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As Baylee and Caroline slept soundly on the bed with Jeremy in the chair beside them the door was open and suddenly the sound of a metal spoon hitting a pan was heard making all three groan.
"Wake up you three! School in an hour and a half!" Jenna yells as all at once the three throw a pillow at her making Jenna glare at them and hit the pan louder.
"Jenna!" Caroline Baylee and Jermey yell at her as she laughs loudly at him.
"Up! Before I get the bucket of water!" Jenna yells as the three glare at where she once was.
Baylee got up and started going through her drawers throwing an outfit on the bed as Caroline goes take a shower and Jeremy just continued to sleep.
"Don't forget cheer practice starts today," Caroline says making Baylee groan as she nods going to the bathroom to get changed.
Walking out of the bathroom dressed and her hair now curled Baylee grabs a pillow and slaps Jermey with it.
"Wake up Jer," Baylee says with a smirk as Jeremy groans waking up.
"What was the point of that?" Jermey asks her glaring at her as she shrugs smiling.
"I don't know but it made me happy," Baylee says laughing.
Finished with everything Baylee goes downstairs grabbing three bagels out of the fridge and letting them toast as she cuts up some strawberries.
As she finishes the last bagel Jeremy and Caroline come down. Jeremy gets the mugs out as Caroline gets the creamer. The two make the coffee as Baylee cleans everything up.
Once everything is done the three sit down at the table eating while on their phones as Jenna comes down.
"Left you some coffee," Jeremy tells her making Jenna nod with a smile.
"And I left you some strawberries didn't want to make you a bagel since I didn't know how long you would be," Baylee says as Jenna smiles.
"Thank you, but you three will want to leave in the next few minutes to be on time. Jeremy do I need to pick you up or are you waiting for Baylee to finish cheer before coming home?" Jenna asks as she takes a sip of her coffee.
"I'll either walk or wait for Baylee," Jeremy tells her making Jenna nod.
"Please wait for Baylee. There have been multiple animal attacks so I don't want to walk home," Jenna tells him making Jeremy nods.
The three put their plates in the sink as the Gilbert siblings kiss Jenna on the cheek and Caroline waves heading towards the door.
"Love you!" The three yell at the strawberry blonde as they leave.
"Love you three!" Jenna yells back towards the three.
"I'm going to drive my car today," Baylee says as Caroline nods.
"Alright did you get your cheer bag?" Caroline asks her making Baylee nod her head.
"Yep, do you need anything before we head to school?" Baylee asks as Caroline shakes her head.
"No I already packed my bag last night for practice," Caroline says as Jeremy heads towards Baylee's car cranking it on while waiting in the passenger seat.
"Good luck," Caroline tells Jermey laughing as he sighs making Baylee scoff at the two.
"Alright love you be careful," Baylee says with a kiss on Caroline's cheek making Caroline laugh.
"Love you be careful as well!" Caroline yells as Baylee smiles as she gets in her Honda Civic.
"Buckled up?" Baylee asks Jeremy who nods as Baylee Bluetooths her phone to her car playing Bad Romance by Lady Gaga making Jermey groan. Baylee laughs and pulls out of her driveway heading towards school.
"Baylee!" A familiar voice yells making her pause and look over her shoulder to see Stefan running towards her.
"Hey good morning Stefan," Baylee says with a smile as the two start walking towards the school.
"Morning Baylee," Stefan says as the two begin to walk.
"So how are liking Mystic Falls so far?" Baylee asks him.
"It's good," Stefan tells her as Baylee laughs at him.
"It's boring isn't it?" Baylee asks as Stefan nods at her.
"Yeah, it is," Stefan says as Baylee shakes her head with a smile.
"It's a small town nothing really happens here that's why I spend most of my time watching Netflix with my best friend and brother," Baylee says making Stefan laugh.
"That actually sounds fun," Stefan says making Baylee nod.
"You will have to join us sometime," Baylee says as Stefan nods before another person yells her name and Stefan sees Elena.
"See you later Baylee," Stefan says as Baylee smiles.
"See you later Stefan," Baylee says as the two walk in two different directions.
Baylee walks toward Caroline and Stefan towards Elena and Bonnie.
Baylee sees Tyler and Matt and ignores the brunette boy as she walks toward her best friend making Tyler sigh before running towards the blonde and stopping her.
