BACK on the field, Stiles nervously chews at the laces on his lacrosse stick. He whirls around when Luna comes walking back to join the practice.
"Hey have you seen Scott?"
Stiles watches Luna jump and stare at him with wide eyes, "Who? Scott? Oh... ha ha nope haven't seen him. I gotta go... be elsewhere... bye."
Stiles frowns watching Luna run away from him.
'That was weird.' He mutters to himself.
Minutes later Scott finally makes his way into the field, making Stiles hurry towards him in anticipation and hopefulness.
"Hey. What happened?"
Scott turns back, Stiles's request seemingly forgotten, "What?"
"What do you mean what? Did you ask her? Did she say anything? Did she say she liked me? Imply she liked me?"
Scott nods, "Yeah. Yeah, she likes you. In fact, she's totally into you."
As Scott turns away, an elated Stiles never notices the ever darkening expression falling over his best friend's face. Luna grips a cup so tight in her hand that the water explodes everywhere.
"Hey Tate let's not waste all the low budget waste of materials that this shit school has left."
Luna nods at Coach as he walks away.
She couldn't believe her ears. Scott had not only lied to Stiles but instead of asking Lydia if she was interested in Stiles, made out with her. That wolf had some nerves.
Coach blows the whistle sending the first offensive player into a drill. Scott and Stiles wait in line for their turn.
"Are you okay, dude?"
Scott doesn't answer, gloves twisting around his stick.
"I know we had good news and all that, but it's seven hours left till the full moon-"
The whistle blows for the next play.
Scott's turn.
Coach tosses the ball and Scott goes for it. Moving fast, twisting his stick to keep the ball in tight. Two players collide with Scott, ramming into him with unwarranted brutality. He tumbles to the ground, stick clattering away from him.
Coach claps laughing, "I guess some people don't appreciate your new status, McCall."
Behind the lineup of other players, Stiles looks out to see Scott snap right back up to his feet in an acrobatic kip up. Luna curses as she wrings her hands together.
But before another player can step forward, Scott whips his lacrosse stick in front of him. Teeth bared underneath his helmet, he steps to the head of the line again.
"That's the spirit. Earn it, McCall! Earn it!"
He sends the ball bouncing to the ground. Scott grabs it and shoots forward at the two long stick defenders. He smashes through them like a battering ram.
Playing goal, Danny comes forward to stop the offensive attack but Scott whips around and shoves his elbow into Danny's helmet, sending him tumbling through the air.
Danny goes down with a strangled cry of pain. He hits the ground hard, helmet snapping into the dirt.
Coach blows the whistle as other players start forward. Jackson shoves past everyone, alarmed for his friend.
At the bleachers Lydia stands up, "Was that Danny?"
Stepping down, she hurries onto the field where Stiles pulls Scott away from the gathering crowd. Luna runs past the two but not before slapping Scott across the back of his head.
"What was that asshole?"
Scott glares as Luna hurries over to check Danny.
"Everyone move."
Luna shoves through the guys and falls to her knees by Danny's side. He seemed to be knocked out but she had to be sure, so she puts her ear to his chest and her finger to the pulse on his neck.
He was fine.
The cracked front plate of his helmet was removed to reveal blood. His nose was gushing blood which made her turn him to the side and hold his nose with two fingers.
"We need to get him up." Jackson glares.
Luna shakes her head, "No if you sit him up too fast that could cause more damage. We have to let him wake up on his own and if he doesn't in a few minutes then we can start to move him."
Luna bends down to Danny's ear, "Danny... can you hear me... if you can, let me know..."
Danny groans lightly as his eyes start to flutter open. Sighing in relief, Luna then waits until Danny is fully awake to help him sit up.
"You know where you are?"
"Beacon Hills High School." Danny replies with a groan.
"What's the date?"
Jackson scoffs, "Why the hell is this important?"
Luna glares, "Shut up Jackson I'm trying to make sure he doesn't have a concussion."
Danny nods slowly looking at Luna, "Monday February 7th."
Luna nods, "Good. You'll be fine."
Nearby Stiles stares at Scott in shock, "What the hell's wrong with you? You just took Danny down."
Scott shrugs, "So what? He's twice the size of me."
"So everyone likes Danny. Which means everyone's going to hate you."
"I don't care."
They turn back to see Danny slowly standing up as Luna helps him. Scott's head snaps back as he takes in the scent of blood. The corners of his lips curl upward in a smile that's more than slightly evil.
