016 | It's You
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Haylee groaned in annoyance as she wiped down a table at Jitters, Iris had called her and begged the brunette to cover for her and close up Jitters so she could sneak away with Eddie. So after she had changed from her fluffy unicorn onesie - that she had no shame in owning - and into some jeans and a random shirt with a science pun on it, she had driven to Jitters receiving a hug and thank you from Iris before the West daughter disappeared into the night.
Haylee hummed a song to herself as she placed the restocked straws on the counter, a quiet knock followed by the door chime startled her slightly. "Sorry, we're closed," Haylee announced before slowly turning around letting out a gasp at the person standing before her. "Oh, my chocolate... It's you..." Haylee's eyes widened as she stepped forward slightly not wanting to startle the hero she's come to adore. "Haylee Brager, I hear you've been writing about me," The Flash replied, his voice vibrating deeply.
"I knew you were real," Haylee whispered before looking around the place, the store was still half a mess due to her lack of will to do anything when she should be in bed binging Criminal Minds. "I should, um... finish cleaning up..." Haylee trailed off as The Flash moved around the room cleaning the mess before she could. "Meet me on the roof. I'll give you a head start," The Flash says with a slight smirk on his face as Haylee smiled widely and rushed to the stairs.
She pushed through the door to the roof and sighed, she smiled. "I need you to stop writing about me," The Flash announced from behind her. Haylee turned to look at him, "There are a lot of people who need someone like you right now. To know that you're out there." The Flash walked near her trying his best to hide his face while Haylee watched him closely. "I have so many questions... Mostly written by Iris West, but still... Where are you from?" Haylee asked.
"I can't say," The Flash replied. "Who are you?" Haylee asked with a teasing smirk, she knew he wouldn't tell her. "I think you know I can't tell you that either," The Flash answered with his own smirk. "How can you do what you do? Was it the Accelerator?" Haylee asked hoping he may answer that, but he stayed silent. "You're a terrible interview. Can't you humour me... Favourite food or colour?" Haylee asked with a smile.
"There's more to this than you can understand, Just trust me, please. I need you to stop," The Flash pleaded with her. "Can you stop?" Haylee asked firmly. "Running into buildings and rescuing people without them even knowing you're there?" Haylee questioned. "I don't do this for the glory," The Flash replied as he walked by her, the two standing back to back. Haylee let out a shaky breath at their close vicinity, proving he trusted her in some way.
"So why do you?" Haylee asked, a silence fell between them before Haylee sighed, she kept her back to him as he turned to face her. "Look, I have this friend - my best friend - and he had something terrible happen to him when he was a kid. I mean... a kid!" Haylee emphasized before letting out another shaky breath. "His whole life, he's been telling stories about what the world claimed impossible, and people laughed at him, shrinks analyzed him..." Haylee looked down.
The Flash held his breath, not at the familiarity of the story but the broken tone she had. "He's been searching for an explanation ever since, we both have. But now, suddenly, it's like he's lost his faith. But you... you are proof that he wasn't crazy, which I knew but now... the world will see it too. Help me save my best friend," Haylee pleaded softly. "He deserves to be truly happy... Not just getting by in life... but living in the moments completely," Haylee continued.
"He's been my best friend since childhood, without him... I don't want to know what that life would be like... I experienced what life was like without him and... He's a light in my life, and that will never change," Haylee whispered out for him to hear. "He's a lucky guy," The Flash spoke in the same soft tone she had. Barry's heart was racing at her words, his eyes watery and a smile graced his face. "Also, The Flash... Nice name," Barry spoke before disappearing into the night.
Haylee let out a breath as she wiped the tear from her eye, she turned to where The Flash stood just a few seconds again and smiled widely. She had met her hero, he spoke to her and most of all, he had some form of trust with her. After closing up Jitters, walking to her car and driving back home, she changed back into her fluffy unicorn onesie and curled up under her blankets before falling asleep with a content smile on her face.
Barry walked into his lab where Joe stood alone, "Joe. What are you doing here?" Joe looked up at Barry and let out a sigh. "Going over the materials in your mom's case. How's it going with you?" Joe asked Barry. "Stellar... I made friends with a human bomb who I promised I could help, and then, I couldn't. And I finally diagnosed why Haylee is writing about the streak... Or The Flash as she's shared reminding me that she and Cisco make great friends," Barry expressed.
Joe raised his brow at Barry for him to continue. "She's doing it for me. To prove the impossible is possible," Barry explained to Joe with a sigh. "How do you know that?" Joe inquired with narrowed eyes. "The streak may have talked to her," Barry pointed out slowly. "Barry, don't you think Haylee, of all people, would recognize your voice?" Joe reprimanded with an unimpressed expression.
"No, I can do this cool thing with my vocal cords, where I vibrate them so I sound like this," Barry explained as he vibrated his vocal cords in a demonstration which made Joe chuckle, impressed by it. "I know. It's cool," Barry bragged with a wide smile. "Well, you put that out there now, so... I want to keep her safe, both her and Iris," Joe reminded Barry who sighed. "You know, the only real way to get her to stop is to tell her the truth. Hayles won't stop until the truth is uncovered, it's in her nature," Barry expressed.
