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GRACE WALKS INTO KLAUS' BEDROOM, seeing the man just staring at one of his paintings. She smiles gently as she walks over to him, running her hand up his back. Klaus glances at her before looking back in front of him. "Have you calmed down now?" Grace asks as she raises an eyebrow at him. Klaus nods his head, a sigh leaving his lips.ย "That was a bit of an overreaction, don't you think?" She questions, he could've easily just asked something but no, he went straight into fight mode.
"I'm sorry, love." He apologized as he didn't mean for it to go that way, he just heard what they said and acted on it.ย "It was just personal between Elijah and I." Klaus tells her and Grace frowns as she looks at him.
"You know I would never do that to you, right?" Grace needed to really know that Klaus trusted her. She would ask a thousand times if need be.
"I know. I didn't really care when you did it, I was gonna attack him anyways." Klaus admits, honestly, Elijah had been getting on his nerves recently.
"But, I would never sleep with Elijah while I'm with you." She states firmly, trying to get it into his mind. Klaus nods his head, squeezing her hips. "You did kind of kick his ass though." Grace points out and Klaus chuckles, smirking at her.
"I did, didn't I?" He retorts and she nods. "Did I hear something about Rebekah recording it?" Klaus asks, furrowing his eyebrows as he swore he heard Rebekah say she got it on film.
"Nope."ย Grace lies as she shakes her head. She was not about to lose that video because when they look back at it, they'll have a good laugh.
"How did Hayley take the news?" Klaus asks, raising an eyebrow at her as he never really fully processed that she had walked in, mid fight.
"I think she realized that neither of us did it to spite her. So, she was fine." She states, shrugging her shoulders. Hayley didn't seem to upset, more shocked than anything.
"Hm." Klaus hums as he plays with the loose string on graces shirt. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her.
"You know, as much as I find it sexy how jealous you got and you felt that you needed to fight over me... Do not do it again." Grace states firmly as she gives him a stern stare. Klaus nods his head slowly.
"Unless he gives me a reason." He adds and grace laughs a little bit, rolling her eyes playfully.
"If you have solid evidence, I will allow it." Grace tells him with a smile as she lets her fingers run through the bottom locks of his hair. Klaus grips her waist, pulling her ever so closer to him.
"You found it sexy, hm?" Klaus asks her with a smirk forming on his lips.
"I knew I needed to stop it but I kind of waited a little bit.." Grace admits with a cheeky smile and Klaus only returns it, shaking his head. "There's no current problems right at this second, is there?" She asks, knowing that if there was, someone would come barging in. And she really did not want to get interrupted again.
"There's breakfast with Freya tomorrow." Klaus tells her, not that he was exactly thrilled to be meeting with her. But he decided to take Elijah's suggestion and see what lies she is still spewing about.
"Just ignore it, love." Klaus tells her before bringing his lips back against hers. Grace tries to do what he says, trying to get lost in his touch. But she couldn't stop hearing that excessive ringing. Letting out a groan, she pulls away from his kiss.
"Shit." She mumbles as she reaches for he phone, grabbing it and bringing it to her ear as she presses the answer button. "Hello?" Grace asks, rather annoyed as she knew something was always going to interrupt them.
"So, I may or may not have found your dad." Jennas voice comes through the phone and grace was just beyond confused. What did she mean by find her dad and where exactly was he?
"I uh.. see him." Jenna tells her and Grace furrows her eyebrows.
"The middle of the market."
"Were you tracking him?" Grace asks bluntly, clenching her jaw. She knew Jenna wanted Robert gone, she wouldn't put in beneath her if the woman did end up tracking her.
"No..." Jenna denies, rather badly as grace knew she was right. Grace gasps as she suddenly feels lips near her panties. Her eyes snap downwards, only to see Klaus in between her legs. "What was that?" She asks curiously and Grace clears her throat.
"N-nothing. It was nothing." Grace replies as she sees the man pull down her underwear, his hands gripping her thighs as he moves his mouth closer to her clit. She could barely listen to a word Jenna said as she felt Klaus' lips against her.
"Can I kidnap him?" Grace softly gasps, bringing her hand to his hair, gripping it. But she was also trying to push him away. Of course he was stronger so he only tightens his hands around her thighs.
"What? No." She says as she bites her lip, looking back down at Klaus who was paying attention to nothing but what he was doing to her.
"Okay... If he attacks me, can I hurt him severely?" Jenna questions and Grace groans, half because of the question but she just desperately wanted to moan Klaus' name as his mouth works it's magic.
