I feel weak. So weak that I can't lift my body from my bed. The wall clock reads 6:40am and I can't feel myself getting up, talk more of going to school. I drag my pitch blanket over my head, groaning into it and rolling back and forth. It wasn't easy pushing back all kinds of thoughts from my head but it's all coming back. My phone makes a ding, earning another grumble from me as I reluctantly pick it from the direction of the buzz.
Zara: Good morning pretty👾, I'll come to your place by 7:20 so we'll go to school together😊
You better wait for me or else...I'll kill you😂
Zara is also coming, another reason I should get my ass up and prepare for school. I drag the blanket off my body and force myself up to the bathroom.
The cold water flows from my hair, hitting my scalp and down to my body. The water make me feel awaken and more energised, making me want to stay longer than usual.
After a quick bath, I blow dry my hair and weave it into two neat cornrows, lay my edges for it to look cuter before throwing my uniform on. I grabble though my closet and the pair of the ankle socks Aunt Jenny got for me falls from the place I tucked it in. I pick the piece up and throw it on my bed, thinking of trying it on.
Black pleated skirt, white inner shirt, stripe brown, white and black tie, with a coffee brown blazer jacket. The complete uniform of Victoria High school. I stare at my reflection in the standing mirror, checking out how exposed my legs feels as I decide to wear the short socks today. It's not overly bad, it would just draw all kind of attention to my big thighs since my skirt is a tad above my knee.
Last year in high school, you definitely do not expect me dress like a junior student.
My ringing phone distracts me from staring at myself, the sweet voice of Michael Jackson spilling out the speaker as I peep to see the caller's ID.
Zara. She's probably in front of my house already.
I spray my favorite perfume on my body, grab my rucksack and phone before walking out of my room to open the door for Zara and make a quick breakfast.
"Hey pretty, I was calling you." Zara says the moment I turn the knob open.
I giggle, stepping aside for her to come in. "I knew you are here already, that's why." I walk over to the dining, expecting her to come with me. But then, turning over my shoulders to see Zara's mouth opened with her eyes wide.
What did she see this time?
I settle on the couch, stirring my tea so we won't be late to school. "Only God knows what you're staring at Zara."
Zara shakes her head, laughing as she come closer. She's also dressed in our school uniform, long white socks and sneakers as usual, with her bag pack hanged on her shoulder.
"Woah...stand up let me see you, Salome."
I frown and she shrugs, standing akimbo. If she keeps up with this act, I won't be surprised if we end up been late. So late.
I shake my head, chewing the bread in my mouth. My Dad left as early as 6:00am and he expects me to be on my way by now.
Zara pulls my hand. "Come on...let me see you how you look like in ankle socks."
Okay... So that's why she's acting strange.
Rolling my eyes, I get up, drinking my tea and allowing her to see what she wants to.
"Damn...you're sexy girl." Zara snaps her fingers and I ignore her drama, taking the last piece of bread to my mouth then carry the plates to the kitchen, Zara following behind. I don't blame her, I haven't wore short socks in years so I know I'd look different. So different.
I dump the plates into the zinc and turn to my best friend who's still staring at me.
"There's nothing special in wearing ankle socks, Zara." I say, adjusting my tie then walk over to pick my bag.
"Nothing special? Oh please... Just look at that ass..." She drawls, almost touching my rear but I slap her hand off, making her chuckle. "Seriously Salome, when did you get this...thick?"
That's the question I don't want to hear, or answer. I don't know either and it's so uncomfortable.
I sigh, looking down at my size thirty eight sneakers, the socks barely even showing. "I think I should just change it."
Zara puffs out air, tuck her hands in mine and drag me to the door. "You. Are. Not. Changing. Shit." She breaks, pushing me outside then slam the door lock. "Where's your key?" She asks and I stretch it to her.
I watch Zara lock my house door then shoot me a wide grin and walk down the pavement. I shake my head, this girl knows me too well that if I should spend one more minute inside, I'll end up wearing my regular white pantyhose and tuck this short socks back under my bags.
She look over her shoulders and see that I'm still standing in front of my house. Giggling evilly, she beckons for me to come closer and I throw my head back with a groan as I drag my legs to catch up.
We walk down the scanty street of the Garden estate with Zara pausing every minute to glance at my behind, muttering 'God when'.
"Zara, if you say that one more time I swear, I'll go back home and change." I say as we stand in the bus stop, waiting for the luxurious bus that'll take us directly to school. There's no one to drive us anyway and even though Zara can drive, we aren't allowed to actually drive to school. Nigeria and her authorities.
