(act two, chapter one: the return)
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"How are Caroline and Buffy?" Bonnie asked Matt, who was sitting alone outside of Caroline's and Buffy's room as she came rushing towards him. She was the first of their friend group to arrive to check up on the two blondes.
"They're not good, Bon."
"What happened?" Bonnie directly asked him, sitting down on one of the chairs next to him.
"We were driving and Tyler and Buffy heard this noise and Tyler got-"
"A noise?" Bonnie asked, cutting of Matt.
"He got this migraine or something and he lost control of the car and I thought that Caroline was fine because they were checking up on Buffy and Tyler and then and then she wasn't so." Matt muttered and Bonnie looked down with guilt. If she had just unspelled the device, none of this would've happened.
Meanwhile a little bit further away from them at the hospital desk, Damon came walking over to where Liz and Buffy's parents were.
"Liz, I came as soon as I got the message. Are they okay?" Damon asked the sheriff. He though that sending Buffy home would keep her safe, but apparently it doesn't. Was he going to need to follow her everywhere she went to keep her safe? And if something happened to Caroline, Buffy would never be okay again.
"They're in surgery, it's they're doing everything they can. I need your help Damon." Liz said to him.
"Sure, anything Liz." Damon immediately nodded and the two walked away from Buffy's worried parents.
"Mayor Lockwood is dead. They thought he was a vampire. They put him in the basement."
"Mayor Lockwood was a vampire?" Damon asked her, surprised as if he didn't know that mayor Lockwood had also been in that basement with him and the other vampires.
"No, no." Liz said, directly. "A mistake was made, they said he dropped like the others when John's device went off but he couldn't have been a vampire, I've known the man my whole life and now Carol Lockwood is gonna want answers and all I can think of right now is Caroline and Buffy" Liz cut herself as she started crying again. She couldn't even imagine what could happened to these girls.
"It's okay. It's okay." Damon reassured her as he hugged her.
Back with Bonnie, Elena had also just arrived at the hospital a bit later than her. She would've probably come earlier if it wasn't for Jeremy trying to become a vampire with Anna's blood and John getting stabbed.
"How's Buffy and Caroline?" Elena asked her friend with worry.
"They're weak. They don't know if they're going to make it." Bonnie explained and Elena wanted to cry at the thought of losing her sister and her best friend right there?
Bonnie embraced Elena, needing the hug herself as well. But neither of the girls noticed Damon was near them and peering over at them.
"Is there something that you can do? Like a spell or something?" Elena asked Bonnie as they let go of each other.
"She doesn't know how, do you?" Damon asked her as he joined them.
"No, I don't."
"No, you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that." Damon said to her as Elena held a hand to her head in frustration. How were they gonna fix this?
"Well, I can take down a vampire, that spell was easy to learn." Bonnie said, glaring at the vampire besides her.
"I can give Buffy and Caroline some blood." Damon offered to Elena, ignoring Bonnie.
"No, no way." Elena said, shaking her head at Damon.
"No, just enough to heal them. They will be safe in the hospital and it will be out of their system in a day, they will be better Elena." Damon explained to her and even if she didn't agree he was probably gonna do it anyway. He couldn't lose Buffy now or ever.
"It's too risky, I can't agree to that." Elena said to him.
"Do it." Bonnie said, nodding at Damon as she saw Elena's expression.
"This is Caroline and Buffy, Elena. We can't let them die." She turned back to Damon. "Do it."
And the fact that even Bonnie agreed with him, Damon knew it was a genius plan.
"If I do this, you and me, call a truce?" Damon asked the Bennett witch.
"No. But you'll do it anyway. For Buffy." Bonnie said to him before leaving.
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The next morning it was clear that Damon had indeed feed the two girls his blood, not that they knew that, but when Buffy woke up she felt way better. Of course she remembered what happened. She and Tyler had heard a brain killing noise, making the Lockwood crash the car.
