greys||multi eps

greys anatomy
charlie | 11-15

charlottes best scenes seasons 13-18

"What did Karev do?" April asks, finding meredith.

"what do you mean?"

A very annoyed looking Alex walks by with a very content looking Charlotte on his back. "hurry. up. if we get there and the puddings all gone someone's gonna die." she kicks his sides.

"would you give it a rest already?" Alex groans as they continue down the hallway.

"Oh. That," Meredith laughs, "apparently he pissed off Charlie."

"whatever it was, he probably deserves it."

The three Sister Chiefs hurriedly join the crowd of doctors forming in front of the hospitals main staircase, Charlotte trailing solemnly behind them.

"look who finally decided to show up," Alex grumbled.

"well we would've been here earlier but Meredith hit a squirrel." Amelia spoke up, as if that explained everything.

"how big was the squirrel?" Alex teased before noticing the visibly distraught teenager to Amelia's left.

"we had to stop and help the squirrel." Maggie explained, her hands resting on Charlottes shoulders.

"And drive it to an animal hospital all the way across the freaking city." Amelia muttered, just quiet enough that her sisters and Alex could hear her without the risk of setting the upset teen off once again.

"are you four or fourteen?" Alex couldn't help himself.

Maggie narrowed her eyes, jutting her head towards the younger girl. "shut up."

Opening his mouth to continue his teasing, Alex noticed the smeared mascara covering the teens face; an obvious sign that she was not in the mood to be teased.

"oh relax. you're whole job is surrounding on saving lives. if we didn't help the squirrel, he would have died all alone on the side of the road. how would you like to be left for dead on the side of main street?" Charlotte snaps.

Maggie reaches into her pockets, pulling out a handful of tissues and beginning to dab at the teenagers under eyes. "you're right, Charlie. the squirrels gonna be fine now, they're gonna fix his leg and then he's gonna be released right back to
all his squirrel friends."

Charlotte huffed, swatting the woman's hands away. "oh please. i'm not five. sure he'll live, but that thing'll never see sunlight again. hope he said bye-bye to freedom. Meredith paralyzed the poor thing."

Meredith widens her eyes, "okay, harsh."

"I don't want to live in the garden, Amelia."

"The garden?"

"vegetable garden. cabbage patch. You know, turnips. potatoes." Charlotte sits up, "what i'm trying to say is don't gork me. don't screw this up."

Amelia nods, "noted."

"Charlotte kicking people out of their own beds for _ minutes straight."

Charlotte throws open Merediths bedroom door, startling the latter and her new boyfriend, andrew deluca.

"uh, what the hell?" deluca asks, sitting up and turning on his bedside lamp.

"get out. i need meredith,"

"what? you can't just kick me out of bed. you don't even live here."

charlotte enters the bedroom further, "out."

deluca looks helplessly towards his girlfriend, who shrugs as she sits up as well. "why don't you start some coffee for us?" she offers.

deluca finally gets the hint. charlotte smirks as he passes her on his way out of the room before climbing into his side of the bed.

Letting herself in using an emergency set of keys she had swiped the last time she was in the loft, charlotte races up the buildings stairs. out of breath, she barges through the karevs apartment door.

"you should really keep better eyes on your keys." she speaks, catching her breath.

the couple startles awake. "jesus christ, charlie." alex squints, reaching over to turn a light on.

charlotte stands at the foot of the bed. "out, jo. i need to talk to alex."

"i'm naked," jo argues.

"well get un-naked. i need alex." the teen repeats.


"jesus christ jo. i don't care about your tits! out!" charlotte interrupts the current chief resident. she liked jo; she was honestly probably the teens favorite. however, there were some instances where she would rather only speak to alex.

stealing a quick glance towards her fiancé and realizing this was a losing battle, jo grabs an oversized t-shirt from the bedroom floor and pulls it on over her head. "you know what...i think i'll make some coffee."

"you're coffee machine is in the same room as your bed. your entire apartment is in the same room." charlotte reminds. "i kicked you out because i only wanted to speak to alex."

"right. then i guess ill go get some coffee." jo changes course. "alex, you want some?"

alex nods. charlotte speaks up, climbing into jos now vacant side of the bed. "ooh, can you grab me a hot chocolate?"

after his girlfriend leaves, alex rolls over to face the teen. "you can't just show up in the middle of the night. i know you do it with mere and whoever all the time, but it's not gonna be our thing."

"it's not the middle of the night. it's 4:30. grow up."

Charlotte lets herself into alex and jos loft, flicking on the overhead light as she stands at the foot of their bed.


the doctor in question just mumbles in response.


not only does this wake the peds doctor, but also his wife beside him. she sits up, shaking her husband until he is fully awake. alex groans, "jesus, what charlie?"

"get out."


"i need jo. go away."

jo furrows her eyebrows. "me? you want me? who died?"

"just get out, alex." charlotte urges.

alex suddenly notices the bruise rapidly forming on the teens left eye, and the mascara highlighting obvious tear-stains running down her cheeks.

the doctor is now wide awake. he sits up, quickly approaching the young girl. "what happened? who did this to you?" he gently grazes a finger against the forming bruise.

charlotte shys away from the doctors touch. "i'm fine. can you just leave, please?"

alex hesitantly looks over at his girlfriend, who is also suddenly wide awake. jo nods. "i got her."

against his better judgment, alex grabs his coat and leaves. as soon as the loft door slides
shut behind him, charlotte bursts into another round of tears, climbing into his side of the bed beside jo.

"Maggie?" charlotte knocks urgently on the door of on call room number three. "maggie!"

a disheveled maggie pierce opens the door, looking like she had just been woken up, "charlie? what are you doing here?"

charlotte ignores the valid question, lightly shoving the attending aside and stepping into the
small room. "avery," she hisses, shaking awake the plastic surgeon fast asleep on the bottom bunk.

"charlie?" jackson avery questions, clearly disoriented.


"uh, no. i'm sleeping."

"fine then. if you want to hear all about my piping hot, dramatic, delusional teen girl gossip be my guest."

avery shoots off the bed, grabs his pager, and is out the door before charlotte can even begin to

"You have a thing for kicking people out of their own beds, don't you?" owen asks the morning after he himself had fallen victim to the now notorious spouse-napper. the teenagers habits had quickly become a popular discussion amongst interns, residents, and attending alike: no one was safe.

"can't help it. it's the one time everyone's most likely to listen to me: when they are tired and disoriented. plus; you all have extremely comfortable beds." charlotte spoke from besides a still sleeping amelia. at least this time she had been kind and done her 'kicking out' before either of the two had even fallen asleep.

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