13 - somebunny's in trouble
I know I skipped episodes but bare with me as not every episode is going to be included in this book.
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[somebunny's in trouble]
{season two; episode 19}
Mira's POV
"Guess what, everyone?" Zuri beams as we were eating dinner. "I'm taking care of the class bunny for the weekend!"
Bertram then gasps in horror. "Bunny? There's a bunny in the house!"
I turn and see a petrified Bertram searching for a bunny, as for as long as I have known Bertram we do not say the 'B' word. Otherwise he'd freak out, like he is doing now.
"Why do I feel like the crazy-train is about to pull into Bertramville?" Luke asks as I smile.
"Is that even a thing?" Journey whispered to me and I just shrug my shoulders.
"All aboard." Jessie calls.
"Once my mommy took me to the Mall to see the Easter Bunny. And I sat on his moth-eaten suit and stared at his red, glowing eyes. Then he made that horrible bunny face!" Bertram explains and made a bunny face, hissing and snarling. "Long story short, I wet myself and The Easter Bunny." Everyone but me, Journey and Ravi are laughing.
But let me tell you the first time I heard that story, I laughed, but now I just feel bad.
"Poor Bertram. How old were you?" Ravi asked with sorrow.
Bertram seemed embarrassed. "Fourteen..."Β
"Bertram, there's nothing to be afraid of." Zuri chirps and lifts up a white bunny with black spots. "See?"
"Aww, so cute." I cooed.
Bertram screams with fear and runs upstairs.
"And the crazy train has left the station." Jessie jokes.
"Can we please give Bertram the day off, so he doesn't embarrass me in front of Brett when we watch the game?" Emma pleads as she stands u p from her seat.
Brett, is a guy that Emma likes because he's cute, which once again, I don't see the hype about. The only thing I like about Brett is way he dresses but that's about it.
"Considering you think the quarterback is the guy who makes change for the team. Bertram's pee stories are the least of your problems." I mention and she gives me a look and I just gave her a grin in return.
"Hey, if you need advice about spots, why not ask Luke, Sammy or JJ." Jessie suggests as Journey looks up from her food and looks at her sister. "It may be the only time Luke can give you anything. Besides lice."
Luke stops scratching his head as me and Journey back away slowly and he looks at us and then back at Jessie and he shrugs his shoulders.
"Luke, Sammy and JJ would one of you mind helping me learn about sports?" Emma asks us.
"I think Luke and JJ may be a better pick." I mention to her. "Also, I wanna help Zuri with the bunny."
"Thanks, Mira!" Zuri beams.
"Luke?" Emma asks again.
"Let's see, would you mind calling me...Lord Master of Awesomeness?" Luke exclaims, slamming his hands on the table causing me and Journey to jump.
"How about I stop calling you 'vomit bag' and do your chores for three days?" Emma negotiates and Luke considered that deal.
"Deal." Luke nods, leaning back in his chair.
"Hold the phone." Zuri blurts out. "We have chores?"
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Third Person's POV
The next day Mira was sitting on the couch with Ravi and Journey. Ravi was looking through a book and Mira and Journey were playing on their phones.
"Ravi, Journ, Sammy, something terrible happened!" Jessie rushed in from the terrace and both Mira and Journey put their phones down on the table and standing up with Ravi.
"Fall Out Boy broke up?!" Journey panicked as Mira brought the girl into her arms.
"The Earth slipped from its axis and we are hurtling towards cosmic doom!" Ravi screams as he joins Mira and Journey at hugging out in fear.
"Worse! I lost a bunny!" Jessie panics frantically and Ravi, Mira and Journey stood there while she searches the living room.
"Um...Jessie....I don't think he's in here." Mira says as she follows Jessie as she continues to search the living room for the bunny.
"You never know, it could be hiding." Jessie says as Mira gave her a look as she looked at Journey.
"You see this?" Mira mouthed to Journey as she nods her head.
"Jess, the rabbit thing is literally not in the living room. You can search all you want but you aren't gonna find anything. Like an acting career." Journey says as suddenly Jessie looked at her sister, as Journey looked all innocent like she hadn't said that. She offers her older sister her best convincing smile that she can muster.
Jessie ignored the two as they are definitely not helping. "I can't believe she's gone." Jessie mutters to herself as Bertram had heard her, as he walked from the laundry room to the living room.
"Who's gone? One of the girls?" Bertram asked as he walks in with a laundry basket. "Did Christina finally take my suggestion about boarding school? Please, please, please..."
"No, Lucy escaped!" Jessie exclaims as Bertram became terrified as he nearly dropped the laundry basket.
"You mean there's a bloodthirsty, savage rodent running around the apartment?" Bertram gasps frantically looking for Lucy.
"No, she's means there's a cute, snuggly bunny running around the apartment." Journey corrects for Bertram.
"Potato, potato." Bertram scoffs as he slowly backs away. "It's all fun and games, until someone is nuzzled to death in their sleep!"
