„Hi everyone, I'm Santiago. And today? I'll be guiding y'all through the workings of skycross's rules and how it all functions.
Ah, and before you go sending in that '#myansweris' in the comments section, which I'm sure you've all forgotten by now. I'd like to introduce you to my co partner. They don't need much of an introduction. You guessed it! It's ASEOP!”
—Hi guys! Yeah, I'm here too. I thought it would be my day off.
...But unfortunately, I can't enjoy such a luxury.
What am I? An animator for mappa???????
That bitch is has got a whole lot of--
*San prevents Aesop from cussing*
“Okay, okay. Calm down. We wouldn't want them to waste time reading your childish banter. We've got more important things to reveal. So, would it be too much to ask for the slightest cooperation from you?”
*Calms down*...
...Hmph, fine. Whatever.
“Yay, great!
Now guys, let's get to it!
So today, we're going to be learning about three important factors that pertain to skycross.
First, is Country-wise
Second, would be School-wise
And third? Life-wise!”
Now, the school country, 'skycross'. Is a very peculiar place. Country-wise, every student living here is a citizen. As long as the school has their information and has marked them in. They become a bonafide enrollee. That! Is the basis.
The school became a recognized as an independent body, after a few years of running. Before hand, it was tagged to be a part of Japan. Existing solely as an academia. However, due to the immense enrollment, court battles over the rightful claims to land, and political intervention from the prime minister of Japan at the time. Skycross finally became recognized as it's own country, with rules that guide and govern it.
It gained separation from Japan when it's collosal, towering, walls where finally erected. Making it's gate, the official draw off border by default. Not long after, it's popularity rose above the charts. As they allowed for children of every race, from whatever works of the world into their nation, without discrimination."
—Now why do I find that painfully hard to believe?
“Er...I don't have an answer for that. But, to be fair I haven't had any issue getting along with anyone so...”
—Yeah, yeah, whatever, just continue.
“Right! Er, since the school's construction was accomplished, due to the involvement of powerful international tech companies from around the globe. Some ground breaking technological advancements where made. Specifically to aid the country.
From this venture, the translator chip came to be, amongst many others. But THIS was the most essential.
Because they wanted their populous to not have to worry about learning a specific language before entering. The idea for the device was pitched, worked upon, and created.”
*Doesn't want to be here*
“Uh-huh. Um right so...It's earlier predecessors were useful, but still lagging. Soon enough though, it evolved into the tiny pellet like earrings used by the current citizens.”
—Yeah 'you' buffoons.
“Hey, be nice!”
—I'll try man. No promises.
“How does it work? You might ask.”
—No one asked man.
*Santiago looks back at Aesop and chuckles nervously*
“It's simple. You take a translator app, and make it a translation device instead.”
—Well aren't they geniuses.
“Arent they though?”
...Sure. You know what? Sure. You do you.
“So the device served as a deciphering speaker in its early form. Where a person only needed to talk, and a bluetooth powered ear pod would translate it into the listeners language. The same as the app.
Well, I think it's the same? I've never really used...Anyway, before I get side tracked. *Chuckles* Soon enough it's creators decided to take things a step further.
Using the same method of decoding, the manufacturers were able to modify the device to translate the foreign language being emitted, fine tune it to reach the perfect verbal frequency, morphing the scrambled gibberish which was the foreign language aka data. Then transmitting that mumbojumbo, to suit the range of speaking which the listeners hear as their own language.”
—Okay that's kinda cool. I ain't gonna lie.
“Right? Damn wish I could do that.”
—Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves kid.
“This scientific phenomenon was appraised as 'vibral sound morphing' (VSM). So instead of having to type out words and sentences from other dialects which may not be completely appropriate as responses. The chip acts as a verbal honing device, that makes the speakers communicate with ease as if speaking the same language as the person they're conversing with.
Basically, if someone says something in Spanish, another person will hear it as swahili. All the user has to do, is speak. And there isn't a need to set the device to translate a specific language. This way, if anyone where to find a random chip, and use it. It would decipher correctly. —No Matter the language.
