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Bolder words mean different language
As the sun rose among a village, birds chirped and demons hissed as they hid. After five minutes, villagers opened their windows and started their morning.
Many mothers started making breakfast for their husbands and children. Some would invite the elders to join them in breakfast and others would start with their morning chores.
At a nearby sleeping area, a young girl was organizing the room she was in. She made the bed, tidied up around, and dressed herself. As she moved her hair behind her ear and tied a bag behind her haori, she left a small plate with fruits and left.
She waved at a young male with his mother and left. "Seems like she's looking forward to something. Reminds me of my younger days." The mother said as started to sweep her floor.
"Didn't you say you always stayed home because of your parents?" the guy asked as he raised a brow to his mom.
"Just cause I stayed home doesn't mean I was always home son." she chuckled with a small smirk. "Is there a story you haven't told me yet?" the son said with a slightly concerned face. "What can I say? I was a teenager," she said as she continued sweeping.
As Ayaka continued her walk to their spot, she couldn't help but look around. Everything around her was lively. The trees and bushes would move with the wind. The kids would play and the adults were taking walks.
"Everything is so beautiful," Ayaka sighed as she arrived at their meet-up spot. "It is, isn't it?" Yasu says startling Ayaka.
"Oh my goodness, Yasu!! You scared me!!" Ayaka said as she looked up in the direction of her voice. "I made it first," Yasu said as she looked down.
Even though Yasu's face was blank, Ayaka knew she was smirking at her. "Yeah, but next time I'll be here first! Just you wait," Ayaka exclaimed as pointed up to Yasu.
Yasu tilted her head and chuckled. Ayaka slightly blushed and looked away. "So what are you doing up there," Ayaka asked, breaking the silence. "Come up to look for yourself," Yasu said as she moved to another branch. Ayaka leaped up to the tree and sat down before she fell.
"Wow," Ayaka gasped as she looked out. "Right? It's amazing," Yasu said as she continued watching. The morning sun reflected off the lake, with ducks flapping their wings. The trees and flowers swished as the wind blew. Some flowers fell in the lake like adding the final details to a masterpiece.
"Hey Yasu," Ayaka said as Yasu looked her way. "I have a question to ask you," Ayaka said as she looked down. "What is it?" Yasu asked a bit worried.
"You wanna prank the boys?" Ayaka smirked.
As time went by Hyuga and Miyako arrived at the group's spot. "Whoo! Lo hicimos! We made it first!!" Huyga whooped as he sat down.
"But we're still late." Miyako pointed out as he saw Isamu from afar. "But we're still first!" Hyuga said as he fingergunned Miyako. "Hey guys," Isamu gasped as he slowed down his pace.
"Hey! Te estuvimos esperando hermano!!" Hyuga exclaimed as he went to greet Isamu. "Yeah. I honestly forgot what that meant," Isamu chuckled as he stood next to them. "Don't worry! I just said we were waiting for you," Hyuga said as he placed his hands on his hips.
"Wonder what's taking the girls long," Miyako questioned as he looked around. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe they got the ti-" Suddenly something rustled in the bushes.
"You guys heard that?" Isamu asked as he looked at both of them, their heads nodding. "You guys never told anyone about this place verda-"Suddenly Hyuga was interrupted by a shout above.
"AMBUSH!!" Ayaka exclaimed as she jumped off the tree.
"Ambush," Yasu said as she joined Ayaka. The boys looked up and blocked Ayaka's attack. But before they knew it they were down on the ground as Yasu swept their legs. "Yeah! We got them! Up top!!" Ayaka said as Yasu high fived her.
"Well played," Miyako chuckled as he stood up. "Oh my gosh you guys scared us," Hyuga laughed as he sat up.
"Yeah, we did! But I had an objective," Ayaka said as she raised a brow at Isamu. "You're still on with that? I already apologized to you," Isamu chuckled as he looked at her.
"Well, I've forgiven you but I just want to get my small payback," she stuck her tongue at him, blushing and looking away quickly. "You guys alright?" Yasu said as she helped Hyuga up.
"Yeah. But that was impressive," Hyuga said as he dusted himself off. "Don't worry, we'll let you guys get us next time. Or maybe we'll get you. Who knows," Ayaka said as she raised a brow and smirked.
"Well, now that we are all here, should we start our day of break?" Miyako said as he started walking down a path. "Hey! You're supposed to wait for us," Ayaka said as the other people laughed behind her.
As they walked down the path, they would talk about the birds and insects around them. Their crows would fly above them and up into the sky together.
After they walked and walked, they all decided to stop by their own little home. This home was like their own apartment. Each one had a room with extra belongings.
With the help of Isamu, they managed to make it look like their own butterfly estate. They all were able to add their little touch. They all even agreed to call it La Casa Lejos de Casa or the home away from home.
They all went into their rooms and changed into something more comfortable. While Yasu and Hyuga waited, they started setting up for their next activity: painting. When the others came out they each sat down and called their crows.
