👻Splitting Images👻

[In Casper High hallway. Angie, Aims, Jay, Tucker, Sam, and Danny walk down the hall together. Each carries a box that says, "Save the Frogs!" and has a picture of a frog crossed out by a no symbol.]

Danny: So, why exactly are we breaking our backs here, Sam?

Angie: Yeah what gives?

Sam: Frogs' rights. We have to stop dissecting frogs in our school biology labs. And at today's assembly, (They stop walking.) I'm gonna demonstrate a humane alternative. (Tilts her box forward.)

Tucker + Aims (Reading the top of Sam's box): "I Can't Believe It's Not a Frog Cadaver?"

[Sam puts down her box and takes out an oozing mechanical frog.]

Mechanical Frog (Croaks. Robotic voice): Please remove my detachable three-chambered heart. (Croaks.)

Jay: Wow a robot frog, that's not you see everyday.

[Angie and Danny's ghost sense suddenly goes off. Sam's box on the ground begins to glow green and shake, then erupts a cloud of green smoke. Out of surprise, Sam tosses away the frog, which lands on Tucker's head and he struggles to remove it. The green smoke then materializes into the Box Ghost.]

Danny: Oh great. Him again.

Angie: This is the third time this week he showed up!

Box Ghost: (Waving hands around.) I am the Box Ghost, (Glowing green.) and I will have my corrugated cardboard vengeance!

[Both Angie and Danny goes ghost, and the Box Ghost levitates the trio's boxes in the air. Meanwhile, Sam pulls the frog off of Tucker's face, leaving him covered in green slime.]

Tucker: Oh, gross!

Danny: You guys get to the assembly. (Jay, Aims, Sam and Tucker run off.) Me and Angie will get this moron sealed up tight.

Angie: Let's do this! (Her hands glowed green.) Time to put this box, flat like a piece for paper.

[The Box Ghost causes one of the boxes to open and numerous scalpels rise up out of it. They fly at Danny and Angie, but they turns intangible and they stick into the wall of lockers behind them.]

Danny: (Feeling his chest.) Huh. Maybe Sam has a point.


[The Box Ghost slams into Danny, sending him through the lockers and through several more rooms before he finally tumbles into the backstage area of the school's auditorium. Upon landing, he changes back to human.]

Danny: Oops.

[Angie flouts to Danny and she changes back to a human and helpped him up]

Angie: Are you alright?

Danny: Yeah I'm fine. (He blushed) You do know you're holding my hand right?

Angie: O-oh. (Chuckled and she also blushed) Sorry.

Box Ghost: (Phases through wall.) Tremble before the might of the (His hands start to glow green.) Box Ghost, (Causes a box onstage to glow and levitate.) as you are devoured by... (Reading label on box.) Uh, oh yeah. Costumes and props from the Broadway classic, My Fair Lady!

[The box opens and a bundle of clothes rises up out of it. The bundle hurls itself at Danny and Angie, knocking them backwards. They both ends up under a pile of clothes.]

Box Ghost: (Laughs evilly.) Beware! (Phases out through the ceiling.)

[Cut to Sam walking up to a podium onstage in front of a closed curtain.]

Sam (Into the mic): Fellow students, something sick and disgusting is taking place right here in our school, and I'm about to show you what it is.

[The curtain opens up behind her to reveal a large "Save the Frogs!" sign. The students in the audience pause, then immediately point and laugh. Sam turns around and sees Danny, who stands up from the pile of clothes wearing a pink-and-white dress, a matching hat with a wig of curls, and makeup. Danny glowers when he realizes the situation as then Angie came out wearing a suit.]

Angie: Huh? (Sees Danny in the dress and she burst out laughing) Haha Sorry sorry. (Calmed down and she realizes she was wearing a suit) Aye, I look nice.

Jay: Wow?!

Tucker: (Cheering) Whoo! Take it off! (Sam glares at him.) No, seriously. He should take it off. That's weird.

[Angie, Aims, Jay, Sam, Danny, and Tucker walking down a Casper High hallway, where students still laugh at Danny.]

Sam: Thanks to your little dress-up parade, my "Save the Frogs!" presentation was a total bust.

