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๐ค๐ฉ๐ข๐ฑ๐ต๐ฆ๐ณ fifty-six
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Tucked in the crevices of her mirror and slightly hidden behind her makeup brushes, the polaroid faces of James Garica and Dallas Garcia stared back. It was a more recent picture. Dallas was older, staring into the camera with a tinge of annoyance and hidden joy. James, on the other hand, had his arm wrapped around her shoulder and wore a wide, proud grin.
The Garcia residence was much quieter without the girl. Marilyn noticed this. Especially when James would always leave out a spare cup of coffee every morning for his daughter - just in case she came home. It always fell cold and was poured down the sink hours later. But it was always sat anew the next morning.
He wouldn't storm down to wherever Seline and Sybil were and force her to come home. He did a lot of forcing when she lived with him. Some of it was the very reason why she left in the first place. James wanted it to be her choice.
Marilyn wrapped the headscarf over her hair and placed a pair of sunglasses on her face as her husband stared dimly out into the yard. "Marilyn," he spoke aloud before she could even place her hand on the doorknob. She ducked her head through the doorway and quirked a brow. "I can't do this with you anymore. Not.." he breathed in as the words became heavy on his tongue. "Not like this."
She furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you saying?"
James glanced down at his wedding ring. "You're Dallie's mother, always." he slipped it from his finger and placed it on his countertop. "I just don't think I can be your husband anymore."
Her hands dropped to her sides. "James, are you divorcing me?"
He swallowed hard. "I'm not gonna try and take Dallas if that's what you're worried about." Jim scoffed and took a harsh sip of coffee.
"Til death do us part, Marie." he glanced her way. "And it did."
Her shoulders slumped into her jacket. She watched as her husband, or ex-husband at this point stood up from the stool and straightened out his suit. "You don't need to sign anything." he paused. "And don't tell Dallie. She's already got so much going on already."
Marilyn's eyes dropped to her hands while one ran through her hair. She pulled open the door with a heavy huff and dizzy thoughts. In the driveway, brows furrowed and leaning against his cyan blue jeep was Stiles Stilinski. Marilyn didn't see him - or at least, didn't meet his eyes.
He saw James stand in the doorway of his home and catch a glimpse at him instead. Only then, did he straighten his posture and make his way towards his girlfriend's father. It was weird being there without Dallas. It was weird even talking to her father without her.
Stepping inside and frowning at the silence, Stiles connected eyes with James. "You don't have to be polite, Stiles." the lawyer shut the door behind him. "I know you heard that."
Stiles dropped his gaze to his worn-out sneakers. "I won't say anything to Dallas, Mr. Garcia."
Pursing his lips, the girl's father nodded along. "James." he corrected. "You can call me James, Stiles. I'm not gonna pull out a shotgun on you."
Blowing out a breath of fresh air, Stiles nodded while the lawyer sat back at his countertop and tossing the newspaper aside. "That's actually pretty relieving to hear," he scratched the back of his head before pulling out the scale from the back pocket of his jeans. "Uh, this- this is what I found."
He placed it atop the countertop and watched as it glistened underneath the light. "The same bar?" Jim turned to the Stilinski who nodded. "Who else you tell?"
Their voices were quiet and dimmed as they carried through the kitchen. "Just you." he watched as he turned back to the scale. "Uh, what are you gonna do?" he ducked his head.
"Nothing." James squinted his eyes at the scale. "She's not the only siren in town anymore. You don't know it was her."
Stiles frowned at Jim's proclivity to protect his daughter. Even dismissing what he already knew just to paint her in a better light.
"But what if it was?"
James stood up with anxious eyes and trembled hands. "Just keep an eye on her, will you?" he paused and ran his finger across the scale tip. "At all times."
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Dallas Garcia sat in the library of Beacon Hills High, sunglasses perched on her nose and slouched back in her chair with bitter distaste.
While she had sent a plethora of texts to Stiles Stilinski - none of them had been answered. Just the small, single tick to show they had definitely been delivered.
She chewed anxiously on her nail. Why was he ignoring her? Had she slipped up somehow?
Dallie cursed at her sudden insecurity. Even with no humanity it crept up on her.
Her head, filled with loose screws and troublesome thoughts, fell into her hands. "Looks like somebody's had a rough day."
Dallas glanced up in perpetual frustration. Theo Raeken glanced down at her with a smug grin. "Go away." She spoke through clustered groans.
He chuckled gruffly and instead took a seat at her table - much to her dismay. "Hey, I only wanted to say hello. No need for hostility."
"Hello, now go away."
The Raeken raised a brow. "You've barely spoken a word to me since I got back."
"Thats the point-"
Theo rolled his eyes. "Whether we worked out or not, I still could do with a couple of friends by my side here, Dallas."
Her eyes perked up. "I'm not your friend, Theo." She hummed.
"No? So, when Stiles fawned over Lydia every chance he got, who was there for you?" He leaned forward with a split grin. "In more ways than one, huh?"
"Don't mention Stiles-"
"Why? You always had a thing for him. It was him you wanted there instead of me, right?"