Zara laughs, making funny faces like she don't mind. "How will you go back when I'm with your key?" She press her lips to stop her laughter and I hiss, taking two steps away from her. This girl will not influence me with her madness.
"Look at her."
"Damn...that ass though."
"She's thick as fuck..."
"What class is she?"
Voices whispers as me and Zara walk into the tall school gate. I already knew this would happen but I didn't expect it to be this...much.
Zara nudges me in the elbow and I turn to her. She leans close to my ear.
"Don't be sad, they're just stating the obvious." She whispers and I glare at her. Just when I thought she'll make me feel better.
"Go away, Zara." I grip the straps of my white school bag and fasten my steps, hoping to get to class faster. I also regret trying this socks at first.
I can hear Zara laughing at my back, I at times wonder how everything is funny to her. Squinting my eyes from the harsh sun, I keep up with my steps fast. Suddenly, a red Benz stop abruptly in front of me, making me stiff in fear.
"Hey...be careful." Zara drags me closer to her and I nod, affirming that I'm okay, even though my heart is hitting my ribcage and beating faster than usual. I was walking so fast that I didn't see the vehicle coming towards me.
Zara squints her eyes, her gaze fixated on the red Benz and I follow her stare. The door opens slowly and a guy in our school uniform steps out, his uniform appearing shiny like he just got it. I sigh and turn to Zara.
"Let's go."
Instead, she gently turn my face back to the vehicle and I recognise that it's the guy that almost committed suicide the other day. Zara isn't lying though, his parents must be rich, like rich rich.
I glance at his unfazed expression as he hang his rucksack on his shoulders and walk into the school building, not minding anyone staring at him.
"If cute was a person..." Zara drools and I furrow my brows at her. That guy is in her class and she's acting like she's just seeing him for the first time.
"I'm leaving you." I wave childishly, walking away only to stop with what captured my eyes. Mr Alex, alighting from the other side of the same vehicle.
What does this mean?
His attention is solely on his cellphone as he walk into the hallway, leaving his scent behind. I glance at Zara and as expected, it wasn't only me that saw that, most of the students did too. In fact, everyone is staring at his retreating figure.
"I can't wait to graduate and date him." I hear a girl say to her friend. These ones really don't know what they want.
The driver kicks off immediately, not caring that he almost hit someone. Me.
Rolling my eyes, I make my way through the drooling students and into the senior building. I know I don't like that teacher and it only elevated, not only for the fact that he doesn't want to tutor me but also, for the fact that he made me loose my deal with my aunty. So annoying.
"And that's it for today's class." My government teacher clasps her books close, heaving a sigh. "Make sure to read on Military rule so it won't look too strange when I start the topic." She says and the class grumble lowly. The middle aged woman shakes her head, staring at her unserious bunch of students.
"We will, ma." Fabiola says, smiling sheepishly. I wonder how someone would be so interested in reading like that's all that matter. Like that's what she came into this world to do. And even with the grumbles, I won't be surprised if most of them will read on it and show off when next we'll be having government.
The teacher smiles with a small nod then walk out of class, the class becoming noisy again. She pause at the door and glance back like she remembered something, her eyes darting back and forth.
"Oh...yes, any Salome in this class?" She asks and I snap my head to her direction, my eyes wide as to why she's asking of me.
"Yes ma, I'm the one." I raise my hand and her smile widens.
"Oh...nice, the principal asked of you, you can see her on your free period." She pours before walking out completely. I nod slowly, reasoning why I'm been requested to see Mrs Devi again. Is she about to appoint me with my second literature teacher because Mr Alex blunty rejected me?
I feel someone nudging me in the elbow, distracting me from my thoughts. My brows srunch together as I turn sidewides to see smiley Kenny. His desk is beside mine so it's easy for him to lean in to me. A shaky giggle leaves my lips as he waves happily, even though he's just beside me.
"Looks like someone is deep in thoughts." He says, adjusting his features to me and I squint my eyes, shaking my head.
"Not really..." I drawl, taking my eyes to the chatty group at the corner of the class. They have nothing to worry about. When good grades comes without trying too hard.
"It's obvious, Salome." Kenny chuckles. I watch him untangle my fingers on the desk. "You do this when you're deep in thoughts."
A healthy laugh escapes me lips, how did he even notice that?
