037 | Pied Piper
"Are you sure that you're okay?" Haylee asked Dr Wells as she knelt down in front of him, she was checking him over for any injuries. "I am fine, Miss Brager," Dr Wells assured as they heard distant sirens heading towards the home. "For the millionth time, call me Haylee, Dr Wells. And are you certain?" Haylee asked as she looked up at him, concern filled her eyes which softened the man's gaze. "Yes, Haylee. I am certain," Dr Wells assured her.
Last night, someone had attacked Harrison in his own home, shattering the glass ceiling and thankfully, Harrison wasn't hurt. But Haylee was fuming and she wanted nothing more than to hunt down the person that threatened Harrison and take them down. "Haylee... your eyes," Harrison warned her, the meta instantly closed them and took in deep breaths to calm herself. "I'm okay," Haylee told him after she had calmed down.
"Come in," Dr Wells spoke up as his doors opened revealing Barry and Joe, the former looked straight at Haylee who was standing beside Harrison. "Look, Joe, I apologize for all of this. It just... it really feels like a case of so much for so little," Dr Wells expressed as he lead them into the room where the glass had shattered from the ceiling, the sight caused Haylee's hands to ball up at her side. "The police should not have been called. I got a prank call before all this happened," Dr Wells finished off explaining.
"This feels like more than just a prank, Doctor," Joe replied as he saw the damage. "Well, there are those who feel I did not suffer enough for the particle accelerator explosion of last year, and some of them act on it," Harrison expressed with a sigh, Haylee's heart sank at the look of defeat within his gaze. "Dr Wells. Dr Wells, are you okay?" Caitlin asked frantically as she and Cisco entered the room. "Dr Snow, I'm... I'm fine. A little chilly," Dr Wells assured her.
"Otherwise, I'm fine. Hello, Cisco. Make yourselves at home as best as you can. I'm gonna make a hotel reservation," Dr Wells told them before he wheeled off. Haylee crossed her arms and looked to the four, "This wasn't a prank. The energy coming from the glass is imbalanced and unnatural. You won't find a point of impact." Barry looked at her as Cisco's eyes widened, "Your training with Jesse has really improved your abilities." Haylee shrugged.
"This place is so sick," Cisco admired the home with wide eyes. "Yeah... hey, what took you guys so long?" Barry asked them. "We got lost," Cisco replied as he looked to Caitlin. "We've never been here before," Caitlin added. "Really? Never?" Barry asked with furrowed brows. "He tends to keep his private life private," Caitlin told him. "I've been here a few times. Movie nights and such," Haylee told them truthfully. "Well, he clearly has a favourite," Cisco stated with a playful glare that made Haylee laugh.
Barry and Haylee stood in the main before she let out a slow breath, "Thinking what I'm thinking?" Barry smirked at her before the two used speed to piece it all back together. Haylee and Barry stood next to each other looking down at the mosaic of shattered glass. "You were right. There's no point of impact," Barry told her with furrowed brows. Haylee knelt down and hovered her hand above the glass, a low-frequency hum pulsed against her hand similar to a radio.
Harrison wheeled in behind them as Haylee looked to Barry, the pulse caused an uncomfortable shiver down her spine. "There's no point of impact. No rock or bat or... any solid object went through these windows. It's as if they just shattered themselves," Barry explained to Dr Wells who was watching him. "This wasn't some teenage prank, was it?" Haylee asked him with a raised brow. "No, it wasn't," Harrison told them. "But you don't want our help?" Barry asked, to which Harrison shook his head.
"Why?" Barry asked with furrowed brows, confusion lacing his tone. "Because I already know who did this," Harrison told them causing Haylee to stand up instantly and look at him, her eyes glowing blue. "Who?" Haylee asked. Barry grabbed her hand in hopes to calm her down due to the flicker of lights. "Hartley Rathaway," Harrison told them and the name clicked within Haylee's mind. "Who is Hartley Rathaway?" Barry asked while Haylee sighed. "Hartley Rathaway is the prodigal son. And he has returned home," Harrison answered.
After leaving Harrison's home, the team made their way to Star Labs where they all stood within the Cortex facing a TV screen. Haylee stood between Barry and Joe with Harrison on the other side of Joe and standing across from him was Cisco who stood next to Caitlin on Barry's right, their full focus on the screen. "Hartley Rathaway possesses one of the finest scientific minds I've ever encountered," Harrison told them while Cisco and Caitlin held unimpressed expressions.
"Any ties to the Rathaway Industries?" Joe asked due to the familiar name. "His grandfather founded the company, his father expanded it, and Hartley here was set to inherit the throne," Harrison answered. "What happened?" Barry asked. "He came out to his parents. Old money, old values," Caitlin answered. "They were estranged when we met, but, brilliant. I couldn't have built the Particle Accelerator without him," Harrison expressed.