"Baylee please can we talk?" Tyler asks as Baylee just ignores him and continues walking.
"Baylee I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done what I did to Vicki but I was drunk," Tyler says making Baylee turn around with a glare.
"That doesn't excuse anything," Baylee tells him with venom clear in her voice making Tyler look down.
"You of all people should have known better. Damn it, you should have known better," Baylee says as Tyler continues looking down.
"I'm sorry," Tyler mumbles as Baylee looks down with a shake of her head.
Both of them had a haunted look in their eyes as if they were remembering something. Something that neither wanted to remember again.
The scene changes to Tyler who was walking out of the high school gym late at night and towards his truck he sees someone curled up against his truck.
Tyler looks confused at the figure before seeing the slightly waved blonde hair and running towards his truck dropping his bags along the way.
"Baylee? Baylee, what's wrong? What happened?" Tyler questions the blonde.
Baylee sniffles looking up at him with a black eye, a split lip, and a little bit of blood at the top of her hairline as tears run down her face making Tyler look wide-eyed at her.
"I didn't know where else to go," Baylee says with tears going down her face making Tyler look at her with an upset expression as he grabs a rag from his bag placing it on Baylee's slightly bleeding head making her hiss.
"Can I hug you?" Tyler asks Baylee making her pause before she nods and Tyler immediately pulls her into her arms. Baylee sobs right away making Tyler's heart clenches as he holds her tighter.
"I got you, Bales. I got you," Tyler says as Baylee nods fisting his shirt and sobbing.
"You smell terrible," Baylee says with a sniffle making Tyler laugh.
"Well you are the one hugging me," Tyler says making Baylee laugh and Tyler smile hearing her laugh.
Getting to Caroline Baylee smiles at her as the two walk towards the school.
"You okay?" Caroline asks as she wraps her arm around her best friend.
"With you right now? Yeah," Baylee says with a smile making Caroline smile back as the two walk into the school.
"I'll see you soon," Baylee says as she walks toward Tanner's class.
"See you soon. Need anything text me and I'll have us called to leave immediately," Caroline says making Baylee smile as she walks toward class.
Getting to class Baylee asks to change seats and surprisingly Tanner agrees to let her sit beside Bonnie instead of Tyler.
"Wow, Tanner is being nice for once. The world must be ending," Baylee mutters rolling her eyes as she sits down.
Baylee smiles at Bonnie as the Bennett smiles back before going back to drawing something in her notebook.
"Right let's get backtrack. World War II ended in... Anyone got anything? Miss Juan? 1945," Tanners asks as Baylee texts Jenna on her phone about ditching school.
"Psst. FYI...Our team sucks. They could use you," Elena tells Stefan trying to whisper but failing.
"Can't, I'm a loner," Stefan tells her making Elena shake her head.
"Miss Gilbert?" Tanner questions making the Gilbert sisters look toward him.
"Hmm?" Both Gilbert's questions together make Tanner look angry.
"Elena. Pearl Harbor?" Tanner questions the brunette Gilbert as Elena looks wide-eyed not knowing.
"December 7, 1941," Stefan tells Tanner as Baylee just ignores everyone around her.
"Thank you, Miss Gilbert," Tanner says with a glare making everyone laugh.
"Anytime," Stefan says with a smile.
"Very well. The fall of the Berlin Wall?" Tanner questions.
"1989. I'm good with dates, sir," Stefan tells Tanner making Tanner glare at him.
"Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act," Tanner says as he starts walking towards Stefan.
"1964," Stefan tells him right away.
"John F. Kennedy assassination."
"Martin Luther King."
"Roe vs. Wade."
"Brown vs. Board."
"1954," Stefan says as everyone bounces their eyes back and forth between the two.
"The Battle of Gettysburg."
"Korean War."
"1950 to 1953."
"Ha! It ended in '52," Tanner said with a happy expression making everyone sigh.
"Uh, actually, sir, it was '53," Stefan says as Baylee pulls her phone out and starts to look it up.
"Look it up, somebody. Quickly," Tanner yells as Baylee smirks at her phone.
"It was 19...53 Mr. Tanner," Baylee says with a smirk towards Tanner making him glare at her as the bell rings.
"I love you," Baylee says smiling at Stefan who laughs at her.
