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"Let's hope this year is better." Rebekah said to no one is specific.
"Yeah, indeed." Finn said to Rebekah. He hoped his niece would have a somewhat calmer year. At least the most calm you can get while attending a school of wizards and witches.
"I still can't believe that chess board was real." Kol said. "Like who even comes on the idea: let's set up a big chess board so students won't enter."
And that idea didn't even succeed.
"Indeed they could have made it a bit more harder." Klaus said.
"I just hope that Voldemort doesn't show up again." Elijah said, having already killed Voldemort in his head a thousand times by now.
"I swear to God, if he shows up again." Jeremy said.
The screen lit up and Nora and Harry became quickly visible as they sat down by the desk in their bedroom. Harry was once again skimming through his book and Nora had her head on his shoulder, watching the photos move, to tired to sit right. She had the same book. Just with more pictures of her own mother and father.
But the more she looked at it, the more sad she became.
"Poor Nora and Harry." Elena said, and the other two girls and Jeremy nodded in agreement.
Hedwig started hooting, catching the Potter's attention. Harry looked away from the photo of him, Nora, Hermione and Ron, first. "I can't let you out, Hedwig. We're not allowed to use magic outside of school." The owl started to bite at the lock.
Not very much helping their case, Belle started meowing as well.
"Besides, if Uncle Vernon-"
"Harry and Nora Potter!" The loud voice of their uncle echoed through the house.
"I don't like that man." Caroline said, disgust and hate hearable in her voice as she glared at the screen.
"Who treats children like that?" Bonnie asked. Yes, she didn't have the best relationship with her parents, but they never treated her like that.
Nobody answered her question as the Mikaelson's and both Salvatore brother's their gazes stayed on the screen. They knew exactly how it felt like to be treated like that.
"Now you've done it." Harry closed the photobook as Nora caressed Belle, who was laying on Harry's bed, on her way to the door.
Walking down the stairs quickly, opening the door to see Aunt Petunia decorating a large cake. She looked up at them. "He's in there. Vernon?"
Nora and Harry walked further into the living room. Dudley was standing in front of his father, who was helping him tie his tie.
"I'm warning you, if you can't control those bloody animals, they'll have to go."
"But she's bored. If I could only let her out of an hour or two." Harry tried. They both knew Hedwig had in need for some fresh air.
Vernon scoffed. "So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir."
"But we haven't had any messages from any of our friends. Not one all summer." Nora said.
"We're all thinking the same thing right?" Caroline asked the group.
"That's Vernon kept their letters?" Stefan asked, to check if Caroline was indeed thinking the same thing as him.
"Yes." Caroline answered.
"Then, yeah." Damon said.
"Wouldn't surprise me, to be honest." Lily whispered to James, who nodded in agreement.
The sight of the man of the screen with his wife and son made many's blood boil in this room.
"Who would want to be friends with you?" Dudley spoke with disgust, pushing past Nora's shoulder as he made his way over to his mother.
"I think you two should be a little more grateful. We've raised you since you were babies, given you the food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom, purely out of the goodness of our hearts."
"Goodness of our hearts." Lily said, in a mocking tone.
If their roles were switched and Petunia was dead, Lily would have taken care of Dudley as if he were her own son.
But now she saw how spoiled her sister had made Dudley become, she did not think about it the same way anymore.
Nora rolled her eyes at the last part, which was luckily for her not caught by Vernon.
Dudley tried to get a little part of the cake, making his mother pats his hand away. "Not now, popkins. It's for when the Masons arrive."
"Which should be any minute." He waved his family (except for Harry and Nora, who were both glad they didn't have to participate in whatever this was) over. Both Dudley and Petunia walked over to the sofa's. "Now, let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be-"
"In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home." Petunia finished with a wide smile. Nora was sure if she smiled any further, her face would be stuck like that forever.
"Good. And, Dudley, you will be-?"
"I'll be waiting to open the door."
"Excellent." Vernon's gaze fell on the twins. "And you?"
"We'll be in our bedroom." Nora said.
"Making no noise." Harry continued.
"And pretend that we don't exist." Nora finished.
"Too right, you will. With any luck, this could be the day I make the biggest deal of my career and you will not mess it up." Vernon glared as he warned them. The doorbell went off and the two Potters went upstairs, quickly.
"PLEASE MESS IT UP." Kol half screamed, forgetting that he himself and many others in the room were vampires for a few seconds.
But when they opened the door to their bedroom, they were met with a rather unusual sight. Some sort of creature was jumping on Harry's bed, laughing as he did so.
"That's cute." Caroline said.
"Look at those eyes." Rebekah said as James was having flashbacks to the house elf, Flora, his family used to have.
He was quite happy that Flora went to take care of Remus. That's what he wanted.
