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Yeah, so here comes the hardest part:

Making the choice!!!

*dramatic music plays*

Yes, yes, I know, that's really hard!!!
But everyone must make a choice!!!
That's part of the lifeeeee!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, let's become a bit less formal, shall we???

So, here's just one thing you all need to know:

Some family member roles might be hated, but it's OK, if you are that member!!!
After all, this is a CRAZY family, not a normal, sane family!!!

Anyways, you can decide which family member you want to be!!!
Comment it in the comments!!!

Here are the roles:

(No one can be mom and dad, they already exist)

That one ghost who haunts the family mansion/villa since ages:

The Ghost Of Lady Umber

That one cousin, who looks like a barbie doll and always dresses pink:


That one emo, gay cousin:


That one weird aunt, you don't know what to think of:


That one cousin, who is pretty but annoying and also has the IQ of a hardcover book, and also is somehow obsessed with books:

Her royal highness, the Princess of Slytherin

That one cousin, who just loves books more than people:


That one aunt, who is spoiled and encourages others to do bad things every single time:

Quandale :D (I was blackmailed into adding the smiley)

That one chaotic toddler everyone likes, but that toddler is actually the devil in disguise because of the chaos it creates:

Chaotica di Crazie

That one grandma, who always gives you a very generous amount of money:


That one aunt, who judges everyone in the second she meets them:


That one aunt, who is a total You-know-her-name:

That one cousin who can't stop talking and gossiping until you show her a screen, then she stops:


That one daughter who only leaves her room to eat and buy books:


That one depressed sister, who loves to read, loves all the others but hates herself, and loves to write songs and stories 24/7:


That one cousin who could read all day without getting tired:


That one cousin, who is a prodigy and likes reading:


That one older sister, who plays violin and also swears a LOT:


That one person, who started as a family friend/babysitter, but became a part of the family after a while, whether they liked it or not:


That one cousin, who has an own personal library and is a total nerd:


That one sister, who loves soccer and reading:


That one sister, who always takes care of everyone, is always cheerful and kind, but becomes serious, when there's trouble:


That one cousin, who is waay to obsessed with music:


That one cousin, who is a depressed, bisexual chatholic:


That one cousin who is a total book dragon and knows everything about Fictional characters:


That one person, who isn't technically related to the family, but always shows up and everybody just accepts it:


That one gossip sister:


That one suicidal, depressed cousin, who may or may not be bisexual:


That one grandma, who could win the world record for the most beautiful knitting:

That one cousin, who no one knows, that they exist, because they are always in the corner, reading:


That one sister, who is a huge PJO and Taylor Swift fangirl and she always keeps making puns and sprouting lines from Taylor:


That one sister who everyone likes to take care of:


That one person, who no one knows where they came from, but they treat them like part of the family:


That one cousin, who is always overlooked, but they know everything because they are the best observers:


That one cousin, who can't stop talking unless you insult their family:


That one cousin, who is a total daredevil and is up for anything, and they aren't afraid of anything+they are super sporty and psycho:


That one cousin, who you would call the "Starbucks", because they are always like:"Wanna go to Starbucks? I'll pay!!!"


That one aunt who is obsessed with the family name and would kill, if someone insults the family and the family name:


That one sassy and confident sister:


That one brunette encouraging cousin:


That one cousin, who will seek out more family members on Wattpad (that means, you need to ask people on Wattpad, if they would like to join this family!!! Aka You need to give this book a shout out!!!):


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These were the crazy family members I came up with!!!
If you can think of more, comment it, I will add them!!!

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