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"๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐–๐€๐๐“ ๐Œ๐„ ๐“๐Ž ๐–๐‡๐€๐“!" He shouted and Katerina was thankful she chose to bring them to Godswood rather than stay in the castle where all would've heard his outburst.

"Please Rhagar as my friend I plead with you," she was desperate for him to hear her out as she grabbed at both of his forearms with a grip so tight he thought she'd managed to penetrate his armour, "my father wants her to marry the King but I- I will take her place."

"Let me speak to Otto," his voice was low enough to make Katerina question herself but her mind was made up she needed Rhagar to say yes.

"No! You mustn't if he knows," she drawled off quietly and didn't want to think about how far the hand of the king could go. "Just please Rhagar I want her to have a chance at a good life and you are still young and charming whereas the King will only use her as a whore for his babes."

"But will that not be your fate?" He did not want Katerina to have to subdue herself just so her father could get what he wanted, a even closer claim to the iron throne.

She shuddered at that,"yes it will," but she raised her head and looked up at him through her nose, "but it will not be my sisters Rhagar please I beg of you as my friend do this for me- for her."

He bit his lip at the idea of Alicent, sweet and innocent Alicent being tainted and twisted not only by her father but by the fact that she would be trapped in a loveless marriage. And he meant all the disrespect in the world to the King when he says that Viserys is not the prettiest man.

And then he thought of Katerina but the way she sounded was what made him waver in his decision, "and how will you manage being in his company."

She squared her shoulders, "I am my fathers daughter Rhagar I will make do," she didn't sound happy to be comparing herself to her father but it oddly reassured him. Otto Hightower was a manipulator who was in the King's ear and if he taught his daughter anything is that Viserys' mind is easily warped.

Even though, Rhagar and Otto did not get along in the slightest he would be a fool to turn down the commander of a vast army and dragon larger than most all because of his pride. Otto would agree to the marriage but he would not enjoy it in the slightest and this only spurred Rhagar's decision.

And what of his father, he'd need his blessing to marry Alicent but he knew that he'd do whatever Rhagar asked of him- it would be an easy task to get his blessing. But Rhagar had to use his best lying face ever because his father could read him like a book and if he found out his son was doing this for someone else's happiness rather than his own he would disapprove of the marriage. He would rather Rhagar marry for love than try to appease a girl, even if it was to save her from an elder man's hand.

But then his heart drifted to Rhaenyra, the heir and woman whom he has been sworn to protect, he cannot do that if he is in his own castle with a wife and possibly children. He would have to leave her in the company of someone trustworthy, noble and courageous he thought of Rodrick or even Oberyn but with no doubt wherever Rhagar went Rodrick would follow and he'd never seen Oberyn draw a sword or bow.

Yet, he couldn't stop the feeling of sickness brewing in his stomach, he'd be leaving her for life with a woman who he didn't love or maybe he'd grow to love. Rhagar didn't know how he was going to tell Rhaenyra but he wouldn't bring it up in front of Katerina.

"And your sister, what does she make of this arrangement you have come up with?"

She sighed that he could've guessed what was in relief before dropping her hands back to play with her own rings, "I haven't told her yet I didn't want to give her false hope."

"Well you can tell her next you see her that I will marry her," he took ahold of her shoulder, "I will do right by your sister Katerina."

His words seemed to have struck a dent in her stoic facade as she crumbled and the two hugged under the protection of the Weirwood tree with its red leaves shielding them from the harsh sun.

The two would share a bond even stronger than before and should either need help in the future they'd know where to go, no matter how many years would pass.


Rhagar was fidgeting as he paced in the princesses quarters occasionally lifting his thumbs to his teeth to tear the skin away. His body felt aflame and he hadn't even seen her face, lately whenever he was around her he felt a sensation of desire, a burning need to exploit it. Sometimes he frightened himself when he found his hands itching to grab onto her and pull her in that it would've looked as though they were one.

How would he go about it? Alicent was her best friend and he her personal guard, he'd be ruining their friendship but if it's to spare your friend from a life of torment would you let it be?

But what made his insides crawl was the very idea that his thoughts would spill out of him without him meaning to. Would he keep them to himself until his deathbed, would he share the truth with her and let her fawn over a married man or would he pretend he never felt anything for her at all?

A creak from the door opening may as well have been a dagger to the heart, "Rhagar? What are you doing?" There Rhaenyra stood already taking the headpiece off of her head as she held it in her hand and looked at him curiously.

"I have a confession to make," his words made her go still, would he finally confess to the obvious tension between the two, would he kiss her? It was something she'd longed to do many a time and she only hoped this would be the case.