Noticing Stiles's look Scott frowns, "What?"
He shoves past, heading for the school. Stiles turns his attention back to the crowd around Danny.
Lydia steps to Jackson's side.
"Is he okay?"
"It looks like he's just got a bloody..." He trails off, staring at her.
"What?" Lydia frowns.
"Your lipstick." Jackson stares at her in question.
Whipping out a compact she glances at the reflection to see her lipstick slightly smeared.
"Oh. Wonder how that happened."
Jackson watches her fix the smear with her thumb, "Yeah. I wonder..."
He doesn't notice that someone else has overheard the conversation... Stiles. His eyes on Lydia. He glances around at Luna who had turned away from Danny with a knowing look before turning away.
Kate stands just behind Allison who holds a concentrated gaze on something in front of her.
"Now, remember. No telling your father about this. He'd kill me."
Allison nods, raising her arms to reveal she's holding a TASER X26 stun gun.
"And what would our hapless victim's name be?"
Allison aims the gun at an innocent looking teddy bear, "Mr. Bear."
"Your teddy bear's name is Mr. Bear? That's the worst teddy bear name ever."
Allison scoffs with a smile, "I was five."
"Well, shoot your unimaginatively named bear and put it out of its misery."
Allison fires the Taser. Two steel prongs snare the plush fur of Mr. Bear with an electric crackling.
"That's what I'm talking about. Now if you had that the other night..."
She notices Allison shakily lowering the Taser. The smile is gone from her face. Tears at her eyes.
"Hey, what's up? I thought you wanted to learn this."
She sits with Allison on the bed putting an arm around her.
"I just don't know what happened."
Kate frowns, "With Scott? Listen, my gorgeous young niece, you're going to break hearts left and right. He's lucky to have gotten the little taste of Allison Argent's world that he got."
"But it felt so right with him. And then he started acting so strange. Now I don't know what to believe."
"He's a guy. Don't believe anything."
Allison sighs. "It's just the whole thing with Derek Hale the other night and Scott saying he didn't know him, but then I saw them together. And I though Luna was my friend, but she totally flipped on me. It was like she was trying to protect Derek and be on his side-"
"Woah, wait a second. Back up." Kate pulls her arm from Allison's shoulder, far more serious, "Scott knows Derek? Alleged killer Derek? Are they friends?"
"No. Not really. At least that's what he said."
Kate nods slowly, "What about this Luna girl? I haven't seen or heard of her before. She knows Derek too?"
Allison shrugs, "I don't know. I feel like she might be with him. Like romantically. Lately she's been acting weird, keeping secrets, and she's been late a lot. When she comes to class she looks like she's been you know..."
"Have you seen them together?"
Allison shakes her head before she lets out an oh with wide eyes, "I forgot one time at a party she said she knew who he was. He gave me a ride home. I told her she could stay the night if she didn't feel safe driving alone with him and she said it was totally fine. And for some reason he came to the school and Luna and Scott helped in into Stiles' jeep. Other than that I haven't seen anything."
Kate thinks. Scott... Luna... Derek... something wasn't right.
"How about you tell me everything Scott and Luna said about Derek."
"What do you mean by everything?"
"I mean everything."
Luna sits in silence as she wrings her hands together in her lap. Stiles glances over at her every once and a while with a permanent frown on his face.
He knew she knew something about what happened earlier with Lydia and Scott. He had an idea of what happened but only she could reveal the truth.
"Hey Luna... you okay?"
Luna jumps before letting out an awkward chuckle, "Um yeah I'm good... I'm peachy. Just fine. You?"
Stiles shrugs frowning, "Not sure. I'm pretty sure my best friend kissed the love of my life so that kinda sucks. And it sucks even more that my other best friend hasn't even tried to tell me... because I know that she knows something."
Luna grimaces, "How..."
"You're being weird Luna. You're never this quiet. Ever."
Luna groans, "I'm sorry Stiles. I didn't want to tell you because I knew it would hurt you. I'm sorry that happened."
Stiles shrugs, "Why would he do that?"
"It's the full moon Stiles. He didn't know what he was doing."
Luna doesn't tell him that the whole time Scott's mission wasn't even asking Lydia about Stiles but about Allison and himself. That would break the poor frail good hearted boy.
Stiles's Jeep roars into the driveway of the McCall home as Melissa steps out the door on her way to work.
"Hey, Stiles. Scott's not home yet. You want me to unlock the door?"
