14 - punch dumped love

{Journey isn't going to be in this episode but Taylor will, as a replacement if that makes any sense, but maybe Journey will come back in the next episode, I haven't figured that out yet. But anyway, hope you like this chapter!}

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*Β 

Mira's POV

"Presenting my special caviar omelet with gruyere cheese a la Bertram. Voila!" Bertram announces as he serves us breakfast, but we were invested in our phones or games.

I was looking at the different pictures for dresses because the dance is tomorrow and I don't know what to wear.

Ravi and Luke were playing Zombie Slaughter together, but wasn't taking his turn. "Tomorrow I'm just heating up frozen waffles."

"Yay!" We beam at Bertram and he rolls his eyes.

"Ravi are you ever going to take your turn?" Luke asks with irritation.

"What's the point of playing Zombie Slaughter with buddies, if your buddies never slaughters zombies?" Luke complains and I nod in agreement.

"I am trying to read The Fairfield News." Ravi explains. "Do you know there has been a rash of burglaries in the building?"

"Uh-oh. I'd better go lock my Dollhouse!" Zuri exclaims and we look at her. "What? I got fine mini-China in there."

"Guys relax. We have top-notch security downstairs." Bertram assures us and I scoff at him.

"We have Tony downstairs." I say and gets some more juice.

"We are doomed!" Ravi says with wide eyes.

Jessie walks in with a fish in a bag and I raise an eyebrow, at this.

"Hey guys, I have to run to the Post Office this afternoon to overnight these fish to France for your mom's emergency pedicure." Jessie informs us, putting the fish down and walking by us.

"Oooh I want fishy!" Zuri beams, picking it up.

"They eat the dead flesh off your feet." Jessie tells her and Zuri retracts her statement.

"I'm good thanks." Zuri says handing Jessie the fish back.

"Emma, I need you to walk Zuri home from school today." Jessie reminds Emma, packing the fish in a box.

I shook my head knowing that Emma would either forget or she wouldn't do it.

"I'll do it, she's either going to forget or not do it." I piped up and Jessie turns to look at me, and she smiles before nodding her head.

"OMG! Kelly is wearing a chiffon dress to the dance tomorrow! Now I can't wait for my chiffon dress!"

"I like when Mira picks me up because we get coffee after school." Zuri says as she walks behind Jessie and the red head looks at her.

"I miss having 14=year-old girl problems." Jessie mentions as I nod my head.

Luke stands up and goes to the refrigerator. "Now, that Rachel Kapowski'sΒ  single, I'm gonna ask her to the dance. She's my dream girl."

My heart shattered into pieces and I looked at him. "I thought Mira was your dream girl?"

"It's a dream, I can like as many girls as I want." Luke says as I turn away with a sad look.

"Ugh, men." Jessie groans.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

Third Person's POV

The next day, Mira was putting her books in her locker. She ditched dodgeball today, because she didn't want to see Luke asking Rachel to the dance. Rachel is a nice girl, but Mira doesn't want to see Rachel and Luke end up together.

Mira was in her thoughts as she didn't notice that Taylor next to her. "Hey, Sam." Taylor says making Mira jump at her.Β 

She gave her friend a weak smile as she closed her locker. "Hey, how was your vacation in California?" Mira asked wanting to change the subject.

"It was good, hey, you going to the dance tomorrow?" Taylor asked as Mira shook her head no. "Why not?"

"I'm not in the mood to go." Mira says as it was somewhat the truth, but not the full truth.

"What did Luke do, now?" Taylor asked crossing her arms around her chest as she leans on a locker.

"You know Rachel Kapowski, right, the one who was dating Gale Gustavo?" Mira says as Taylor nods her head before her eyes widened a bit.

"They broke up? Since when?" Taylor asked as Mira shrugs her shoulders.

"Probably a couple days ago, but who cares. Luke is now asking Rachel to the dance, because she's his dream girl." Mira says as Taylor shakes her head at Mira.