I fake a frown, popping my chin on my knuckles. "How did you know that, Kenny."
He press his lips and shake his head, making me poke him to speak up. Kenny has always been a cheerful guy and I wish we started talking sooner.
"Okay, okay..." He tries to stop himself from laughing. "You just...tangle your fingers together, like this." He gesticulates with his fingers and I can't stop the snickers coming out. I mean, I don't even know I do that.
"Wow...that's just wow." I stare at him, loving how he noticed something as small as that.
Kenny shrugs, resting his back. "So tell me, what were you thinking about. If I may ask though."
I nod rapidly, pulling my seat closer to him. "Thing is, our principal asked me to be tutored on literature because my grades sucks in it." I giggle, wiggling my legs beneath my desk.
"So, I said yes and asked Mr Alex but he refused." I snap my hands on the desk, earning a few heads turn from my classmates. It just seem more annoying talking about it.
It's Kenny's turn to rest his chin on his knuckles, listening to my ill story.
"And now, I think Mrs Devi wants our second literature teacher to tutor me. I know I dont like Mr Alex but I prefer him to that dramatic woman." I explain, reminiscing how I was flaty rejected.
"Oh...but why don't you like Mr Alex?" Kenny asks and I roll my eyes, fanning him off.
"He acts too perfect for my liking."
Kenny burst out in laughter, his chest vibrating at the level of laughter. It seems talking about how I dislike our teacher is comforting and would make me feel better about it.
"And this morning, Kenny, He came out of this glamorous vehicle, making a grand entrance in front of the senior building, just imagine." I continue, enjoying talking and gesturing how it all went. The class suddenly feels quiet but it doesn't stop me from talking. "I really don't know what the show off is about. I mean, we all know he's rich, fine, young but like...give it a break dude."
Kenny's smile becomes dull also, now pressing his lips and muttering something like, 'stop?'
"I don't even know if I'll do better if he tutor me anyway." I complete, finally deciding to see what's making Kenny and everyone suddenly quiet. "What's wrong?" I ask, following his eyes to the door. Our class door. Black shiny shoe, grey trousers and white long sleeve shirt. My eyes widens when I notice his eyes on me. It's Mr Alex.
I swallow, adjusting in my seat. My classmates all became quiet because he was standing at the door, hearing all what I said. I bite my lips, the words I said dancing in my head, making me want to sink in my seat.
He's walking in. My eyes are on my long tie but the class is dead silent that his footsteps is enough to know.
"Good morning class." Mr Alex greets causally and they all chorus a 'Good morning sir.'
I can't look at him. I'm far too embarrassed to do so, I only wish he doesn't think it's him I was talking about. I glance at Kenny and he sends me an encouraging smile. I smile back but my chest is doing the opposite. I want to go home.
"...going into the new topic and- Oh my god can you two stop that!"
I jerk in my seat at Mr Alex's voice. It's not that we were talking, we only smiled at each other for God's sake.
He's mad at you Salome, obviously.
I take a deep breath at the realization of it. Of course he would notice that, I was talking bad about him when he entered.
But it's the truth though.
I slowly raise my head, chewing the inside of my mouth. Mr Alex is jotting today's topic on the whiteboard and I carefully read it one by one, digesting it in case he ask me anytime.
He turns with a sigh and my chest froze. His eyes meeting mine for like a millisecond then to the class in general. That's enough to clearify that he's not mad. Well, he doesn't look mad so he's not mad.
Mr Alex went on with teaching as usual, the full attention of everyone on him, including me. I wouldn't want to make him more furious with me, at least that's what I think.
"Thank you so much." Mr Tai says with a toothy smile, collecting the textbooks from me. He requested for someone to pick up some textbooks from the library and I volunteered. Partially because I want to see Mr Alex. I place the remaining books on Mr Tai's desk, peeping over the other teachers to see Mr Alex at his corner. He's writing something in a book, glasses perched on his nose.
My lips stretch in a smile as my principal's words roll back in my head.
"Good afternoon ma." I greeted as I walked into Mrs Devi's office, the scent of new books and mild flowery capturing my nostrils again.
She looked up from the files in front of her. "Oh you're here, wanted to inform you that Mr Alex, your literature teacher accepted to tutor you."
My heart leaped in joy at her words. I already prepared my mind to be tutored by the second literature teacher. I nod slowly, my smile intact.
