Anthony Davis Trial Continued...

There comes a time in everyone's life where they have to stand up between right and wrong. Where they have a conscious and they have to determine if they are strong enough to be the one who may not have the popular vote but that it's the right one. You have to determine that you are willing to go it alone and be okay with it. If you can do all of those things then that's a job well done.


"Ms. Anderson, I would like to properly apologize to you and your family for what I said yesterday in my scenario to you," the prosecutor, Ethan, told her professionally. "I am merely trying to make a point across in different scenarios like this one how other families would feel. Regardless, it was wrong and I hope you accept my apology."

Though Alison accepted his apology, she didn't feel comfortable being with him or being around him. After the first trial she attended yesterday, she hired a lawyer immediately as he didn't make her feel very safe. She felt like he was trying to twist her words and didn't believe that what she was saying was the truth. But it was. The judge sat back with a satisfied smile as the prosecutor continued on with his questions.

If Alison were being honest, she was surprised that she heard from Anthony's lawyer, Jack Hemmingway, first before the prosecutor. She would have thought that maybe the prosecutor, Ethan, would have called her but she was glad that he hadn't. That didn't mean that she didn't believe Anthony was innocent. She wasn't really sure what to believe because if what they are claiming he did was true then he should be in jail for a long time. But if what they are claiming is false then he should be innocent.

It was up for the jury to decide as Anthony had decided to have the jury claim his fate. Alison still couldn't believe that this case was on television for people to watch. Everyone threw in their opinions of what was happening as news stations would have lawyers on them and even the news commentators would give their opinion. She supposed it was because Anthony Davis was one of the most high profile lawyers out there.

People liked to weigh in with their opinions on whether they thought Anthony Davis was guilty or not guilty on counts of embezzlement. What he knew and didn't know. Most of them agreed that he was guilty and only a few that were his loyal followers and supporters said he wasn't guilty. That there wasn't any embezzlement and that these clients were lying. If one thing about this trial has taught Alison it was to look at everything objectively and not through emotion.

"I want to ask you because I know you said yesterday that he never took you on trips, correct?" He asked her.


"Has he ever offered to help you in any way?"

"He did once when we first started dating."

"And what was it over?"

"To try and get my dog back that my ex-boyfriend took from me when he left."

"Did anything ever come of it and did you get your dog back?"

"No," Alison shook her head sadly and he gave a curt nod in understanding.

"That is all, your honor," the prosecutor told the judge.

"The testifier will now step down," the judge told jury and Alison got out of the chair as she went back to sit with Mark.

She was still pretty upset about losing her dog, Bear, especially to a man who didn't even love him. Though Anthony had offered to help her and sue her ex-boyfriend nothing had ever come up from it. Mainly because she was scared to sue her ex-boyfriend and also because her busy schedule just consumed her to where they didn't have any time. She just hoped that her dog, Bear, was okay and alive.

"You did good, babe," Mark whispered to his girlfriend as he caressed her hand with his thumb and she gave him a small smile.

"It is now time for the closing arguments," Judge Bristol alerts everyone.

"You know, the testifier, Alison Anderson had to hire a lawyer after she testified because she didn't feel safe with the prosecutor," Jack told the jury. "The reason we brought her on was to show that Anthony did not talk about his business to everyone he knew," the lawyer said. "It wasn't to have her lie or say that she was for her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Davis. No. It was also to show that Mr. Davis cares deeply for his family as any of you would, I'm sure," Jack continued on. "The reason why a majority of Mr. Davis' clients didn't give their money in full was because most of them weren't of age yet and they weren't in the right mind after having so many surgeries. He wanted to make sure that their money was really going toward their surgeries and medical bills. Wouldn't you do the same? When you have a patient who is knocked up on pain killers and can't even remember what day it is. Would you want someone to have twelve million dollars when they can't even remember what day it is or who their family member is at the time?"

The argument wasn't helping Anthony's case at all, but apparently it was the best scenario they could come up with.