"What the hell?" Nora muttered as the creature finally came to a stop and turned to face them.
"Harry and Nora Potter, such an honour it is."
Harry quickly closed the door. "Who are you?"
"Dobby, sir. Dobby the house-elf." Dobby answered, politely and Nora found him adorable, directly.
"Vernon could learn some manners from that house elf." Kol said.
"Ah look at him. So cute." Nora said.
But Harry didn't seem to think the same.
"Not to be rude or anything but this isn't a great time for us to have a house-elf in here."
"Oh, yes, sir. Dobby understands. It's just that Dobby has come to tell you. It is difficult, sir. Dobby wonders where to begin." The house-elf rambled on.
"Why don't you sit down?"
Dobby's face filled with fear and confusion.. "Sit down? Sit down?" The house-elf jumps off the bed, breaking into loud tears, making the two Potter's panic.
"Oh, poor Dobby." Lily and Rebekah said at the same time.
"Dobby, I'm sorry." Harry apologized. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything."
The cries stopped and the elf's head snapped up. "Offend Dobby?" He turned around. "Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal."
"You can't have met many decent wizards then." Nora passed him a sad smile, sitting down on her bed.
"No, I haven't." Realization hit him as his happy expression fell. "That was an awful thing to say." Dobby started to bang his head, multiple times against the closet.
"Why is he doing this?" Elijah asked. He couldn't imagine what had happened to the house-elf to make him feel like he should bang his head against a door when he said something wrong.
"It's the guilt of how he almost spoke about the family he serves. Or at least they feel like they should be guilty." James said.
"Which they shouldn't." Lily added.
"However if a house elf does things like this, it's because they serve someone who doesn't treat them well." James finished.
Nora stood back up on her feet, fast. While Harry was trying to shush him, not wanting to be rude but also not wanna get caught by his uncle, Nora was more worried for Dobby and what has happened to him.
"Bad Dobby." Another bang. "Bad Dobby." Another one.
Nora quickly grabbed his arms, dragging him away from the closet.
"Are you all right?" The two asked in union.
"Dobby had to punish himself, ma'am, sir. Dobby had almost spoke ill of his family, ma'am, sir."
"Your family?" Nora asked, she and Harry sat down on his bed as Dobby slid the stool closer to them.
"The wizard family Dobby serves, ma'am. Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they ever knew Dobby was here." He shuddered in fear. "But Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Harry and Nora Potter. To warn them. Harry and Nora Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year."
Harry and Nora shared a confused look.
"There is a plot, a plot to make the most terrible things happen."
"Oh come on, we're not even in five minutes." Klaus said.
"They're never gonna get any chance on peace, I assume?" Elijah asked, but he didn't need an answer as he already knew it.
They would indeed not get that.
"What terrible things?" Nora asked.
"Who's plotting them?" Harry questioned.
The elf started to make choking and gagging sounds as if he was trying to hold something back from them. "Can't say." He grabbed his head, dramatically.
"Okay, I understand. You can't say." Harry said quickly.
"Don't make me talk. I-" Dobby cut himself off by jumping on the table, next to the chair, grabbing the lit lamp standing on the table, turning it around and starting to hit himself with it.
"Dobby." Nora gasped. "Put the lamp down."
The elf didn't listen to her. "Bad Dobby."
They stood up, trying to pray the lamp from Dobby's hands. "Give us the lamp."
The loud footsteps of uncle Vernon could be heard getting upstairs, making Dobby lose his balance, letting go of the lamp as he fell, only to be caught by the 'shirt' he was wearing by Harry, who quickly picked him up and shoved him in the wardrobe, even though the elf was struggling and saying to let him go.
"Get in there and keep quiet." The Potter boy closed the door just in time when Vernon walked in.
"What the devil are you doing up here?" He asked, his voice laced with anger.
"More interesting stuff that you were doing." Kol sneered at him through the screen.
"I- we were just-" Harry started but the door fell slightly open as he closed it again.
"You just ruined the punch line of my Japanese golfer joke."
"Oh, cry me a river." Rebekah said.
"Sorry." The door opened again.
"One more sound and you'll both wish you'd never been born." His gaze fell on the door. "And fix that door."
"Yes, sir."
Uncle Vernon walked out again, the door closing behind him and as soon as the footsteps going downstairs were heard, the wardrobe door opened.
"See why we've got to go back?" Harry asked Dobby, who looked a bit woozy as he made his way out of the closet.
"We don't belong here. We belong in your world, at Hogwarts. It's the only place we've got friends." Nora said as she watched Dobby grab the sock of his hand and letting it fall to the ground.
Elijah wasn't sure where it was safer for them.
Hogwarts, where every year would be facing something dangerous.
