seeing some old friends and then kidnapped part 1
Sabrina Carpenter as Mila Jones
Sofia Carson as Kylie Jenner
Thomas Kuc as Jason Bennett
Johnny Depp as Wyatt Jones
Arianna's POV
I'm in my room doing some homework as I have nothing else to do at the moment. I then get a text message from an unknown number and me being stupid I opened it without looking.
Unknown: Hi, is this Arianna. It's Mila. Mila Jones.
Arianna: Hi. I remember you.
Mila: How have you been?
Ugh. I hate her. A couple of years ago, she tried telling me that Henry never loved me and all of that junk, and it was pathetic honestly. She's the same age as Sofia, but she was acting like a child.
Arianna: I've been good, actually.
Mila: That's good. I miss you. How has your sister been?
Arianna: good. She has a boyfriend.
Mila: Ah cool. She's growing up fast. I saw her Twitflash the other day, with her boyfriend. Jasper right?
Arianna: Yes. His name is Jasper Dunlop.ย
He's a good friend of mine, and two of my other friends.
Mila: Ah cool. Look I was wondering if you wanna hang out with me this weekend? I'm coming back to Swellview, from Juvie.
Arianna: Sure. I'll see what I can do. I've been busy lately.
Mila: Okay sure thing. Get back to me when you can. It was great talking to you.
Arianna: Yeah you too!
Not. Not looking forward to this weekend. So the reason why she was in Juvie was because her brother or something like that accused her of stealing. I don't remember what it was. So the police were dumb and arrested her and brought her to Juvie, for the past three years.
As long as she stays away from Henry we should be fine. If she doesn't then we'll have problems. Major problems for that matter. Two, as long as no one gets suspicious about the whole thing we should be good too.
I just wanna get this thing over with right now. I don't wanna do this more than I have to. Great. It sounds like I'm depressed.
Third Person's POV
It was about ten thirty when Arianna woke up, and she did her morning routine, and she still wasn't excited about today. She wanted it to get over right now.
Arianna: Sorry for the late response, but I'll be coming today. I got busy with stuff and wasn't able to use my phone.
Mila: lol same thing. Meet me at the food court as soon as you walk in.
Arianna: sounds like a plan. Can't wait to see you.
Mila: Yeah me too.
Arianna walked out of her bedroom, somewhat ready to go to hang out with Mila. She's slightly nervous of what's going to happen, but she also just wants to get this over with. Part of her wants to be friends again with Mila, as she was a great friend actually when Jade and Sofia moved down to Mexico.
"Hey Ria." Greeted Charlotte and Arianna smiled at her friend, before making her way to the elevator.
"Where are you going?" Jade asks her friend and Arianna turns around.
"Gonna go to the mall." Arianna says and the girls smile.
"Can we come with?" Sofia asks her and Arianna gives her a pout and shakes her head no.
"Sorry, but no. Maybe another time." Arianna says as the elevator door opens and she walks into the elevator and presses the button, and the doors close.
"Finally." Arianna says sighing to herself as she finally has quietness, at least until someone else asks her questions about where she's going.
When the doors open she walks out and turns the corner to where the entrance of the store is, and she sees Jasper and she ignores him when he turns around.
"Hey. Where are you going? Can I come with you? Please Ria." Jasper asks her and she walks out of the store, ignoring his questions.
Meanwhile in the basement Sofia, Jade and Charlotte are developing a plan to follow Arianna to the mall without getting caught. Mostly by Arianna.
"Okay here's the plan. We dress ourselves as workers at the mall, and I have the uniforms, our name tags, and what store we are going to be 'working' at." Charlotte says as she hands Jade and Sofia their uniforms, and it looks like regular store uniforms of the respective store.
Jade and Sofia both look to see what store they got. Jade got Panda Express, Sofia got Rue 21, and Charlotte got a shoe store, after the three of them changed into their uniforms, they got into the elevator.