"I had a key made." Stiles replies as he opens the passenger door.
"That doesn't surprise me. Worries me. Doesn't surprise me."
Luna jumps down from the jeep and looks at Melissa McCall with a grin.
She holds out her hand for a handshake, "Hi I'm Luna, Scott and Stiles friend."
Melissa smiles nodding, "I've seen you at his game before. Nice to officially meet you."
Luna follows Stiles to the back of his jeep. He opens his trunk and pulls out his bag letting it drop to the ground with a heavy, metallic clank. Melissa and Stiles both gaze down at the bag for an awkward moment as Luna tries to hide her amused grin.
"Uh. School project."
Melissa bites her lip in worry, "Stiles. He's okay, right?"
"Who? Scott? Yeah. Totally."
"He doesn't talk to me that much anymore. Not like we used to."
"He's had a rough week." Luna grimaces.
"Yeah. I get it. Okay, you guys be careful tonight. Full moon, you know."
The two teens whirl back as Melissa gets in her car.
Melissa's eyebrows scrunch in confusion, " There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the ER gets. All the nutjobs come out."
Stiles smiles, "Oh. Right."
"You know, it's how they came up with the word lunatic."
Luna shrugs, "Makes sense."
Stiles nods as Melissa yanks the door of her car shut.
After she leaves, the two step into the bedroom from the hall, Stiles dragging the bag with him. They both jump when he sees Scott sitting in the dark in his chair by the bed.
"Dude. You scared the hell out of me."
"So creepy."
Stiles nudges Luna's arm making her give him a questioning stare. Scott doesn't answer as he stares at Stiles and the bag.
"Your mom said you weren't home yet."
"I came through the window."
His voice strangely calm, he almost seems like he's in a trance.
'Yeah there's definitely something wrong with him,' Luna says to Stiles in his head as they give each other a knowing look.
"Okay. Well, let's get this set up. Check out what I bought..."
He hauls the bag up onto the bed. But Scott doesn't move to look. Doesn't even blink.
"I'm fine, Stiles. I'm just going to lock the door. Go to sleep early."
"You sure about that?"
Luna nods agreeing with Stiles, "Yeah Scott you've got this whole serial killer kinda vibe going on right now. And I'm hoping it's just the full moon taking effect because it's starting to freak me the fuck out."
"I'm fine. You two should go now."
Stiles glances over at Luna who nods, "All right, I'll leave. If you take a look in the bag and let me show you what I bought and maybe you use it and maybe you don't. Sound good?"
Scott stares at him. Then finally, he goes to unzips the bag. Inside are lengths of metal chains.
Scott scoffs, "You think I'm going to let you put these on? Chain me up? Like a dog?"
Stiles shakes his head, "Actually... no."
Quickly Stiles yanks something out of his jacket pocket and tosses it to Luna who stands beside Scott. She moves fast as Scott turns in surprise. But he reacts too late. With a click, Luna locks one end of a pair of handcuffs around Scott's wrist and then hauls him down to the floor to latch the other end to the radiator by his bed.
Scott lashes out as Stiles pulls Luna and scrambles back.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Protecting you from yourself."
Scott stops yanking at the handcuff, gazing at Stiles and Luna with absolute hatred. But Stiles glares back with his own anger.
"And giving you some payback. For making out with Lydia."
Luna stands awkwardly as Stiles walks out the room. Scott stares at her as she tries her best to ignore him.
"You saw didn't you."
Scott chuckles, "You're lying. You told him. No surprise there. You and Stiles have become best buddies. It's honestly disgusting to watch. And so very sad. When will you two stop acting like you don't like each other. Oh wait I know what's wrong. He's in love with a girl who will never like him and you... you're in love with a moody werewolf who only cares about himself. You can't even see that he's just going to toy with you too. Well if he's still alive..."
Luna says nothing. This wasn't him. It was the full moon. This wasn't Scott talking.
"Trying to convince yourself that I'm wrong."
Luna crosses her arms over her chest glaring at him as he smirks knowing she would finally give in, "Mmm no I'm actually trying to convince myself not to punch you in the face... Plus I know you're wrong. I don't have to think twice about it. Number one, Stiles is a great guy and once Lydia sees that then who knows what could happen. Two, we're just friends. Three, you don't know Derek like I do okay? And four... screw you."
Scott continues to smirk, "Maybe if you let me out these cuffs. Or better yet you can keep them on."
Luna rolls her eyes stepping backwards two times.