The Dursley's, Where they would get treated like that every day until they're old enough to get out.
"Friends who don't even write to Nora Potter?"
"Well, I expect they've been- Hang on. How do you know our friends haven't been writing to us?"
Dobby's eyes went wide open. "Nora Potter mustn't be angry with Dobby." He took a stack of letters out. "Dobby hoped if Harry and Nora Potter thought their friend has forgotten them. They might not want to go back to school."
"Give us those. Now." Harry spoke.
"No!" Dobby screamed, putting the letters away again. Harry and Nora tried to catch him, but the house-elf bend down, running between their legs towards the door. As he opened it, he ran down quickly, stomping into the wall but came to a halt when he stood by the kitchen door, looking at the cake Aunt Petunia was decorating not even ten minutes ago.
"Dobby, get back here." Harry spoke, but Dobby didn't listen. He snapped his fingers and the cake started to float.
"Dobby, please, no." Nora begged the little elf.
"This is not good." Stefan said.
"You think?"
"Nora and Harry Potter must say they're not going back to school."
"We can't. Hogwarts is our home." Harry said.
Dobby shrugged. "Then Dobby must do it, sir, for Nora and Harry Potter's own good." He snapped his fingers again and the cake started floating towards the living room, where uncle Vernon was trying to get his promotion.
Harry and Nora passed by Dobby, shoving him out of the way. But they were already too late. The cake was hanging a mere inches away from the unknown woman's head. Harry tried to catch it before it would fall but the elf just snapped his fingers again.
The woman was covered in cake as the Dursely's watched with fear.
"I'm so sorry. It's my nephew. He's very disturbed. Meeting strangers upsets him. That's why I kept him upstairs." Uncle Vernon cried out.
Nora looked back at Dobby, who gave her an apologetic face expression, before once again snapping his fingers and disappearing.
"I would laugh if I wasn't so scared of knowing what will happen to them." Rebekah said.
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The next day, uncle Vernon was busy setting the iron bars in front of the bedroom from the Potter's as Dudley and Petunia watched amused. "You two are never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!" He spoke, a smug smile on his stupid face.
"This is a bit exaggerated." Elena said.
"It's not a bit exaggerated, Elena." Rebekah said, glaring over her shoulder at the doppelgΓ€nger. "It is exaggerated."
Let's just say that Rebekah wasn't planning on forgiving the doppelgΓ€nger for stabbing her in the back anytime soon.
The punishment had been expected from the moment the cake fell on Miss. Mason's head. The bedroom door had been locked up, no food, and then these bars on their window. They just hoped they would find a way out of the Dursleys house before school started again.
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Later that night Harry woke up from a car driving. But somehow it felt different, so the Potter boy stepped out of bed, after putting his glasses on. He looked over to Nora, who was still sound asleep. Of course, she was. The house could be on fire and she would still continue sleeping.
He noticed the blue car outside. Only it wasn't driving, but flying. Flying straight at his window. He stepped back as the car turned. He finally saw who was inside of it. The Weasleys!
"Okay, what the fuck?" Caroline asked.
"I want it." Kol said while the Mikaelson's immediately all shook their heads.
"That's so cool." Jeremy said, wishing like Kol that he also had a flying car.
"You'll never be stuck in traffic again." Bonnie said.
"I'm thankful that they came to rescue them." Elijah said, not even caring about the car at this moment. He wanted his daughter out of that place more than worrying about a flying car.
But everyone knew that from the moment Nora would sit in that car, he would worry about that.
-"Hiya Harry."
"Ron. Fred, George. What are you all doing here?" Harry asked, confused.
"Rescuing you two, of course. Now, come on, get your trunk and wake Nora up." Ron said, seeing as Nora hadn't joined them at the window yet.
Harry nodded, quickly as he walked over to Nora's bed, which was really just two steps from the window.
"Nory. Nory. Nory." Harry spoke, repeatedly, but the girl just rolled over.
"Harry." Fred spoke from outside in the driver's seat of the car.
"Here." Ron handed him some chocolate. "If this doesn't wake her up, I don't know it anymore."
"We should give her so much chocolate when we meet her." Finn said to Elijah who nodded.
"Brilliant." Harry sat back down, shoving the chocolate right under her nose. It took a minute or two, before the girl finally woke up from the scent, opening one eye to see her brother sitting on the side of her bed with chocolate.
Before she could bite, mouth half open to do so, he took the chocolate away from her.
"Harry." She muttered, annoyed.
"Told you it would work." Fred spoke, loudly enough for Nora to hear, not loud enough for the Dursleys to wake up.
"Pack your trunk, Nory. We're getting out of here." The girl quickly jumped out of bed, putting some of her clothes back into it, some of her books even though she still had to get her new ones for this year, her hair brush and some other stuff.
