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~I'm sinking slowly~



"Senior Jidenna is in school!" The excited voices of the Jss3 students who also had Saturday lessons due to their upcoming external exams. The girls, to be precise. Those ones fawned over him like he was some sort of Greek god.

Why can't his obituary just be announced this way?

"Senior Jidenna is dead." That would be so much pleasant to hear. Heck, it would make the list of one of my happiest moments in the world.

He waltzed into the class like the rest of us were invisible to him. Including the teacher in class, Mr Alo, who had been calling his name from the second he stepped in.

He had his AirPods in his ears, so it's either he had music blasting from them, or he just put them there to pretend like no one existed.

Typical Jidenna.

Mr Alo kept on calling him and no one in the entire class did anything to help the poor man get Jidenna's attention.

Are they all cowards or what?

I almost, emphasis on the word 'almost', got up to slap those things out of his ears, but it seemed like Hugo beat me to it. He walked up to Jidenna and removed the AirPods from his ears.

"Dude, Mr Alo is talking to you."

His eyes widened and he mouthed an "O". Then he turned to face Mr Alo with a huge smile. Of course, that smile wasn't apologetic or genuine. He was mocking the man, and I knew it.

How much more disrespectful did he have to be?

"Go to your seat," Mr Alo simply said. Of course, he wouldn't do anything to scold Jidenna. He couldn't do anything. His stuck-up father made sure of it.

Jidenna could insult a teacher right to his or her face, and everyone would act like nothing happened. Because absolutely nothing would be done.

I didn't even realize that I had been staring, or let's go with the word glaring until his eyes jammed mine. The normal ones would do well to look away, but I didn't. I wasn't intimidated by him, and he needed to know that.

Then his lips curved into a smirk.

What in the universe is so amusing?

"Hey psycho!" He yelled out, successfully interrupting the class and gaining everyone's attention. "Stop staring like a creep. It's not nice."

I felt someone tug at the sleeve of my shirt, but I ignored it.

"And what do you know about being nice?" I retorted. I noticed his smirk falter for a second and it gave me the satisfaction that my words actually affected him.


You can dish it but you can't take it. If that isn't utter clownery, then I would love to know what it is.

Then, he placed his hands on the desk of a classmate nearby, and that stupid smirk on his face increased. My hands itched so badly to wipe it off his face permanently and maybe disfigure his perfect face in the process.

"Well, what do you know at all?" He leaned towards my direction. Heat slowly crept up my face as my breaths came out slow and hard.
I was struggling, struggling so hard not to lunge at him from where I sat and claw at his face until there was nothing left to claw at.

Oh, how satisfying that idea seems.

Idera, get a grip!


That did it.

I was going to show him how much of a psycho he labelled me as and even more.

"Idera, just ignore him." I heard Oma say as she held me back, preventing me from getting up. "He's not worth it."

He's not worth it, so do not give him that satisfaction.

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

Fuck you, Jidenna.

"That's enough, Kalu and thank you for successfully wasting 2 minutes out of the 5 minutes left." Mr Alo said, but the devil's spawn still stood there glaring at me with those disgusting eyes of his.

"My fucking pleasure."

And I looked away before I would actually go fuck it and lash out.

"Pages 5-10 of your workbook. To be submitted first thing Monday morning. Good Day." Mr Alo announced to the class.

And just when I thought I was free from the clutches of torturous assignments. He just had to ruin it.

Stupid, useless, unfortunate, insolent fool!

Black patches suddenly began to appear in my vision. I blinked once, twice, but they increased.

Damn it!

Then it started. The pins and needles which began as a dull throb from my fingers, but became more pronounced as it began to spread rapidly throughout my entire arm.

Well, what a shitty day.

"I'm going to the restroom, Oma," I said to the girl seated beside me, wincing as it got worse.

"Are you okay?" She asked in worry.

I could only nod at her while trying to seem okay because my words failed me. I got up and began walking out of the class, blinking at intervals like that would make the black dots disappear. And then I bumped into someone on my way out.

I looked up and was face to face with THE BITCH.


Ugh! Not now, please.

I was irritated and definitely didn't hide it. She was too and has never failed to hide it. It almost seems like she has to do so. Well, what else do you expect from one who fucks around with the devil?

I was doing well in handling my current predicament, but her presence was making it get hard for me by the second.

"You have eyes bitch. Use them." She finally said, and I didn't waste a second standing there. I slightly pushed her aside and hurried to the restroom.

If you're looking for attention, go and run naked in the streets.