"How about this, we go together as friends." Taylor says as Mira nods her head.

"Yeah, works for me." Mira says as Taylor brought her into a hug and Mira hugged her back.Β 

"I missed you, and sorry for not answering your messages. The cabin where we were staying at had wonky internet." Taylor says as Mira was glad to have her best friend back, as she missed Taylor.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

After school, I picked up Zuri from school and we got our usual coffee together, and she got a frappe, and I got a cold brew.Β 

"How was school?" I ask as I bit into my donut that I got at the coffee shop.

"Not bad actually." Zuri says as I smile. "So are you going to that boring dance tomorrow?"Β 

"Yeah, I'm going with Taylor." Mira says as Zuri looks up at Mira.

"I thought you were gonna go with Luke." Zuri says as Mira shakes her head.

"No, he already got a girl. Apparently I'm not his dream girl." Mira says with a sad frown just by talking about it as it still hurts her to be honest.

"Oh, no he didn't." Zuri says to Mira.

"It's fine, anyway. I got to get the dress and boots I'm wearing tomorrow." Mira says as Mira calls Jessie.

"Yeah, what's up?" Jessie asks.

"Hey, I got Zuri, I'm gonna go to a couple stores and get my dress and boots for tomorrow for the dance." Mira says.

"I thought you weren't going?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah, I wasn't but me and Taylor are gonna go as friends." Mira says.

"Okay, that works for me. See you two when you get back." Jessie says before hanging up.

"Ready to go dress shopping?" Zuri asks as Mira nods her head.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*Β 

After Mira and Zuri got back with the dress and shoes that she's gonna be wearing for the dance, Emma had her try it on, because she wants to see what it looks like.

Mira also impulse bought a headpiece for the dress as Zuri had pointed it out saying that it would go great with the dress.

"Okay, so what do you got?" Emma asked as she walked into Mira's bedroom along with Zuri.

"She got a dress, a headpiece and heeled boots, because she's weird." Zuri says as Emma nods her head.

"It's because she doesn't wear high heels." Emma says as Mira carefully took the dress out of the bag that it was in, for it's safe keeping.

Emma gasped at seeing the dress and the flower print on it. "Oh my God, it's beautiful. Show me the boots and the head piece."

Mira got the headpiece out it's bag, and Zuri got the boots out of their shoe box.

"Oh my God, they're all beautiful now try it on." Emma says shoving Mira to where her bathroom was.

"Okay, okay. I will." Mira says giggling at Emma.

When Mira came out of the bathroom, Emma's jaw dropped at the sight at Mira wearing her outfit. "Oh my god Luke will be jealous of you that's for sure." Emma says smiling brightly at Mira.

She's happy for her, and always will be.

"Do Sammy's makeup." Zuri says as Emma nods her head as they went to Mira's vanity and she sat down. Emma did a natural look on Mira but she did add some flare with a smoky eye and a pale pink lip, and Emma did Mira's hair as she curled it a little. When Emma was done she turned Mira's seat so that she was facing Emma and she grabbed her setting spray and sprayed Mira's face a little so that her makeup stays on her face.

"Okay, all set." Emma says as Mira turns back to her mirror.

"Thanks, Em. I love it." Mira says hugging Emma. "Aren't you gonna go to the dance?" Emma asks as she takes off her robe revealing her dress. "Well, that answered it."

"I don't have a date, but I'm still going." Emma says before her and Mira head downstairs, and just in time because Taylor walked out of the elevator, in her dress.

"Hey, Emma. Ready Mira?" Taylor says as Mira nods her head as she smiles as Luke walked downstairs in a suit as he walked towards the elevator. Mira exhaled a breath, as her, Emma, and Taylor walked towards the elevator. "Hey, Luke." Mira starts as she push the button for the elevator to open.

Luke looks up and his eyes grew a bit. "Hey, Sammy..."