Rolling her eyes underneath her sunglasses, the teenager leaned forward with a sour smile. "Okay, don't act like you didn't use me too. You left Beacon without even a text goodbye. Guess we both suck, huh?"
He dropped the smugness and stiffened with guilt. "Is that why you won't talk to me?"
Dallas have him a bored look. "I won't talk to you because you're wearing that." She gestured to his jacket. "You look ridiculous. Seriously, what is it with werewolves and leather?"
Theo narrowed his eyes at her. "Can you be serious for a second? Atleast?"
She rolled her eyes and dropped her books. "Fine. What?"
Theo tapped his fingers against the wooden table. "I need you to convince Stiles to let me into the pack."
Dallas scoffed loudly - loud enough so that students passing by shot an odd look at her. "That's what you're here for? Seriously?"
"You don't understand, Dallas-"
She grew bitter rather quickly. "I understand perfectly, Theo. Some people change but you.. Well, you're always gonna be a douchebag." She spoke with little to no empathy. "You want to buddy up with Scott McCall? You're talking to the wrong girl."
"From what I've heard about you, you're not perfect either." Theo leaned forward. "I need someone like you to help me."
She rolled her eyes and bit back a sarcastic laugh. "Aw," the Siren cooed sarcastically. "And I need you to rot in hell, Theo."
The girl then packed up her books and blew the hair out of her face in a fit of rage.
Dallas Garcia had a reason for the hostility. A reason for her forever hardness. Theo Raeken was the first boy to break her bittersweet heart.
Now she wanted to eat his.
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Sybil's delicate fingers ran over the storage documents in Sheriff Stilinski's office, creeping one eye over her shoulder every few minutes.
Dallas has become become insatiable, man-eating monster. One that Sybil couldn't control. One that Sybil was responsible for.
Bodies upon bodies were stacked up because of her. Her ledger dripping red.
Just as she was about to pluck out the newest case file, a hand gripped at her arm and forced her to face the other way.
James Garcia had his eyes fallen into slits and a scowl resting on his lips. Derek Hale was stood beside him, arms crossed and looking rather defensive.
"What the hell are you doing?" He spat.
Sybil wiggled out of his grip. "Get off," she shoved her hands roughly against his chest. "Unless you want to lose those hands."
As James stepped back, Derek stepped forward and gave her a warning look. "Answer the question."
She strained out her attire before glancing up. "I don't have to tell you two anything." Sybil hissed when both men stood before her.
She tried to budge through them but Derek grasped her by the throat and shoved her back into the filing cabinet. "Is this yours?" James stepped beside him and placed the green scale in front of her eyes.
Sybil choked through a stifled laugh. "You know it isn't." She winced as Derek's grip tightened around her throat.
"What did you do?" Derek hissed with anguish and terror.
Sybils vision clouded but she replied nonetheless. "I helped Dallas accept herself. More than you two idiots have done in the past seventeen years."
She laughed once more but started to feel the pressure claw up her throat. "What the hell are you talking about?"
She struggled to breathe. So much so, that she could no longer speak. "Derek." Jim warned. "Derek, stop!"
Sybil fell to her feet and clutched her throat while Jim shook his head in dismay.
"What do you mean, 'helped her accept herself' Sybil?"
The woman flickered her gaze between them and rubbed her sore throat. "Don't you know?" She mumbled with a smug grin. "Dallas flipped her humanity switch."
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Stiles stared dimly at his computer screen. Police tape spread across the pirates screen while images of blurred dead bodies and burnt ash soaked up his gaze. In another tab, the usual siren Wikipedia page was pulled up.
He then leant back in his chair and ran his hands over his face while muttering profanities.
"What are you doing?"
Stiles jumped up at the sound of her voice and slammed the lid of his laptop shut. Stood in the doorway, eyes narrowed and hand resting on the door handle.
"Uh, I-" The human stammered over his sentences. "Porn."
She chuckled dryly before stepping inside his room and dropping her bag on his bed. "You're a terrible liar." Dallas faced the wall while removing her jacket from her shoulders.
Watching the fabric slip down her skin, Stiles chewed on his pencil before tearing his eyes back up to her. "How'd you get in?"
Her curled hair swayed to the side as she turned her head to him with a smirk teasing on her lips. "You gave me a key, remember?"
Stiles didn't remember. However, his mind was a little too clouded to think about the details. "Yeah.. Yeah, of course."
Dallas walked towards him - something unusual and hypnotic radiating from her that Stiles couldn't quite place his finger on. Sitting on his lap, one arm traced over his shoulder while the other ran its hand through his hair. "Have you been avoiding me?"
Stiles scoffed unconvincingly while she rose a sculpted brow. "What? Psh, no."
Her skin was hot against his. Her eyes much more predatory than usual. Looked like a flower, stung like a bee. Her hands gripped gently at his hair and pulled his head backwards until his lips lingered underneath hers. "What'd I say about being a terrible liar?" She shook her head in dismay. "Looks like I'm gonna have to punish you."