Tucker: And speaking of bust, did you see Danny in that bra? Puce is not your color, pal as for Angie dang girl, you look amazing in your suit black is so your colour.

[The gang walks up to a locker covered in yellow caution tape. Danny carries a piece of paper.]

Danny: Yeah, and now because that idiot Box Ghost trashed my locker, I've been assigned a new one. (Reads paper.) Locker...seven-two-four.

[Angie, Jay, Sam and Tucker gasp and look dramatically fearful. Tucker points behind Danny and Aims at the rusty, worn-down locker 724. They all walk towards it.]

Danny: Guys, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost. (Chuckles.) Or something really scary that we don't see every single day.

Aims: Yeah, what's it's it about locker 724?

Tucker: Hello?! Locker 724? How do you both not know the legend of locker 724? Plus Angie and Jay know about it but you don't Aims, wow you really need to keep your mind together.

Aims: Hey!

[Danny opens the locker. A gold-framed mirror hangs in the back, which Danny touches. The mirror begins to sparkle as Danny speaks.]

Danny: What's the big deal with 724?

[Dash Baxter suddenly slaps down the hat-wig from the My Fair Lady costume onto Danny's head.]

Dash: You left something behind, Fenton.

[Dash and two of his jock friends laugh while Danny and Angie both glares at them.]

Dash: Let's see if it fits in your new locker, with you inside!

[Dash grabs Danny and shoves him in his locker, then slams the door shut. Dash and his friends walk away laughing as Angie eye twitched.]

Tucker: I was gonna tell you the locker was cursed, (Opens the locker.) but I think you figured that out.

Danny: (Falls out of locker and stands up.) I'll show you cursed. Cover me.

Angie: Danny, sit this one out, I think I'm gonna possessed Dash today.

Danny: Oh I want to see this!

[Angie grabs Sam and Tucker and hides behind them. She goes ghost, and flies invisibly down the hallway as Danny follows, then Angie overshadows Dash. Angie then slams Dash's head into a locker twice before dunking it into a janitor's mop bucket, where she leaves Dash's body. She flies away from the crowd surrounding Dash and pops back into human form. She high-fives Danny, while Sam and Jay glares at him.]

Sam + Jay (Admonishing): Angie.

Tucker: Relax, you both. (To Angie) It's about time you used that Phantom advantage for some ghostly get-back.

Aims: Plus seeing possessing Dash was amazing!

Angie: Haha, that bully knows what he gets!

[Sam sighs in disgust and walks away, and Jay, Aims, Angie, Tucker and Danny follow her. A ghostly voice (belonging to Sidney Poindexter) speaks from within locker 724.]

Poindexter: Bullies. (Green light glows from within the locker.) Bullies!

[A few days later, in Casper High cafeteria at lunchtime, and to the popular kids' table.]

Dale: And all of a sudden, this locker door flies open and nails me.

Paulina: (Brushing foam out of her hair.) I'm gonna be brushing this stuff out of my hair for a week!

Kwan: It's like, this school is haunted.

[On Angie, Jay, Aims, Tucker, Sam, and Danny at another table.]

Angie: Haha oh seeing Paulina in foam is truly made my day. No more little miss pick me for a week.

Aims: I see now why you hate her.

Sam: Apparently, someone's been busy.

Danny: It wasn't us, I swear!

Angie: Yeah we didn't do anything!

[Danny suddenly turns invisible and goes to overshadow Dash, who is just sitting down between Kwan and Dale. He causes Dash to dump his tray of food on Paulina, then leaves his body. Dash shakes his head clear and scratches it in confusion. Danny then goes back to his table and turns visible again and Angie laughed.]

Danny: Now that was me.

Jay: Good job Danny!

Sam: Danny, I don't think you should be using your powers like--

[Sam suddenly sees Mr. Lancer standing in the cafeteria doorway.]

Sam: Lancer. I'll be right back come on Jay! (Runs off with Jay.)

Angie: Is it just me or have Jay and Sam been closely together this past week?

Aims: Yeah but hey I ship them. I maybe Aro/ace but hey.

