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The new day brought new merchandise. Rosalyn walked through the corridors without Hermione (she was in the library) or Rosalie (she was with her sisters) trying to avoid everything and everyone.

The merchandise, meanwhile, were badges. One side said Support Cedric Diggory, The REAL Hogwarts Champion! and if you pressed the badge, the picture on it spun. It was now green and had a picture of Rosalyn with a green background. It wasn't accurate because her red hair was green too, but the picture was alright. What wasn't alright was the caption Potter Stinks.

People passed Rosalyn in the corridors and hissed stuff in her ear. She got shouted at almost every minute of every day. Rosalyn was growing to become miserable when she was alone in the corridors or walking to class, she knew she was.

Suddenly some voices pulled her back to the real world.

"You like the badges, Potter?"

"You stink, Potter!"

"Potter stinks!"

"Cedric rules, go Cedric!"

Rosalyn tried to go through a doorway but someone pushed a badge in her face. It immediately turned to the green side of the badge. Rosalyn rolled her eyes, she had had enough.

"You like showing off your chest to me or d'you want to let me through?" She said testily. The girl in the way moved out pretty fast.

Cedric was lying on a bench surrounded by all his friends, looking like he wasn't doing much, so she went over now.

As soon as they saw her they jeered. "Yeahhh, read the badge, Potter!"

Rosalyn stuck her middle finger up at him, too tired to argue.

"Ohhh, Potter's pretty feisty today!"

Cedric, she noticed however, wasn't wearing a badge. He sat up as soon as he saw Rosalyn and she seized her chance. "Can I have a word?"

Cedric said. "Yeah."

One of his friends unhelpfully shouted. "You can't ask him out, he's taken!"

Another grinned and yelled. "By me!"

Cedric went slightly red and muttered. "Shut up."

Rosalyn, meanwhile, turned and asked. "You looking for a slap?"

The jeering continued as Cedric walked away with her.

"Your friends are jerks," Rosalyn told him unwittingly.

Cedric rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry about them," he then smirked. "You weren't planning to ask me out, were you?"

Rosalyn frowned. "No, ew, you're three years older than me!" She told him.

He shrugged. "Had to make sure. And by the way, a second year asked me out once when I was in fifth year, age means nothing."

Rosalyn rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'm here to talk to you about the first task."

She had no idea how to say it, so she just came out with it. "Dragons. That's the first task. They've got one for each of us."

"Come on Ced!" Another one of his friends yelled to him, but Cedric ignored him.

"You're serious?" He asked. Rosalyn nodded. She didn't notice that Moody was now watching her, though.

"And Fleur and Krum do they-" Cedric asked.

"Yes," Rosalyn answered immediately.

"Come on Ced, leave her!" Another friend shouted.

"She's not worth it!"

"Yeah! Read the badges Potter!"

"Oh would you shut the FUCK up?!"

Rosalyn smiled as none other than Rosalie Delacour marched over to her and Cedric. Her face had anger written all over it as she stared at Cedric's friends, then at Cedric himself, standing opposite Rosalyn.

"And you!" She shouted at the boy, now having joined him and Rosalyn. "Here to bug Rosie? To tell her that she'll never be as good as you? Hate to break it to you, pal, but she's already worth about a thousand of yo-"

"Rosalie!" Rosalyn shouted, getting her friend to turn to her. "It's okay! Calm. Down! Cedric wasn't even saying anything bad I was just telling him- um, Cedric, are you okay?"

She was frowning at the boy, who had his eyes fixed on... Rosalie?!

"Um- y-yeah," Cedric said. "Um- what's your name?" He asked Rosalie.

She raised her eyebrows at him. "Rosalie Delacour." She extended her hand.

"Um- h-hi. I'm Cedric. C-Cedric Diggory," Cedric said, his cheeks going as red as Rosalyn's flaming hair when he shook her hand.

Rosalyn gasped. He has a crush on Rosalie! She realised, this taking her mind off her dragon-problem for a second.

Rosalie just looked him up and down. "You okay?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah, y-yeah, fine," Cedric said, turning back to Rosalyn. "Listen, about the badges, I've told them not to wear them-"

"It's fine," Rosalyn said, lying to herself as well as him. "Really."