"Time for next period," Baylee says with a fake smile that Bonnie immediately sees through but doesn't question. Caroline already texted her and told her that Baylee and Tyler were in an argument and already figured out what it was about and she knew better than to try to get between the two.
After school, Baylee heads towards her car getting her cheer bag before heading towards the locker rooms.
Changing in one of the stalls before walking out in a pair of high-waisted leggings with a sports bra with a cropped hoodie and tennis shoes.
Pulling her hair into a high ponytail Baylee walks out of the locker room heading towards the field but pauses seeing Stefan watching the football players.
"Wanting to join the team?" Baylee asks him making Stefan look towards the blonde with a nod.
"Thinking of it," Stefan says as Baylee smiles.
"You should. It would be good for you and the team sucks," Baylee says making Stefan laugh.
"Alright, I got to go. I'll see you later Stefan," Baylee says as she walks quicker to catch up with Caroline who is heading towards the cheerleaders.
"Ready Captain?" Baylee asks as Caroline smirks.
"Of course Captain," Caroline says making Baylee laugh. The two were co-captains and were very happy about it. Since babies, the two did everything together. They were basically twins at times.
Many were surprised that Forbes didn't adopt the blonde but Miranda Gilbert was Baylee's birth mother's best friend so that made Miranda Baylee's godmother and basically, the only mother figure the blonde ever had besides now Jenna.
"Already everyone let's get started!" Baylee yells as all the girls get up from stretching.
"Where's Nicole?" Caroline asks as Baylee shrugs not knowing.
Suddenly a 1969 Chevy Camaro Convertible pulls up and Nicole a cheerlead on the team gets out kissing someone in the car.
"Who is that?" Caroline asks making Baylee look towards the car.
"Damon Salvatore. Stefan's older brother," Baylee says making Caroline nod.
"I'll be right back," Baylee says to Caroline as she walks towards the car.
"Bales," Damon says making Baylee shake her head at him.
"Don't call me that," Baylee tells Damon with a glare.
"Only my friends call me that. We aren't friends," Baylee tells him making Damon nod with a smirk.
"Well that was rude," Damon tells Baylee who looks at him.
"And who said I was nice?" Baylee questions him as if it was common sense.
"I just want to say I know Nicole is old enough to make her own decisions but she is one of my teammates so if you hurt her I'll kill you. Well first I'll remove your tiny little friend and then kill you," Baylee warns not joking in the slightest making Damon nod.
"Good to know blondie," Damon tells her as he pulls away and Baylee goes back towards the team.
"All right, let's start with the double pike herkey hurdler, what do you say?" Baylee questions as Caroline nods and everyone gets in position.
"I'll count you look watch," Baylee says as Caroline nods.
"And 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8," Baylee continues yelling out as Caroline looks around.
"Elena, sweetie, why don't you just observe today? Ok?" Caroline questions nicely as Elena nods walking away.
"Keep going!" Caroline calls out making Baylee nod as she watches her sister sadly.
"Ok. Do it again from the top. And 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8," Baylee yells as the two captains watch the girls. After practice, Baylee takes a sip of her water as Bonnie comes up to the blonde.
"You're heading home after this aren't you?" Bonnie asks Baylee who nods.
"Yeah probably. I need to change and shower," Baylee says as Bonnie smiles brightly at her.
"Yes! Alright so Elena wants me to have dinner with her and Stefan but I don't want to do it alone," Bonnie says making Baylee raise an eyebrow at her.
"If you don't want to go you don't have to BonBon," Baylee tells Bonnie who nods slightly at that beige signing as she looks at Baylee.
"I'll bring you cheesy fries," Bonnie says making Baylee shake her head with a smile.
"You don't have to bribe me, and I would love to go but I can't. I already made plans with Jenna and Jeremy tonight. We are eating at the Grill," Baylee says with a sad expression making Bonnie sigh before nodding.
"It's okay. Just try to get back quickly if you can," Bonnie asks making Baylee nod.
"I will. Love you, Bonnie," Baylee says as she smiles at the Bennett.
"Love you, Baylee," Bonnie says as Baylee starts walking to her car. Getting to her car she sees Jeremy waiting for her as he sits beside her car.
"You could have gotten my keys and sat in my car," Baylee says making Jeremy jump as she laughs.