"Why would he attack you?" Grace barely got the words out without her voice cracking.
"No reason." Jenna sounded too suspicious for her not to be up to something. Grace honestly just wanted this conversation over with because she could barely stop herself from moaning. She tried to whisper his name but she only felt the vibrations of his laugh against her.
"Fine." Grace replies as she feels her thighs tighten around his head. "Just--" She tilts her head back, squeezing her eyes shut as she had to clamp her hand over her mouth to stop herself from moaning. "Do whatever, i have to go." She says quickly before hanging up the phone at the same time as a loud gasp leaves her lips. "Nik!" She screams as she grips his hair tightly, a long moan leaving her as her orgasm washes over her.
Grace breathes heavily as she just shuts her eyes for a moment, trying to gather herself. Klaus moves up, hovering over the woman. As she finally opens her eyes, her gaze is met with his. Klaus smirks down at her before he connects their lips heatedly, bringing his hand down to her thigh.
DAVINA WAS LOOKING THROUGH YET ANOTHER SPELLBOOK, trying to find a way to bring Kol back. Nothing she read would tell her, and she was starting to get frustrated. Her eyes lift as she hears someone enter the room. Davina sees that it was grace, a sigh leaving her lips. "Grace." She says with a small smile on her face which grace returns.
"Hey, Davina. How are you doing?" Grace asks, wanting to check up on the girl since they haven't really talked since Kol died. Davina shrugs her shoulders as she fiddles with her fingers.
"Getting by, I guess." Davina says as grace pulls her into a hug. The witch hugs her back, resting her head on the woman's chest. "I'm trying to figure out a way to bring him back but I keep coming up empty." She explains as they pull away from each other.
"I'm so sorry." Grace admits as she frowns, looking down at the girl. It was never easy to lose someone you loved.
"It wasn't your fault." Davina replies with a sniffle before deciding to change the subject. "I met your friend, Jenna." She admits and grace furrows her eyebrows.
"Oh, you did?" Grace asks curiously, wondering what Jenna needed with Davina or how exactly they ran into each other.
"Yeah, you didn't tell me you had a witch friend." Davina says, she only found out because Jenna told her.
"She doesn't really use her magic much." Grace admits, she never meant to not tell Davina, she just never knew that they would meet anytime soon.
"She used it a lot this morning." She replies and grace scrunched up her nose, bringing her fingers up to the brink of it.
"Let me guess, locator spell." Grace knew exactly what Jenna had done, thinking back to the phone call they had.
"Who was she trying to find?"
"My dad." Grace answers the girl who looked a bit curious as to why. Davina didnt know much about graces family but it looked like she didn't like them. "I'm afraid to call her. Not knowing is better right now." She states, as long as she didn't know what happened, it wouldn't affect her.
"Hey, guys." Camille's voice interrupted their conversation. They both look over, seeing her walking towards them. Davina smiles as she waves at the woman.
"Cami, hey." Davina says as she watches her. Grace pulls Camille into a hug when she finally stops beside her.
"Hi, darling." Grace replies as she pulls away and Camille only smiles at her.
"What are you doing here?" Davina asks curiously.
"Well, I stopped by the compound to see if you wanted to hang out. Klaus told me you came here." Camille admits as she looks towards Grace. Grace sighs as she crosses her arms against her chest.
"I did not want to stick around for family drama." She states, she knew Klaus was going to not exactly be polite to Freya. And she'd rather avoid the whole mess.
"Rebekah told me that Elijah and Klaus got in a fight?" Camille asks and grace nods her head, a tight smile on her face. Of course, rebekah was one to gossip.
"A physical one?" Davina asks curiously and grace let's out a sigh running her hand through her hair.
"Mhm. Klaus kinda found out... That I slept with Elijah." Grace tells them and Camille's eyebrows raise as she wasn't expecting that.
"You slept with Elijah?" She asks, crossing her arms against her chest. Grace groans as she rubs her face.
"A while ago but we didnt tell him because we knew he'd react, well, like that." Grace points out. Honestly, she was surprised that they had been able to keep it from him for this long.
"Are you collecting the infinity stones or something?" Camille asks her and Grace narrows her eyes, sticking out her tongue at the blonde woman who only laughs.
"Wait, so how many of them have you slept with? I know you slept with Kol." Davina states and Grace looks at her quickly, she had no idea that Davina knew about that.
"You do?" Grace asks, her eyes widening and Davina just nods her head.