Once I got in, I closed the door behind me and slumped to the ground. I clutched my arm as I squeezed my eyes shut.

God, please make it stop. Please...

"Idera, are you okay?" A familiar voice asked and I flinched as I felt someone touch my arm.

"Does she look like she is?" That was another voice I recognized.

I opened my eyes to see two girls kneeling in front of me with black dots dancing all around them. And my constant blinking to see clearly wasn't even working.

Fuck my life.

"Let's take her to the infirmary." The other girl with Dami suggested, but I shook my head in disagreement.

"It'll stop. I...I just need...water." My voice shook as I tried to hold myself from crying. Dami got up immediately and left to get water. The other girl, which I figured out was Lora, stayed with me while trying as much as possible to ease me and get my mind off the pain with words of comfort.

She even prayed. And it worked a bit.

Dami returned with a bottle of water which she helped me open, and a tablet of ibuprofen she found in my school bag. I always carried that in case of emergencies, like this one.

Thank you, Iyanu, for that life-saving idea.

I downed the tablet with three gulps of water and dropped the bottle.

"Are you okay?" Lora asked and I nodded, feeling my body calm down little by little.

For now.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the wall, thanking God that I didn't die from this one. It wouldn't have been a pleasant way to see my mother again.

"Did you take your drugs, Idera?" She asked again.

"I only missed this morning's dose," I answered, still with my eyes closed.


Was I going to tell them that I had done that on purpose? No.

"I forgot."

I heard her sigh and then I felt a presence beside me.

"You know if you had taken it, this would have been averted."

And I was thankful that this was the only thing I had to go through this time. Other days come with the actual demon.

I only gave a small smile, then opened my eyes and faced her.

"Whatever are you two doing in the restroom together?"

"Zina," I turned my head to Dami who was now seated on the floor beside me. "She's being such an annoying pest at the moment."

Zina? annoying? Well, that's new.

"We also came here to rant about the latest gist on everyone's lips." I looked back to Lora who just spoke.

What latest-

"Dija broke up with Chike."


I'm not sure what I heard made any sense because It couldn't be possible. Broke what? How on earth was that even possible?

"Dija, as in Kadija, broke up with Chike?"

"Bitch, yes!" Dami squealed.

And why is she so excited?

Kadija Hamad and Chike Arthur. The power couple of LIC. These two began dating right from Jss3 and there has never been any news about them breaking up for real.

Have there been rumors? Yes. But they are rumors, not the truth.

You can't be a Laureate and not know Dija and Chike. It's either you just choose to be ignorant or you're lying to yourself.

"Since when?"


"And how did they manage to keep it from everyone till now? Wait oh. Is that why neither of them showed up in school today?"

Dami shrugged. "Only God knows."

"I heard the break up was that bad, like really bad. Something about Chike being involved in drugs and shit. We don't really know the full gist sha, but it seems as though Dija found out and got mad at Chike." Lora explained.

"What would even make Chike go into drugs?" I asked, as though one of the girls beside me would have an answer.

Lora sighed. "I have no idea."

Different thoughts as to why this happened kept on running through my mind. How could something so perfect crumble all in one day?

"And why is this one smiling?" Lora's voice brought me out of my thoughts and drew my attention to Dami who was grinning like the evil version of the Cheshire cat. If there was one.

"Girl, stop. That shit is creepy." I scooted away from her a bit in case she was actually going insane.

Then she began chuckling, startling I and Lora and freaking us out at the same time. That chuckle, then turned into full-blown laughter and it got me a bit worried, even though I knew Dami tended to act like a mental patient sometimes.

We created a safe distance between ourselves and her, just to be safe.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I promise." She said to us while still laughing once she noticed the looks on our faces. She finally stopped and I let out a breath of relief.

So, she's not running mad. If she's not running mad, what the hell is going on with her then?

"It's just that...Dija and Chike. I mean they're no longer together and..."

Then it clicked.

I suddenly sat up at the new and shocking revelation.

"Wait oh. Don't tell me you've been waiting for this to happen."

"You guys don't know how long I dreamed of this. Seeing that skinny girl with him every single day..." She trailed off and then I noticed it. That evil glint in her eyes was so obvious that I couldn't miss it. Lora should have seen it too.


What is wrong with this girl?

"Dami, don't just do anything stupid. Leave Chike abeg." Lora cautioned. "There are other boys, plenty of them. Infact, I can introduce you to some sef."