"You guys have never even mentioned his name," Barry pointed out. "That's because Hartley had a challenging personality," Caitlin told him. "What she means is he was mostly a jerk. But, every once in a while... he could be a dick," Cisco corrected making Barry smile while Haylee and Joe laughed. "Let's just say that Hartley, like many outliers, had trouble relating to his peers," Harrison stated. "Yes, but he was always your favourite," Caitlin pointed out bitterly.
"The chosen one. He referred to himself like that," Cisco added with a subtle eye roll. "So if you two were so close, why would he target you?" Joe asked him. "Hartley left Star Labs about a year ago after we had a... a disagreement," Harrison hesitantly and vaguely told them. "About what?" Joe inquired but Barry spoke up before the awkward tension could build, "Look, don't worry. We'll stop him." Haylee nodded in agreement with Barry but she noticed the look Joe gave Harrison.
"I won't let him hurt you, any of you," Barry added as he looked from Harrison to Cisco and Caitlin before his gaze landed on Haylee. "Let's get back to my lab, all right?" Barry suggested to Joe who nodded. "I could've gone my whole life without seeing that jerk again," Cisco told Haylee as she stepped up next to him. "I feel sympathy in regards to his situation with his parents but that is not an excuse to be a dick," Haylee said with Cisco nodding in agreement.
"Are you nervous?" Haylee asked Iris as they walked up to the doors of Central City Picture News, Haylee was mildly distracted but Harrison had reassured her that he would be okay and that she shouldn't miss out on supporting Iris on her first day. "I'm a little nervous, but that's why I have you," Iris replied as they linked arms. "To your first day as a journalist," Haylee said as they stopped at the doors. "To my first day," Iris replied with a wide grin.
They made their way inside and instantly headed towards the two empty seats at the main table where the boss would hold staff meetings. "Hi. I'm Iris West. It's my first day," Iris spoke to Mason who already looked annoyed. "I can see that," Mason told her while Haylee raised a brow at him, she stayed quiet allowing Iris to make her own first impression. "Really? Does it show?" Iris asked. "Uh, the fact that I've never seen you before shows," Mason told her.
"Mr Bridge! Nice of you to make an appearance at a staff meeting," Eric Larkin spoke as he approached the table. "I do love a good shmear," Mason replied before smirking at Haylee, the brunette rolled her eyes and turned to look at Eric. "Everyone, welcome Iris West, our new cub. Anyone want to volunteer to be her mama bear? Besides you Miss Brager," Eric stated as Haylee went to raise her hand which made her slump in defeat against her seat.
"Mason, you picked a bad day to actually show up," Eric told him, volunteering him for the job which made Haylee sit up. "Mr Larkin, I'm more than happy to work with Iris," Haylee spoke up quickly. "I don't nanny," Mason added quickly. "I lost the ability to make a joke back in '05. Today, you do," Eric told him completely ignoring Haylee. "Deadlines. All new stories are due on my desk at the end of the day. Miss Brager, perhaps something not about Star Labs' excellent inventions," Eric announced.
"Oh, actually, I had an idea for a piece. There's this program in Keystone that helps battered women get back on their feet," Iris expressed with an excited smile. "Ah, that sounds really great, West," Eric spoke with no enthusiasm. "Actually, you and Miss Brager, any thoughts on a piece about The Flash, something either of you hasn't written about yet, something new?" Eric asked with some enthusiasm. "Uh, no. Not currently," Iris said with a frown.
"Mr Larkin. Perhaps you misunderstood me in our last meeting... I think Iris' idea in regards to the program in Keystone would be a great topic for a story, don't you?" Haylee asked in a deadly calm tone that seemed kind to anyone else but him as he gulped. "I expect the story on my desk by the end of the day," Eric spoke quickly while Iris furrowed her brows and nodded. "All right. Sally forth, everyone," Eric spoke after clearing his throat before making a quick escape to his office.
"Haylee?" Iris raised a brow at the brunette who simply shrugged with a smile before walking over to her desk near Iris'. She looked at her phone and let out a sigh, "You gonna be okay with Mason, Iris? He can be a lot to handle." Iris looked to Mason before looking back at Haylee, "I should be fine. Why? Are you leaving already?" Haylee put her phone into her bag before picking up the files she needed. "Yeah, I've got an interview to get to. I'll check in after," Haylee hugged Iris before leaving.
Haylee walked out of the elevator at the Central City Police Department, she greeted officers as she walked by them before heading up the stairs to Barry's lab. She stepped into the room just as the wine glass shattered from the vibration frequency which made Joe and Barry laugh as they shielded back. "So, you're saying that can happen to anything, not just glass?" Joe asked him. "Oh, yeah. You'd be surprised just had powerful frequency can be," Haylee spoke up gaining their attention as she placed her bag down on the table.