"Yeah, he told me." She admits, as she shrugs her shoulders. Grace was a bit confused but was glad that the girl already knew. "And Klaus is a given, since you two are a thing." Davina points out, still not thrilled about the whole thing but she wanted Grace to be happy, even if it was with Klaus.
"Well, Elijah, Klaus and Kol, plus Rebekah." Grace lists and they both look at her with shock on their faces.
"Rebekah too?" Camille asks curiously.
"You're into girls?" Davina was more focused on the fact that she slept with a woman, barely processing that it was rebekah.
"You can say that." Grace states with a smirk as she glances at Camille. Davina furrows her eyebrows as she flickers her eyes between them.
"Wait.." She trails off for a moment before she gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. "No way." Davina says as she stares at them.
"It was one time, don't make it a big deal." Camille tells her but Davina laughs, a huge smile on her face.
"Oh, I definitely am." Davina admits as she crosses her arms against her chest. Grace just shakes her head as she walks over to he girl.
"Come on, let's go grab something to eat and then you can ask your questions." She says as she wraps her arm around Davina's shoulder. The girl laughs but places her head against the woman.
GRACE WAS MAKING HERSELF A CUP OF COFFEE, seeming how no one seemed to be around to talk to in the compound. She didn't know where anyone was and it didn't seem like they told her of any plans. Grace knew Klaus had already met with Freya given the short explanation Rebekah had given her. Deciding to call Klaus, she takes out her phone and presses his contact before moving it to her ear. It rang for a few seconds before the line connected. "Where is everyone?" She asks curiously as she leans against the counter.
"Well, Hayley is in the Bayou, Elijah is over the river, Rebekah is with Marcel and I am just leaving Freya." Klaus explains as he was walking the streets of New Orleans. Grace sighs as she shakes her head.
"Did you really snap her neck?" Grace asks as she was quite shocked when Rebekah told her that. She knew he was not entirely trusting of Freya but snapping her neck seemed a bit excessive.
"What? I had to make sure she was truly immortal." Klaus states, shrugging his shoulders. He seemed to notice that Jenna was at a market stall in front of him with what seemed to be her husband so he started looking around for another route. "Oh, if Rebekah comes back to the compound, keep an eye on her will you? She seems to be having an internal battle with the previous occupant of her body." He explains to her and grace brings her hands to her face.
"Why does that not surprise me?" Grace asks him as she shakes her head. Of course, the person who Rebekah was in, would obviously start to fight to gain control of her body. Which made her confused since Vincent couldn't seem to fight against Finn.
"Damn it." She hears him mumble which causes her eyebrows to furrow.
"I was trying to avoid Jenna as I saw her, seems she noticed me though." Klaus tells her as he sees Jenna send him a very sarcastic wave.
"Can you please just get along?" Grace pleads with a groan, she would much rather her bestfriend and boyfriend not hate each other.
"The only thing we agree on is the untimely death of your father." Klaus points out, and that was only because it benefited grace. Klaus didn't know how he was going to get through it if Jenna permanently moved to New Orleans.
"Hm. Well, you can tell her--" Grace doesn't get to finish her sentence as someone sends her flying into the cabinet beside her. She lets out a pained groan as she crashes into it, falling to the ground.
"Love?" Klaus asks as he heard a commotion through the phone. "Love, are you there?" He asks but grace was unable to answer as she laid on the floor. As she rolls onto her back, she notices that it was her father who was standing over her. And he did not exactly look the greatest. Blood was covering his shirt and his face looked like it had been beat in.
"Sent your little friend for me? What, you couldn't face me yourself?" Robert snaps at her as he stares down at the woman. Grace scoffs as she glares up at him.
"I didn't send anyone for you." Grace replies as she stands up from the ground.
"Right, so Jenna just came on her own?" He asks, narrowing his eyes. The woman had told him why she was there, that she was his daughters so called best friend.
"Are you that surprised? You aren't exactly liked." She retorts, almost everyone in her life hated him, and they had never even met him before.
"Luckily I was able to escape her and her excuse of a husband." Robert says with a scoff and Grace just shakes her head. Whatever Jenna did to him, it was greatly deserved. He didn't even deserve to breathe the same oxygen as them.
"You're a monster." Grace sneers, her eyes darkened.
"I gave you everything that you deserved." Robert tells her and grace just could not stand to hear that any longer. That she deserved to be abused for eight years.ย She wouldnt even be surprised if he had wanted to start at a much younger age.