The prosecutor came up with his notebook that was loaded with notes and he had points written down that he wanted to talk about in his closing arguments.

"First of all before we begin, I would like to apologize to all of you as well for my scenario I asked of Ms. Anderson as it was never my intention to hurt her or her family like that. I did not mean to make her feel unsafe as that was never my intention. I am sure though that you all will hopefully understand where I was coming from. This is a sensitive subject as you all have listened for these past couple weeks. Hundreds of people and families have lost out on money that they have rightfully earned and deserve. The million dollar question here is how the hell can this have happened? How could a well-respected lawyer have let this happened and how could anyone else turn a blind eye and make it to where Mr. Davis is above the law? Mr. Davis is a lawyer who knows the law which is the ironic thing here. So the question is - is he above the law? Could you imagine having a family member have to have over twenty surgeries in a year, a year, ladies and gentlemen, and not be given the money in full? How can anyone pay those medical bills without that money that they earned in the lawsuit? The family already has the stress of making sure their loved one is alright and has the right medications after surgery to heal better. They do not need the stress of wanting to know where their money went.

"This is just like celebrities who believe they are above the law and do everything that's not in the rule book just to tempt themselves and the law to see if anything will be done about it. They have no care in the world. The defense makes an argument of saying that Mr. Davis cares about his family. If he really did, wouldn't the right thing be to do the right thing and give their clients their money they earned? It should be," he finished then looking down at his notebook at his points and began speaking again after clearing his throat. "Over the course of these two weeks you, the jury, have heard at least seven of the victim's stories. Their truth. The pain they have and are still going through. Again, I want to stress this to you, the jury, no family or person should have to go through the stress of worrying about paying medical bills.

"Where the hell does eighty million dollars go? The defense likes to make the argument that Mr. Davis had a very bad car accident about five years ago. Yet, there is no police record of it. If it were as bad as they claim it was to make him lose some of his memory, wouldn't there be one? I believe there would be. So why isn't there? Is it possible that the accident never happened in the first place? Was it all a setup to make a story seem plausible but it in fact wasn't? We will find out in a couple months if he acted alone in this or if he had other coworkers working with him when his co-owners trial is next month. This is all for you, the jury to decide. That is all," Ethan tells Judge Bristol in his final closing statement argument.

It was now time for the jury to deliberate as they were escorted out of the court room and everyone stood until they left.

"Does the jury have the verdict?" Judge Bristol asked them, hours later.

"We do, your honor," one of the jury said as they handed the papers to the woman who would be reading off the verdict as she handed it to the judge first to look at and then handed it back.

"We the jury find the defendant Anthony J. Davis guilty of fraud. We the jury find the defendant guilty of embezzlement."

Anthony Davis was found guilty on both counts of fraud and embezzlement. He also has to pay a fine of $220,000 as well as having twelve years in prison. He could be let out of prison on the possibility of parole if he displayed good behavior. Alison saw Anthony close his eyes at the verdict and his shoulders shook. Was it out of guilt? Regret? Because he knew he wouldn't see his son grow up?


"Hey, you okay?" Mark asked his girlfriend in concern as they were in the Starbucks and sitting in one of the booths.

He had treated her to buy one of their tumblers, a holiday coffee drink which she chose a grande caramel brûlée coffee along with the reindeer cake pop. She didn't even complain when he paid for the items and he knew something was wrong.

"What makes people do bad things?" She asked after she took a sip of her hot coffee and he knew that she was talking about Anthony.

"I'm not sure," he shrugs his shoulder taking a sip of his coffee as well. "It could be a number of things."

"But isn't it a bit selfish? I mean what he did," she shook her head as a few warm tears dropped onto her cheek. "What about his son?"

"What he did was awful," Mark agreed with her as he brought his thumb up to her cheek and wiped away the tears and she she leaned into the palm of his hand as he cupped her cheek. "We still don't know his reasoning behind it all but I imagine he did it because he wanted to give Bentley the best life."