"Other boys aren't Chike, and Chike isn't other boys. And why are you guys even making this seem like I'm trying to wreck a relationship? For Christ's sake guys, they've broken up! He's single now, so I can do what I want."

As if planned, I and Lora gave each other looks of uncertainty and faced Dami.

"I don't know about this Dami." I said.

"Well, I wasn't asking for either of your permissions." She retorted with a sharp tone. I was beginning to think that this was more than just her liking Chike. Could she be...obsessed?

"See ehn, it's not that we don't want your happiness, but whatever you're planning to do might not end well."

"What do you think would go wrong? Only finding my way into his broken heart wouldn't end well?"

Then she let out a loud scoff.

"Please, stop being paranoid."

There was something about Dami that always got me worried and also on edge. I couldn't place a finger on it yet, but there was just something.

Maybe it's because she could be super unpredictable all the time. You never know what to expect from her. Me

"Anyways!" She clapped her hands loudly. "To celebrate my win today, I'm taking your dry asses out tonight to the club 24/7. And bills are on yours truly!" She said the last few words in a sing-song voice then proceeded to get up from the floor.

Yes, we had been sitting on the floor of the restroom. We wouldn't have placed our precious butts on the floor if it hadn't been sanitized and spotlessly cleaned.

"The way you spend these days bothers me, Dami," Lora complained as she got up from the floor. "But who am I to say a word?"

As a rich kid, nothing is impossible.

"Wait. Did you just say club 24/7?" I asked, her statement finally sinking in as Lora helped me get up.

Dami gave me a dry look from the large mirror in front of the wash hand basin. "What else did you hear me say?"

"I can't go."


"My cousin works there. He manages the place and his little cousin can't be seen out at night, drinking and having fun in a 20+ club."

Damn you, Michael.

"You calm down, abeg. Aren't you old enough to do what you want?"

I placed a hand on her shoulder, as we looked at each other in the mirror. "Dear Damilare, not everyone has that freedom of doing whatever they want."

"Well, he doesn't need to know you are there. Don't be a party pooper jare." She pouted.

These girls always had a way of making me do crazy things that I wouldn't want to do.

Let me rephrase that.

We all had a way of making ourselves do crazy things we wouldn't find ourselves doing on a normal basis.

And this is a typical example of one.

"Okay, fine." I finally gave in. Dami squealed and clapped her hands. "Once I head home, I'll take my things and go over to that disgusting boy of a cousin's house. You guys will pick me up there." I said, then splashed a handful of water on my face. I looked like a mess.

"Matthew's place?"

"Which other stupid cousin do I have? Of course, he's the one." I dragged out a mini face towel from the face towel dispenser fastened on the wall of the restroom.

Laurel and its love for all things fancy.

"Why do you hate him that much?" Lora asked.

I looked away from the mirror and at her. "Have you been with Matthew? That guy is annoying as hell. Probably the most annoying being in the universe."

But not close to Jidenna. Jidenna has gone way past the scale of annoying.

For as long as I can recall, I and Matthew have never been on good terms. I don't really know why, but I just know I grew up hating the guts of my paternal cousin.

He's annoying in all ways possible, stuck up, and thinks he has it better than other people. As a child, Matthew had the tendency to be a bully, coupled with the fat that occupied every part of his body.

I'm really surprised that he didn't actually turn out to be the bully I thought he would be, because as a child, Matthew would successfully bully things from me. But as the troublesome child I was, I didn't let him get away with it so easily. I in return, taunted him with his size and how much he consumes food.

No one wins, and no one loses.

Even to date, we're still at each other's necks. And you do not want to walk in on Idera and Matthew in a heated argument and try to be a mediator. There would be a joint transfer of aggression on whoever tries it.

"Are you guys done?" Our heads turned simultaneously to the entrance of the vast restroom to see Oma standing there, sporting a dry look with her arms folded.

"Oma!" Lora squealed and literally ran to hug her. The girl struggled in Lora's hold and finally got her off her body.

"Mr Peter is in class and you three are here discussing how annoying Idera's cousin is."

Mr Peter, meaning it was maths period and a joint class.

Fuck my life. Again.

Lora and Dami exclaimed and hurriedly left the restroom for our class. Oma shook her head as we both left the restroom after they hurried out. We got to the class, and the only air we could breathe was Dija and Chike's breakup.

Where is Mr Peter that she said was in class?

"He left," Oma said and I faced her.

"Those two idiots," She pointed at Udeme Wilson and Sindara King. "Were busy talking about the breakup while he was teaching."

