π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… π‘‡π‘Šπ‘‚ β˜† 1

Rosalyn Potter lived with the Weasleys. She had been there since she was a baby when her mother and father were murdered. But Molly Weasley had taken her in like another child, as they had plenty of those anyway, but sadly, her twin Harry hadn't had the same up bringing. He had been taken in by their only remaining relatives, the Dursley's, who hated magic.

This summer, Rosalyn had been exchanging letters with Hermione and Harry, but the lately they were acting strange. Rosalyn had been owling Hermione regularly, catching up with her on her summer, but suddenly she had just went silent, and Harry hadn't been replying to any of her letters, she didn't know what was going on with him, until a few days ago.

Anyway, tonight was the eve of Rosalyn and Harry's birthday, and Rosalyn had sent a hopeless letter to Harry to ask him if he wanted to celebrate at the burrow, but nothing, as per usual, had come back. She thought this had stopped, after her meeting with a certain creature.

Her brother wasn't the only weird thing that had happened to her this summer. About three days ago, a house elf had showed up in her bedroom.

Rosalyn had been trying to convince Molly to let her go and get Harry, and she had been saying a point blank no.

"Please he's not responding to any of my letters and-"

"No, no, no!" Molly had yelled. "You are not going all that way on your own, I do not give my permission-"

"But he could be hurt! He could be-"

"I will not risk your safety!"

"Please, Molly!"


So she has stomped off to her room in a rage. Only to find a small creature with pointed ears and big, glassy eyes, jumping on her bed.

It had stopped when if saw her, and bowed low. "Rosalyn Potter, what an honour it is."

Rosalyn had shut her door and said, "Who are you?"

"Dobby, Miss, Dobby the house elf."

"Why are you here?"

"It is- difficult, Miss."

"Well, why don't you sit down?"

That set everything off. The Weasley's had never had a house elf before, she didn't mind, but she also didn't know how to treat them. Dobby had started crying loudly.

"Dobby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- to offend you or anything," Rosalyn had said in panic.

The house elf had turned to her. "Offend Dobby? Dobby has heard of your greatness, Miss, but never has Dobby been asked to sit down by was witch or wizard," the little elf said in panic. "Like an equal," he added as an afterthought.

"You can't have met many decent witches or wizards, then."

"No I haven't," The elf's eyes had widened as if he'd said a terrible secret, and he had gone over to her chest of drawers. There, he had hit his head on them, his ears, his nose, it was like he had wanted to hurt himself. "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"

"Dobby, please, stop!"

Once she had got him away from the drawers, she said. "Are you alright?"

"Dobby had to punish himself, Miss, Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, Miss."

"Your family?"

"The wizarding family Dobby serves, Miss, Dobby is bound to serve one family all his life, Miss. If they ever knew Dobby was, here..." He looked her straight in the eye. "But Dobby had to come, Dobby had to protect Rosalyn Potter, to warn her that she must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year! There is a plot, a plot to make most terrible things happen!"

"What things, who's plotting them?"

"Hugh, he - can't - say-" Dobby grabbed the lamp on her desk and hit himself with the stand again and again, Rosalyn was helplessly trying to stop him.

"Okay, okay, I get it! You can't say!"

She had wrestled the lamp out of his hand. She had to admit, for an elf, he was pretty strong.

"I have to go back! I have friends at Hogwarts and I play quidditch, and I have lessons! It's not that I don't like it here, but Hogwarts is like a second home to me! And it's the one place that I have all my friends!"

"Friends who don't even write back to you?"

Rosalyn didn't think twice. "Well I expect they've just been- hang on, how do you know that they've not been writing?"

Dobby's eyes went even wider than they were already and he backed into a corner. "Rosalyn Potter must not be angry with Dobby, Dobby thought that is she thought her friends had forgotten her, she might not want to go back to school."

"Damn right!" Rosalyn snarled as he pulled out a stack of letters. Rosalyn immediately recognised Harry's scrawly writing and Hermione's neat script. "Give me those, now."


And before he could make a run for it, she had grabbed him by his pillowcase of a body covering. She had held him close and reached for the letters, but before she could grab them, he had snapped his fingers and vanished, letters and all.

Her meeting with him had been brief, but when she thought of it now, staring out her window, it seemed long.

She got tired of looking at the night sky and took out the photo album Hagrid had given her. She had looked through it a thousand times in the summer, it made her happy to see she still had a bit of her mother and father left. There was also ones of her and her friends, on one of the pages, Harry, Ron, Hermione and herself were giggling and laughing in their Gryffindor scarves and robes.

She sighed as she guessed Ruby wasn't coming. She walked over to her bed, eyes drooping. The next thing she knew she was asleep, still fully clothed.

And thank goodness she was.


"Psst, Rosie, wake up!"