"But it's not really the best life, is it? If he won't be in his life for twelve years..."

"Possibly shorter," Mark corrected her. "He has a possibility for parole if he displays good behavior."

"I know," she nodded her head and placed a kiss in the inner part of his wrist. "Thank you. For being there for me these past couple of days."

"Of course," he leans forward and presses his lips to hers as she closes her eyes and opens them when his lips leave hers. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

"Not even at work doing a breast augmentation or rhinoplasty?" She teased as she leaned forward in the booth as she took a bite of her cake pop.

"Hey," he whined. "I do more than just boob and nose jobs."


Alison was back to work at Seattle Grace after taking a couple days off due to the trials. They met up in an on-call room after being pretty handsy with each other and not being able to take it anymore.

"Shirt off," Alison let out a breath as her hair was a mess and he had already taken hers off leaving her in only her bra and pants.

Mark lifted his off with ease and she brought him closer to her again as she tugged on his hair and he lifted her up over to the bed. Panting, moans and sighs were the only thing that could be heard and mutters of their love for each other as she scratched his back. He entered her with ease as she threw her head back and he started moving inside her when they heard a knock on the door.

"Ignore it," Alison murmured and wrapped her legs around his waist bringing him closer to her and his lips on her neck as he moved at a fast, steady rhythm to help finish them off.

"Doctor Sloan," Miranda knocked on the door again this time using her voice and the couple finished off as Mark hurriedly answered the door making sure to crack it slightly so that it shield his naked body from the resident. "Doctor Bailey's baby."

Alison hit her forehead with her hand as she realized Tucker was with Miranda. She quickly got redressed as he talked with the resident.

"It appears nurse Tanya is no longer available for your liposuction at ten. Should I cancel the procedure?"

"Get me another nurse," he tells her. "Get me Kate."

"Why are you already dressed?" Mark groaned as he threw his head back once he saw his girlfriend.

"That's Doctor Bailey out there," she pointed to the door freaking out a little. "And Doctor Bailey's baby."

"So?" He asked frustrated because one round wasn't enough. "That doesn't mean you had to get dressed," but then they heard another knock and he let out another groan as she was beginning to get a little amused.

"Doctor Anderson, Doctor Sloan would like to use nurse Kate this morning. She's scheduled currently for your surgery to remove the spleen this morning. Should we move yours back an hour or we could do yours earlier. Or we could move them both."

Alison gasped as she realized she had Kate on her schedule today. Not only that but also that Doctor Bailey had called her out for sleeping with Mark at work and so she opened up the door halfway.

"Yeah, I'm good with moving mine back or having it sooner. Whichever works with me. Hi Tucker. Don't judge me, Bailey," she greets the little boy and then closes the door.


"Oh my God, that was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life so far," Alison let out a groan after she had fixed her appearance and met with Derek in the lobby and she could tell that he was being weird about something.

"Why? What happened?" Derek rushed out and she gave him a weird look.

"Bailey just caught Mark and I having sex in the on-call room," she shuddered at the thought. "And she was with Tucker."

"Oof," Derek shook his head and laughed at the thought. "I'm glad I wasn't in your position," he let out an awkward laugh and ran his fingers through his hair nervously.

"Okay, what the hell is going on? Why are you acting all weird?"

"Weird? I'm not acting... weird."

"Yes you are," she let out a short laugh. "Your hiding something from me! What are you hiding from me?"

"Okay, I'll tell you, only because I don't want you to see the paper on the bulletin board first. "Burke got the Harper Avery Award," he said but it was all in one breath and kind of mixed up together.

"Sorry, what?" He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Burke got the Harper Avery Award," he told again but this time more normal.

"Oh," she said and he noticed her shoulders deflate slightly. "Well, good for him. Did he mention Cristina at all?"

Derek shook his head.

"That bitch," she replied and walked away as Derek had his jaw dropped.


Alison's surgery ended up getting moved for later which she was okay with so now she was with Clair talking about how much they miss Addison already while Richard had paged Mark to talk to him.