Tucker: Don't listen to her, Danny. It's about time somebody struck a blow for Sidney Poindexter.

Danny + Aims: Sidney who-dexter?

Tucker: Sidney Poindexter. (Takes out PDA and taps on it.) Locker 724 was originally owned by a Poindexter back in the fifties. Poindexter was the victim of more cruel pranks than anyone in the history of Casper High School. Apparently, picking on him was a graduation requirement. He got stuffed into his locker so many times,it's believed his spirit still inhabits it to this very day.

Angie: Wow, how much did he get into his locker?

Tucker: Like more then hundred!

Aims: Damn.

[Then both Jay and Sam walks back up to the table, carrying a box of frogs.]

Danny: Guys, what are you doing?

Sam (Suspiciously): Nothing. (Setting box down on the table bench.) Certainly not trying to smuggle frogs out of the bio lab while Lancer isn't looking.

Jay: I'm just here helping Sam.

[Suddenly, Danny is pelted in the face with several hamburger patties.]

Dash: Hey, guys. (Dash holding patties, surrounded by several jocks.) What do you say we "meat" my new locker neighbor?

[Danny wipes off the patties and glares at Dash, his eyes glowing green. Angie holds him back.]

Angie: Easy, Danny. Take it easy, just remember take a deep breath.

Danny: (Sighs.) You're right, Angie. I--

[Danny suddenly gets pelted by more patties, cheese, veggies, and finally a giant loaf of bread that lands on his head.]

Dash (Walking away.): Enjoy your sandwich, neighbor.

Danny: That's it! (Takes bread off of head.)

Tucker + Aims: Hmm. I wonder how Dash would feel if he had a frog in his throat.

Danny: Or twelve. In his pants. (Looks at box of frogs.)

Sam (Picks up box.): Oh, no. You're not gonna exploit innocent amphibians for some juvenile revenge scheme.

[Danny's eyes look indifferent, then glow green with mischief as frogs jump in their reflection.]

Angie + Jay + Aims: He's gonna do it!

[A few minutes Angie, Jay, Aims, Sam is rounding up loose frogs and putting them back into the box.]

Sam: There you go, little fellas.

Jay: I got some more!

Sam: Nice on Jay-jay!

Angie: I wonder where's Danny is?

[And then Danny and Poindexter come to a stand-off in the hallway around Sam, Angie, Aims and Jay.]

Angie: Well there's my anwers.

Poindexter: Put an egg in your shoe and beat it, bully. (Danny turns visible.) I'm Sidney Poindexter, (Tucker walks up next to him. Gesturing to Tucker) and wherever there is a single nerd in need, I shall be there.

Tucker: Hey, who're calling a nerd?

Aims: He means you Tuck.

[Danny flies at Poindexter, but he turns intangible and Danny flies into Tucker and Angie instead. They crash into some lockers and fall to the ground. Poindexter turns tangible again.]

Tucker: That's the guy who used to have your locker. In your face, Mr. Skeptic.

Poindexter: In his face? (Pulls out an ink pen.) Swell idea.

[Poindexter causes the pen to spray ink in Danny's face. He laughs as well Angie but Danny glared at her making her stop, but then Danny turns intangible and flies into him, sending them both through the floor.]

Angie: Oh boy... I hope Danny will be alright...

Jay: Yinks.

Aims: Come on guys, more frogs are loose.

[And then Jack and Maddie running down a Casper High hallway, followed by Mr. Lancer. They come up to Angie, Jay, Aims, Tucker and Sam, who still has the box of frogs.]

Angie: Oh Hi Mr and Ms Fenton!

Maddie: Is it true? Did you kids just witness a ghost attack?

Jack: Fear not, young ones. (Raises electrified Ghost Gauntlets in the air.) These gloves are made for grabbing!

[Poindexter (in Danny's body) phases up intangibly through the floor behind Maddie. Angie sees and gasps, then goes over to block Poindexter from view as he turns tangible again and he puts his hands on Angie's shoulders.]

Angie: Uh, no ghost here, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, everything is alright as a fly hehe get it fly, alright I'll shut up.