"Hey!" Most heads turned to the albino beauty seated at the back of the class.

Sindara is the first girl I've seen whose beauty was still very much pronounced despite her albinism. When she joined Laurel as a new student, we thought if not all, at least another member of her family would have the same condition as hers.

We were quite surprised to discover that Sindara was the only one with albinism in her family. Her parents weren't, her siblings weren't, and even her paternal and maternal grandparents weren't either. She told us later on that the gene was passed down to her by a great, great grand uncle of hers.

Someone once made an insensitive joke about her not being the biological child of her parents. Long story short, he left the school.

"Who are you pointing that wretched finger at?" She glared daggers at Oma. It was quite hilarious to watch Sindara get angry because she would turn as red as a tomato and her veins would strain so much against her neck and forehead that it seemed like they would pop out.

I could see Udeme visibly squirm uncomfortably in her seat, obviously not a fan of her friend confronting Oma knowing she would suffer the girl's lashing too.

The biracial girl did nothing but give Sindara the blankest stare in the history of blank stares.

"I'm talking to you, Oma! Don't fucking act like I'm not!"

Now, this had the entire class's attention.

Oma still said nothing, but looked away from her and began walking gracefully to her seat.

Then, it happened so fast.

Sindara jolted up from her seat and lunged at Oma but Dami rushed forward with such inhumane speed and pushed the girl with so much force that she fell to the ground and I could swear that I heard a crack.


Dami didn't stop there. She dragged Sindara up by her shirt and delivered three brain-resetting slaps to her face.

"Dami!" Umar yelled and in a second he was holding Dami, who was ready to beat Sindara to a pulp. She trashed in his stronghold, but he was stronger.

What in the world is going on?

Lawal and Udeme had already carried Sindara, who was groaning and moaning in pain, holding her left arm which I think must be the crack I heard. Her face was painted red by Dami's palm and fingerprints.

Oma on the other hand was smiling as she watched the whole thing.

Lora had a look of pure horror on her face that was so hilarious. I almost burst out into laughter, but I stifled it and walked to my seat beside Oma, who was chuckling now.

"I swear that was so hilarious." She said and immediately, Lora's eyes went so wide that I feared that they would pop out of their sockets. "What the heck is funny with what just happened?! Dami freaking broke her arm!"

"She deserves it, Lora."

I knew the deal with Oma and Sindara was about a boy, but I wasn't too clear about what really went down. Oma didn't say a thing to me about it, so I figured she would tell me when she was ready.

She never did.

"What's the issue with both of you anyways?" I asked, hoping she would say a thing or two.

"I don't know." Then she turned to me. "What's the issue between you and Jide?"


"Okay. I'll take that as an I don't want to tell you so mind your business. Which I will. And by the way, I never did a thing to Jide. He just wants to feel relevant in someone's life."

"Dija's in school!" A loud voice came from outside the class and murmurs erupted within the class. Dija and Chike were on everyone's lips again.


A few minutes later, the girl walked into class with the most stoic look ever. Not a word left her lips as she went straight to her seat. She didn't even spare anyone a glance. Not even her best friend, Regina.

"Yo, Dija!" A voice which belongs to Kachi Orji called out. I knew he was going to say something stupid and insensitive. Everyone knew Kachi was one to say things like that.

"He fucked another girl didn't he?"

"Shut up, Kachi!" Regina snapped at the boy. "Only heaven knows where you heard that one from now."

"Or she did and made it seem like it was all his fault." Korede, Kachi's aide spoke up.


How Dija was still seated in this class with these boys saying arrant trash marvelled me.

"I heard drugs. Dija, is that true? Was Chike actually doing drugs?" Someone from nowhere asked.

"Sheesh, give the girl a break," Oma said.

My eyes went to Dija who was staring blankly at the whiteboard. I'm pretty sure her mind wasn't even in this universe at all.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen!" Roars of laughter followed that statement.

Did I forget to mention that there were those groups of people who loathed Dija and Chike's relationship?

Yes, they exist.

Ikechukwu Duru, popularly known as Ik Duru or just IK had waltzed into our class with his boys.

"Chike boo finally broke your heart."

"IK, I talk am say this heartbreak go reach everybody!" The darkest boy among them, Ladi said to Ik in fluent pidgin English.

Ik walked over to where Dija was seated, pulled out a chair nearby and placed it directly in front of her desk, then sat.

If I were her, I would have gotten up and walked out the second IK stepped into the class. Because nothing good ever comes out of that animal.