"Good morning, chief," Mark greeted the older man.

"Human resources called. As of this morning, the nurses are boycotting your surgeries."

"I haven't done anything to the nurses," Mark defended himself.

It was true. Ever since he had been dating Alison he had stopped sleeping around with other women. His sole focus was on Alison and Alison alone.

"Well nothing that can get us sued," Mark finished his sentence.

"Well whatever you did they felt strongly enough about it that they sent a union rep," Richard told him sternly and frustrated and walked into the room. "Adele?"

"Your wife is the union scout?" Mark asks shocked.

"Nurse mediator, Doctor Sloan," Adele corrects the surgeon. "And you know Wayne from Human Resources."

"B-but h-how d-iid you-" Mark tried to get the words out but was cut off from Richard.

"Adele used to be a nurse," Richard answers his question. "Apparently she's gotten back into her field."

"I'm not just a housewife anymore. There have been complaints about Doctor Sloan. Complaints that this hospital has up until now, ignored," Adele told the two.

"Everything I do is consensual," Mark tells them. "But I haven't slept with any nurses since I've been dating my girlfriend. But hell, some of them even begged for it."

"Sloan," Richard chastised him.

"No formal harassment complaints have been filed," the Human Resources man told the two. "However, the board has decided to progressively protect itself from future litigations. So. As of today if a hospital employee is having sexual relationships with another employee they have to register it."

"It's called date and tell," Adele speaks up and gets up from her seat.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Mark asks the two.

"Do you want to wait until you have a twenty-million dollar lawsuit on your hands?"

"Fill out the forms," Richard told him as he let out a sigh.


"Shut up and fill out the damn form."

"And you too, Richard," Adele told Richard as she handed him the form.


Alison was asking around where Derek was and was told that he was with a new patient for the trial he was going to be doing later today.

"Hey," Alison opened up the door after knocking and smiling sheepishly. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Derek smiled at her and ushered her to come in. "Darren this is Doctor Anderson. She's a Pediatrician. I called her down because I thought you might find her interesting."

"How so?" Darren asked as his eyebrows furrowed.

Derek really called her down to hopefully calm Darren down. Help him feel more relaxed as he noticed a difference in him when Todd and his dad were in the same room. It was also to help get the surgery off his mind.

"My dad was in the military," she said with a small smile. "And my brothers are now."

"Really?" Darren asked, intrigued, as he sat up in the hospital bed.

"Yeah," she nodded her head. "My dad was Army but my brother, James, he's in the Marines and is actually stationed at Camp Pendleton right now while my other brother, Adam, is in the Navy. Hi Darren, it's nice to meet you," Alison greeted the patient and shook hands with him.

"Nice to meet you too, Doctor Anderson."

"And your name was Todd, right?" She asked the man who was in his BDU's next to him.

"That's right," he nodded his head and shook hands with the blonde doctor.


"The chief needs to know who you've slept with before the end of the day," George told Alison as she just got done with surgery and took the form and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm confused," she told him. "Why is it any of his business as to who we sleep with? Isn't that not against regulations?"

"Not when your boyfriend is possibly looking at a twenty million lawsuit against the hospital for sleeping with the nurses."

"What?" She shrieked and left George to find her boyfriend for some sort of explanation.

"Do you want to explain to me what this is?" Alison asked rather harshly as she slammed the piece of paper in front of her boyfriend and he looked at her rather sad.

Alison had never seen him look like this before. She was always used to him being arrogant, charming and insatiable.

"The nurses are on strike against me and my surgeries," he complained as he whined slightly and she rolled her eyes as she sat down.

"Why? You haven't slept with any of them since we started dating," she pointed out and he threw his hands up in the air.

"Thank you," he exclaimed as his hands flung back down to his sides. "But they don't care about that! How am I supposed to be a surgeon if I can't do any surgeries?"

