"No I don't feel the need to,
test drive nothing
Test drive nothing
Baby, I'm sold on you
So I don't ever gotta
Test drive nothing
Test drive nothing
It's in the way you do it, I don't ever gotta baby."
~Ariana Grande
Ian Nelson as JT Harver
Isabella Moner as Carson Riley
Abraham Attah as Scotty Elba
McKenna Grace as Mac Young
** Don't mind me... just adding a few characters for this chapter... **
"Hey mom I'm home!"
"In the kitchen!"
Helen turns around as she hears the kitchen door open. She smiles at the two teens as they walk in holding hands.
At first when she heard what happened between her girls and Peter, she obviously thought none of them should be together. She didn't think sisters should fight over a guy. Or girls in general. She just didn't know if losing someone was worth it. But they all worked out their differences and honestly Helen couldn't help but think Mila and Peter looked perfect together. And from what she saw, Peter treated her daughter like a Queen. As long as Mila and Gwen were happy, she was happy.
"Hi Mrs Stacy." Peter grins as he and Mila sit at the kitchen island.
Helen waves her hand nonchalantly towards Peter as she grins, "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Helen?"
"At least once more." Peter chuckles making Mila slap his arm.
"So sassy. So what were you up to?" Mila asks her mom who was staring at the two with sparkling eyes.
"Nothing much. I was about to start dinner."
"Ohhhh whatcha making?"
"Chicken and broccoli casserole. You okay with that?"
Mila laughs, "It's totally okay with me. But you're forgetting I'm not an only child."
Helen leans forward and smiles, "You're forgetting only yours and Gwen's opinions matter to me."
Peter laughs watching the two interact. He wished his mom was here in that moment. But he quickly shakes off the feeling and thinks of his Aunt May. She was always there for him. And he loved her for it. He couldn't ask for anything to change in his life... well...
Peter glances down at Mila's hand that was on his thigh. He looks up at her grinning face as she talks to her clueless mom. Shaking his head, he tries to calm down his breathing. He tries his hardest not to get too excited.
Peter what the hell you're in front of her mother. Relax...
How can I relax when she is squeezing my leg?
I don't know think of something gross...
Peter freezes as Mila glances over at him smirking before looking away.
She's doing this on purpose.
Helen turns away making Peter quickly lean to Mila's side.
"You're trouble..." He whispers in her ear making her chuckle quietly.
"Wanna go upstairs?"
To her mother the question sounded so sweet and innocent but to Peter... he knew better.
Peter quickly stands up and grabs his and Mila's book bag. Mila slowly gets down from the chair making Peter groan internally.
Now she was really teasing him.
Grabbing her hand, Peter yanks her through the kitchen and out the door into the living room. Closing the kitchen door, he looks around the empty room then lightly pushes her against the wall.
"I think you've ruined me."
Mila looks at him with innocent puppy eyes as her fingers play with the buttons on his flannel, "What do you mean?"
"Ah ah ah don't try to act all innocent. You know exactly what you're doing." Glancing around once more Peter then brings his head down to her neck and whispers, "You've turned me into a sex addict... and we haven't even had sex yet."
"Well we can change that..."
Pulling back from her neck, Peter looks into her honest playful eyes and groans, "Not with your mom here."
Mila pouts, "Fine..."
Mila knew that she wanted Peter. She knew she wanted him to take her virginity. And she also knew her mother would be on a trip in two days. So all she had to do was wait. But a little teasing here and there was fun too.
The front door opens making Peter quickly move back from Mila. Howard walks into the house and says hi but he speed walks upstairs making Mila frown.
Peter raises an eyebrow looking at Mila in confusion, "What?"
"Nothing just... That was weird."
With Peter in tow, Mila holds his hand and drags him up the stairs. She walks past her room and makes her way to Howard's door. Letting go of her boyfriends hand, she knocks the door and then crosses her arms over her chest.
"Howie you okay?"
"Yeah why..." He says through the door.
Mila frowns, "You didn't do our handshake... you always do our handshake when you see me..."
He and Mila always did a secret handshake only the two knew of whenever they saw one another. Him walking past her allowed her to think that something was totally wrong.
Peter hears Howard sigh and a second later he opens the door. Mila gasps as she looks at her little brothers black eye. Squeezing into his room, Mila holds his face and starts questioning him.
"Who the hell did this? What the heck is going? Who do I need to beat up?"
"No one. Mila!"
"Howie seriously. You have a black eye. That's not okay. I have to call your principal-"
"No! Come on you're supposed to be my cool sister. Don't be Gwen."
Mila rolls her eyes, "Gwen is cool."
Howard stares at her blankly, "Yeah to mom."
Peter snorts making Mila glare at him. Holding his hands up in surrender, he backs up two steps making Mila shake her head. She turns back to Howard who was smiling at the interaction.
"Howard Stacey this is a big deal. I don't care if I'm no longer cool to you. Who the heck did this? And why?"
Howard let's out a groan before grabbing Mila's hand and making her sit down.
"Okay so you know how you're always at the shelter now."