It was quiet after that except for the small talk between Emma and Taylor, talking about Taylor's vacation in her family's cabin in California.Β 

The door closes and Luke pushes the lobby button making the elevator go down. "So, I heard Taylor asked you to the dance." Luke began as Mira nods her head as she was relieved as she didn't want to start the conversation.

"Yeah, she did. You asked Rachel like you wanted." Mira remarks with slight sarcasm but mostly hurt was present in her voice.Β 

"Yeah, I'm so...happy!" He chirps as Mira looks down to her feet.

Mira nods her head and looks away only for it to be quiet again. When the elevator door opened Mira made a mad dash out of it as she desperately wanted to leave the elevator. Taylor and Emma followed her as the four of them hopped into a cab that brought them to the school.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

The three girls arrived at the school, as Luke went off somewhere with Rachel as Emma was in the bathroom. Mira and Taylor went to the punch table as they started singing to the songs that was playing on the speakers.

"Having fun so far?" Taylor asked as Mira nods her head as she turned her head as she was watching Luke and Rachel have their fun as she sighs. Taylor turned to see what Mira was looking at. "Hey, ignore him, he's having fun with Rachel." Taylor says to her.

"Yeah, I know." Mira mutters as Emma walks into the gym where the dance is.

"Hey, guys. Guess what I heard from some people?" Emma asked as this got Mira and Taylor's attention as they look at her. "Gale said he wants to get revenge on Luke for dating Rachel." Emma explains and Mira and Taylor's eyes widen.

"What?" Mira whisper yells in sync with Taylor.

"He can't do that, they broke up!" Taylor whisper yells as Mira nods her head.

"That's what I said. I'm gonna try to warn Luke as best as I can." Emma says as Taylor and Mira nod their heads.

"Okay." Mira says as Emma goes off to play the cards right.

"Well, tonight's gonna be interesting. Is he wearing his superman undies?" Taylor asked as Mira nods her head.

"Yup, he's gonna be screwed." Mira says as Taylor shakes her head.

"Why out of all things must he wear that! It's not even cute." Taylor says as Mira nods her head.

"Yeah, it's because he thinks he was born on Krypton." Mira says as Taylor gives her a weird look.

"Yet, you find that cute, that scares me. Krypton doesn't even exist. Superman doesn't exist." Taylor says to Mira as she chuckles.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I keep trying to tell him, but of course he doesn't listen to me. Shocker." Mira says as Emma came back out of breath.

"You okay, did you run a marathon?" Taylor jokingly asked as Emma shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm too pretty, but anyway I tried talking to him, but he wants to face the Gorilla on his own." Emma says.

"What? Gale is going to crush him!" Mira whisper yells with panic as Taylor rubs her back.

"And now he's going to give the wedgie of his life." Emma explains.

"We got to find him!" Taylor says.

Emma grabs both of Taylor and Mira's wrists and pulls them through the crowd. They search for him but it was too late, they see Gale had found Luke.

"Oh, no..." Mira mutters as everyone gasped when Gale poured the punch all over him.

"My punch! I knew I should have made brownies!" Mira looked over and saw...Adam Sandler. What is he doing at their dance.

"Gale, all you've managed to do is make yourself look foolish, and ruin poor Adan Sandler's punch." Luke says scolding Gale.

"Thunder's!" Adam corrects and walks away. "When is that gonna catch on?"

"Gale, I can't believe you did that!" Rachel gasps.

"Yeah, humiliating me is not going to win Rachel back?" Luke agrees, thinking that she was on his side. "Right, Rachel?"

"You still care!" She smiles and hugs Gale, as Mira's jaw dropped onto the floor.

"I'm sorry, Luke." Rachel apologizes and pulls out a rose from her purse. "The rose was sweet, but you should give it to a girl, who really deserves it."

Mira, Taylor and Emma all watch as Rachel and Gale leave and then stared at Luke with sorrow.

Β The dance continued minutes later as it was a slow dance, but Mira didn't have a date anymore. She was just standing on the side looking like an idiot without a date. Mira lets out a sigh as she feels a pang of sadness enter her.