'This isn't him Luna. As much as you want to punch him in the face right now, do not.'
Stiles comes back into Scott's room to find him now struggling against the handcuffs. Stiles holds up an uncapped bottle of water.
"I brought you some water."
He pours the bottle into a dog bowl and gently sets it down on the floor next to the bed. Luna bursts out in laughter as she stares at the paw prints on the bowl.
As Stiles steps out of the bedroom, the dog bowl flips into the air, soaring past and bouncing off the wall.
"I'm going to kill you!" Scott yells.
Stiles pauses at the threshold, trying to resist the urge. But then he whirls back, anger pouring out of him.
"You kissed her. The one girl... And for the last three hours I've been telling myself it's just the full moon, he doesn't know what he's doing, he'll be totally normal tomorrow. He probably won't even remember being a complete scumbag, total bastard, sonofabitch, unbelievable piece of crap-"
"She kissed me."
"What?" Stiles glances over at Luna who looks away biting her lip.
"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me... oh Luna didn't tell you... wow some friend you are."
"Shut up Scott!" Luna glares at him as Stiles steps away, not wanting to look him in the eye.
He puts his back to the hallway wall just outside the door as Luna walks out and stands on the other side of the door.
"She kissed me. And she would have done a lot more. You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me. She would have done anything I wanted."
Stiles slides down the wall to a sitting position, hands on his head, trying not to listen.
Yanking at the handcuffs, Scott grits his teeth, trying to pull himself free. He finally pauses, gasping from exertion.
"Stiles, please let me out. It's the full moon. I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose." He holds still, waiting for a response, "Please let me out, Stiles. It's starting to hurt. It's not like the first time..."
Stiles sits in the hall, head in his hands. Clearly trying not to be swayed. Luna sits on the other side of the door frowning looking over at Stiles. She felt horrible. He was hurting while trying to help his best friend who was dangerous but also a jerk.
"Come on, Stiles. It hurts. I can't take this. It's the full moon, it's Allison breaking up with me. And I know it's not taking a break. She broke up with me. And it's killing me. I feel so completely hopeless. Please, just let me out."
Scott sighs whispering softly, "I can't."
Scott snaps up, screaming in rage at the door. He yanks at the handcuffs again and again until his wrist is bloody. But then he stops when moonlight floods the room. As it slowly seeps across the bed and reaches his body, his back arches abruptly, head tilted up in a cry of pain.
Stiles slowly gets to his feet, listening through the door to the transformation happening inside the room. Luna covers her ears as Scott's cries grow louder.
As pained gasps turn to wild thrashing, Stiles backs away, uncertain what to do.
"Scott? Are you okay?"
He inches closer to Scott's door, the thrashing becoming louder and louder. Luna stands up behind Stile as he braces himself, then swings the bedroom door open to reveal the handcuffs lying twisted and broken on the floor, bent out of shape like they were made from plastic. Past the bed, a breeze rustles through the open window.
Scott is gone...
"Oh shit..."
Stiles stares in shock at the bloody handcuffs then back at Luna, "What the hell do we do?"
"We follow him in your jeep!"
Stiles nods then barrels out the front door of the McCall home with Luna on his heels. He charges into his Jeep and fires up the engine.
Moving fast. Racing past trees, smashing through foliage, faster and faster. Scott leaps up out of the darkness, landing on the roof of an empty car in the parking lot.
Ragged breath pluming out from between his fangs, he gazes past the other vehicles parked outside the sports store, eyes landing on Jackson's Porsché.
With a last inhuman snarl, Scott hurtles off the roof of the car, pouncing down onto the parking lot. His clawed hands rake across the black pavement as he shoots forward, loping at higher and higher speeds.
Then, bounding up into the air, he lands Jackson's car.
Stiles tears around the corner and slams on the brakes. He spots several Sheriff's department squad cars parked next to an ambulance just by the side of the road.
"What the heck is going on?" Luna stares out Stiles' window in awe.
"No... no..."
"Stiles you okay?"
Jumping out of his jeep, Stiles frantically searches dad amongst the officers. Luna curses turning off the car and quickly following after him.
"Hey, where's my Dad? Sheriff Stilinski? Where's the Sheriff? Where's Stilinski?"
But then a gurney is rolled out of the woods. Stiles stares at it, terrified. He rushes forward as voices shout for him to stop. When he gets to the gurney, the body he sees is not his father.
It's Unger. The twenty-something year old boy with Reddick who grabbed their bottle of Jack when Stiles and Luna were trying to get Scott drunk.