They instructed their crows to pose in the middle and eat fruits, insects, and nuts. As they all painted they would tell jokes, and stories, and pass snacks. When they finished they left it to dry and decided to have lunch. After finishing up they decided to play a card game.
"So you guys wanna play Daifugo?" Miyako said as he shuffled the cards. "Alright I'll play," Yasu said as she sat down. "So will I," Isamu said as he sat down along with Hyuga. "You're on!" Ayaka said.
After they all got their cards they started to play. The group would glance at each other and place their cards down. "Dammit Miyako," Isamu grumbled as Miyako smirked at him. "Sorry but I have to be Daifugo," Miyako said as he watched the others place down their cards.
After a few turns Hyuga places his card Yasu following and placing her last car. "I guess I'm daifugo," Yasu said as she stood up. "I'll be right back." As she walked into the home everyone was left with their mouth open in shock and surprise.
"That was quick," Isamu said as he turned to look at the others. "She's so cool I swear," Ayaka whispered as she placed her card down.
"Well, she's not the only one. Boom! Read it and weep it!" Miyako said as he placed an eight card. His last card and ending the round.
"I'm the fugo! Just one down from daifugo!" Miyako scoffed as he raised his head. "Well I guess we'll see who ends up as the heimin," Hyuga said as they continued playing.
When Yasu came out she saw Miyako pointing from the other side of the patio as Hyuga and Ayaka ran and pushed each other. "What's going on?" Yasu asked as she stood next to Miyako and Isamu.
"Well since I'm fugo and they're both hinmin and daihinmin they have to listen to me," Miyako smirked as he watched Ayaka and Hyuga rushing back. "Well you are fugo but I'm daifugo so," Yasu said as she bent down. "Please get off my throne."
"Wha- oh yeah. Right," Miyako got off the tatami mat and Yasu sat on it. "That's much better for the daifugo right Miyako?" Yasu smirked as she looked at Miyako. "I'll get you next time,"
"We're back," Hyuga and Ayaka gasped as they fell. "Oh goodness," Yasu whispered as she saw them both with leaves and sweat covering them. "Isamu could you go get them some water please," Yasu said as she looked at him.
"Yes grand millionaire," Isamu joked as he went inside. "And Miyako, go get the biggest leaf to fan these tired people," Yasu said as she pointed in the same direction Miyako pointed. "You know you could've said please," Miyako chuckled as he walked away.
"Hinmin and daihinmin. Raise your heads," Ayaka and Hyuga looked up. "Rest at ease, for your daifugo will provide hospitality for your hard deeds." Yasu smiled as the sun reflected off her.
"Eres un angel," Hyuga cried as Ayaka nodded along with him.
After a while, the gang decided to train so they all partnered up and trained. Whenever one of them got tired, they would switch with somebody else. They continued to train until the afternoon.
(Note there's gonna be an art here but it's 2 in the morning so I promise I'll publish it soon π)
After a while, they all lay on the ground gasping for air. "Well since the days ending, who'd like some fresh fruits!!" Ayaka said as she lifted a little basket.
"Sure. I could eat. Hopefully, they aren't spoiled like last time," Miyako said jokingly. "Hey! I didn't know leaving them in the sun would spoil them!"
"....then I leaped into the air and managed to use the eight form without messing up!!" Ayaka beamed as she took a bite of her fruit. "Wait so were you never successful with that?" Hyuga asked.
"Well I've always been successful but it's just that I always needed to stop and find a place to push myself. I could but never in the air. It's a bit hard to explain it you know." Ayaka said as she moved her hands to show what she meant. "Anyone else wants to share something?"
"I was finally able to eat a meal where I've always wanted to go," Yasu said as she drank some water. "Aww, that's nice!!" Ayaka said as she hugged Yasu, Yasu tensing up. "I was also able to go to that one place you told me about," Yasu said as she slightly pushed Ayaka away.
Ayaka gasped as her eyes slightly sparkled. "Oh my goodness how was it!! Did you like it?" she said as she smiled widely at Yasu. "Well it was nice but it seems more like a place I wouldn't visit much," Yasu chuckled as she avoided eye contact with Ayaka.
"What? It's such an amazing place! They have friendly people and the food is amazing don't get me started on the sights!! Is it the people or something?" Ayaka crossed her arms. "I guess so but maybe my opinion can change."
"I guess so," Ayaka said sarcastically but laughed. "What about you Hyuga?" Isamu asked. "Well just like Ayaka, I finally learned how to use Total Concentration breathing at its full potential!" Hyuga said as he flexed his arm.
"That's amazing, Hyuga!" Ayaka said as she highfived him. "Yeah that's good, Hyuga" Miyako added. "I was able to visit my mother," Isamu said.
"Aww, you, big softie! It was about time! She sent me a letter asking what you've been up to!" Ayaka giggled as she crisscrossed.
"Yeah, she told me. I was also able to meet other people," Isamu said as he threw his apple core to the side. "So did I. I met another guy on a recent mission and another group last week. They were pretty good and it took me a while to get their drift," Miyako said as he threw a pebble.