"I think that's absolutely what happened to the windows at Wells' house. He's using some kind of sonic technology," Barry told Joe as he walked towards Haylee. Joe smiled softly as Barry and Haylee kissed swiftly, he couldn't understand how they weren't officially together yet. "I'm getting this feeling that Wells is hiding something..." Joe started after the couple had pulled away, "...about what's going on with this Rathaway character..." Joe went to touch something but Barry instantly stopped him, "Don't touch that!"
Haylee smiled at the child-like expression on Joe's face as he slowly backed his hand away from the item. "I mean, it sounds like this Hartley guy was a pill before he went all supervillain, so I-- I get why he never mentioned him," Barry expressed. "Like he never mentions his girlfriend that got killed," Joe pointed out which caught Barry and Haylee's full attention. "No. How do you know about her?" Barry asked. "He's taking up a big part of our lives. I wanted to know more about him," Joe answered.
"I mean, if you want to know more about him, you could just ask me," Barry told Joe defensively while Haylee looked down. "Sounds like you don't know him as well as you think," Joe told him in complete honestly and as much as Haylee hated to doubt the man who had become such an important mentor, almost father-like figure, she understood Joe's perspective as there were many things off about Harrison that she spent time trying to validate and excuse but after the trap with Reverse-Flash, she was having some doubts.
"Joe. Multiple 911 calls. Rathaway Industries is under attack," Eddie told them as he walked into the room, Joe and Eddie headed out as Barry answered a call from who Haylee assumed was Caitlin. Haylee and Barry looked at each other before they headed out. Per Dr Wells' request, Haylee headed to Star Labs as Harrison was worried that Hartley's technology could alter and affect Haylee's frequency's, so reluctantly she did as asked which left Barry to face Hartley alone.
Haylee stood next to Cisco and Caitlin at the main desk in the Cortex, she had her arms crossed though she had been anxiously biting on her nails resulting in Caitlin slapping her fingers away from her mouth. "It's over, Rathaway," Barry's voice came through the comms. "You know my name. I know some names too. Caitlin Snow. Cisco Ramon. Haylee Brager. Harrison Wells," Hartley spoke hauntingly, Barry furrowed his brows.
Haylee gritted her teeth as she listened to Rathaway talk, she had to fight the urge to glitch out there and just punch him in the face. "I can hear the radio waves emanating from your suit, about 1900 megahertz. Is that them on the other end, listening? Are they gonna hear you die?" Hartley continued to taunt which only made Haylee angrier, the lights in the room began to flicker. "What about that precious girl of yours?" Hartley continued.
Cisco and Caitlin watched as Haylee stepped back from the desk, electricity flowing over her. "No. They're going to hear you get your ass kicked," Barry told him, he only hoped that Haylee could keep her cool. "Okay," Hartley spoke before using frequency waves to send Barry through a glass sign that shattered upon his impact, the sound echoed through the comms followed by a groan that left Barry's lips. "Breathe, Haylee. He'll be okay," Dr Wells spoke soothingly.
After successfully removing Hartley's gloves, Barry grabbed a hold of him. "Looks like you're not as smart as everyone says," Barry told him with a smirk. "Smart enough to have figured out who Harrison Wells really is. You see, I know his secret," Hartley told Barry while Haylee, Cisco and Caitlin all looked at the man who frowned and faltered. Those doubts that Haylee felt during the Reverse-Flash trap began to nip at her, she looked away from Harrison trying to understand why her intuitions were flaring up.
"Being scooped up by a guy clad in head-to-toe leather is a long time fantasy of mine, so thanks," Hartley's voice caught Haylee's attention as they entered the room. "Hey! That's my man, so back off," Haylee told him with a deadly glint in her eyes that made Hartley smirk at her sudden possessive nature. "Hasn't made things official yet? Scared someone else will scoop him up?" Hartley teased her, he watched as her eyes shone blue and electricity pulsated over her body. "Try it," Haylee spoke but Hartley actually stayed silent.
"Well, well, well, the gang's all here. You've lasted a lot longer than I would've thought, Cisco," Hartley told him with a sly smile. "And you didn't last ten seconds against The Flash," Cisco snapped back at him. "I was thinking of calling myself Pied Piper," Hartley stated with a proud smile. "Hey! I assign the nicknames around here. Although that one's not bad," Cisco expressed while Haylee sighed. "Caitlin... never did get that wedding invite," Hartley added. "I'm leaving before I kill him," Haylee stated before walking out.
Author Note
And so, Haylee starts to have her doubts... And she's a little possessive. Be ready for the next chapter... Haylee misses the drama with Barry and Hartley as she faces her own situation.
-Rose <3
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