Jeremy glares at his sister as she unlocks the car putting her gym bag in it before getting in the front seat.
"Come on before I leave you," Baylee tells him making Jeremy roll his eyes as he gets in the passenger seat.
"You wouldn't leave me," Jeremy tells her with a smirk making Baylee roll his eyes at her.
"I need to get a car," Jeremy says making Baylee laugh as she pulls out of the parking lot heading home.
Getting to the house Baylee and Jermey walk in laughing due to seeing the woman push a man into the fountain.
"His face!" Jeremy yells as Baylee laughs with a shake of her head.
"What happened?" Jenna asks walking towards the two.
"Jeremy will tell you. Let me get changed shower and change then we go get dinner," Baylee says making Jenna nod as the blonde ran upstairs. Jermey watched her go concerned.
"What is it Jer?" Jenna asks seeing the look her nephew was sending the blonde.
"Tyler and her got in an argument today so I am just worried about her," Jermey says making Jenna nod.
"I'll see if I can get it out of her. Now tell me what happened with the fountain," Jenna says making Jeremy laugh as he starts to tell her.
Taking a quick shower to smell better Baylee put her hair in a quick braid pulling out hairs to frame her face before she quickly pulled on a pair of flowery shorts with a white top and a cardigan with a pair of nude heels before rushing downstairs.
"Okay, I'm ready!" Baylee yells with a clap of her hands as Jenna and Jermey head toward her.
"Alright let's go," Jenna says with a smile.
"Can I drive?" Jeremy asks with a smile.
"No!" Both Jenna and Baylee yell out making Jermey huff as he gets in the back of Jenna's car Baylee gets in the passenger while Jenna drives.
"I'm a better driver than Baylee!" Jeremy exclaims making Baylee slap him over the head.
"Anyone could be a better driver than Baylee," Jenna says making Baylee look at her offended as Jeremy laughs.
Arriving at the Grill the three got out and headed inside. They sat down ordering their drinks as they looked through the menu.
"I'm going to get cheesy fries with mozzarella sticks and probably a burger," Baylee says making Jenna shake her head.
"I am so surprised! Not like you get it every time," Jenna says her voice full of sarcasm making Baylee laugh sticking her tongue out at her as Jeremy was looking at something.
"I'll be right back," Jermey says making the two nod as they keep looking at the menu. They suddenly heard someone yell making them look.
"Ty don't!" Matt yells as Tyler and Jeremy are toe and toe Baylee immediately stands up but it's like the two knew she was looking at them and turned to her.
They saw the concerned and worried look on Baylee's face and walked away from each other. Tyler leaves and Jeremy walks toward the table.
The two siblings sat down and neither said anything besides ordering their food. Jenna was looking between the two not knowing what to say.
"She is only going to hurt you," Baylee says as she takes a sip of her lemonade making Jeremy look up at her and sigh.
"I know," Jeremy whispers making Baylee nod as she eats her mozzarella sticks.
"Alright, so Baylee how was your day?" Jenna asks making Baylee smile as she starts telling Jenna about her day with Jeremy adding to the conversation the three laughing together.
After eating Jeremy and Jenna were staying for a little bit longer but Baylee went home wanting to check up on Bonnie and the dinner.
Using her keys to unlock the door Baylee walks in making everyone in the living room turn to her.
Baylee felt eyes on her making her turn to see Bonnie Elena Stefan and surprisingly Damon and Nicole all in her living room.
"Uhm hi?" Baylee questions as Bonnie immediately gets up pulling the blonde into the living room.
"Thank goodness you are," Bonnie whispers making Baylee wide-eyed as Bonnie pushes her down to sit down.
"Baylee lovely to see you again," Damon says making Baylee nod at her.
"You too Damon," Baylee says but at that moment she wished she stayed at the grill instead of coming home.
"I cannot believe that Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Tyler must be seething. But good for you. Go for it," Nicole says making Baylee glare at her as she squeezes Bonnie's hand so she doesn't slap Nicole.
"That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it," Damon says but Baylee could tell it was fake.
"Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines," Nicole says making Baylee raise an eyebrow at her.
"Wow, Nicole I didn't realize you became the Captain. Oh, wait you're not. I am you and I made the routines so clearly I can help my sister learn them," Baylee says making Elena smile at her in thanks as Nicole swallows with a nod.