"Why did you have to sleep with so many nurses?" Alison snapped and Mark looked at her with what she would call puppy dog eyes she ran her fingers through her blonde hair after taking it out from her low bun she had it in. "Sorry, it's just - I don't get it. So help me explain?"

"Apparently this hospital is looking at what could be a twenty million dollar lawsuit because I slept with a lot of nurses. But I swear I didn't do anything without their consent."

"That's it," Alison exclaimed with a smile on her face and he furrowed his eyebrows at her in confusion.

"Why are you happy about this?"

"Because I figured out why they are doing this! Remember when Olivia and the other nurse were trying to protect me a while ago from you? What if this was part of their plan? Obviously they got other nurses involved too."

"Your a genius," he exclaimed as he leaned forward and with both hands on her face as he kissed her. "But what do we do about it? I mean, we still have to sign these forms..."

"I'll figure out a plan."


"Hey," Alison greeted Derek as he was leaning forward and resting his hands underneath his chin. "You okay?"

"You know what the worst thing about this trial is? I get my hopes up and then I'm left disappointed when my patient dies."

"Darren died?" Her shoulders deflated and she felt bad because she liked him. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," he brushes it off.

"Derek, it's okay to be affected by a patient's death. Especially when you are going through a trial."

"I know," he let out a tired sigh. "It's just - I can't be what Meredith wants me to be for this trial. I took this on knowing what I was getting myself into but now that I'm actually doing it, the feelings just different. You know?"

"I get it," she nods her head. "I know I haven't been part of a trial so I don't know in that aspect, but I understand what it means to feel different when you are actually in the situation."

"What happened with the trial today?" He asked wanting to get the topic off of him.

"Guilty," she lets out a breath. "On both fraud and embezzlement," she told him and he let out a low whistle.

"Damn," he shook his head. "How many years?"

"Twelve," she tells him. "But he has the option to get out on parole if he shows good behavior."

"I feel bad for his kid. I always loved babysitting Bentley. Whose he gonna live with when his dad is in prison?"

"His aunt."

"Hm, shame."

"Why do you say that?" She asked him as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well," he turns to her. "I guess I just thought he would live with you."

"Me?" Alison asks as her eyes widen and shakes her head. "I- I couldn't."

"Why not?"

"Well, he deserves to be with family who can be there for him and I'm too busy to be watching his kid."

"What about when you and Mark will have a kid? Will you be too busy then?"

"That's different."


"I know this might sound bad but it would be our own kid, you know? After having them for twelve years we wouldn't have to give them back to their parents because we would be theirs."

"Ah," Derek nodded his head in understanding. "I see. Less complicated that way, huh?"


"Do you want kids with Mark?"

"I know it's still early to be able to tell the future, but I can see a future with him, you know?"

"Yeah," Derek smiled at his person and he truly was happy for her and Mark as he had come to terms with their relationship. "You guys are cute together."

"Thanks," she smiled shyly at him. "And you know if you and Meredith were ever to get back together, you guys are pretty cute together."

"That's my cue to leave," Derek said and walked away before Alison let out a small chuckle and shook her head.


"I just wanted to drop off the form myself," Miranda told the chief as she put the form in front of Richard. "Answer any questions you might have."

"There are interns listed on this form," he pointed out and she made a noise as she put a hand on her hip.

"I've acquired an energy of youth, Doctor Shepherd was just a moment of weakness for both of us."

"Doctor Sloan?" He asked in surprise as his eyes widened. "This wasn't while he is dating Doctor Anderson is it?"

"Oh that was many moments in on-call rooms. Very hot. But no, it was before he started dating Doctor Anderson."

"And does Doctor Anderson know of this? If I were to ask her..."

"Oh yes sir," she nods her head. "She doesn't have a problem with it knowing we're in the past and all."

"Hmm, steamy," Adele comments.

"Alright, Doctor Bailey, I get that you are-"

"See this is all a joke to you," Miranda interjected him. "I am a single woman. I've been a single woman for some time now but the very idea that I could have a sexual encounter. A consensual sexual encounter is a joke to you?"