"Oh and these are for us." Charlotte says handing Sofia and Jade a pair of sunglasses and the two girls are confused but they don't ask questions as they put on the glasses.
"What are these for?" Sofia asks Charlotte, and Jade nods her head at her sister.
"Yeah. These weren't in the plan." Jade says as the elevator door opens and the three of them walk out of the elevator.
"Because, so Arianna won't recognize us." Charlotte says and the two girls nod their heads, and Jasper turns around as he hears Charlotte's voice, and is confused on what the heck is happening.
Before he could ask them they had already walked out of the door and were on their way to the mall.
Arianna's POV
After I got to the mall I saw Mila Jones and....Issac? Last I checked he wasn't coming. Unless that blonde invited him to come to make my life even more miserable, more than it already is with her.
The whole thing of Issac and I, goes back to about two years before I even met Henry. So I snuck out of the Man Cave after I was supposed to be sleeping, and I managed to get back in time before Dad woke up. But anyway, after I snuck out I saw that the middle school was having a club or something like that. I snuck in claiming that I am a transfer student from a different town, which I don't even remember what it even is. Anyway, I managed to get inside with no questions and I don't remember who but some ding dong tripped me and before I fell a pair of arms caught me from falling. Which was probably Issac.
Yeah let's just say I fell for him after that and we had about a year and half relationship. Until he decided to cheat on me and date my sister. Which that didn't last long. Unlike my sister and Issac me and him actually had a lot in common. The typical things like: music which was rock, type of shows and movies that we watch and all that.
So yeah that didn't last and them after him and my sister broke up both times Dad didn't know about it whatsoever. Which was a bonus as he'd freak out. He didn't like it when Bri started dating Jasper. Yet he still doesn't. He didn't mind when me and Henry started dating.
I was torn out of my thoughts when the ding dong of Issac started talking. I rolled my eyes as I wished that out of all people why talk to me. I swear to Bucky at being God that if he asks a stupid question imma thump him..really the point he falls....on the ground.
"So how have you been, Ar-bear?" He asked as he dangled his arm around my shoulder, and then he rubbed his finger on my cheek. I mentally told myself not to make a scene so I had to go along with it.
"I've been good, thanks for asking." I say as I had a smile on my face as he probably could tell that it was fake. Even if he didn't I don't care.
"So Mila-bear told me you had a boyfriend, right?" Issac says as I bit the inside of my cheek to stop me from saying something.
Third Person's POV
Arianna didn't know that Issac nodded his head at Mila and the blonde gave Ari a bottle that had a red liquid mixed with pink. Arianna's eyes turned to a darker shade of her brown eyes but she was under a gaze like.
"Yeah I did but it didn't work." Ari says as Charlotte's eyes widen as she tried not to drop her phone and do something to that boy who did something to her best friend. Well her best friend that isn't a boy.
"She didn't." Charlotte murmurs under her breath as she hurries off to the others before that she texts Henry and Ray saying that they have a situation at the Mall involving Ari. The other two men said that they are on their way after they drop off Dr. Minyak at the jail again. Then after that they said that they're on their way.
Charlotte founded the others as they lied to their coworkers that they have to go to the bathroom when they are actually going to meet up with Charlotte.
"Gotta go, meet Sof by the south entrance she'll tell you two what to do." Charlotte says as she then hangs up with Henry as she beard Ray groaning as they are on the north east entrance bot the south.
Charlotte's POV
After I told Henry and Ray the right entrance and Ray being a baby because they were on the wrong entrance of the Swellview Mall which is huge. Two stories high.
So me and Jade went following Ari and the people that she's with. All I know was that Ari lied saying that she was going by herself. She's with two other people and the blonde gave Ari some type of drink which was a spell. Or something like that, as I was too far away to see what it was.
After forever Henry, Ray and Sof catched up to me and Jade as Henry and Ray are in some ridiculous disguise as it wouldn't be that long before someone notices that its fake.