"One of his students is taking a break so you can fill in, just concentrate Salome, I'm also aware Mr Alex is a good teacher so it's on you to be more attentive since it would just be the both of you." Mrs Devi expansiates and I press my lips from smiling too much.
I don't know what made him change his mind but I'm willing to ably. Maybe it's the way I talked about him or he just pitied me and said 'yes'. Either way, thank you Mr Grump.
"Thank you ma, I'll try my best." I beamed and my principal nods, smiling.
"That's good. I'll be checking your grades in the process too. You're in your final year so you'll have perform exceedingly well in your external exams."
"I will ma." I answered immediately, my body tingling with happiness and ease.
We're back in our bet, aunty Jenny.
"You can go back to your class." Mrs Devi ended and I gently walked out of her office to see Mr Tai grumbling about walking all the way to the library to get some textbooks.
"A- Are you looking for someone?" Mr Tai's voice pierce through my thoughts and I shake my head rapidly, smiling.
"No sir."
He nods, arranging the books. "Alright then, you can go now." He says and I spin around and walk out of the staffroom, taking one last glance at my handsome teacher.
Yes, I'll call him that for today.
Just today.
"Mr Alex agreed to teach you?" Zara ask for the umpteenth time with wide eyes. The bell was ranged a few minutes ago, dedicating school's over for today.
"Yes, yes, yes." I repeat, smiling.
We are walking down the hallway, couple with other students chatting and holding hands.
"Did you spell him or something?" Zara asks and I laugh and slap her shoulder.
"Spell who? When I even talked in his face not knowing he was at the door." I whisper and Zara's mouth hang open. I cover her mouth and she wipes my hands off.
Laughing, I can tell she's surprised.
"You've grown wings, Salome. Tell me, what did you say?"
I explain every words and actions that took place as we finally walk out of the hallway and out of the senior block. The sun is merciless, shinning directly in our direction and I shelf my hand on my forehead.
"So when are you starting?" Zara asks and I arch my brows in thoughts.
"I don't know, he hasn't told me yet." I bend over to knot my loose lace and Zara slaps my rear. "Ouch! Zara!"
"Stop showing us your black tight, have you forgotten you're on ankle socks?" Zara frowns and I quickly srunch lower. I've totally forgotten I'm putting on ankle socks and not pantyhose. "Maybe this is the reason why he accepted to teach you." She mutter but I heard her clearly.
"What did you just say?" I stand upright, my hands on my waist.
Zara shrugs, diverting her eyes elsewhere. "I mean, he's a man...and you're... " She glance at me from head to toe and I realise what she's trying to say.
That I seduce Mr Alex with my big body?
"Seriously?" I suddenly feel insecure, a tad embarrassed too. "Why would you think like that?"
My best friend is literally thinking off point. I don't want to think that's the reason but I know it's going to haunt me, adding to the fact that my legs are a bit exposed today.
"Nah...don't mind me." Zara pokes my hand and I smile snifftly, her words hovering in my head. "Look, it's your cute classmate."
I sigh and glance towards the direction she's looking at. Kenny is staring at our direction, smiling and I wave at him, my mood rising a bit.
Zara leans to me. "He likes you."
I shoot her a look.
"What? It's obvious." She raise her hands in mock surrender.
I don't know what to say to Zara anymore. This girl will still believe what she wants. We board a bus at the junction down the school road to our estate with my best friend feeding me how to act and talk on my tutor sections.
I arrive home and bounce on the couch, peeling my sneakers off my feet for it to breath. I'm not surprised that my dad isn't back. After all, I'm used to been alone.
Sluggishly, I take a quick shower and throw on a summer flowy grown before going downstairs to make a fast food.
Humming to Michael Jackson's song from my music box in the kitchen, my phone makes a ding sound and I stretch to see a notification from my gmail. My brows knit together as I swipe my phone open and tap on the message. It's a message from...
"Mr Alex?"
My eyes widens as my eyes scan through the timetable he sent to me. He must be really serious about taking extra classes and I can't be more grateful. He probably got my gmail address from the students' documentaries and decided to send me the timetable immediately. I glance at the topics he picked, mentally preparing my mind for series of poems and novels.
The kittle makes a whistle sound and I drop my phone and turn off the electric cooker. When I'm done feeding my stomach, I'll face the timetable and get ready for lectures which would be starting on Monday, according to the message.
~Pls vote vote vote!!!☺and comment💕
It encourages me to write more🌹
Quick question, why do you think Mr Alex accepted to tutor Salome?🌚
Till we meet again😘
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