"You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena," Damon says making Baylee roll her eyes at him.
"You on the other end Baylee seem just the type," Damon says making Baylee about to flip him off but Bonnie pulls her arm down to stop her making Baylee huff.
"Oh, it's just 'cause their parents died. Yeah, I mean, both of them are just totally going through a blah phase. They used to be way more fun. And I say that with complete sensitivity," Nicole says making Baylee glares even harder at the girl before she gets the cup Elena was holding and poured it all over Nicole.
"Get out of my house before I drag you out by your bleached fake hair and throw you down on your fake boobs," Baylee tells her angrily making Nicole get up and leave immediately as Baylee gets up making everyone look at her.
"I'll be in the kitchen," Baylee says as she walks away leaving everyone wide-eyed.
Getting into the kitchen Baylee heads straight to the fridge and pulls out a tub of ice cream before grabbing a spoon to eat some.
As she was stuffing her mouth while sitting on the counter someone came into the kitchen.
"Well that was interesting," an amused voice says making Baylee take another bite of her ice cream.
"Well, it's either this or I go and hit Nicole with my car. And I don't look good in orange," Baylee says taking another bite of her ice cream making Damon smirk.
Damon goes towards her leaning against the counter while grabbing a spoon and taking a bite of the ice cream making Baylee glare at him.
"I didn't say you could have any," Baylee says with a glare making Damon laugh at her.
"Sorry," Damon says making her roll her eyes at him.
"You aren't. You are probably just here to cause problems for everyone else. Damon out of everyone here I think I might be the most mature," Baylee says as she finishes her ice cream.
"Stop causing problems for everyone to make yourself feel better. It doesn't help anyone. Least of all you," Baylee says as put the spoon in the sink and the tub of ice cream in the trash can.
"Goodnight!" Baylee yells as she goes upstairs not noticing the pair of eyes or just ignoring them watching everywhere she goes.
In her room, Baylee quickly changed before turning on Friends and falling asleep to Chandler getting rid of his crazy roommate and Joey moving back in.
The next morning getting dressed in her cheer uniform and then curled her hair before putting it in a ponytail.
Baylee put on her shoes along with a cardigan over her before she went downstairs to see Jenna in the kitchen.
"Hey I'll be coming to your first game," Jenna says making Baylee smile at her b
"You don't have to I know you are busy," Baylee says as Jenna walks towards her moving a piece of hair behind her ear with a smile.
"I know today is harder than you are letting on," Jenna says making Baylee's smile falter as Jenna looks at her sadly.
"It's your first game without your parents in the stands cheering you on," Jenna says as Baylee looks down. Her parents never missed a game. Whether it was away or home they were always there cheering her on even if she was just the cheerleader.
"So I will be there cheering you on," Jenna says as someone comes and hugs Baylee from behind.
"Me too," Jermey says making Baylee smile at him.
"Thank you both," Baylee says into the group hug before Baylee's phone goes off.
Blonde Twin๐ฏโโ๏ธ๐
Hurry up and get
your perky butt here!
I need your help
Baylee rolls her eyes before smiling at the two in front of her.
"Got to go. Care needs my help," Baylee says making the two smile as Baylee leaves heading towards the school.
Getting there Caroline was waiting in the parking lot and immediately threw Baylee's door open with a smile.
"Hi?" Baylee questions making Caroline smile at her.
"Alright so I thought you might need this," Caroline says as she holds up Baylee's bracelet that she let Caroline borrow from her dad.
"Thank you," Baylee says as puts her bracelet on with a smile.
"Now let's get this done right because everyone else did it wrong," Caroline says making Baylee nod at that.
"Why do they do it anyway when they know we are going to make them change everything to the right way," Baylee says making Caroline nod.
"I know!" Caroline yells making Baylee laugh.
"You are channeling your inner Monica Geller a little too much," Baylee says with a smirk making Caroline smile as the two start bossing everyone around.
As the two were yelling at people Caroline noticed something over Baylee's shoulder.
"Why isn't your sister in uniform?" Caroline asks as she walks over towards the brunette making Baylee wince.
"Good luck Elena," Baylee says as she turns around and jumps seeing Stefan.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Baylee yells making Stefan laugh at her as Baylee hits his arm.
"I'm sorry!" Stefan says raising his arm in surrender as Baylee rolls her eyes with a smile at Stefan.