"Man, you really want to tell her," Joe pointed out with a sigh as he looked at Barry. "I tell her everything," Barry shrugged with a frown. "Not everything," Joe teased with a sly smirk. "Is it that obvious?" Barry asked. "Not to her, surprisingly. Definitely to Iris," Joe laughed with a fatherly smile. "But how long have you known for?" Barry asked Joe. "I have watched you be in love with Haylee since you were old enough to know what love is," Joe replied.
Barry flushed a light pink as he looked down to avoid Joe's gaze. "And I've been waiting years for you to tell her. Especially before she left for college, I thought you would then. But you haven't," Joe added with a sigh. "Guess I was too slow. Now, she's seeing someone else, so..." Barry trailed off as he remember Sebastian's hold on Haylee's waist. "When the universe wants to make something happen, whether it be giving a young man lightning speed or putting two people together, it has a way of figuring those things out," Joe explained as he rested his hand on Barry's shoulder.
"And I got to get home," Joe looked to his watch and sighed before looking to Barry. "Thanks," Barry smiled to Joe before watching the older man leave the lab. Barry collapsed into the seat with a sigh, he thought back to his meet up with Haylee. He focused on the details of her face, the adoration that shone in her eyes, the way her smile seemed to widen and how she got nervous when he got close to her. He absolutely adored Haylee Brager and maybe this was a way for him to win her over.
Haylee leaned back on the couch watching the news after the sudden explosion, she glared at the screen. "Nothing out of the ordinary occurred. The military was simply conducting an underwater weapon's test. There is no need for panic or alarm. Central City is safe, I guarantee you," General Eiling announced on TV. Haylee had worked out that it was Bette that had exploded after receiving a pre-written letter from the woman revealing that The Flash did help her and that she needed one last favour.
So Haylee grabbed the box she picked up and showed up at the house she was sent to, her heart was steady but her hands were clammy as she rang the doorbell. A man around her age opened the door and furrowed his brows seeing her. "Hello, I'm just dropping this off. Sorry to interrupt whatever you may be doing," Haylee smiled at him noticing his puffy eyes. "Oh, thanks. It's okay," His voice was broken and raw causing Haylee to frown. He took the box and bid her farewell before closing the door, Haylee cast her eyes to the ground as she walked away.
Haylee bundled herself up in her fluffy blanket - technically it was Barry's but she had taken it - and watched random shows on TV when a knock at the door caught her attention. Haylee sighed in annoyance knowing she had to answer it as Jesse was working, so she reluctantly got up from the couch with the blanket around her shoulders like a cape. Haylee opened the door feeling surprised that Barry Allen stood there with a lopsided smile.
"Is that my blanket?" Barry asked after a short stare-off between the two. "Uh... No..." Haylee mumbled before stepping aside and letting him in as he smirked. "So how can I help you? If it's to do with laundry, you really should ask Iris for help. I'm convinced that the washing machine is alive and hates me," Haylee explained as she got comfortable on the couch again. "Uh, no. I-I came to talk," Barry answered before sitting down next to her.
Haylee turned herself to look at him after turning off the television, giving him her full attention after those words. "I was working a case... Someone I really thought I could help, befriend. But they died," Barry explained and Haylee instantly moved closer to him. "Barr, I'm really sorry," Haylee grabbed his hand softly in hers. "I didn't know her that well, but it still hurts," Barry rubbed his thumb across her knuckles as he looked at their intertwined hands trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.
"And as bad as I feel right now, I know how much worse it is to lose someone whose family. Hayles... Writing about this stuff, putting your name out there, it's dangerous. So I'm asking you one last time, please, stop," Barry pleaded as a pit formed in his stomach at the thought of losing Haylee, he couldn't handle it. "Barr... I understand where you are coming from, trust me I really do but... The Flash... he's a hero to this city... to me," Haylee spoke softly as she looked up at Barry, her dark brown doe eyes softening.
"I know that something is going on with you, I can see it, but I don't want to push you... But I truly believe in this hero, Barr. I'm sorry but I'm not gonna stop writing this blog, and I understand if you can't respect that," Haylee's soft words of assurance made Barry melt but he still needed to stop this blog before she got hurt. "Haylee, you need to stop," Barry replied with a more firm tone. "Why am I the only one of us who is interested in this?" Haylee asked him. "I guess, just, all this stuff with my family, I finally just put it behind me," Barry answered.
Haylee shook her head instantly, "No. That's not you, Barry. Besides, it may have started 'cause of that, but it's about something more than that for me now. Whoever this Flash is, wherever he comes from, I am not stopping until the rest of the world believes in him." Barry looked down with a sigh, Haylee's determination was something he had always admired - until this moment. "Maybe... We shouldn't see each other for a while," Barry expressed and Haylee felt her heart shatter at the words but she swallowed it down and nodded.
Haylee watched as Barry left her house, the moment he closed the door, she let the tear fall from her eye. Haylee pulled the blanket around her tighter before letting out a sob, the look in his eyes made her break. All of the lights in the house shone brighter before shattering, her heart clenched as electricity flowed over her body before she suddenly disappeared from the living room. She opened her eyes, mouth dropping open as she looked around the grid simulation as realisation hit her, "I'm in my laptop..."
Author Note
More powers!?
Also, I tried to change some of the dialogue between Haylee and Barry for the Iris-Barry scenes to match Haylee instead of just copying the script fully. I hope they were good edits.
-Rose <3
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