Mr. Lancer: Only a girl trying to create a diversion for her own needs.

Sam: Right. Right. No ghosts here.

Tucker: Yeah no ghost here Mr and Mrs F!

[Aims and Jay both nodded then the adults run off.]

Tucker: Watch it, Danny. Your parents almost caught your intangible act.

[Poindexter smirks in satisfaction of not being suspected. Angie, Jay, Aims, Sam, Poindexter, and Tucker walking down a hallway. Tucker is now carrying the frogs.]

Poindexter: Ooh, ooh! Spiff diddly dee, man. So this is what it's like to have friends.

Sam: You sure you're alright, Danny?

Jay: Yeah Danny plus your staring at Angie like she's the most beautiful girl in the world?

[Angie blinked and avoided the eye contacted as she knew it was Poindexter in Danny's body]

Tucker: Danny?

Poindexter: Oh, me? Yeah, right. I'm right like Ike, Mike.

Aims: Why does your voice sound so weird?

Poindexter: Uh...puberty?

Jay: Alright?

Tucker: What happened to Poindexter?

Poindexter: Oh, that square? (They stop walking.) He flew the coop. Permanent-like.

[Poindexter continues walking as Angie, Aims, Jay, Sam and Tucker stay behind, staring suspiciously at him. Cut to Dash hitting a vending machine.]

Dash: Come on! Give me my soda!

Poindexter: Hey, let me help you out there, pal.

[Poindexter phases an intangible hand through the side of the vending machine as Sam and Tucker walk up. He fumbles around until the machine clicks and dispenses a soda. Dash takes it and drinks it.]

Dash: (Crushing the can.) Thanks, Fenton.

Poindexter: Eh, no problemo.

Dash: Hey Flower, is your boyfriend going through puberty? 

Angie: Dash, Danny isn't my boyfriend! (Jay, Aims Sam and Tucker share a questioning look.) We just danced once!

Dash: Uh, you know, I'm a little tight on quarters. Think you can get a few more sodas for me and my pals?

Poindexter: Hehe, you betcha. (Winks and phases a hand into the machine again to dispense more sodas.)

Sam Danny, that's stealing.

Poindexter: (Gathering the sodas in his arms.) Eh, I'm sure that poor kid lost more than his fair share of quarters to the vicious bullies in this school. It's time somebody evened the score. (Passing out sodas to Dash and his friends.) Hey, everybody! Egg creams on me.

Kwan: I don't know what the heck an egg cream is, but thanks!

Sam: Well, this is new.

Jay: And it's Danny never said egg creams plus what are even egg creams.

Angie: I think their like milkshakes but diffrent.

Dash: (Toasting his soda.) Here's to Fenton! (The students cheer and raise their sodas.)

Kwan: (Comes up to Poindexter.) Hey, Fentonmeister! We're short one for touch football. Are you in?

Poindexter: Posi-lutely abs-itively.

Kwan: Posi-lutely? (Laughs.) When did you get a sense of humor?

[Dash, Kwan, and the other students lead Poindexter away as they continue to cheer. Poindexter suddenly notices that locker 724 is open and rushes ahead to close it quickly. At the Casper High football field, where two groups of students are huddled up separately, one of which includes Poindexter and the jocks.]

Dash: Okay, Fenton. After the snap, I'll hand the ball off to you. (Poindexter salutes and runs off, laughing crazily.) (To the rest of the group) Leave him wide open for punishment.

[The group breaks its huddle and lines up for the snap. Then energy then travels as a ray down the hallway and outside to the football field, where it begins to carve a message into the turf at Sam and Tucker's feet. Meanwhile, the two groups of students are lined up for the football snap. Dale snaps the ball to Dash, who winks at him and Kwan as a signal for them to give Poindexter space. Dash then hands the ball to a confused Poindexter. Angie, Jay, Aims, Sam and Tucker wince in anticipation of the impending tackle.]

Sam: Well, it was nice knowing him.

Tucker: Think I can have his computer?

Angie: After this and I'll tell Jazz about this..