His body is burned, a horribly charred corpse.
He whirls around to find his father coming out of the dark of the woods.
"What the hell are you doing out here?"
But Stiles can't answer.
He just crumbles into his father's arms, near tears and utterly beaten by the day. No idea what to say or what his son's been through, Stilinski simply hugs him back. Neither of them notice the SUV pulling up nearby.
Argent peers out from behind the wheel, Kate riding shotgun.
"That one's Stiles?"
Kate nods, "A friend of Allison's... who's that?"
Argent turns to see a brunette teen girl who just appeared nearby the two Stilinski's.
Luna walks over to Stiles biting her lip in concern. She glances over at Noah with a sheepish smile.
"Can I talk to him for a second?"
Noah nods and takes a step away from the two to give them privacy. Luna turns back to Stiles who had tears in his eyes.
"It'll be okay Stiles. I promise you. It hurts now and it's an all around tough situation but you're being such a good friend. You're so brave..." She leans towards him and softly kisses his cheek, "I'm gonna go find him and make sure he's okay."
Stiles nods slowly muttering, "Be careful okay."
Luna smiles standing up, "Always."
She winks at him then walks over to pat Noah's shoulder, "I'll come over to check on him later."
Noah nods and goes back to console his son. Glancing around making sure everyone was distracted Luna walks over to the edge of the woods. She's about to use her powers but something tells her not too. And she always trusted her intuition.
Biting her lip she hurries into the woods. The two Argents sit in the SUV watching in confusion.
"So again I say, who is that?"
"Luna Tate. Another one of Scott and Allison's friends."
Kate's eyes widen in realization. Allison had brought up her name when she spoke of Derek this morning. So this was the mystery girl that had been tagging alongside the moody werewolf.
Kate holds her chin thinking over everything. Scott... Luna... Derek... the Alpha... there was definitely something tying them all together. And there was something weird and most definitely supernatural about Luna.
"You going to tell me about that talk you had with her?"
"Tell me something first. That night you came across the two Betas? One of them was smaller, right? Was he just smaller? Or could he have been younger too?"
Chris stares at her curiously, "You have an idea who it might be?"
"I'm working on a theory."
The car shakes as something slams on top. Jackson and Allison both looking up in surprise. Scott reaches up with a clawed hand to strike down when something flies out the darkness toppling him to the ground.
The shadowy figure flips forward, landing on his feet. It's Derek. In werewolf form, baring his fangs at Scott. And very much alive...
Tumbling through foliage, Scott tries to fight Derek off, but the older werewolf is far more powerful. He pounds him back into the woods, dragging him into the shadows.
But the boy still thrashes out, trying to fight him off.
"Stop. Scott, stop."
Derek pushes down on him and snarls with an unbridled ferocity. Then, in the blink of an eye, he's human again. Scott gazes at him as if not recognizing him.
"Derek? You're alive."
Then he sees his hands. The claws. The realization of what he's done falls over him.
"What's happening to me?"
Derek sighs, "Exactly what he wants to happen."
"Finally! Where the hell have you been you stupid asshole?"
Derek lets out a curse turning around to see his fuming girlfriend, "Heyyyyy-"
"Don't even go there with me right now. I am not in the fucking mood you jackass. What the hell have you been doing? Where have you been you idiot?"
"Hiding I'm a fugitive."
"So you couldn't text jerkwad? You think one stupid note is okay. Well it's not Hale. I was freaking out, worrying my ass off, I haven't gotten my beauty sleep like I normally should-"
Derek rolls his eyes and pulls her into a kiss making her shut up. Luna pouts as he pulls away with a smirk.
"I'm still mad at you." She pauses and looks down at Scott who stares incredulously at the two.
"And you! I'm pissed off at you McCall. You have some nerve saying what you said to me... not only that but I think you freaking broke Stiles you asshole. Full moon or not, he's trying to help and you make out with the love of his life. Low blow."
Scott groans, "I know... I'm sorry."
"Oh don't apologize to me. Save it to grovel on your knees and beg for forgiveness from Stiles."
Scott nods. All three of their heads snap right as they hear sirens coming closer.
Luna turns to Derek backing away slowly, "Get him out of here. I'm going to make sure he didn't do too much damage then I'll check on Stiles again."
Scott frowns watching her disappear into the woods, "God she's scary."
Derek raises an eyebrow and then smiles lightly, "You have no idea."
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