"Is that so," Isamu said as he laid his head on his hand. "Yeah they were really in sync but it felt like they had problems in their group," Miyako continued.
"Well, not us!" Ayaka chirped as she looked at everyone. "Yeah! We have a strong connection that no one can break!!" Hyuga said.
"I guess we do," Isamu said as looked at the others. "Yeah like Isamu said," Yasu said as she smiled, Miyako smiled and nodded.
"No matter what happens?" Ayaka said as she put her hand in the middle.
"We'll stay together," Hyuga and Yasu said also putting their hands in the middle.
"Until the end," Isamu and Miyako joined as they cheered and threw their hands in the air.
"Well it's getting late and some of us have to wake up early for tomorrow's mission, right?" Ayaka asked as she stood up. "Yeah I have a mission tomorrow," Isamu said. "Wait aren't you injured? You just went to the butterfly estate a few days ago," Hyugaa asked as he helped Miyako up.
"They told me I'd be fine. Plus they're sending me with two other demon slayers in a house in a forest." Isamu said as he yawned. "Yeah so do I," Yasu said as she stood up.
"Well I have nothing but they always come up with missions after," Miyako added as they all started heading into their rooms.
"Well then we should all sleep," Ayaka said as she was about to enter her room. "Goodnight!" Ayaka smiled as she entered. "Goodnight Ayaka. Goodnight boys," Yasu said as she entered her room as well.
"Well I was going to go do something before I went to sleep," Miyako said as he walked down the hallway. "Te acompaΓ±o! Goodnight guys!" Hyuga said as he jogged after Miyako. As Isamu stood in the hallway he slowly walked out to the front of the house.
He sat down on the steps and looked at the night sky. "Hey," Ayaka whispered as she sat down next to him. "Oh hey, Ayaka. I thought you were already going to sleep." Isamu asked as he looked at her.
"Yeah well, I didn't hear you say goodnight so I wanted to go check up on you," Ayaka said as she looked at the ground.
"Oh yeah. I just wanted to have some time before I went to sleep." Isamu said as they both looked up to the sky.
"Did you have fun today?" Ayaka asked as she hugged her legs. "Yeah, I did. Did you?" Isamu asked back as he looked at her again. "Well I always have fun when I'm with you guys," she smiled as she looked at him.
As their eyes locked for a few seconds Ayaka felt that familiar feeling she felt for a while now. Ayaka's eyes widened, sighed, and stood up. "Well, I'll let you have some time now. Goodnight mumu," Ayaka smiled. "Goodnight Ayaka," he smiled back as she left.
After a while, Isamu went back to his room and went to sleep. "I didn't know you knew how to make tea," Miyako whispered as he watched Hyuga prepare some.
"Well my mama always made me some and gave me some of hers every time I went to visit," Hyuga whispered back as he gave Miyako a cup. "Huh. Is that so? Maybe I should visit her so she can teach me," Miyako whisked before he took a sip of his tea.
"Well, it's easy to make. Did your par- uncle never teach you?" Hyuga whispered as he drank his tea. "Well after we escaped from that place, we never really adjusted to a different environment so we always stuck with what we knew."
"Well at least you both are in a better place," Hyuga said as he looked at Miyako. "Wish I could say the same for my family. I don't even know if they're alive or not. Maybe I should've stayed with them," Miyako sighed as he looked at his reflection through the tea.
"If you stayed, nothing would've changed. Maybe you guys leaving helped others to go. Plus I would have never met someone like you," Hyuga said. Miyako looked up to see Hyuga smiling warmly at him. "I guess so," he smiled as he drank more of his tea.
"Well I heard that the government has been surveilling that place so maybe they'll do something about it," Hyuga added as he placed his cup in a small bucket of water. "Wait really," Miyako gasped as he looked at him. "You have beautiful eyes," Hyuga sighed as he immediately looked away.
Miyako's eyes widened as he heard Hyuga. "Don't try to change the subject," Miyako said as he went to place his cup as well. "Yeah. Maybe in a week, we can check it out. But for now, it's time we sleep." Hyuga yawned as they both walked down the hall.
"Buenas noches Miyako," Hyuga smiled as he entered his room. "Goodnight Hyuga," Miyako said as he entered his room.
As they drifted off into their sleep, the wind blew with a warm breeze. Different animals walked around as they waited for a new morning.
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So there may be some errors since I'm publishing way past my sleeping g hours and I hope you guys enjoy it because I had so much fun writing g this!!
This chapter officially starts our story since the past chapters were like introductions to the characters!!
I may edit past chapters like the title and some info but nothing that'll change the story!
So today we have a fun fact about the group!!
Did you know that it took the group a lot of insisting and begging for them to have their own land? I've heard that it took them almost two months before they owned La Casa Lejos De Casa!!
Well I hope you guys have a great day/ night and look forward to the story of Until The End!!!
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