"I was nine." Graces voice cracks as she shakes her head. "When you first raped me." She adds, her fists clenching together and the worst part is, he didn't have one ounce of guilt or remorse inside of him. "Nine!" Her voice was loud now as she stepped towards him.ย "You're telling me that I deserved that?! An innocent child!" She asks as she puts her hand on her stomach.
"Oh, you were never innocent. Spare me the self righteous act." He snaps at her and she could barely even look at him anymore. How could someone be so inhumane, so evil? And still think he was doing the right thing.
"You know, I thought that by giving you a chance, that maybe you'd learn your lesson. That you'd realize that what you did to me, what you are still doing, is not humane." Grace explains to him, feeling her body drained from the emotion she desperately tried not to feel for so many years. "But you will never change. I know that now." She admits as she knew there was no saving him. No apology that she was going to receive. And she was never getting those eight long, gruesome, years of her life back. She was never getting her childhood back. Because he stole that from her at only eight years old.
"You act like you're such a good person." Robert replies as he takes a step towards her. "A good person doesn't take another life, Grace." He points out and Grace could barely even listen to him. The fact that he tries to say what makes someone a good person when he himself, has committed the most atrocious acts imaginable.
"And what about you?!" She screams at him, the rage and pain flooding her body. She tried not to let herself cry in front of him, because she knew he saw that as a sign of weakness. "What you did to me... Everything I went through, all the pain that you caused. You still see yourself as a good person?" Grace asks, he genuinely needed some serious help if he truly saw himself as a righteous man.
"So, what? You came here to gloat? To make me fear you?"ย Grace asks with a scoff as she crosses her arms against her chest.
"I came, to make sure that you know, that you do not deserve this so called happiness that you seek out." Robert tells her and grace only shakes her head. She has done nothing in her entire life, to deserve the abuse that she recieved from Robert and then from Dylan.
"Why? Because I killed an abuser? Someone who was going to hurt my sister and me?" She retorts, she wasn't a bad person for killing someone who was trying to the exact same thing to her.
"He was teaching you a lesson."
"You weren't there!" Grace screams at him, he always tried to either twist her words or make her feel like everything was her own fault. "My friends told me that I should kill you." She admits, she honestly couldn't believe she ever tried to give him a chance to walk away. "Torture you and make you feel every single ounce of pain that you gave me." Grace sneers as she glared at the man who just narrows his eyes. "But I wanted to be better than that. Better than you." She admits, she didn't want to resort to the same measures that her father used on her. Because if she did, then she didn't even know who she was anymore.
"But you realized you're not. You're just like me, grace." Grace wanted to throw up at that sentence. She was nothing compared to the disgusting, vile pig who was standing in front of her.ย "Maybe even worse." He adds and grace had enough of the way that he talked to her.
"So, what are you gonna do?" She asks with a scoff, taking a step towards him. "If you're such a good person, than you won't kill me." Grace states, using his own twisted logic against him. But she saw the sickening smirk that formed on his face.
"I never said that I wanted to keep being a good person." Robert answers her before grabbing a hold of her, bringing his hand to her face. She hits his arm, pushing him away. Grace goes to move but he only wraps his arms around her.
"Let go of me!" Grace screams but he throws her to the ground and a pained gasp leaves her as she hits the hard floor. Robert leans over her, holding her arms against the ground. "Get off!" She shouts as she repeatedly tries to kick him.
"You know, you do need a father, Grace." Robert states as he tightens his grips on her wrists, his knee coming in between her legs. "Because of all the sins you have committed in the past and present." He adds and she feels tears prickle her eyes as one of his hands moves to her thigh. "You act like such a sweetheart when in reality, you're a manipulator and a used up whore." He sneers at her as he brings his hands to the hem of her jeans. Grace could only remember every single time he had touched her as a child. And she used that rage in order to push against him with all her might.
"I said, get off!" Her feet come up, connecting with his stomach, sending him flying back. Grace moves back, using the counter to stand up as Robert only gets up from the ground as well.
"No one will miss you. Your mother won't even miss you because even she has seen that you are beyond saving." Robert tells her and grace only punches him, sending him stumbling back.
"You are a twisted, sick, psychopath." Grace snaps at him, glaring at the man in front of her. Robert only laughs as he tilts his head.
"Am I?" Robert asks her as he wipes the blood from his mouth. "Or are you just someone who needed to be taught valuable lessons growing up because you were such a demon of a child." He explains to her and she scoffs, clenching her jaw. The only reason she acted out was because of the abuse he gave her. "You'll never know happiness. Not as long as I am around. You don't deserve it." Robert sneers at her and grace steps back but hits the counter. He takes his chance and grabs a hold of her, throwing her back towards the ground.