"Yes?" Rhagar's heart clenched at the dreamy and gentle tone Rhaenyra bared when he was usually met with animosity.

"I- I am going marry Alicent."

The silence was deafening and Rhaenyra felt her heart drop into her stomach, the next words left her mouth before she could stop them.


Hearing her voice nearly made Rhagar take back what he said as Rhaenyra's eyes spoke a pain he was familiar with whenever he brought up the topic of his mother to his father- heartache. Though, her tone was the opposite with a lower octave to the word she spoke as if a warning to him that she surely didn't hear what he just said.

"I am to wed Lady Alicent," he said more confidently and louder than before, trying to shove the regret deep down into a part of him that he hoped would never see light.

It was quite for a long time, it unsettled Rhagar to see her so still and blank faced like one of the statues dedicated to the gods. Her eyes never left his but the silence and unearthly glow to her purple irises that made him look to the floor in a sudden shame.

He chewed on his lips and stared at a crack in the almost perfect marble, Rhaenyra moved towards him with her shoulders pushed back and head high she dropped the headpiece letting it land with a soft thud. Rhagar looked from the floor to her and felt the lies he were planning to tell already unravelling by the look on her face.

"Where will you go?"

Her question would've seemed innocent had Rhagar not spent over fifteen years with her, she wanted to know if the two would stay in Kings Landing, the Oldtown or would they reside in his castle off the coast of Driftmark. To spend there lives together with children running through the castles halls, the thought nearly made Rhaenyra crumble.

"It hasn't been decided yet."

His answer was curt and short not meant to alarm or escalate a conflict he felt that was yet to rear its ugly head.

It was quiet again and Rhagar wanted the ground to swallow him up he knew what he had to say, whatever happened between them or was going to happen had to be shut down now. He didn't want her spending he days wishing for his return when there wouldn't be one, he'd rather her hate him again and him be in a happenstance of loneliness.

He spoke again, "Ser Criston or Ser Harwin will take my position as your personal guard."

Rhaenyra perked up quickly, "but I don't want them."

He closed his eyes and turned his back to her before walking out to the balcony to look over Kings Landing. There it was the conversation he wanted so desperately to avoid why couldn't she just do as she was told and say fine.

"You can't do this." He gritted out to the sky with his hands resting on the railing in front of him, Rhagar kept his head forward when he felt Rhaenyra come up and stand beside him.

"Why not?"

"Because it's not fair!" He looked at her properly for the first time and saw her staring into his eyes with a hope that wasn't dwindling anytime soon.

"No. What's not fair is the fact that you are about to marry my closest friend all because you are too scared to admit to your real feelings," she said it so calmly he thought her crazy.

"I- I," for the first time in a long time he was baffled and couldn't gather his words.

"You are a coward Ser," she mocked his title and stood closer than before now he was stood straight staring down at her with a newfound sneer.

"I am no coward, princess."

"Then prove it," she snarked back moving as close as she could so their chests would touch. She reached up and let her fingers graze the stubble on his jaw whilst looking up to him with a fierce look in her eye.

Rhagar fought with himself, his hands twitched by his side as he felt her fingers brush against his cheek and it was decided. A taste just a taste of the life he could've had would be a reward enough for having to leave her behind. It would be torture but she'd get over him, the suitors would be lining up for her when she comes of age to wed and a prince of sorts would soon sweep her off of her feet.

He stepped back with a shake of his head and her hand fell back to her side, "I will see to it that a replacement for me is in order." Rhagar couldn't look her in the eye so he kept his gaze to the floor whilst she tried to find his golden irises she sighed when he softly brushed past her shoulder and left. The wedding would go forth, she would be left all alone and Rhaenyra only felt everything would be so much simpler if she were born a man but she was born something more valuable than gold- a daughter.


"But you can't!" Rodrick pleaded with Rhagar as he walked next to him in a haste as he went to go see Kratus who was halfway across the castle. Along the way Oberyn had also joined them following with them on Rhagar's other side.

"It's already been decided," he huffed out already fed up of the whining he was receiving. They were just outside his fathers chambers when Rodrick ran in front of the doors and held his arms out by his side. "Move."

Rodrick was a bit scared and Oberyn just stared at the Baratheon with a tilted head, "no."

Rhagar already had a frown on his face and his eyes were sad but now he was filled with annoyance and with a huff he grabbed the scruff of his neck before lifting him up and placing chucking him in Oberyn's arms.

"Yes," he blandly said before forcing the doors open and slamming them shut in Rodrick's face whilst Oberyn was still stood still with red tinted cheeks.