Being bored out of her mind since it was not even seven A.M., the girl put on the TV, waiting for her friend to wake up, who took a little bit longer to wake up. "Jersey Shore's on." Buffy said as Caroline sat up in her hospital bed and looked at Buffy, who nodded her head to the screen.
"What the hell happened yesterday?" Caroline asked her friend, for once not caring about the show playing.
"I don't know Care. You know as much as me. I just heard a noise and Tyler as well, apparently. I will ask Damon or Stefan or anyone later. Maybe it had something to do with the device. But that wouldn't be possible since Bonnie unspelled it."
"Yeah, and you and Tyler aren't vampires, right?"
And it seemed like their questions would have an answer rather quick when Bonnie and Matt made their way into their friend's hospital room.
"Bon Bon." Buffy said as the brunette came over to hug her, just like Matt did with Caroline. "Careful, still a little sore."
"Sorry." Bonnie apologized to her, while silently starting to cry.
"Why are you crying?" Buffy immediately asked her.
"I'm just happy you're both okay." Bonnie said as she stepped towards Caroline to embrace her as well, while Matt gave Buffy a hug.
"Oh, we love you guys!" Caroline said, speaking for herself and Buffy.
"We love you." Bonnie said, grabbing a hand from both the blondes, and the two smiled at her in return.
"Oh, thank God." Jenna muttered as she and Alaric entered the room, quickly walking over to Buffy and hugging her daughter.
And both of the Sommers were surprised when Buffy didn't pull back.
Yes, she didn't hug her mother back, but she didn't stop Jenna from embracing her either.
Was she still mad at her mother for keeping it a secret from her that Alaric was her father?
Was she still wishing that her mom had just told her?
But she did not pull back for some reason.
Buffy could've died in that car accident.
And than the last memory that her mother would've had of her was them fighting. And that something she also would've wanted.
Certainly, she would forgive her mother, but she wasn't going to make it easy.
At the moment Jenna pulled away, which took a while, Buffy's gaze fell on Alaric, who had no idea what he had to do.
He knew with what she thought was the truth about him, she wouldn't want him hugging her. Which of course he wanted to do because the man had never been more stressed and worried about someone than last night.
So he greeted her with a wave and a 'hey'.
Buffy didn't give him anything in return.
"Buffy." Caroline and Bonnie said at the same moment and that made Buffy look away from Alaric. She looked over to her two best friends with confusion, but they just pointed at the door.
And the sight of the person who stood in the opening of the room, made a bright smile appear on her face. "Dad!"
Naturally, Alaric looked at his daughter when she said that, but she wasn't looking at him. No, his daughter was looking at the man who was walking towards her.
"Hey, kiddo." Mason greeted her as they hugged. It had been a while since they had last since each other, but Buffy didn't care about that. Mason was the person who pushed back his life to help raise Buffy when she was younger. But then he got a job in Florida and had to leave so they only saw each other on holidays and Buffy's birthday.
Alaric was glaring at the back of Mason's head.
However after a bit of catching up, Mason had left just like Bonnie and Matt for his brother's funeral. So had Jenna. The Lockwoods had been there for them when they went through this. But the mother had promised Buffy that she would be back, quickly, that she just had to drop off the food and pay her respects before she could come back.
Which left, Buffy, Caroline and Alaric alone in the room.
Buffy and Caroline had been exchanging looks while watching the man look around, awkwardly, knowing that the two teenagers were looking at him.
Suddenly two nurses walked in their hospital room.
"We are gonna move you to another room." One of them spoke to Buffy.
"Why?" Buffy asked as she looked towards Caroline, who glared at the nurse.
"Hospital policies."
"That doesn't make any sense. Why now?" Buffy asked again. She herself felt quite good in this room and besides they could use that room for someone who really needed that.
This time neither of the nurses answered her question as they started to move her bed and Buffy laid back down on the bed with a sigh. Now she had to leave Caroline behind and she had to be in a room with only Alaric until her mother or Mason returned.
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Does anyone know any good nicknames that a dad can call their daughter?
Words: 1617
Posted: June 8, 2024
Be sure to comment. I love reading them and it keeps me motivated!
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