Fred and George were shaking her awake, they too had their clothes on. She yawned and said, "Fred, George, what's going on?"

"Ssshhh, keep your voice down otherwise mum will catch us!" George whisper-yelled.

She then noticed Ron behind them. "Ron? What's going on?"

"We're rescuing Harry!"

"What? How?" That woke Rosalyn up, she sat upright, looking confusedly at them.

"With Dad's flying car, of course!"


"Look, we're going to fly to his Aunt and Uncle's, get him, bring him here, put the car back and tell mum he just randomly turned up in the middle of the night," Fred made the plan sound easy, but Rosalyn was prepared for a bumby ride.

So the plan was put into action, Rosalyn brushed her hair and put it into a ponytail whilst the boys got the car. Soon she was waiting at her window to jump out of it into the car when they came round with it.

Finally, she heard the revving of an engine as Ron, Fred and George came to her window, she climbed out of it and grabbed Fred's hand. She was then pulled into the car by the Weasley twins.

When all four of them were in the flying Ford Anglia, they set off.

Rosalyn had told the twins and Ron about her encounter with Dobby the morning after it had happened, and they had all been skeptical. She had to yell at Ron to convince him she hadn't been delirious and dreaming. Fred and George had believed her on the spot for a reason she couldn't explain, but they had both asked her countless times about why she thought it was there, and what the plot was about.

When they were nearly there, Rosalyn said to George. "Turn the headlights on, we need to know we've got the right house!"

They had been travelling with the headlights off so as not to attract attention, but they had to get the right house, otherwise a muggle would be getting a nasty surprise.

They reached Privet Drive at around two in the morning, so hopefully, they would get back before Molly Weasley woke up to three of her sons and her adopted daughter missing.

Rosalyn counted, cocking her head to the side each number. "One... two... three...four! That's it! Wait a second... does his window have bars on it?"

"It does... why would your Aunt and Uncle put bars on Harry's window?" Ron asked.

"Never mind, stop outside the barred window!"

The car slowly came to a stop. Harry was at his window, shocked and confused.

"Hiya Harry!" Ron said, opening his car window.

"Ron, Fred, George, Rosalyn, what are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you of course! How d'you end up like this?" Rosalyn asked.

"Tell you on the way, I need to get my stuff!"

Harry darted about his room, putting books and clothes in his trunk. Meanwhile, Rosalyn and Ron attached a rope with a hook on the end to the bars.

"Better stand back," Rosalyn warned her twin. "Drive away!"

The car flew away from the window, pulling the bars clean off. They then got the car boot to face Harry, where he put his trunk and owl.

They turned the car back to the door side. Harry was about to get in when the light turned on.


Rosalyn was shocked to see her Aunt and Uncle for the first time, Harry, however, jumped out the window and into the car, but Uncle Vernon got hold of his foot. Rosalyn grabbed him along with Fred, George and Ron and the tug of war began.

"Let me go!"

"Oh no, you and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere, and you, girl! You're my niece? You look like a right troublemaker-"

"Drive!" Rosalyn yelled to Fred, and he obliged. The Weasley's and Rosalyn had a better grip, so Harry went with them, and Uncle Vernon, yelling all the way, toppled out the window. Rosalyn laughed as Fred drove away.

"See you next summer!" Harry shouted out the door before slamming it shut to the other four's laughter.

On the way back, Ron wished the twins happy birthday and Rosalyn questioned her brother.

"Why did you have bars on your window? I knew the Dursley's were bad, but not that bad!"

Harry sighed, "Uncle Vernon had these really posh people over and when I went upstairs there was a house elf in my bedroom. He had stopped your letters, so I chased him downstairs, but he levitated the cake that Aunt Petunia had made, and I couldn't give any proof it was Dobby, so they thought it was me."

The four people he was facing were gobsmacked.


"House elf?"

"Did you just say Dobby?"

The last question was Rosalyn, Harry nodded and said, "he warned me of a plot and told me not to go back to Hogwarts- why are you all staring at me like I just set you all on fire?"

"Because I had a visit from that exact same elf, and he told me the exact same thing." Rosalyn answered, rolling her eyes at her brother.


"Oh, yes, he obviously doesn't want either of us to go to school this year, well, tough for him, because I'm going." Rosalyn crossed her arms and the four boys laughed at her.

Soon, they were flying above Ottery St Catchpole, the village that the Weasley household lay just outside of. Rosalyn sighed when they landed outside the Burrow, she supposed it was still early in the morning so hopefully they would be okay, Fred drove the car into the garage, and they all left it.

When they went though the front door, Fred and George put a finger to their lips and they all crept inside. Harry seemed shocked by the dishes and knitting doing themselves, and the clock. Rosalyn saw her hand, as well as Ron's, Fred's and George's go back to home.

This was home, and so was Hogwarts, and Rosalyn understood how lucky she was to have both of them.

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