She looked to Rosalie, who linked arms with her and walked off. Well, until a friend of Cedric stopped her in her tracks. "You read the badge?"

"Oh please," Rosalie didn't hesitate to rip the thing off his jumper, get her wand out and yell. "Incendio!"

The badge went up in flames on the ground.

"Come on, Rosie," she said to her friend, walking off and leaving a group of annoyed boys and one boy that was staring in awe behind them.

"Thanks for that," Rosalyn said, as the continued to walk.

"It's no more than what they deserve," Rosalie shrugged. "Believe me. I've already ripped three badges off people today, not including that one."

Rosalyn shrugged. "Thanks, anyway," then she smiled in spite of herself. "Cedric has a crush on youuuuu," she sang to her friend.

Rosalie was in fifth year at Durmstrang, but she was actually already sixteen years old, making her only one year younger than Cedric.

However, Rosalie was repulsed by the idea. "No he doesn't!" She denied.

"Yes he does!" Rosalyn laughed.

"No he doesn't-"

"Yes, he does-"

"No, he-"

The two girls fell silent when they came face to face with Harry, Ron, Neville and Dean. All the feelings just came rushing straight back. Rosalyn felt guilty that Neville was with them, for she was the reason that they were avoiding each other. But soon enough the three of them would be forming the 'I hate Rosalyn Potter' club anyway.

She didn't want to talk to them, but she was seething at Ron and Harry for not telling her about the dragons and Charlie being back.

She still hadn't told Rosalie about any of that; all she knew was that Harry and Ron had fallen out with Rosalyn, so the girl was confused when the redhead walked straight up to Harry and Ron and slapped Ron straight in the face, then shoved Harry.


"Bloody hell-"

"I don't care how much pain you're in!" Rosalyn snarled. "You two're the most foul pair of gits I've ever laid eyes on!"

"You think so?" Harry and Ron asked.

"I know so," Rosalyn looked impassive, but to say this was hurting her inside.

"Right. Anything else?" Ron asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Yeah, fuck off," Rosalyn replied rudely.

"Fine," Harry said, barging her shoulder on his way past her.

"Hey!" Rosalie shouted, giving Harry a small punch on the shoulder as he walked by.

Rosalyn stood, stewing, as Rosalie touched her shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah, fine," Rosalyn lied, walking back into the courtyard.

However, everything came to a head when a voice cut through the angry voice in her head. Just about the only voice that could make her situation worse.

"Why so tense, Potter?" Draco Malfoy was sitting up in a tree. He was watching Rosalie and Rosalyn, who both spared him a withering look, then rolled their eyes and kept walking.

"My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament," Rosalyn sighed. His 'father' could think what he liked, she really didn't care. Draco jumped down from the tree, his cronies, Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini and Nott, flanking him. "He disagrees. He doesn't think you're gonna last five."

Draco and his henchmen behind him laughed and Rosalyn walked forward, coming face to face with Malfoy and yelling.

"I don't give a damn what your precious daddy thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel, and you're just a plain idiot."

Rosalie grinned and laughed loudly. Malfoy turned his attention to her.

"Really?" He asked her. "You're hanging about with the likes of Potter?"

Rosalie scoffed. "Yeah, why shouldn't I?"

"Well, first of all, you could ditch her and hang out with me," Malfoy puffed his chest out. "I think you'll find I'm far more preferable than Potter."

Rosalie snorted and cocked her head. "No, I don't think I will. You know, I can't believe I actually thought I had made a mistake when I rejected you the first time."

"Yeah," Rosalyn nodded, joining her friend. "So get out of our way or be as pathetic as your daddy. Your choice."

She turned around and stalked off as Malfoy hissed. "Pathetic, I'll show you that-"

Then another voice sounded.


Mad-Eye Moody was standing a few metres away from Rosalyn, and with a jerk of his hand and a non verbal spell, Malfoy was transformed into a ferret.

Rosalyn couldn't believe her eyes. Neither could Rosalie. Both of which let out whoops of glee.

Moody, however walked, or limped forward, yelling. "I'd hate you to curse someone when they're back is turned! You stinking, cowardly, scummy-"

He made the ferret fly up and down, and Rosalyn laughed. However, McGonagall suddenly appeared at the scene and said in a very high voice. "Professor Moody? What are you doing?"