[The green energy finishes writing the message in the turf, which reads, "ANGIE, AIMS, JAY, TUCKER, SAM, OPEN LOCKER 724." Meanwhile, the opposing team tries to tackle Poindexter, but he goes intangible and phases out of the pile of players to run the ball in for a touchdown. Dash and his friends look astonished.]

Dash: Fenton's got game! Who knew?

[Poindexter does a little touchdown dance of celebration. Angie, Aims, Jay, Sam and Tucker look happy and relieved he didn't get hurt, and look down at the ground at their feet. However, before they have a chance to see Danny's message to them, Jack and Maddie run up, wiping out the message with their feet.]

Jack: There's a ghost in here. I can feel it in my boots! And I'm not leaving this campus (Holds up Ghost Gauntlets.) 'til these gloves grab some ghost.

[The Fenton Finder that Maddie is holding begins to beep, and she turns it towards the source: Poindexter in Danny's body. The Fenton Finder reads, "GHOST!" and shows Danny's image.]

Maddie: A ghost? That can't be right. Hmm. Looks like we'll be staking out the school all night. Don't wait up.

Jack: In that case, I need to use the little ghost hunters' room. (Hands Tucker the gauntlets.) Hold these gloves, son. Where I'm going, there's no need for that much power. (He and Maddie run off.)

Dash: Party at Fenton's house! (Students cheer.)

Poindexter: Hot dog! Where does he live!

Kwan: It's your house, bonehead. Is he hilarious or what?

Sam: Free soda, a touchdown, and the opportunity to trash a classmate's living room. How easily the letter jacket and pom-pom set is swayed.

Tucker: I don't know. Danny seems a little...off.

Sam: (Looks at the "Save the Frogs!" badge on her shirt.) Although, the residual popularity effect could work to our advantage. (Runs over to Kwan, waving the badge.) Oh, Kwan! You simply must wear one of these "Save the Frogs!" badges. It's all the rage.

Kwan: I don't know...

Poindexter: (Taking the badge.) Hey! Boss badge. Can I have one?

[He puts the badge on his shirt. The other popular kids begin to crowd around him.]

Dash: Hey, I want one!

Paulina: Me, too. I can wear it with my old army lime green baby tee!

Kwan (To Sam): Give me one, yo! I started this trend.

Sam: Hang on, folks. (Her and Tucker begin to run away.) Plenty more in my locker where that one came from.

Ange: Wait I'll get them!

Sam: Alright! Everybody Angie's gonna get them! (Everybody cheered and Angie ran off) Thanks!

[Cut to locker 724, glowing green. Just as Angie walk by, the locker door flies open, scaring them both.]

Danny (From inside the mirror): Angie! In here!

Angie: Poindexter?

Danny: No! It's me, Danny! Poindexter took over my body and sent me into this bizarro spirit world.

[Angie made a disbelieving look. She cross her arms.]

Angie: Prove it.

Danny: You told me last week that when you were really young that you broke your leg and had to wear a moon boot cast for ten days!

Angie: Oh yeah haha I've forgot that I told you heh.

Danny (Trying to get through the mirror.) The mirror acts as some kind of portal, but I can't phase through it. (Sighs in defeat.) Serves me right. I'm only in here because I was acting like a bully. Now I'm in here and I'm gonna get bullied for the rest of eternity!

Angie: You might not be able to get out, but that doesn't mean Poindexter can't get back in. I doubt he's in a big hurry to go back where he came from.

Danny: (Thinks and gets an idea.) I know how to get him in here. Here's what you need to do get Jay, Aims, Sam and Tucker..

[A few minutes later, Angie told them about what happened and also the plan so then Sam, Angie, Aims and Jay running and pulling Poindexter by the arm down the hallway.]

Sam: Danny! Come quick! A bully is shoving a poor, defenseless nerd inside his own locker.

Angie: Yeah! It's poor old Tucker!

[Tucker standing indifferently with his hands behind his back in front of an open locker 724. The girls stops running and Poindexter skids to halt.]

Poindexter: Tucker! I'll save you! (Goes ghost.) Hey, there's no nerd getting shoved inside his locker.