"So I hope you don't find this weird, but as my first actual friend here that made this town not that terrible," Stefan says making Baylee laugh while Stefan pulls out a locket shaped like a heart but with a butterfly on it from a box.
"Aww, Stefan I love it thank you," Baylee tells him with a smile as she grabs it putting it around her neck.
"Of course," Stefan says with a smile as Baylee hugs him making Stefan laugh as he hugs her back.
"I got to go but I'll see you later Stefan. Good luck today. You'll do great!" Baylee yells as she runs away making Stefan laugh but sigh in relief knowing she is safe as well as Elena.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Let's be honest here. In the past, we used to let other teams come into our town and roll right over us!" Tanner yells as boos were heard from the crowd.
Baylee and Caroline laugh at each other standing side by side with smiles on their faces.
"But that is about to change," Tanner says as everyone cheers.
"We've got some great new talent tonight starting on the offense, and I'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these. Let's give it up for Stefan Salvatore!" Tanner yells as everyone cheers loudly and Stefan's cheeks turn red making Baylee laugh at him.
"That has been waiting for us to put a check in the win column, I have only one thing to say to you...Your Timberwolves are hungry," Tanner yells out.
Baylee was so focused on the moment right now that she didn't even realize that Tyler walked away until she heard yelling racing over to see Tyler punching Jermey making Baylee look wide-eyed.
Watching the two fight Baylee froze as her mind went to a dark place. A place she tried to leave for so long and this wasn't helping.
"No, please! Stop! Daddy stop!" A young Baylee who looks around four screams who has a handprint on the side of her cheek while trying to get away from someone walking towards her before the memory changes.
"You are worthless! No one will ever love you!" Another voice yells out angrily.
"You deserve everything that has happened to you and worst. You are the reason she is dead!" A man's voice yells out.
Baylee was so far stuck in her own mind she didn't even notice Stefan showed up and stopped the fight. She didn't notice they both Tyler and Jeremy noticed her frozen state along with Stefan with Elena focusing on him.
Baylee didn't notice Caroline walking closer to her with Bonnie worried seeing Baylee tensed and staring straight ahead.
Jeremy immediately knew what was happening and stopped Caroline's hand from touching his sister with a shake of his head knowing a touch would set her off.
Jeremy walks closer to her squatting to get in her eyesight so she knows who it is.
"Baylee it's Jeremy. Everything's okay. It's just a memory. It's just a memory," Jeremy repeats calmly feeling terrible knowing he was the one who caused this. Jenna showed up and immediately knew what was happening seeing Baylee state.
"How long has she been like this?" Jenna asks but no one answers her to focus on Baylee. Jenna looks at her niece worried as she walks closer.
"Baylee sweetie it's Aunt Jenna. Let's get you home and you can have some ice cream," Jenna says as Baylee's eyes start to look less haunted and more focused, but her eyes are still not as clear as they needed to be.
Baylee nods making Jenna grab her hand as she wraps an arm around the blonde pulling her close as they walk away.
The group watches the blonde Gilbert leave the field.
Some with worry.
Others with guilt.
And one was just confused.
Getting home Jenna runs Baylee a bath as she baths trying to get the memories out of her head.
Getting out Baylee put on a big t-shirt along with some shorts and a sports bra before heading towards her bed where Jenna was waiting with ice cream.
Baylee cuddled into her aunt as they watched Friends. Jenna ran her fingers through Baylee's hair.
"I love you," Jenna tells Baylee making her hug the strawberry blonde tighter.
"I love you," Baylee says to Jenna as she falls asleep. Jenna did not leave her knowing nightmares might occur.
Jeremy got home and was leaning against the door with a concerned look as he looked at his anchor. His best friend. His sister.
This didn't happen a lot nowadays, but with Tyler and her arguing plus seeing Jeremy and Tyler fight it triggered the memories Baylee always tried to push down.
Memories that not many knew of because it was her choice who she told. Which her parents always told her.
They might have not given birth to her, but Miranda and Grayson Gilbert loved Baylee more than anyone ever had.
They are the reason she became who she became. They made her stronger and taught her one thing she never knew she needed but did.
They taught her how to truly love herself.
They were her parents' blood or not.
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I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! I love you all! Don't forget to comment if you want! I love reading them! <333
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