Using her leg, she kicks him back before trying to stand back up. She reaches across the counter towards the knives but just as she reaches it, Robert grabs a hold of her, pulling her back. The knife block falls onto the floor, the knives scattered around. Grace screams as she fights against him, using her head to hit his face. He stumbles back, letting her go. Grace bends down to grab a knife but he only pushes her into the counter.
Grace let's out a painful gasp as the corner digs into her stomach before she falls to the ground. She tries to crawl herself towards the knives but he grabs her leg, pulling her towards him.ย Grace tries to kick him but he gets on top of her, holding her arms down. "It's time for you to go to the place where you belong." Robert tells her before his hands come to her throat, squeezing tightly. Grace gasps as she hits him, trying to get out of his grasp. "Deep in the depths of hell." He states, glaring down at her as he tightens his grip on her throat.
She tries to fight against him, but the way he was gripping her throat made her body become weaker and weaker. She could barely keep her hands up, let alone try and push him off. So Grace just moved her arms to the side, desperately trying to reach something that could help her. Because as she stared up into her father's eyes, she knew that this would result in her death. He would not stop on his own accord this time. Grace had to save herself, because otherwise, she would lose life to the very man she vowed never to let hurt again.
As her hand searches the floor, Grace could feel her hand grip around the end of the knife, and without thinking about it, she drove the knife into his neck. Roberts hands instantly release her neck, allowing her to finally breathe. She coughs, trying to catch her breath as Robert grabs his neck, falling back against the floor. Grace slowly sits up, grimacing as she felt the burn in her throat. But as she moves closer to her father who was bleeding out, she couldn't help but make eye contact with him.
The funny thing was, he seemed to be pleading through his eyes, asking her to save him. As if he deserved to be saved. She only hovers over the man, her face full of pain, anger and resentment as she keeps her eyes locked on his. If Robert truly thought he was able to be saved, then he was way more insane than she had ever realized. Grace moves her eyes down to the knife she was still holding, the blood droplets covering it. She looks back at her father, seeing him reaching out his hand towards her but she only raises the knife.
There was no more second guessing as grace drove the knife down into Robert again. She always knew he was a bad person, that he was an abusive monster. That was never in question. But she wanted there to at least be some part of remorse inside of him. One ounce of guilt that felt bad for what he did to her. But as she heard what he said, she knew that there was no soul within in. Nothing worth saving. And nothing worth letting him roam the earth, potentially hurting others. And with Hanna being in New Orleans, she was never going to take that chance of letting him go free again.
Grace felt every bit of pain that she had ever felt, drive her to continue stabbing her fafher to death. Every single word he ever said to her, flooding in her brain. Every single time that he touched her thigh. Every single time he laid his hands on her. Every single aspect of his abuse, was adding to the rage she felt inside her body. But as she watched the life slowly leave his eyes, she also felt a sense of relief. That he was no longer going to be able to hurt her. Not by his words. Not by his actions. Never again.
Klaus and Jenna came running into the room, stopping in their tracks when they saw the scene in front of them. They thought she was the one being attacked by the way she was screaming, but instead she was just driving a knife into Robert, over and over again. Mark walks in aswell, his eyes slightly widened. Jenna glances towards him, it wasn't like anyone was going to judge her for what she was doing, but it wasn't always an easy sight seeing someone get murdered.
Deciding to stop her since it seemed Robert had already stopped breathing, Klaus walks over to her slowly, making sure to try and announce that he was there before touching her. "Okay, love." Klaus says as he puts his hand on her shoulder but she doesn't stop. "Love, it's over." He states as he grabs her arm, pulling her back against him causing them both to go falling to the floor. Klaus only holds her close as she drops the knife, it clattering to the floor. "It's over." He whispers in her ear as he felt her finally relax against him.
Klaus could hear her crying as she brings her blood stained hands up to cover her face. Jenna frowns as she looks down at Robert before hearing Grace completely break down in Klaus' arms. Robert deserved to die, there was no debate about that, but Jenna knew this wasn't how grace wanted it to play out. She didn't want to end up like her father, she never wanted to hurt others like he did. But it was a dire situation and she had to do what needed to be done. Because in this instance, just like how it was with Dylan, it was kill or be killed. Robert may have seen her as the villain in his story.
But villains weren't always the bad guys.
Robert got what he deserved. I said what I said. His twisted perception of what's right and what's wrong is what caused him to lose.
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