"Doctor Bailey-"

"So much so that you would single me out of this entire hospital as the one person who wouldn't have one single interest in the opposite sex. It's just-"

"It's harassment," Adele finishes for Miranda.


"Shame on you, sir," Miranda scolds the chief. "Just shame on you," she yells at him and leaves.


"Hey, are you busy tonight?" Erica asks Alison when she sees the ped's surgeon alone, eating french fries.

"No," she glances at her when she realizes that the cardiologist is still glancing at her. "Why?"

"Do you want to hang out?"


"I know we don't really hang out and I don't make friends easily but Callie doesn't want to seem to hang out with me anymore now that she's having sex with someone so I was just seeing if you wanted to?"

"Do you mind if Mark hangs out with us too? You need friends and he's getting kind of depressed about the nurses going on strike for his surgeries."

She hesitates for a moment before nodding her head.


"Thank you," Alison gives her smile. "Have you ever been ax throwing?"

"Ax throwing?" Erica seems intrigued as she crosses her arm and smiles at the blonde. "I can say that I haven't."

"Well I know of a place that's pretty close to Joe's Bar. I've never been but they serve pizza and beer. Interested?"

"I am."


"This boycott has gone on long enough," Alison began as the nurses surrounded her and Mark as he stood next to her. "I have no authority here but I know you all are doing this thinking it's a way to protect me. But like I told Olivia and some of the other nurses, I do not need protecting. And also how is this protecting me? Because the way I see it - you are only hurting yourselves and my boyfriend. How is he supposed to be a surgeon if he can't perform any surgeries? You all slept with him before he and I began dating, knowing the kind of man he was before. And so what, are you jealous that he's with me? As women we should be congratulating each other, not tearing each other apart. Now you also want to come in between my relationship with him thinking that it should be you with him instead of me. He's a doctor first and foremost. A really good one," she tells all the nurses. "So how about instead of complaining wishing you were in my position, you all stop daydreaming on what could have been and get back to your job so that he can get back to his job and help the people that really need it. Disperse," she tells the nurses and they all leave except Olivia and her friend, Crystal.

"We're really sorry," they told Alison and Mark.

"We thought we were protecting Alison," Crystal tells Mark. "We realize now that you two really do love each other."

"And you stopped calling me the syph nurse and this is how I treat you," Olivia looks at the ped's surgeon. "I promise that we will do better. Be better."

"We will support other women," Crystal tells her with a smile on her face and the duo leaves.

"That was hot," Mark tells his girlfriend and she rolls her eyes and grabs his hand dragging him away.

"I swear I have a one track mind boyfriend," she mutters as she slightly stomps her feet.

"That you love," he reminds her.

"That I do," she lets out a sigh and turns to him as she stands on her tip toes and wraps her arms around his neck as she presses her lips to his.


"Oh, you know you're really good at this," Alison complimented Erica as she hit the center with the ax.

"Thanks," she smiles at her and grabs a bite of her pizza. "It feels good too, you know? Releases all of this stress. You should try now Mark."

"Okay," he nods his head and gets up from his seat but not before taking a sip of his beer and getting an ax before he swings at it and goes to the middle as both women clap, Alison the loudest.

Alison celebrated with Mark, happy that he was getting out his funk from earlier as Erica noticed Callie coming up to talk with Erica.

"Okay, I've been avoiding you," Callie tells Erica. "But when she was here Addison said, well she implied, that you and I might be lesbians."

Erica starts laughing and so does Callie.


I'm so sorry for the super late update! I ended up going on vacation last week and am leaving today to go back home. I also ended up having a cold the whole time which was a bummer but I hope the long chapter with over 5,000 words made up for the lack of updating!

I know some of you wanted Bentley to live with Alison but Anthony has a sister and thought it would be better for him to be left with family. Besides, I have something better in store that I hope you all love!

Hope you all are doing well :)

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