wouldn't work eventually.

Carefully and slowly, I follow behind, wanting to know if he's heading to the rooftop as usual but he stops and turn abruptly, making me halt too.

Okay, that was fast.

He look over his shoulder and the only thing my brain told me is to smile. I notice his brows furrow, probably out of frustration but still not saying a word.

I'm five steps away and since I haven't gone too far from my class, I should probably just turn and go back, right?

But instead, the Salome in me move closer to him, my wide smile still intact.

"Hey...good morning." I say but he just stare at me like I spoke in Korean. He sigh again and turn to walk away but I quickly hold his bicep. I honestly don't know where the courage came from but it sure made him look from my small hand back to my face. "Uh...what's your name?"

Now I know what my voice sounds like since I'm the only one talking in this empty hallway.

He brings out his right hand that was buried in his pocket and take my hand from his. Just when my mind is screaming that he'd twist my hand and break my bones with how hard his bicep felt, my eyes are wide opened as he pull my hand, dragging me out of the hallway, down the stairs and into an abandoned classroom.

"Hey!" I snatch my hand from his grip, a deep frown on my face. I don't know what he thinks he's doing and it makes me annoyed. And afraid.

He sighs for the umpteenth time, moving back from me as he shove his hands in his pocket.

"Just...stay here." He says softly and walk back out. Just like that.

I open my mouth to talk but then close it, not knowing what to say. I can hear faint footsteps so I grab the door knob to open the door but the call of someone's name made me stiff.


A deep man's voice who sounds like Mr Tai calls. Thinking of it now, he's definitely calling the suicidal guy who almost got me scared. Scratch that, he got me scared.

Peeping from the small see through on the door, I can see Mr Tai walking to meet Sean, his heavy shoes making creaking sounds on the titles floor.

"What are you here instead of the assembly hall?" Mr Tai snaps and his loud voice make my breath hitch in my throat. I gulp, glancing around the scattered chairs and desks in the class and back to the small hole of the door, sweat forming on my face.

Did Sean actually knew that a teacher was coming that he initially dragged me here? And is his name actually Sean?...

"Come with me." Mr Tai says then walk away. I tiptoe to see that Sean is following him quietly and I can finally feel my heart gradually beating normal again. All I know is that Sean, is in big trouble for getting caught. But then, he actually saved me and I'd definitely thank him for that later.

Gently, I turn the door knob open and push myself out before closing in behind, peeping back and forth to check if the coast is clear then sprint to my class, following the second entrance so I won't bump into any teacher.


"He actually did save me this morning, Zara." I spill to my best friend as we are walking out of the art studio. I've been waiting to tell her how my morning went.

"You mean Sean?" Zara asks, her eyes wide like that of comic characters.

I nod rapidly, giving way for desperate students who are strolling to their classes. Talk about serious students.

Zara shrugs. "Maybe he's just not dangerous after all, for him to do something like that. And maybe you were just over thinking it about him attempting to kill himself."

I puff out hair and twist my mouth upwards. "I know what I saw..." I drawl, pointing to my chest. He way he looked didn't seem like someone who was just testing how high the rooftop is to the ground.

We walk up the stairs and into the senior hallway. We have two more classes before break and three more classes before school closes. The curiosity in me just keeps counting and can't wait for my first lessons with Mr Alex. We had literature this morning and he didn't ask me anything, probably waiting till he start coaching me privately before crushing me with questions and trust me, I listened attentively today. At least...

"How tough do you think Mr Alex would be while tutoring you?" Zara pierces through my thoughts like she knew what was in my mind all along.

I automatically slow my steps, biting my lower lips and thinking of a word to say.

Zara shakes her head, resting on one leg. We are now in front of her class but her next subject teacher isn't available yet.

"Just pray you would be able to listen and not drool over his handsome face." She whispers and I glare at her. Even if Mr Alex makes me scared at times, I would always argue that it's not because of his features.

I fan her off, stepping backwards. "Forget it Zara, it won't happen."

"If you say so." She gesture to walk into her class. "Catch. You. Later."

"You too." I yell, waving and walking to my class which is three classes away.


"Wish me luck, Kenny." I say childishly, holding the straps of my bag pack. School is finally over and it's time for me to walk into the devil's den. After much pleading, Kenny decided to follow me to the staffroom and we have been peeping into the staffroom, trying to get a view of the devil himself.

Kenny sighs, take out his hands from his pockets and place them on either side of my shoulder.

"If you can't do it, don't go in. If it's something you won't be comfortable with, then it's not worthy going into." He says softly, eyes reading my facial expressions.