Stiles swallowed the lump in his throat and felt a grin stretch across his lips. He felt her lips press against his neck and threw his head backwards. She knew what made him tick and when low cursing left his mouth, her own smile widened. "Dallas," He warned lowly.
"Dallas, what?" She mocked his words with a seductive tone.
A trembled huff escaped his lips. "Dallas, behave." He attempted to cover up his moans with a clearing of his throat but when Dallas slipped from his lap and knelt before him, staring up with teasing eyes, another lump formed in his throat.
Her hands ran up and down his legs before she took her pointer finger and placed it before her glossed lips. "Sh," Dallas hushed him. "I don't want to hear you."
The siren leaned forward and lifted the hem of his shirt, planting kiss marks right above his belt before pulling at the leather strap with her teeth.
His pants grew tighter around her touch and his hips dragged against the edge of his seat - almost inching towards her. Stiles cleared his throat once more to cover his whines and kept his eyes settled on anything except her.
Even so, he couldn't help but gawk at the pretty sight of her on her knees and dazed out. "Not a sound until I say so," she teased. "No touching until I say so," Stiles felt the hardening pressure below and became devastatingly disinterested in anything other than the idea of her smudged lipstick against him. "Nothing until I say so." Dallas spoke with a devilish smile.
"I can concentrate." He spoke through a groan while her hand traced along the button side of his jeans and between his legs. "Kind of." Stiles hissed.
"Can you?" Dallas cocked her head to the side.
Stiles was needy. Much needier than before. Seeing how long he could resist her was a fun tactic.
Her hands pulled at the straps of her tank top and with the slight flicker of his eyes, Stiles watched eagerly as the sight of red lingerie soaked up the tanness of her skin. She tossed the shirt aside until there was nothing but the petite lace hiding her away.
Her hand then slid down his pants, running against his length with her eyes trained on him and waiting for a reaction.
"Oh my God-" He whined out, gripping the handrests of his chair and swallowing hard.
Her hand then pulled it out from beneath his jeans and worked friction against his skin. His hips delved closer into her hand while she fastened her pace on him.
Stiles threw his head back. "Fuck, that feels so good-" the words slipped out his mouth and before he could register it, so did his moans.
The Siren gazed up at him from her knelt position. His eyes were dazed and the feeling of her delicate hands was all he found himself thinking about.
She felt the sticky liquid trickle down her fingers and him stiffen underneath her touch. With a dominant grin, the girl pulled down the hemline of his jeans and planted her tongue firmly against him.
Dallas dragged it up his length until her lips reached the edge and licked away the head of pre-cum at the tip.
"God, don't stop." He whined out, voice deep and gruff as pleasure seeped into every word. The Stilinski boy struggled to concentrate as she ran her tongue teasingly around him.
"Then don't interrupt." Dallas warned while peppering kisses on the side of him.
Her lips then formed around his tip and left a lipstick print on the skin. Pushing the hair out of her face, Dallas wrapped her tongue around the tip once more before delving it down her throat. One hand wrapped around it and pumped her fingers against the muscle while her head bobbed back and forth as she took him in.
Stiles leant back in his chair with a groan of defeat. "Oh, fuck me." He whined. "Show me how well you take it."
While Dallas wanted to remain the dominant one, his praising have her knots in her stomach and her knees to press together at the pressure between her legs. Instead, she pulled down his hands and dug her nails into his wrists every time a sound left his mouth. Not enough to draw blood, but just enough to leave crescent moon stamps and have him swallow down his hissing.
She picked up her pace as he seeped into her tongue. Running a hand through his dishelved hair, Stiles took the other and placed it to the back of her head and pushed himself deeper into her throat.
Tears pricked her eyes and she struggled to breathe, but even so, Dallas grabbed one of his hands and climbed her nails up his arm to paint scratch marks down the skin while her other hand gripped the fabric on his thighs.
"Come on, baby," His voice was strained and needy. "Let me."
She didn't respond and instead delved her head deeper onto him and he unravelled under her touch. He was growing more erratic by the second and his grip on her hair was hardening by the built-up pressure.
She allowed him to hold up her hair out her face before nodding gently and sliding him back down her throat and sucking in her cheeks. Stiles belt buckled towards as his hips jolted to her lips and his head there back with clustered moans.
With an array of bottled up whines, incoherent cursing and harsh hair tug, Dallas finally tasted all of him on her tongue.
She struggled to swallow it down but still hummed along when it came. When he pulled out, Dallas gasped for air and felt him wipe the edge of her mouth with his thumb. "That's my girl." His voice barely made it through the cracks laboured breaths and intense desire.
Dallas stood up from the floor and climbed back onto his lap, her hand slamming down on the desk and digging her nails into it as he placed sloppy kisses down her chest. The Siren then gripped the closest thing to her as moans escaped her own lips this time and felt a device shatter underneath her hands.
Underneath her hands, in a pile of broken glass and tattered wires, was Stiles Stilinski's phone.
As the pixelated screen started to dim, the faint unread text message appeared below.
Too late now.
โ word count: 3,170. โ
a/n: I'm unhappy with this and I'm probably gnna have to rewrite it but I promised smut n I'm not gonna deprive my readers of that
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