Chapter 19 | The Battle pt 1

Warning: Swearing

You had your suit on. Your father told you that you were the last resort if Tony decided to pull any stunts or reveal another person. He wanted you safe and you knew that so you stood near he same place where he was before he had walked out.

Everyone had their earpieces on that Steve had given them. "Bucky, Sam, where are you guys so in case if I have to get to you?" You asked quietly and Bucky responded "In one of the terminals to your right."
"Alright, thanks." You replied and watched.

"Underoos!" Is what you heard through the earpiece and you saw a kid in red and blu- Wait- you knew him. It was Spider-Man and he had managed to take your father's shield. "Give me the sign dad." You muttered and he heard you but didn't say anything till Scott made his move.

"Sparrow now." He spoke and you ran out. Spotting a plant nearby, you moved your hand and created a vine. With the vine you tied it around Tony's foot. Trying to hold him down, you heard Bucky and Sam speaking through the earpiece. "Sparrow go!" Steve said and you ran.

As you got near the building, you used your phasing to go right through then prompted yourself up through the ceiling, landing on the level they were at. You noticed who they were fighting. "Hey! Spider boy!"
You yelled and he turned to look at you.

Quickly you made a vine appear and wrapped it around him then ran towards Bucky and Sam. "Go! I'll handle-" you were cut off by Spider-Man kicking you to the side. Grunting softly, you stood up and turned around. Sam was about to get hit and Bucky blocked it, causing both of them to go down.

You ran over to them and saw them on the ground webbed up. You were about to use your fear manipulation when Red-Wing came in and took Spider-Man out the window. "You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky said and Sam replied "shut up."

Rolling your eyes and smiling, you phased down and helped them out of the webbing. "Where to next?" You asked the both of them. They looked at each other then at the window seeing people starting to gather up. "We join the others." Bucky stated and both you and Sam nodded, running out of the building.

"Stay near me Sparrow." Bucky mentioned and you told him back "Don't worry. I think I can handle the spider." You ran to your spot around the corner which was behind but between Scott and Sam. Not to mention Wanda standing next to you on your left.

Of course you all would've kept running but Vision had to stop you by using his stone to mark the ground. You were trying to catch your breath just a bit that you couldn't hear much of the conversation.

It wasn't until we started walking and the other team did as well when I knew what was about to happen. A full out brawl was about to spin out. 'Welcome to the WWE superhero edition!' You said in your head as you started to run.

Steve got Tony, Bucky got T'Challa, Nat and Clint, Wanda and Vision, Rhodes and Scott while you got Spider-Man. "Hey, we've met before." He started to say and you spoke back through your mask "has anyone ever told you that there's not much talking during a fight."

The battle went one for a while and that's when you got thrown at the truck. "Ugh.." You grunted as you went to get back up. Looking over your shoulder, you now spotted your father fighting Spider-Man. One on one.

Minutes later, Spider-Man was left trying to hold up the truck with his own two hands. You tried to help him out a bit by putting stumps near the bottom. Even though you were on the opposite team, you couldn't really injure him that bad.

"Woah.." you said when you saw how big Scot had gotten. "Holy shit.." Spider-Man said since he wasn't too far from you. You ran right past Scott over to where your dad was and Bucky. "Hey" you said out of breath as you approached them both. (Pic below.)

They looked at you and your dad said "we're going to try and make it to the jet right across from here. Alright?" Nodding your head, you followed them and started to run. You were head of them since they gave you a head start. They were running right behind you.

It wasn't until the radio tower started to fall when you picked up your pace. If it wasn't for a little help by Wanda you all wouldn't have made it. Nearly falling through, you were stopped on your tracks by Natasha.

You stood there and Steve stepped forward as Bucky grabbed your arm in a protective state. The next thing you heard from Nat was "go" and she started to shoot T'Challa right behind you all. Bucky was still holding on to you as ran to them on the jet.

You strapped on the seat near the front and near Bucky then closed your eyes leaning your head back on the chair. You were breathing a bit heavy from all of the running and Bucky glanced over at you before looking back to Steve who was at the pilot's seat.

There was a scratch on the side of your forehead from the fight a few minutes ago. You took a nap for only a couple of minutes since you were a little tired. There was still more to go.

"I don't know if I mean all of this to you." Was what Bucky had said while you were asleep. "You are Buck. You're my best friend." Steve replied. (The old song. "Cause you're my best friend. Oooo you're making me feel.." 😂)

Those couple of minutes of them chatting, made you wake up. "Are we almost there yet?" You asked as you yawned "not yet." Your father stated and continued on. Bucky turned his head and looked over at you. "When we get there, I need you to stay between Steve and I just in case if those super soldiers are brought back by Zemo." Nodding your head you yawned again.

Sorry if this is trash :/

•< Word Count >• 1071

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