"Teaching," Moody answered shortly.

"Is that a- is that a student?" McGonagall pressed.

"Technically it's a ferret," Moody growled.

Everyone laughed and Crabbed screamed as Moody made the ferret climb down into his trousers.

"Stand still, stand still!" Goyle said as he tried to bat the ferret with a book. He then remembered it was Malfoy and stopped trying to do this. Crabbe wailed louder to know that he was helpless.

Moody turned round and winked at Rosalyn who was laughing. The ferret eventually came out the bottom of Crabbe's trousers. A whole crowd had formed now, all wanting to see Malfoy get the battering he deserved.

McGonagall, though, had to ruin the fun and turn Malfoy back. The ferret spun on the ground until it was Malfoy again, but with messy hair and a scared expression. Rosalyn looked at McGonagall with a look that said why did you ruin it? You hate Malfoy too.

Malfoy staggered back when he saw Moody standing in front of him and yelled his signature line. "My father will hear about this!"

"Is that a threat?" Moody stepped forward.

"Professor Moody!" McGonagall said in a warning tone.

"Is that a threat?" Moody chased Malfoy round the tree.

"Professor?" McGonagall tried again.


"Alastor!" McGonagall said sternly.

"IT DOESN'T END HERE!" Moody made sure to yell.

"Alastor," McGonagall finally got hold of Moody. "We never use transfiguration as a punishment. Surely Dumbledore told you that?"

"Might have mentioned it," Moody looked down.

"Well you will do well to remember it," McGonagall said tartly. She turned round and said, "away!" To the big crowd, which complied immediately.

Once she was gone, Moody stuck out his tongue at her. Rosalyn smirked at Rosalie and the two made to leave, but Moody said to her. "You. Come with me."

Rosalyn looked at blonde friend and back to Moody.

"See you later," she told Rosalie, who nodded and set back of through the courtyard.

Rosalyn, meanwhile, followed Moody. They walked along corridors and up staircases until they arrived at Moody's office. He opened the door and they went in.

Rosalyn had been in this office twice. When Lockhart was here, he kept endless photos of himself and his books and his pictures in the paper. When Lupin had been here there was always a new and interesting magical creature or a book on interesting spells and potions. Now Moody was here, there was a lot of things around the room, and Rosalyn didn't even have to ask to get an explanation.

"These are dark detectors," Moody said, and Rosalyn had now set her eyes on just one. It was a dark murky bit of glass, that had a few shilouettes of people in it.

"That's a foe glass," Moody said. "It allows me to see my enemies... their moves... their choices..."

Rosalyn thought this was a really interesting thing to have but Moody quickly moved on. He asked. "So what're you gonna do about your dragon, eh?"

"I really have no idea," Rosalyn said truthfully.

Moody pulled up a chair as he sat in his seat. Rosalyn sat down and Moody said. "Listen, when your pal Diggory was your age, he could turn a pocket watch into a whistle, no problem. Now, Miss Delacour is about as much as a fairy princess as I am, and as for Mr Krum, well his head may be filled with saw dust, but Karkaroff's is not."

He was staring at her now, his eyes (real or not) piercing into hers, he went on. "Now, they'll have a strategy, and you can bet that it'll play to Krum's strengths."

"Y- you're saying-" Rosalyn said, and Moody nodded enthusiastically.

"Now, what are your strengths, Miss Potter, your strengths?"

"Oh, I don't know," Rosalyn said. "I mean I can fly, I'm a fair flyer-"

"More than fair from what I've heard," Moody said, raising his eyebrows.

But Rosalyn could see the obvious flaw in the plan. "But I'm not allowed a broom."

Moody leaned closer to her, saying very carefully, so that she understood. "You're allowed a wand."


"Hermione, Hermione, Hermione!" Rosalyn panted as she caught up with her best friend.

"Rosie, are you okay?" Hermione asked. She knew she wasn't, obviously, as she had been the first person Rosalyn had told about the dragons, but she was more talking about now.

"I'm fine if you can teach me one thing," Rosalyn said.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"I need to learn how to summon a broom from a castle that's a mile away by tomorrow afternoon."

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