"Yes, because that's terrifying in so many ways." Journey sarcastically said as Mira made a face as she was trying not to laugh at the moment.
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time skip
Jessie and Journey were searching for Lucy, they didn't know where Ravi was, but they both hope that Zuri isn't around.
"Lucy! Lucy!" Jessie and Journey both whisper shouted and they lift up the top of the piano to find Ravi, as Journey tilted her head to the side a little bit
"Well, she's not in here." Ravi points out as Journey rolls her eye brow.
"Really, what gave it away?" She asked sarcastically.
"Jessie!" Zuri yells and Journey accidentally lets go of the piano causing Ravi to bend down again. Ravi screamed a little and Journey saw his fingers got crushed, she lifted the piano and he slides his hand in.
"Hey, Zuri." Jessie and Journey smile.
"Have you seen Lucy?" Zuri asks with worry.
"We can't keep track of all your little friends." Jessie remarks with a nervous smile.
"Lucy! Short, furry, poops on the floor?" Zuri explains with panic.
"Hmm?" Journey wonders. "Could you be more specific?"
"I must've left the cage open, and she escaped." Zuri cries out. "I am so irresponsible!"
"No, Zuri, you're not irresponsible, you didn't lose Lucy." Jessie says as Journey gave her sister a look. "I took her to the bunny groomers."
"Why, she wasn't dirty?" Zuri asks with confusion.
"True!" Jessie says. "But I had a coupon, which was about to expire." She adds as Journey shook her head as she left the two, as she had enough of this, nonsense.
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Mira was in her room talking to her mom who was on speaker, as she's talking about her lavish trip to Paris, which was a lifelong dream of Samira, but of course her mother wouldn't want to 'waste' money on her 'worthless' daughter, who has no 'talent'. Jana's words not Samira's. She sighs as she listens to her mom talking about her trip which was a bit exaggerated to say the least. Mira was so glad that her mother couldn't see her rolling her eyes right now, and mouthing mocking words at her phone (her mom).
Each time Mira would try to say something, her mother would just ignore and interrupt her, not giving her daughter a chance to talk. Mira is always tempted of just hanging up on her mother, because she's wasting her time honestly. She doesn't feel the need of getting what feels like a lecture about how great Paris is. If she wants to get a lecture of Paris, she could just watch a documentary about the country of France.
"Mom, I gotta go." Mira says quickly. "Bye." She hung up before her mother could say anything and just then she heard someone knocking on the door. "Come in." She says as she sighs as she leans her back on her bed, looking at her ceiling. She doesn't even bother looking to see who it was as it was Journey.
"We still haven't found the bunny yet." Journey says as Mira didn't even say anything as a response as she's not in the mood to talk to anyone.Β
Nala was playing with a toy mouse and chasing it around Mira's room. Journey sees the glum expression on Mira's face, as she backs away to close the door. "Wanna talk?" Journey asked as Mira turned her head to look at Journey.
"You won't leave, until I talk, right?" Mira asked trying to be as respectful as possible but it's a little difficult when you're trying so hard not to scream at the moment.
"Nope, I honestly wanna take a shot and say it was your mom." Journey says as Mira leaned up and stood up and walked towards her stash of gummy bears. Or as she calls them her 'emotional gummy bears', where she'd eat her emotions away, by eating the gummy bears.
"Ding, ding, we have a winner." Mira says sarcastically before stopping her hand from going in the jar. "Look, I don't really wanna talk to anyone right now. So please can you leave." Mira says to Journey.
Journey looks at Mira somewhat seeing through her, but she didn't want to push her. She nods her head understanding. "Sure, come find me if you wanna talk." Journey says as Mira gave her a weak smile before the red head walked towards the door and opening it, before closing it when her body was on the other side of the door.
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time skip
Mira was walking down the stairs with Ravi and they saw Jessie was still searching for Lucy. Ravi had some bad news for Jessie and he showed Mira what it was. They think Kipling ate Lucy.
They also saw Jessie sneakily slip a five dollar bill she looked into her boot and Ravi and Mira glanced at each other.
"Jessie!" Mira calls and she turns to them pretending like nothing happened.
"Sammy, Ravi." She says. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Do not worry. We did not see you put that $5 bill in your boot." Ravi winks and Jessie winks at us.
"We have some bad news." Mira adds.
"It can wait! We have to find Lucy!" Jessie declares.
"I am afraid Mrs. Kipling beat us to it." Ravi sheepishly replies and reveals a white ball of fur in his hand. "I found what was left of Lucy in Mrs. Kipling's cage."
Jessie gasps and takes the ball of fur. "NOOOOOO!"
"Jessie, what's the matter?" Zuri suddenly appears from the kitchen with a bowl of grapes.
They all tense up and Jessie turns to her. "It...It just occurred to me that I...Should've gone to college...." She says as she grits her teeth in anger.
"What's that ball of fluff you've got in your hand?" Zuri asks, noticing the fur ball.