It also helps dampen the effects of bad expression. This is done by leveling the sound waves produced by the speaker to the listener. So those who feel they don't have an attractive voice can speak without fear, and converse freely. That's when things like stammering became eradicated whenever students used the device. It even came to aid deaf children whose speaking may sound ear wrenching to some. Hence making SKYCROSS the first country to declare 'mulilang' as their official language."
—That's just crazy.
“Incredible you mean?”
—No, I don't mean 'inCrediBle!' I mean fucking crazy! Who even thought about this shit?
“Why, the author ofcourse. Who else?”
—Is that a trick question?
—Nope, don't answer that. Just...
*Exhausted sigh*...
...Just continue.
*Self monologuing*...
...I might need to find a new job. I hear bakery's are doing good this season.
“For currency and purchasing power. It's imperative to know that before the digital currency S.C was introduced. Special trading cards were being utilized by students.
In some rare cases, those special cards are still being used today. However, since there are only a few left. It's said anyone who has, at the very least three cards in their hands. Has up to the same as, quarter the amount paid to a high ranking teacher. You might think it's nothing, and you'd probably be right, but that's only if they have three. There's supposed to be a hundred cards left in total, n'all of em would sum up to two/third the amount of the schools governing funds.”
...Hehehehe, and mind you. We don't know how accurate this evaluation is. So far I think the author's just jotting out nonsense at this point. Wouldn't you agree San...Santiago?
“Um where did I...leave off? Mmmmmmmm, oh! right here! The alloc...yeah this is it! So, the allocation of said currency is done using different means. The most well known is by allowance sharing.”
—What the fuck is wrong with this boy?
“This is were, in a single term, three to four days before the resumption of schooling activities. The school heads distribute allowances to every student under their radar.
Although, the amount allocated can differ. For instance, new students ultimately receive more money. Due to the fact that, they are...well? to the system. The reason this is done is so they can acquire whatever it is they need, and can plan out how to use their money efficiently. Still, alot of them miss the point of it, and end up squandering their funds before the month runs out.”
—What a bunch'a Idiots.
“As for older students. They receive lower pints. The idea behind it is simple. Now, to the school, they've already purchased the necessary stuff they need to survive. N'If they haven't, it's nobody's fault but their own.”
—Did you squander your first allowance?
“Me? Well, not really. The school is really big. So-o-o-o, I didn't really know where to go that would require me spend so much. At the end of the month I still had 8s.c left.”
—What the fuck 8???
“Wha-a-a-a? No I mean 8000...or was it hundred?”
...So you did waste your money, didn't you?
“No I...*sigh* yeah I did. Thing is, there was this super awesome store that sold the best snacks I'd ever tried. So...”
—Wait don't tell me. You spend it all eating them? That's a Nara kinda thing to do!
“No-o-o! I paid to sign up for a training program. Except, it turned out that I could have just applied for a free course online. But...”
—S..So you got duped?? Pfffft. Oh my god! That's ri..that's rich!
*Laughing hysterically*
...Oh god, oh shit that's hilarious. You...Tell me again what happened.
“Yah, I'd rather not. Anyway... there's a..”
*Aseop Increase their laughter*
“Can you please stop?”
*Wheezing and breathless*...
..huo...okay. ok-k..hmmm, okay! I'm go...I'm good now.
*Nods and clears throat*...
...Pull it together Aseop. Hmm, mmm I'm..I'm good now. No more laughing. Mmmm. You can proceed now.
—Yeah am fuckin sure just get on with it!
“Okay, okay, sheesh. Right where did...”
*Flips through manuscript*
—Oh my goodness are you fuckin kidding me right now?
Alright, Give it!
“No, no I'll get it. I'm almost there.”
—How are you so bad at this?
“I'm gonna get it chill out. Ah, see? I found it!”
*Looks over San's shoulder*
...That says part one.
“Oh shit!”
—How bout you just let me--
—Damn dude, chillax. I'm glad you were finally able to do the bAre MinImUm.
—Me what?
“Nothing, just forget it.”
—No,no, tell me how you feel. I thought you didn't wanna waste time having em read our 'childish banter?'
“Ai ya yai! Please JUST STOP FUCKING talking right now! Can't you just let me do this in peace? Know what? how'bout you shut up for the rest of the monologue? Mmm?”