Peter looks at Mila in awe. He loved her big her heart was. She was so caring and giving. He didn't know she spent her free time at the shelter but this is one of the reasons why he loved her.
"So this older guy, JT was messing with the little girls and he was telling them that Spider-Man was a bad guy. And he even made Mac cry. And so me being me, I told him to shut up and to leave them alone. I said that Spider-Man was awesome and that he helps so many people. I even told them he saved you a few times. But then JT said that Spider-Man let my dad die... and I lost it."
"So you fought the guy?"
"Did you at least win?" Mila mutters looking away.
"Mila!" Howard laughs slapping her arm.
"What? I don't want my baby brother starting a fight and losing...especially since he brought up dad."
Howard nods.
Mila sighs, "You're gonna have to tell mom. There's no way you can hide this."
"Mila please."
"I'm gonna regret this." Mila huffs standing up.
Peter who was still standing by the door, doesn't hear Mila calling him. As soon as he heard Howard say that Spider-Man let George die, Peter felt his heart drop. He hadn't thought about that night for weeks now. He didn't want to. He was scared to. He felt like he let Mila and Gwen down. He couldn't save their father... what if it came to them... to Mila. Would he be able to save her?
"Peter! Are you okay?"
Shaking his head, he comes back to, "Sorry yeah I'm good. What'd you say?"
Mila looks at him in worry, "I said I'm going to grab my makeup. I'll be right back."
Peter nods. Mila brings her hand to his face and stares at him trying to figure out what was wrong.
"I'm fine I promise. I just blanked out."
Mila nods, "Okay Petey boy... be right back."
Mila runs out the room making Peter laugh.
Howard looks at Peter in question, "You really like my sister, don't you?"
Peter chuckles nodding, "Yeah I do."
"You think you're gonna marry her?"
"We haven't talked that far ahead yet... but I'll let you in on a secret."
Howard nods looking intrigued.
"I wouldn't be opposed to that idea."
Smiling, Howard nods once again then sighs, "You think I was wrong today?"
Peter sighs sitting down on the bed beside Howard, "Here's how I see it. You were looking out for the little guy. In this case little girls. And that's great. But sometimes you have to try to be the bigger person. I'm certain cases. I used to be bullied by this guy. His name was Flash. He was the toughest guy around."
"My brothers best friend?"
Howard stares at Peter in shock, "You were bullied?"
Peter raises an eyebrow, "Why's that so shocking?"
Howard shrugs, "Cuz you're kinda cool. You don't look like you would be bullied."
Chuckling while shaking his head, Peter replies, "You have no idea."
"Well why do you think Flash was messing with you?"
"I think it was because Mila liked me more..." Peter jokes making Howard grin, "Also because I knew his name wasn't Flash."
"What is it?"
"Eugene?! I'm never letting him live that down!"
"I never do... believe me. Every time he got mad I would pull the Eugene card and he'd lose it... But seriously, don't stoop to that level. It all works out in the end being the bigger man. And sometimes the bully sees that they were wrong. I mean me and Flash are friends now. And don't think of it as being a push over if you go to get help."
"Help from who?"
"Anyone. Teacher, adult... it's not cowardly to get help. It's not cowardly to be the bigger person. Sometimes you may burst and make a mistake but you live and learn. You're growing up, you're allowed to make mistakes. And don't let anyone tell you that your dad died for nothing. He fought for his family, his city... he was brave man. Don't let anyone tell you different."
Howard nods. Peter smirks pulling Howard into a side hug then gives him a noogie on the head, making Howard yell out for help while laughing.
Mila was hiding on the other side of the wall, smiles to herself shaking her head. Just when she thought Peter couldn't be anymore perfect. She loved the fact that he was so easily smooshed into her family like he belonged there. He helped her little brother and it made her heart happy. This guy was something else.
What are you doing to me Peter Parker?
The next day Mila and Howard walk to the basketball court which happened to be beside the shelter. All the kids were out playing ball.
"You ready?"
The two fist bump before walking confidently to the oldest boy, JT. Howard taps his shoulder making JT turn around with a scowl.
"What do you want?"
Howard smiles, "I just want to say sorry. I shouldn't have hit you. And I'm sorry that you feel the need to bring other people down. It's sad really. I think because you're unhappy you want to see others down too. Which is why you said that to Mac and Carson yesterday. But that's okay because that's how you feel. But don't try to change their view of Spider-Man. They're kids. Let them be happy. And my dad died helping save the city. There's nothing wrong with that. And I don't blame Spider-Man so why should you?"
All the kids ohhhh making JT roll his eyes.
"He got you there JT."
"Shut up Scotty."
Mila crosses her arms over her chest, "Hey I don't know what your problem is but you need to cool it. This place, this time you have outside the shelter should be a happy place for all of you." Whispering now to JT, Mila sighs, "I know it must hurt to be here. I get it. You have no idea how much I do. I'm adopted. My moms no longer here. And my dad didn't even want to know me. But eventually I was taken in to a loving family. And you will too. You just need to fix up your attitude. And be more positive. Look to horizon."