"Hey, M." Mira looks up and saw Luke standing there. His hair and suit were still damp from the punch but he still looked cute in Mira's opinion but she wasn't gonna say that outloud.

"Hey." Mira replies softly.

"Where's Taylor?" He asks.

"With Emma." Mira says pointing to where Taylor and Emma are.

There was silence for a few moments and it felt awkward. "Luke." "M." Luke and Mira both chuckle when they spoke at the same time.

"You first." Luke says as he grins.

"I'm really sorry about Rachel." Mira begins. "She's an idiot for not seeing how great you are."

"Thanks." He smiles. "And...if I'm being completely, she's not the girl I really wanted to go out with."

Mira looked at him giving him, her full attention. "Who did you want to go with?" Mira asked.

His cheeks flushed and he smiles softly. "You."

Mira's heart flutters with joy. "Really? Why didn't you ask me then?" She asked.

"I thought you'd say no." He admits. "I mean you already find me annoying."

"I don't find you annoying." Mira reasons. "Yes, you can be a bit much, and all that, but that's because you like me and I find it very sweet." Mira says.

Luke is relieved. "Now, I feel like an idiot for not asking you."

"I wish you did ask." Mira admits as Luke looks at her. "I wanted to be your date, but you didn't ask me so Taylor talked me into going with her."

"You wanted to go with me?" Luke asks with a happy grin.

"I did, but you asked Rachel and I was really sad." Mira tells him.Β 

"I really like you Mira, I'm not going to stop trying to get your attention until the day I die." Luke confesses.

"I don't think you need to try any longer." Mira smiles at him and his eyes grew,

"You mean you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked hopefully.

"I mean why not, honestly. You only live once." Mira says making Luke chuckle at her.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

Mira's POV

The dance ended about half and hour later and I would say it was a successful night. I got what I wanted. Luke and I danced together. We also agreed to change our status to dating, just as long as Creepy Connie doesn't find out, I should be good.

"Other than the fact that I still have punch in my paints this was a pretty good night." Luke says and looks at me with a grin, and I smiled back grabbing his hand.

"Agreed." I say.

"Aw." Emma and Taylor sigh with happiness as me and Luke blush.

"Emma thanks again for trying to warn me about Gale." Luke says as he smiles at Emma.

"You're welcome." She grins.

"Be glad Jessie wasn't here, that'd be totes embarrassing." Emma says as we all nodded our heads. "She would have put Adam Sandler to shame." Emma adds.

"Apparently he likes being called 'Thunder' for some reason. Also did you guys drink that punch?" He asked as me, and Taylor looked at each other.

"Why?" Taylor asked.

"You wouldn't want to know what kind of water was in there. Apparently it was Kevin James' bath water." Luke says making me and Taylor gag.

Thanks a lot. Not.

"Thanks for the heads up. I think I'm gonna be sick." Taylor says before she ran to the kitchen and I heard noises of her getting sick.

"Glad I'm not drinking it." I say as Luke chuckles as we mimicked Adam's Gangnam Style, as they left the elevator. We froze when an alarm blared and a cage fell on top of Jessie.

"Huh? That wasn't here before." I say in confusion.

"Huh...this is new." Jessie points out.

"Oops, I guess we forgot one of our traps." Ravi says sheepishly.

"Huh! I didn't know it was nanny season." Jessie remarks. "Get the key!"

"Key!" Ravi says, searching for the key. "Key...Uh, Zuri a word."

"Sure.." Zuri chuckles as he pulls her away, Luke and I shrug at each other.

Suddenly they both screamed and ran off.

"They're not coming back, are they?" Jessie asks and Emma, Luke and I slowly backed away. "Guys? Don't you...don't..."

When Jessie reaches for us, we run into the screening room, yelling.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

here is another chapter for y'all.
hope you like it.

please vote and comment thanks!

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