"So Dija, how does it feel? How does it feel to know that your darling Chike does and deals drugs huh?"

He dragged the chair closer towards her. I recognized that look in Dija's eyes because I'd had that same look in mine countless times. The struggle to keep oneself in check and not unleash hell.

"You know, I always told Chike to do things on a low. But he doesn't ever listen. Exactly what I told him when I supplied the coke to him and I thought he was actually going to listen to me-"

Ehn?? He did what??

My reaction was the same as everyone in the class. Shock. There was never any good when it came to IK and co.

Dija narrowed her angry eyes at Ik. "What did you just say?"

Ik on the other hand did a fake gasp and placed his hand over his mouth. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that I had just said that out loud."

Can you imagine this asshole??

"You supplied what to Chike?" She asked. Her glare had turned deadly. Ik would have been long gone if a knife or any sharp object was laying nearby.

"You know quite well that this is not meant to be said out in the open, but I will repeat myself one more time, Dija."

He leaned towards her. A smirk made its way to his lips.

"I supplied cocaine to your dear boyfriend."

As soon as the last word left his lips, Dija's palm met his face. Not once, but twice. On both sides of his face.

Woah! Definitely didn't see that coming.

Gasps and exclamations filled the charged air. While a stunned Ik sat there with his hand on his cheek. His boys gathered around him, trying to boost his ego or whatever it is they were doing.

A standing Dija who was breathing heavily suddenly clutched her chest, and her breathing pattern switched up.

She was having an attack.

Lora quickly jolted up from her seat and rushed to Dija, who had begun gasping for air. The wheezing sounds of her breath could be heard admist the noise.

The entire class was in mini chaos at the moment. Some had run out of the class to call those who were outside, while some had their phones out, recording all that was happening.

While I sat, just watching everything.

Hugo was already searching her bag for her inhaler.

"It's not here." He said, then he moved to Dija and held her hands.

"Dija, where's your inhaler?"

"She's having a fucking attack, Hugo. She can't speak." Umar said to him, but Hugo ignored him.

"Dija I need you to answer me. Just try. Where's your inhaler?"

I could see that she wanted to answer him, but she was too occupied with trying to find her breath to answer him.

Hugo ended the search for her inhaler, dropped her bag and carried her bridal style out of the class.

I was still in a mini shock at IK's little revelation. There used to be a rumour one time about Ik and his crew being involved in drugs, and it almost got them expelled from school. They denied all allegations against them, managed to clear their name and move on.

So from what he just told Dija, it means the rumours were true. They actually messed with drugs. But why did he have to tell her when he was at risk of getting caught for real this time?

The loud siren blared repeatedly signifying the end of lessons for today.

Thank God!

I needed to get away from all this madness. I just hoped Dija would be fine.

I turned to Oma, who had become deeply engrossed in her phone.

"I won't be following you guys today. I have something to do at home, so I need to leave now."

She looked up at me. "Oh. Hope there's no problem?"

"Nah. It's all good. I'll text you later."

"Sure. Bye."

I grabbed my bag and got the fuck out of school.


At the rate at which I've been going to Jude's house recently, I could easily get caught and the identity of his mystery girl could be revealed.

I made a mental note not to come here for the next few weeks or even more. Video calls and texts would do.

I got into the mansion after identifying myself. I rang the doorbell, and waited for a reply but got none. I rang it a few more times and even knocked, but still nothing.

"Isn't he home?"

I tried the doorknob, and the door opened much to my surprise.

Oh wow.

The living looked and felt empty, so I went around calling his name, but I got no reply. I searched all the rooms in the house and Jude was nowhere to be found. I had given up and was about to leave when I heard the shuffling of feet and a small groan.

It was coming from the kitchen which I checked earlier but found no one there. I made my way to the kitchen. Once I walked in, I was met with Jude's bare tattoo littered back.

Did he always have to be shirtless?

"Jude, so you were here all along. I'm sure you heard me and you made me waste my energy searching for you when you could have just answered."

He said nothing. From the way his muscles flexed, he was doing something.

"Jude," I called. "Is this not someone I'm talking to?" I muttered under my breath, then made my way towards, and stood right in front of him.

What I saw had me slam my hand over my mouth in shock. I stood there, trying to process what I was looking at.

"Jude. Your face!" I practically yelled out.

He looked like a car that had just come out of a panel-beating shop. Purple around his left eye and his right eye was completely shut. It was accompanied by a busted lip and a little cut on his cheek.