JT sighs nodding, "Nobody wants a 16 year old."
Mila frowns nodding to Howard who turns the attention away from his sister and JT. All the kids follow Howard and start playing basketball as Mila pulls JT over to a bench.
"You don't know that. A wonderful couple could come in and sweep you off your feet."
JT shrugs.
Mila frowns, "I'll make you a deal... you be nice and change the 'tude... and if you're still not adopted in two years then maybe we can talk."
"You'd adopt me?" JT scoffs, "I'd be 18."
"You could be another brother. Lord knows I have enough of them. But seriously. I don't want you feel alone. I want you to know that someone cares about you."
"JT I've been volunteering here for months now. I know you dude... stop the act. Seriously I know it hurts now but you never know what can happen. I think I'm a month or so, you'll have a couple come in and they'll just be blown away by you... and they won't want to see anyone else." Mila caresses JT's face.
"You really think so."
"I know so. And if... IF it doesn't happen... which it will! I would be glad to take you in."
"You'd be like 19..."
"I'd be 20!"
"How would you be able to afford-"
"My mom left me a lot of money. And my moms parents stop. I'm rich basically I just don't let anyone else know."
JT laughs before nodding.
"Deal?" Mila smiles holding out her pinky.
Mila claps her hands then jumps up, "Oh I forgot the surprise!"
"What surprise?" JT furrows his eyebrows watching Mila giggle and dance in one spot.
"I called a friend to come play basketball with you guys."
All the kids scream as a figure flies through the sky and then leaps onto the bench beside JT and Mila.
"Spider-Man is your friend?!"
Mila shrugs, "Maybe... he saved me a lot okay?"
Mac and Carson run over screaming, "Oh my gosh it's really you! You can't be here for real right now! Am I dreaming?!"
Spider-Man stands up and pats Mila's shoulder as a friendly gesture, "You're friend Mila here invited me to play ball with you guys. Is that okay?"
Scotty runs forward giving Spider-Man the basketball, "Of course that's okay!"
Howard steps beside Mila staring at Spider-Man in awe, "Spider-Man is in front of me... my sister is friends with Spider-Man..." he gazes up at her, "I didn't think you could get any cooler!"
Mila shakes her head as the kids and her brother run to the middle of the court.
Peter leans sideways and whispers to Mila, "I'm getting paid for this right?"
Mila snorts before laughing as she slaps his chest, "Oh stop it."
"I'm kidding I love kids."
"I didn't know that."
Peter shrugs as he starts to walk backwards to the kids, "You didn't ask. But that's okay."
Mila smirks, "Well now I know for the future."
Peter freezes looking her up and down then shakes his head, "That's two times now Mila. You're trouble."
"You love it."
"That I do."
And with that Peter plays basketball in his Spider-Man suit, with the kids from the shelter including JT and Howard who were now on good terms. Mila stands on the sidelines watching with a huge grin.
Peter Parker, I think I'm in love with you.
"You gonna join or what Stacey?"
Mila snaps out of her head and smiles before joining the game.
"Prepare to get your butt beat Spider-Man!"
"Yeah yeah..."
This was so wholesome... don't you think? π₯Ί
I had fun writing this one.
And now if you couldn't tell... it's almost time... time for what? If you know, you know π That's all I'm gonna say.
Peter and Mila?
Fav character?
Glad there was no MJ this chapter? π
Future predictions?
Any special requests...
rordabaddest : Thanks for putting up with me... π₯Ίπ
Tagged ; @Peteyparker
1.02K likes , 102 comments
Peteyparker : Nothing to see here... just a couple of weirdos in love
^^ rordabaddest : π₯Ί come over
I miss you
^^ Peteyparker : @rordabaddest
I was just there an hour ago
rordabaddest : @Peteyparker
gweniee : Why are you two so cute? *blocks you both*
^^ rordabaddest : bahahaha
I love you sis
gowiththeflo : I need my feed to stop reminding me of how single I am... but y'all cute or whatever
prettygyrlblair_ : no comment
^^ rordabaddest : don't worry I could never replace you
^^ prettygyrlblair_ : you better not
Santanasoreal : Mmkay imma need y'all to not... π₯²π
KingEugene : so this is why @Peteyparker couldn't play COD with me and @Phillyboy ππ
^^ Phillyboy : I'm kinda hurt
not gonna lie
^^ Peteyparker : You guys are my bros... but have you seen Mila?
cutiepieCora : Bahaha I love @Peteyparker and his response to Flash and Phil. Mila is gorgeous. But seriously you guys are too much ππ
^^ rordabaddest : they're literally
so annoying ππ
and thanks boo ily π
Candicekp : Peter you haven't seen her at her worst yet!! π
^^ rordabaddest : lies...
I have no worst.
^^ Peteyparker : @candicekp if you're talking about when she has a
chocolate craving...
π³ everybody beware
^^ rordabaddest : um y'all are
rude I'm not that bad
MadameMJ : awww this is too sweet
^^ rordabaddest : thank you
girl π
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