[Tucker casually walks forward, then produces the Ghost Gauntlets from behind his back. Poindexter screams, and Tucker grabs him with the gauntlets.]

Tucker: There is now.

Poindexter: Noooooo!

[As Poindexter yells, Tucker shoves him into the locker and through the mirror to a waiting Danny, who pulls him out on his side of the mirror and the gang sighed]

Angie: And now we wait. (She sighed and she looked at Danny) Please be alright Danny.... (Sees Sam, Tucker, Jay and Aims smirking) Alright alright fine I like-like Danny! Happy?

Sam: Much.

Tucker: Super!

Aims: You big simp.

Jay: Yeah I'm telling Macaque after school.

[Angie rolled her eyes, Cut to Mr. Lancer carrying a box of frogs in the present-day Casper High. Right as he passes locker 724, Danny falls out of it (back in his human form), knocking them both to the ground. The frogs begin to hop away out of the dropped box. Mr. Lancer runs after them, passing Sam and Tucker leaning on some lockers.]

Mr. Lancer: No! Come back!

Sam (Sarcastically): Oh, dear. Whatever will we do? (Danny walks up to them, looking down.) Good one, Danny.

Tucker: Yeah. But how do we know you're really Danny?

Danny: Because I used my powers for the wrong reason and became exactly the kind of person I hate. It got me into a load of trouble, and I'm not gonna do that again.

Angie: (Chuckled and hugged him) Now that's the Danny I remember.

Danny: (Blushes and hugged back before pulling away and takes mirror out of locker.) Just one more thing to do.

[Danny throws the mirror on the ground, shattering it.]

Mr. Lancer: Fenton! (The trio turns to look at him.) That's school property.

Jay + Aims: Somebody is busted.

[Cut to Mr. Lancer wearing a "Save the Frogs!" badge standing in front of a crowd of students also wearing badges and holding signs for the frog campaign.]

Danny: I can explain! (Hesitates.) Actually, I really can't.

Mr. Lancer: I'm holding you responsible for this and the escaped frogs, but seeing how (Looks at Dash.) upstanding students like Dash Baxter have made their opinions known, I'm willing to overlook the frogs. Miss Manson, you could learn a thing or two from them about activism. (Sam frowns.) Still, (Holds up a pencil and notebook.) that leaves the matter of your locker. I'm going to have to assign you a new one.

[Fade to a "Band Room" sign over a door, which Danny's new locker is next to. Danny closes his locker as the tuba player and Jay who's playing the Trumpet from earlier walks by. Dash and Kwan then walk up behind him.]

Kwan: Hanging with band geeks, Fenton?


Dash: No amount of free soda's gonna fix that.

[They walk away, and two band kids, one of which is named Lyle, walk up to Danny.]

Lyle: Hi. I'm Lyle. Wanna help me clean my spit valve? (Holds up his instrument.)

Danny: (Sighs.) My fifteen minutes of popularity is up, and I wasn't even here for it.

[Angie stands next to him, holding a mechanical frog.]

Angie: Yeah, but at least it wasn't a total loss. (Looks at frog.) Looks like this robo-frog gonna get some use after all.

[Suddenly, the Box Ghost swoops in and takes the frog out of Angie's hands, flying above them.]

Box Ghost: Aha! I am no longer the Box Ghost. I am now the mechanical frog ghost!

[The frog crackles with electricity and the Box Ghost drops it onto Tucker's head out of fear.]

Box Ghost: Uh, I've changed my mind! I am once again the Box Ghost, who will have nothing to do with mechanical amphibians. (Raises arms.) Beware! (Phases through lockers.)

Danny: Now there's a guy who knows exactly who he is.

Angie: (Chuckled) Yeah, oh Danny before I go to home here. (She gave Danny a kiss on the cheek) Alright bye.. (Runs off with Jay and Aims.)

[The frog on Tucker's head croaks and Sam came in and took off the frog on Tucker's head as Danny touched his cheek and he smiled]

Danny: Guys.

Tucker + Sam: Yeah?

Danny: I think, I have a crush on... Angie Flowers.

Tucker + Sam: WAIT WHAT?!

NEXT UP: Bitter Reunions

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