It was a sore sight for the eyes. And he looked like he was in so much pain.

Oh my God.

"What happened to your bloody face?!"

"I got into a fight with my cousin, Dera. It's nothing serious." He winced as he dabbed the cut with cotton wool which reeked of methylated spirit.

"This," I gestured to his face. "You looking like you just got out of a match with the entire WWE team is 'nothing'?!"

He slammed his hands on the table causing me to flinch and move back in shock.

"Idera, please drop it."

"You want me to drop it? I only ask a simple question and you're telling me to drop it."

I moved closer to turn his face towards my view, but he grabbed my wrist and faced me with the most rabid look ever.

Jesus Christ!

If I wasn't his girlfriend, I swear to God that he'd have given me a dirty slap on my face. His grip on my wrist became so tight that it began to hurt.

I winced and struggled to release my hand.

"I told you, I got into a fight with my cousin and if you don't want to believe it, then fine!" He yelled and roughly dropped my arm.

I cradled my hurt wrist and slowly moved back away from him. Shocked out of my mind was a mere understatement. I was frightened by the boy standing right in front of me.

What the hell?

I swiftly turned back and began to walk out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

Where am I going?? You could have as well killed me and now you're asking where I'm going?

"Home." I simply answered once I got into the living room to pick up my bag while trying to hold back tears that were threatening to fall out.

Gosh. You're so weak, Idera.

"Now? You just got here."

"And now I want to leave." Came my reply in a shaky voice.

Darn it!

"Dera," I sensed him reaching out to touch me, but I moved away.

"Don't...touch me." I turned to face him. "Don't touch me, Jude."

All the anger from earlier had cleared up, and he looked like the sorriest being in the universe.

"Babe, I'm sorry."

"You yelled at me."


"You've never done that before, Jude. You've never raised your voice at me before. You even got physical. You hurt me." The last three words came out in a whimper.

If someone had ever told me that my boyfriend would one day hurt me, I would never believe it.

But here I am, trying to grasp the reality that he did just that. He could have as well just killed me on the spot.

"I was angry, I didn't mea-"

"You were angry and you decided to vent it out on me? I only asked how the hell your face got so busted and you took it out on me?"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. So close that our bodies touched. But I was in so much shock to even get affected by the physical contact.

I struggled in his hold as tears began to gather, blurring my vision in the process.

"Hey, I said I'm sorry. I know I've never yelled at you before and I didn't mean to hurt you, but I was so pissed."

I placed my palms on his chest, and with every strength I had in me, I pushed him away.

"Jude, no matter how angry you were, you never for once touched me or even raised your voice at me. Never." I felt the tears slide down my face.

Why in the world? Why in the world would Jude hurt me? Why in the world would Jude look at me like he wanted to strangle the life out of me?

Was he tired of me and looking for ways to get rid of me?

"Are you tired of me?"

"Dera, how can you say that? I'm not and I never will be. I love you."

"You love me and you hurt me. Take a look at my arm Jude." I stretched out my hand to show him the marks of his nails on my wrist, and the little cut which had a little blood oozing out of it.

"You did this to me."

His eyes widened and he held that same hand. But this time, his hold was gentle and soft. Like he was scared of hurting me the second time.

But he had done it already.

"Let go of my arm."


"I said let go of me!" I yanked my hand from his hold. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door.

"Idera, please. I'm sorry." I heard his voice break, but I didn't care if he was about to cry.

Okay I did, but this wasn't something to be overlooked and called a harmless mistake.

"And please don't try calling me, or even think about texting me." With that, I opened the door and stepped out.

I tried, but couldn't come up with a reason as to why Jude acted the way he did. I also tried to think of something I could have done wrong to him in the past. I still got nothing.

The scary image of the way he glared at me had embedded itself into my memory and kept on replaying like a slideshow.

The loud sound of a car horn jolted me back to reality, and that was when I realized that I had just walked right into the road and almost got knocked down by a car.

The driver's window went down.

"You no dey see road? You dey crase?" (Can't you focus on the road? Are you crazy) The driver of the black-tinted jeep cursed, but I was too weak to even defend myself or apologize.

I only watched as the driver wound up his glass and drove off.



What in the world is wrong with Idera?
What is Sindara's deal with Oma
Why did Dami act the way she did?
And finally, why in the world did our selxy Jude act the way he did to Idera?
I want to hear your theories you guys!!

This shapter is long sha😀

Your feedback on this too. It really goes a long way for me.

Guess who's getting their POV in the next chapter?🌚

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