—And have them think that you're talking to yourself? Hell nah!
“Why would they even think that? N'I thought you didn't want to...*takes deep breaths*
I'm not going to do this with you. I'm going to be the bigger person.”
—OoOoh look at you manning up all of the sudden. I thought you were only good at babysitting little girls.
“*Ignores Aesop* Sorry guys, let's not waste any more time. Right, so, even with all the money giving, n'all the other stuff I said before, er...t-there is a catch, to, *Rolls wrist* ALL this!
The necessities the students would need extend to things such as...Tax! None of the students pay tuition fees. So it's generally normal, if uh...some money, is paid back as tax funds to the school authorities.
N'so long as students live in the hostels. Accommodation alone is free. It's then up to the house rep to decide how much goes into the group account for living expenses.
Since we've got ten students living on a massive floor and keeping to themselves. Given they do keep to themselves. Things like furniture, entrainment utilities like wifi, and electricity have already been taken care of.
For whatever it is they cook and eat? Well... it's that's up to them.”
—They could live off sugar and ice and It's would be no one's concern.
“Yeah, while health, gas and water bills, have to be sorted by them. Cause the school decided not to let them have it so easy. That way students could be more self reliant. You know? Think on their feet.”
—Mhmmm just basic shit like that.
“Seeing this stunt, was how the students collectively decided that a certain amount of money would be allocated to the house reps. Then, that money would be spread evenly towards the different areas were it was needed. Heck, if they wanted to renovate their whole floor they could. If they're rich enough.”
—That's actually not bad.
“Mmhmm, a house rep Is sorta seen as the master of the house. The one who holds the key to every backdoor in the dorm. Everyone else is to trust and confide in them. Usually they are chosen by casting of lots. Or better yet appointed by authorities.
The reps aren't to be mistaken for the hostel masters. They are at a higher rank than all the reps combined. While there are twenty dorm reps there are only two hostel masters.”
—Why is there so much hierarchy bullshit going on in this school?
“It's done to propel students to work harder in order to get such a role. Then, when they do get to the seat of power, the experiences gained from their time there would mould them into becoming capable young adults in the future! It's really not that hard to understand.”
—Sorry, I couldn't think that far since I graduated from McDonald's toilet.
“Well that explains alot.”
—Bitch, I was being sarcastic.
“They say the first words you blurt out are usually the truth. You sure it was sarcasm? or just plain facts?”
—Nah, I've finally figured it out. It's not that you're manning up, it's just your STUPID showing.
“Ha! That's rich coming from the narrator who can't even understand basic NARRATION! you'd think you'd be better at it by now.”
—Alright punk, you wanna go?
“Who are you calling punk huh? You sorry excuse for a--”
*Standby technically difficulty*
(Editing crew)
Sorry, things went out of hand. Narration will proceed in a few seconds.
And-d-d-d-d where back on!
“Hi again everyone. Hehehe, I don't know what got into me. I'm really sorry I messed up your reading experience. I..I promise to do better. Please forgive me. *Whispers* Aseop, psst.”
—Yeah, and I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have taken beef with the boy. But, rather...WITH THE AUTHOR!
I should have directed my anger to the bitch behind the scenes.
Yeah I see you! No! don't you dare cover your face with that novel! Hey! HEY! get back here! We need to have a tet-a-tet. Hey! Hey-y-y-y-y-y-y!!!!!
*Author disappears into thin air*
“Calm down, aseop. Let's finish this first. You can plot your revenge later.”
—Look, I'm really sorry man, but that, that, witch, she...
“Its okay. There, there. Come on let's do this!”
—Right. Back to the story.
Hey guys, I know this is short, but I found this chapter to be super funny, soooo I just thought. Meh, just post it like that and write the rest as part two. In truth my chapters are like four thousand words long, so I've already hit two thousand. That means it's already half. Soooooo, yeh. That's about it.
*Aseop yells at the back*
(I knew she was still here. Somebody get me an anvil. I need to drop it on her head)
Er...And now, I think it's just about time for me to go.
Byyyeeeeeeeeee prayyyyyyyyyyy for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
(I've finally found you! Get back here bitch! Come on I won't hurt you *fiddles with a bat* I only wanna chat!)
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