Pressing my lips together, I gently drop his hands from my shoulders, forcing out a smile. "I will... I just hope I meet up with how-"

"No..." Kenny cuts in, shaking his head. "Don't try to meet up. Just...open your mind, soul, everything and do your best. Yes, your best and leave the rest."

I bite my lips to stop my lips from stretching in a smile. It's not the time to smile but Kenny is making me feel better, and capable.

"Thanks Kenny."

He nod, giving me way to go in and I blow out my cheeks, walk in and greeted the teachers seated in their respective desks. I glance back to see Kenny walking down the hallway and I take a deep breath, looking around for Mr Alex.

On getting to his desk, I see that he's absent and I turn to Mr Leo whose desk is beside Mr Alex's own.

"Excuse me sir, I'm looking for Mr Alex."

He look up from the textbook in front of him, a smile forming in his face.


He asks and I nod, muttering a 'yes sir'. He teaches science students but he manage to know my name, that's... Nice.

"Your teacher is in the head of department office. The one with the number 2 on it." Mr Leo enunciates, gesticulating to the other end of the hallway.

"Okay, thank you Sir." I let out an appreciative smile and move out of the staffroom, quickening my steps. I glance at my wristwatch to see that it's some minutes to four and it wouldn't be nice been late while having an appointment with a perfectionist.

Shuffling my feet, I stare at the white door with black stripes in front of me. I was walking fast like I could barge in but here I am, afraid to hold and push the door open. And now, the reminder of falling in the mall flows in, hitting me with embarrassment.

"Come on, Salome, he probably doesn't even remember that. And even if does, it's not like he cares. " I say to myself, nodding at my belief.

Raising my hand to knock for like the hundredth time, I press my lips together and close my eyes as my knuckles comes in contact with the steel metal.

"Come in."

A deep voice says and I open my eyes to see that I haven't even knock. How did he know someone is here? How did he know I am here?

I blow out my cheeks, opening the door with my eyes fixated on my white sneakers. Closing the door behind, I slowly take my head up and my eyes widens unknowingly to where I am. I've been hearing of the head of department office but I didn't know it's this...wowing.

The room is a colour combination of just three colours; black, white, and ash. There are portraits hanged on the left side, most of it describing nature and African cultural altogether. It's not too big either but yells comfort. The ash blinds is giving the sun the right quantity of brightness needed inside and even though the school is still crowdy as some students are still around, the thick looking walls is padding more than half of it.

A small smile appear on my lips as I take in the appealing manly fragrance till my eyes meet a muscular body in black sleeve shirt and grey tie. I gulp, already feeling ashamed as I at first, didn't notice Mr Alex seated, his fingers intertwined on the desk and his eyes...on me.

"Are you going to keep looking around?"

His voice make me snap my head back to his face. He looks a tad relaxed and...

I better stop thinking things.

He sighs. "Have your seat."

I quickly move to the seat opposite, waving my bag pack around and place it on my laps.

"Good...good afternoon sir." I greet, looking at his fingers and he hums, adjusting in his seat. I try to neglect the intoxicating scent of his mild cologne  pecking my nose, couple with the cool air extracting from the AC. He tries to reach for the drawer by his side and I push my eyes to the covered blinds.

Seeing that he can't reach, he gets up from his seat and walk a tad closer then open the drawer. Maybe because I've never been this close to him makes it seem like taller and...broad. I chew the inside of my mouth, watching my teacher flip through some books and drop on the table.

"You're thirty minutes late, Salome." He says, eyes on the book in his hands and I press my lips. You shouldn't mess with a perfectionist. At all.

I open my mouth to talk but close it again. I have no excuse of been late. Or instead, I have no reasonable excuse so I better keep quiet.

"Why?" Mr Alex jams the book close and I jerk at the sudden move. He place it on the table and gesture seat.

Rubbing my palms together, I blink my eyes, inwardly begging my brain to come up with a sensible excuse.

"I was...looking for this office. Because, I've never been here." I stutter, hoping my excuse is acceptable enough.

Mr Alex settles in his seat, nodding and I try not to smile. Even if that's not all of it, he seem to buy that.
He take out his glasses from the case and put it on before skipping through the textbooks he dropped earlier.

"After spending time with your boyfriend?"

My smile fades instantly.

Mr Alex glance at me and back to the book in his front and I open my mouth to protest but then remember how Kenny followed me to the staffroom. He must have seen us.

"He's...not my boyfriend, sir." I say in a low voice. It's a misunderstanding so I have a say. Right?


