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Rhagar shouted to Rodrick as he threw a knife toward the boys head making him fall clumsily to the floor as expected for a boy of fourteen.
"Again," Rhagar said with no ounce of disappointment or annoyance in his voice as he leant a hand to Rodrick who eagerly took it and jumped back onto his feet.
The two had been training for more that four hours and knights began to watch before leaving with chuckles as the Baratheon fell on his arse but he payed no mind to them. This made Rhagar content as at least he wasn't having to train and comfort the boy from on lookers as well. Turns out he had tougher skin than Rhagar thought and for that he was thankful.
Everything else could be taught from scratch no matter how long it took, even if it was being able to stay on your feet when trying not to have your head cut off. It would be later than a week before the other Lord's arrived and adorned in a tourney with Rhagar himself and Daemon present too. Rodrick had wished to compete as well but he was quickly dismissed but promised that he would be able to do so when he was of a later age.
Rhagar couldn't be giving him back to his father with a grazed and bruised face, that is if Borros even noticed his son.
From where the two fought, bellow the castle grounds and within a square dome of armour and knights stood Rhaenyra. She was carefully hidden under a dark archway where the daylight could not grace her and the naked eye could not see her.
Her thumb was between her teeth as her eyes trailed over the provoking forms of the many men that stood but they always landed on Rhagar- wether she wished for it to happen or not. She stared as his tunic tightened around his arms and torso whilst he struck his sword and twisted his waist. He was light on his feet for a towering figure and always kept an eye out for his opponents faults unfortunately, for the Baratheon that seemed to be everything but his head.
"What are you doing?" Rhaenyra jumped and spun round to see Alicent and Katrina with their arms linked.
"Don't do that!" The princess clutched her heart whilst the Hightowers giggled at her, "I've told you I do not like it when people sneak up on me."
"And Rhagar has told me he does not like people staring at him," Alicent retorted making Rhaenyra's cheeks heat up red upon her pale skin as she started to splutter her words.
"I- I was not," she snapped, "I was simply watching the young knight Ser Rodrick he is said to be around our age as well."
Katrina hummed, "I suppose he is charming, what do you think sister?" Alicent squinted her eyes as she two now looked forth at the boy with prominent and youthful features.
"Of course he is dashing," her words were distant as her eyes were now stuck to the knight who was managing to stay on his feet whilst Rhagar swiftly moved to strike him. "But it is no secret that Rhagar is handsome himself," whilst the two sisters were watching the knights Alicent didn't see Rhaenyra's burning stare that she didn't intend to give- it just happened.
"He is about as handsome as a worm," Rhaenyra blankly said and Katrina laughed behind her hand whilst Alicent bit her bottom lip to cease her growing smile. "I mean honestly- who would lay with that," the Valyrian now had her back to Rhagar and Rodrick as she stood in front of her friends.
What she didn't know was that Rhagar had sheathed his sword the minute her hair had hit the light and slowly began walking up to her from behind. Alicent's eyes widened along with her sisters as Rhaenyra kept blabbering on about his looks, "the man is senile it's quite ridiculous-"
"Princess!" Rhagar said in a lighter though his eyes were taught and Rhaenyra instantly stopped speaking but didn't turn to face him, "carry on you were saying something about my, what was it, did I hear charming looks."
"Of course my Lord," Alicent stepped in to save her friends from embarrassment, "we were just discussing about yourself and Ser Rodrick." The Baratheon, who was a couple of steps behind Rhagar, blushed furiously and kept his attention on the leaf covered floor.
Rhaenyra rolled her eyes as he seemed so ever content with the compliments he was receiving and huffed aloud which instantly caught Rhagar's eye. "Keep rolling them, you might find a brain back there," Alicient covered her mouth and Katrina had her eyebrows raised in shock.
The kings daughter seemed to be at a loss for words until her eyes narrowed and she stepped forward to be within arms reach.
"Careful with your words Rhagar I could order to have your head on a pike like that," she snapped her fingers making a satisfying click of order and the man couldn't help but bite his tongue harshly.
The way she said his name sounded so delectable to his ears- sounded ever so seductive to him, when she was the domineering one in these circumstances he had to hold his breath for a wave would smash against the wall he worked so hard to build and snatch away the last of his restraints.
"As if your father would ever allow that to happen he'd be much to fearful to face my father or rather yet Klauth," Rhagar glowered his eyes to have the same burn as the girl who stood before him.
Rhaenyra chuckled breathily in disbelief and the two sisters could see the fire in her beginning to grow harsher.
"Rhagar!" Rodrick Baratheon called out from where he stood with sword in hand, Alicent and Katrina breathed out sighs of relief because that could've gotten ugly. "I apologise but may you continue your little indifferences later, you did promise me that you would teach me did you not?"
Rhagar laughed through his nose Rodrick was shy when you first met him but once you spent more time with him you'd soon learn that he had cheek if he didn't get what he wanted within a span of time that he seen fit.
"That I did Rodrick if you'll excuse me ladies I must attend to the Lieutenant; Lady Alicient, Lady Katrina- princess," he cut shortly before bowing his head to the two brunettes and rejoined Rodrick to fight.
"Did you see that he was mocking my title," Rhaenyra seethed to the two as she followed the retreating form of Rhagar with a horrible scowl.
"Oh behave yourself Rhaenyra," Katrina sighed as she linked arms with both her sister and the fair haired girl.
"Honestly it's as if your obsessed with one another," Alicent laughed with Katrina as they dragged a stunned Rhaenyra down the path of the dark stone way and up to the steps.
The Lord's had arrived and the tourney would be starting within the hours that passed and Rhagar had went straight to Aemma before getting ready, she was like his good luck charm.
"Good morrow little dragon," the Queen heaved lightly and more servant girls quickly wrung out the flannels that were pressed against her forehead and refreshed them with cold water.
"Hello Aemma, it's so exciting he will be coming today, today! Can you believe it?" His voice was raised in excitement that made the woman laugh lightly but cringe afterwards as her stomach contorted.
"Why yes I can believe it, I'm the one pushing it out of me," she huffed and waved her hand to make the girls fluff up her pillows so she could sit and face Rhagar.
"The tourney will be starting soon," Rhagar softly said and sat down on the edge of the bed, slipping her hand in his with a gentle grip.
"So I have been told Viserys can not shut up about it," she groaned, "but why are you here? You should be getting ready you are like a lady with the time you take to get ready."
Rhagar laughed light heartedly before it slowly disappeared into a small smile, "I don't even wish to contend I'd rather stay and make sure you are perfectly content."
Aemma smiled sweetly and squeezed his hand before shaking her head, "that is ever so kind of you but you would be stunned by how difficult it is for us women."
"And I agree with you on that part women have it tuff," the Valyrian mumbled and could only wish that more men viewed girls as equals rather than objects that were there for pleasure or child bearing.
"Besides you must go for when you win the tourney you come back here and tell me all about how you knocked Ser Borros off his high horse," the two laughed with one another before Aemma winced once again.
"I'll leave you be, you keep it up with whatever it is you do at this time," he grinned whilst she winked at him with with a light laugh and beckoned him towards her. He leaned forward and she pressed a tender kiss upon his forehead, "go win for me little dragon- you have my favour."
"I will."
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