"Okay so catch us up?"
"What happened to my daughter?
"Answer us, Charlotte?!"
"Quiet it down! Unless you nimrods want to get caught." Jade says shushing the two men who are going to get us caught eventually. If we do before we get Ari back we have an issue.
"There's no one else around." Ray says giving me and JJ glares but we both didn't care.
"Rude much." Henry says as me, Sof and JJ thumped the two of them and they went to say something but the three of us girls glared at the two and they shutted up. Finally.
"Ari lied by saying that she was going to come here alone for some reason. Then me and Sof and JJ dressed up as coworkers to blend in with the businesses, around to make things less obvious. Then when we saw her coming in she went to a blonde girl and a curly haired boy and the girl gave her some advanced potion spell thing, and here we are." Sof says summing all of that to a T.
"Which direction did they go in?' Henry asked as we girls pointed straight ahead. He nodded his head as did Ray.
"We can't all go at once as we have to split up as it will cause a scene as we need to get Ari away from those two long enough to reverse the spell potion thing. Which makes me to think that I shoulda called Schwoz." JJ says as the two men nod their heads before we all break apart all going in separate directions.
"Boys you go in the west side, Sof you go in the east side, J you go in the south end and I'll be headed North." I say in the comms as we are all going in our right directions.
Third Person's POV
After the gang splitted up in their directions, Charlotte started to follow them when she caught up to them but she's making it look like she isn't following them by making it less obvious
"Let's get out of here." Issac says as he grabs Ari and positions her on his back.
"Roger that." Mila says as she looks to see if the coast is clear before she sets some hidden bombs. Issac escapes right before the hidden bombs go off, luckily no one was injured whem the bombs went off.
"Heading toward headquarters." Issac says as he places Arianna's unconscious body in the backseat. When Henry, Ray and the girls get back together there is not a single of where Arianna is. No trace nothing.
They start to not think of the worse and then before anyone could say anything the person that they were expecting says.
"Hey, Ray. Missing something? Precisely someone?" Mila says tauntingly to the father of the girl that got kidnapped. Everyone jumps and turn around and sees Mila with her goons. "Father would be so proud wouldn't he?"
"Father?" Charlotte, JJ and Sofia say unison of confusion pure in their voices, as Henry and Ray nod their heads ar the girls.
"Remember a while when Wyatt Jones escaped maximum security prison the one where Drex was. Me and Henry were gone for a week playing cat and mouse with this man." Ray says as it then clicks for the girls as they remembered who Ray was referring to.
"Oh, yeah. Wasn't he in for illegally selling girls and women, and for kidnapping, and abuse?" Sofia says as she remembers hearing an article about the so-called kidnapper a while back when the incident happened.
"Yeah he's my father. Get to the point girl." Mila barks at Sofia and the girl has an offended look on her face but refrains from saying anything.
"Where is Arianna? What did you do to her?" Henry asks taking a step towards the girl as she aims her weapon at the boy which doesn't stop him from being a foot away from the weapon that's aimed at his head.
"I don't talk. I fight." Mila says as she pulled the trigger on the weapon but he dodged it as it narrowly missed his head. In return Henry grabbed his taser and Mila narrowly missed it. Then Kylie Jenner (she's not one of the Kardashians, just a girl I thought of while writing this), tackled Henry to the ground and started punching his face with no remorse.
Then an older man who is about Isaac's age shot Ray and the father fell to the ground growing defeated. The girl's couldn't do anything as they are being held against their will by stronger people.
Once Henry is knocked unconscious Kylie goes to Ray as she helps Jason with the father and Captain Man. Kylie pulled out a stronger weapon that could take away powers. Ray has a face of absolute horror and fear of what's going to happen next.