"Yes...we were actually looking for the office together." I end and bite my lips afterwards. At least part of it is true.

Mr Alex doesn't say anything else, just flipping through what looks like a literature textbook.

"Firstly, we'll be having our lessons here." He finally start and I nod, taking in every single word in case he asks at the end of the day.

In case.

"Where's your literature notebook?"

I immediately zip my bag open and scan through the notes in my bag then bring out the one wrapped with neatly. I smile at myself from completing my note and organising it properly before today.

Mr Alex collect it and also scan through my writings. Peel that, most of his handwritings since he always design my note with corrections.

I frown at the red pen marks, taking my eyes from my note to the face.

"Okay, let's see today's assignment." He push the book to my front and I stare at the scribbled words I managed to complete on the board. He gave an assignment earlier today and I pat my head inwardly for taking it down. Completely.

"Okay sir." I mutter, straining my neck to the words since the book is faced to him.

He notices my struggle and sigh, pointing beside him.

"Bring your seat here."


He looks at me. "Can you read the note that way?"

I shake my head. "No sir."

"Then bring your seat here." He points again and I waste no time getting up and taking the seat beside him. Four steps backwards.


I chew my mouth, dragging the seat closer till I'm seating side by side with him.

"Good." Mr Alex says, adjusting himself to face me and bringing the books closer to my front. "Take a look at this question."

I look at the book as Mr Alex runs his finger on the first question.

I reread the question in my head, patiently waiting for him to go on.

Mr Alex takes a deep breath, relaxing his back. "This question is based on the poem, 'Caged Bird, which we have treated in class, right?"

I nod rapidly, that I remember. "Yes sir."

"Caged Bird, written by Maya Angelou examines the circumstances surrounding a caged and a free bird. Also not forget, Maya been a black author and poet is relatively telling us how if felt like to be a black woman." Mr Alex summaries and even though I'm not looking at him but the book, I feel like I get the whole thrill.

"Since we have treated the poem, I believe you should be able to answer the theme of feminist temper." He indirectly asks, looking at me.

I slowly look at his face, his glasses outlining his dark brown eyes.

"Uh...the theme of feminist temper...is talking about..." I stammer, suddenly lost of words. I glance at my teacher and he sigh, drumming his fingers on the desk.

"Go on, I'm listening."

I look down at my skirt. "I...don't know."

"Look at me." Mr Alex says and I look up again. "I spent my time teaching this particular poem and you don't know that simple answer?"

I open my mouth but he shuts me up by talking on.

"Okay, okay. Tell me anything you know, anything you know about it." His voice is bit seasoned with anger this time. He perch his elbow on the desk and rest his chin on it.

I blink rapidly, taking my eyes to the note to grasp one or two word from it only for it to be slap closed by him.

"Answer me without looking at the note." He adds and my chest drop to my stomach. How did he even know I was looking at my note?

I remain quiet yet, feeling my teacher's eyes on me. He's definitely not looking at me with appreciation and proudness but with disappointment and regret.

I can't look at him right now.

"I can't believe I have been wasting my time." Mr Alex's voice cut through the uncomfortable silence. "I honestly didn't know that you're this worse, Salome."

I can feel my hand and heart twisting unconsciously. All my mind was to have him summarize the novels to me, not to ask all these.

I don't just seem to understand literature but he's throwing it hard on me.

I look up at him to see that he's rubbing his forehead with his thumb and middle finger.

"I don't even know where to start from." He sighs. "Your exams are in few months time and you want to take it with this...mindset?"

My lips trembles as I try to form words together.

"I'm...I'm sorry, sir."

He shake his head, slightly tapping the table at every word. "It's not the matter of been sorry, Salome. It's the matter of you been desperate to come out well-"

Staring at the closed book in front of me, I try to the nonsense liquid threatening to spill out of my eyes. I hate this act of mine. This act of me spilling out on any little hurtful word.

"-You can't just read through literature without putting your all into it and..." Mr Alex trails off, bobbing his head to see my face. "Are you crying?" He asks and I shake my head quickly but a drop of tears says the opposite by falling right on my hand.
I wipe it off with my second hand, hoping he didn't see that.

"Just...just go home." My teacher mutters and I grab my rucksack and walk out of the office, wiping my watery eyes.

I just want to go home and count how many days I have, to graduate from this shitty school and not see a certain person again.

~There you've got it💔
Please vote, vote and vote!!!
It encourages me to write moreeee💃

See you in...one week time?😉
Stay safe and do good😚

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