"Ravi's belly button lint." Mira blurts out and everyone looks at her. Ravi gives her a hurtful look and she shrugs.
"Sorry, I panicked." Mira muttered to him.
"I have a very deep innie." Ravi mentions and sucks his belly in poking it.
"Oh." Zuri says awkwardly, before heading upstairs. Once Zuri was gone, they all returned to their panicking mode.
"I can't believe Mrs. Kipling ate Lucy for lunch." Jessie says as she sighs as she sits down.
"Technically, it was more tea time." Ravi corrects as Mira sits down.
"Who cares what time it was?" Jessie exclaims. "The point is Zuri's class pet is halfway down a giant lizard's colon!"
"Technically, it would only be in her--"
"Correct me again at your own risk!" Jessie threatens Ravi as he straightens up.
"Got it!" Ravi says and mutters. "Stomach."
"What am I going to do? I gave Zuri this big speech about being responsible." Jessie explains to Mira and Ravi and she sobs lightly. "And now, because of me, Lucy hippity-hopped into the light!"
"Here's a novel idea! You could tell Zuri the truth." Mira suggest.
"I can't do that!" Jessie denies.
"Because it would break her heart?" Ravi guesses.
"Because she would break my legs!" Jessie reasons and Ravi and Mira couldn't agree with that.
"Remember what Zuri did to that kid in the park who lost her doll?" Jessie reminds.
"Don't remind me." Mira groans. "I have never seen someone picked up by their nostrils before."Β
"It was a snot-filled horror." Jessie cringes before sighing. "Oh. This is all my fault." She perks up suddenly. "Wait! I have an idea."
"Are you thinking about telling her the truth?" Mira asked Jessie.
"Nope. All I need are some cotton balls, animal safe dye and a new rabbit!" Jessie exclaims as Mira sighs as she makes her way upstairs.
"Have fun, leave me out of it." Mira says as she walks upstairs.
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Mira walks upstairs as she looks around before knocking on Zuri's door. If Jessie isn't gonna tell her, Mira will. Mira has had enough of this on Zuri, and she deserves to know the truth. "Come in." Zuri says from inside her room as Mira opens her door before walking in and then closing the door.
"Hey, we need to talk." Mira says as Zuri is playing with her dolls and stuff animals.
"Okay, sit down. Want me to get your tiara, and sash?" Zuri asks as Mira looks up before swallowing as she takes a deep breath, as she nods her head.
"Yeah." Mira says as Zuri skips to the bin and grabs Mira's tiara and sash.
How is Mira gonna tell Zuri?
How is she gonna tell Zuri that Lucy got eaten by Kipling?
Zuri came back and gently put the tiara onto Mira's head as she played with Mira's hair for a couple seconds before putting on the sash. Then she sat in her spot next to Chubby the bear.
"What's up?" Zuri asks as Mira was struggling to say the words, as she didn't want to break Zuri's heart. But she knew that in order to tell her the truth that she had to break a little girl's heart.
"Okay, so you know how um, Lucy's been missing?" Mira starts off somewhat telling the truth as Zuri took a sip of what was in the tea cup.
"Yeah, what about her?" Zuri asks as she put down the cup as she's giving Mira her full attention.
"Well, um, she may have gotten, um eaten by um Kipling. That's why Jessie had that ball of fluff." Mira says slowly as she closed her eyes preparing for Zuri to scream but it didn't happen.Β
When Mira didn't hear Zuri screaming she opened up her eyes, and looked at Zuri confusedly. "No she's not she's in the dumbwaiter? She had babies. That's why her food dish was always empty after I fed her." Zuri tells Mira as she looks at Zuri of why she's not freaking out about this. When I first went into the kitchen I went to the dumbwaiter, because that's my hideout, and that's when I saw the bunnies. Though last time I checked she gave birth to ten bunnies, there's probably more."
Before Mira could say anything there was a high pitch scream, which got the two girls attention as they ran out the bedroom door and downstairs into the kitchen. When Mira and Zuri got into the kitchen the dumbwaiter was open and there was more bunnies.
"Look! Look what that monster left in the dumbwaiter!" Bertram exclaims as he points in the dumbwaiter, shaking.
"Well, that explains why no matter how many times I fed her...her food bowl was always empty." Zuri gasps in realization.
"But the good news is, Lucy isn't dead after all." Ravi sighs as Mira's eyes grew when Zuri heard that.
"Say what now?" Zuri asks in shock.
"That piece of fluff I found in Mrs. Kipling's cage, must have come from Emma's faux fur jacket!" Ravi explains with relief.
"WHAT?!" They all turn to see Emma standing there as Mira backs away so she doesn't get killed by Emma.
"Uh-oh, someone drew a hissy fit card." Ravi says. "This innie is outtie!"
Ravi sprints out of the kitchen screaming and Emma dashes after him as he continued to scream throughout the penthouse.
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end of chapter!
hope you like it!
next episode is punch dump love, which is my favorite chapter, because of adam sandler.
please vote and comment, thanks!
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