Ray quickly closed his eyes expecting the worse of any situation, but before the weapon could get to him there was a loud scream that could be heard from the entire mall, maybe faintly to other businesses outside the mall. Ray opened one eye and saw..Sofia sacrificing herself against the powerful blast. Then after a few lingering moments later she fell to the ground unconscious not caring if she would be dead. She wanted to do what was right even if she won't see her sister or her mom again. She wanted to do what Ari would do anyway.
Once Sofia's limp body fell to the ground it was JJ's time to scream but not because she's getting hurt but of her sister. She rushed towards her sister's side. She tried to wake up her sister but to no avail nothing worked. The only noise that could be heard was Mila and her goons laughing like they think that all of this is a joke and hilarious. Something struck in JJ as she wasn't one for violence but this was the last time that these people are going to hurt the people that she love's.
Her face turns into anger, hatred, and something that she's never felt before. Vengeance. It felt sick and different inside her sixteen year old body. If her sister's best friend is hurt and who knows where and her sister is sleeping unconscious, somethings gotta be done. She grabbed the very weapon that was used on her sister, and she immediately blasted Mila, and when the blonde fell her goons has fear and horror on their faces, and they ran like someone was going to kill them. Once everyone was unconscious and or ran away JJ fell to the ground on her knees and she screamed in agony and guilt.
Man Cave
Schwoz was watching the news as there was an incident that occurred at the Swellview Mall. When the camera focused on a girl who has been identified as Sofia Ramirez, Schwoz knew that something was wrong. Then before anything else could be said from the news something shot at the screen and the bald man screamed. He turned to see a tired, and injured Henry and Ray who looks like he's going in and out of consciousness. Then you have the one who fired the taser. A very angry JJ, who put the taser in her pocket. She dragged Ray to the couch and he slid to the ground as Henry was injured but he could still stand.
His eyes were dazed as his eyes are bloodshot red due to him crying over his girlfriend. Charlotte went to her house to shower and clean up the debris from the incident. Brianna walked out of the sprocket and she turned her head towards the screen and then she looked at her father, Henry and a very upset JJ.
She was about to say something but JJ gave her look that made her close her mouth immediately. All it took was the look on J's face to make her not to ask questions.
"Your sister is gone. Sofia is hurt. Chaos was at the Mall." Henry managed to say as Brianna's eyes widen when she processed what was just said, and the a gasp could be heard throughout the Man Cave.
"Where is Ria?" Brianna asked as JJ was pacing around where she was standing as she does it quite often.
"Schwoz check Ria's tracker on her phone maybe that'll help." Brianna says as the bald man doesn't question her and immediately begins searching for her other half of the Manchester girls. "I'll go find my sister."
"You don't know where she is?" JJ says to her friend as Brianna doesn't answer her as she is already making her way to the ManCopter. Once she got towards her ride and opened the door. She pressed a button and the ManCopter began to fly up in the soon-to-be sunset of Swellview.
About thirty minutes of agonizing torture Schwoz appeared on a hologram in the Copter.
"She is in Wayne's Fleet Farm on Tacoma Lane on the west side of town." Schwoz informed the girl before she harshly turned the Copter towards the right direction of town.
"Roger that." Brianna says as Schwoz left and it was just Bri in her thoughts as she was developing a plan to get her sister. She smiled darkly at the thought of getting her sister back from these people. But first she hologrammed a friend and her brother.
Thank you for being patient for this chapter. I've been doing it for a while but nothing major. Not knowing how long in the end will this chapter be, but I know I don't want to overwhelm myself, so this is what y'all are gonna get.
So we finally get to see the amazing late Cameron Boyce and my other favorites Sabrina Carpenter and Sofia Carson. Three of my favorite people.
Thank you so much for reading this amazing series and the rest of my books.
Also, one last thing I made a plot shop as I have nothing else to do in my life, so go read that. Its not that hard to find it, just find a picture of me and my five year old cousin. There are rules and all that in the first chapter, and then after y'all are done with that. Then you can go from there. Hope you enjoy. Now on to the second half of this.....
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