His father was sitting in his chair with his feet on the table and a letter in his hand he glanced up and saw his sons tensed shoulders, "someone's happy."

Rhagar glared at him but Kratus was still looking at the paper in his hand, he walked and sat in the chair in front of his father, "I need to tell you someone ."

This peaked Kratus' interest and he threw the paper to the side and placed his hands on his lap, "do tell."

Rhagar puffed out a breath of air before facing away from his father, "I wish to marry Alicent."

Kratus went quiet and the pregnant silence between them made Rhagar's confident facade fall to one of a kicked child as he rocked on his heels to his toes.

"Do you love this woman?" This wasn't the first thing he expected his father to say to him but Kratus just stared at him with a stone expression not giving anything away.

Rhagar felt the words gather in his throat and he had to cough slightly before stumbling out an, "I do," she same words that would seal their marriage.

Kratus maintained his china like posture until he rose from his seat and grinned wildly at his son and he felt all the tension leave his body, "a Hightower of all is not what I expected but I'm happy nonetheless."

Rhagar thought to himself and knew he hadn't seen himself standing next to Alicent at the altar or Katrina for that matter, he knew who he wanted to be stood next to. Yet he couldn't bring himself to say her name aloud anymore, they were to be strangers they'd lead separate lives completely deplete to one another's presence.

He managed a smile back and hugged his father back but it quickly fell as he looked over his shoulder and into the fire pit with no flame only a single strand of smoke.


"You're the only one I can rely on," he raced down to the docks as soon as he could and set off with Klauth into the heavens. He lay flat on his back whilst some sharp edges of his scales dug into his back but he didn't notice them not with the ceremony that would soon rear its head.

Klauth let out a mewling noise and Rhagar patted his back with his hand, he had no idea where they were going and he wished he'd fly them to the end of the earth. Most would say he's being dramatic and that as royalty it's your duty to marry, it wasn't the person he was marrying that bothered him- at least that's what he told himself. It was the fact that he agreed to the marriage for the comfort of someone else but he made a promise and he would keep true to his word, Alicent would be the most cared for lady in all of KingsLanding if they even were to stay there.

They could go to his fathers castle, the Edge it was called that would soon be passed down to him when he becomes Lord Warfare.

He sat up the saddle long forgotten and now sat forward on his front and looked down at the water below with an outstretched hand. They were brushing against the clouds but his eyes deceived him and made the water appear so much closer though if he were to fall-

Klauth roared loudly and Rhagar became startled sitting up right instantly with his hands gripping Klauth's scaled tightly. He let out a shaky breath before wanting to return home he had to sleep and wedding arrangements had to be made.


It was late when he returned the only lights being the candles in the dark and soft glow of the moonlight through some stained glass windows. He trudged back to his chambers with his head down not looking at anyone or saying much of anything, when he left his fathers quarters Rodrick more than Oberyn bombarded him with questions.

He ignored them and set them to spar with one another which gave him enough leeway to search for Klaut which was particularly easy.

At the end of the hall and to the right he stopped in front of his door and looked down the corridor where the many rooms were but if you followed the path the princesses would soon appear. He didn't waste anytime getting into his room and shut the door in haste before walking over to his desk where paper and a quill lay reading to Daemon.

Even though the Prince had been exiled he was red his friend to be there, he'd argue his closest friend. If the King would not agree even for a day then they'd have to take matters into their own hands which he hoped it would come to.

He didn't know what to say he hadn't replied to his friends letters since he'd been gone but maybe a wedding invitation would melt the ice that formed between the two. Or it would burn it quite quickly as a wedding invite would be so sudden and unexpected especially for Rhagar of all people.

A sudden dull nock echoed in his head and he thought he was imagining things until it occurred again and he paced over to his door.

"Alicent?" Here the girl he was going to marry stood peering up in front of him like a lost kitten fumbling with the skin on her fingers.

She was staring at the floor until he appeared and she gave him the most grateful smile and didn't wait for permission to wrap her arms round his waist and hug him tightly. This made it all worth it, to have his friend safe and happy in his arms would give him strength to sleep at night.

He returned the hug albeit stiffly but returned nonetheless and when she pulled away she whispered, "thank you," Alicent held his hands between hers before giving them a gentle squeeze and another shy smile before quickly leaving as if she were never there.

Rhagar stood dumbfounded but caught himself having a lazy grin himself and pressed his fingers to his lips before he chuckled lightly and went back in his room.

If anyone saw the two then gossip would spread quickly and when Otto Hightower finds out that Rhagar the savage is going to be marrying his youngest daughter he wanted front row seats.

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