Ron put a hook on the bars, holding onto a rope with a fierce knot. "Better stand back." The car turned once again, pulling the iron with it as it fell to the ground with a loud thud, no question waking up the other in the house.
The two quickly throw their trunks into the back of the light blue Ford Angelia. Handing Hedwig and Belle to Ron, who passed them to George.
"POTTER!" A voice, belonging to no one other than Vernon Dursely yelled behind the door.
"BOO. If I had a door right now, I would slam it into his face." Kol said.
"Go." Nora yelled at Harry, who quickly jumped into the car, sitting down next to George, who handed him back Hedwig. And Ron made his way over to the back of the car, sitting in between George and Harry.
The door opened behind her and she saw "Petunia, they're escaping!"
"You're just making your own house look like a prison." Stefan said.
"Because it is." James said.
Nora jumped through the window, but Vernon grabbed her foot. She sat down on the passenger seat.
"Oh hell no."
"We've got you." Ron and Fred said at the same time, as they all hold on to Nora. "Let go off me, you son of a bitch." The girl screamed at the man inside.
Normally Elijah would make some comment on her colorful language use, but now he wanted her safe more.
"Oh, no, girl. You and your bloody brother aren't going anywhere."
"Get off."
"Drive!" Ron yelled at Fred, who started driving immediately, causing Vernon to let go of Nora as he fell forwards into the bush right under the window.
Kol and Rebekah were laughing, while the other Mikaelsons were rather pleased with the sight.
Nora laughed as she seated herself and closed the door off the car.
"By the way, happy birthday." Ron said, the Weasley twins following after him.
"Thanks guys." Nora and Harry said in union. Nora held her hand open towards Harry, who placed the chocolate down. She happily munched her way through it while driving towards the Weasleys house.
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Fred walked over to the window and opened it to unlock the door from outside. "Come on. Okay, come on. Shhh! Shhh!" Checking if the coast was clear before calling the others, signalling them to follow him through the door.
Nora looked around the kitchen amused. She could see a pan getting cleaned itself, a sweater getting knit itself, the floor wiping itself and many other things?
"I need that." Caroline said.
"Everyone does." Bonnie said.
"Except for the vampires." Damon spoke.
"Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?" She heard Ron ask, looking down at the newly baked pastries.
"Yeah, Mum would never know." George answered, before he and Fred also took one of the plate.
Harry and Nora were looking at the clock with the Weasleys whereabouts, seeing the three saviour's photos move back to 'home.'
"It's not much, but it's home." Ron said unsure. He knew how many people thought about them in the wizarding world. But he also knew that the Potter's weren't like those people.
"I think it's brilliant." Nora and Harry said at the same time, making Ron blush a little relieved that they didn't judge them.
But Ron's smile slowly disappeared when Mrs. Weasley came running down the stairs. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"
Mrs. Weasley stands in the doorway, looking quite furious. Slowly, the three boys put the breakfast pastries behind their back, not wanting to anger their mother even further.
However the woman smiled kindly at Nora and Harry once she saw them. "Harry, Nora, how wonderful to see you, dear."
"That's gotta hurt." Jeremy said.
She turned back to the twins and Ron. "'Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!" She turned back to the Potter's. "Of course, I don't blame you, Nora, Harry, dear."
"They were starving them, Mum! There were bars on their window!"
"Well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!" She said angry, before her voice suddenly sounded soft again as she rushed the twins over to the breakfast table. "Come on. Time for a spot of breakfast. Here we are. Now tuck in. That's it. There we go."
Ginny came running down the stairs, fast. 'Mum. Mummy, have you seen my jumper?
"Yes dear. It was on the cat."
Ginny looked wide eyed at the twins.
"She looks like she has seen a ghost." Damon said.
"Hello." Nora said, greeting the youngest Weasley, politely. But she ran off quickly. "What did I do?"
"Ginny. She's been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying, really." Ron answered her. The same could have been said for Fred.
Suddenly a man, also with red hair appeared by the door, storming in he greeted them and Nora could only assume that this was Mr. Weasley.
"Morning, Dad." The Weasleys answered. "Morning Arthur!"
"What a night. Nine raids. Nine!" Mr. Weasley put down his briefcase.
"Raids?" Harry asked his friend.
Ron put down the fork he was holding. "Dad works in the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating."
Mr. Weasley sat down at the end of the table and glazed at the two twins, he hadn't met before. "Well, now. And who are you?" He asked.
"Oh, sorry, sir. I'm Harry, sir, Harry Potter."
"Nora Potter, Harry's sister, sir."
Mr. Weasley's eyes widened a bit. "Good Lord, are you really?" Nora and Harry gave him a polite nod. "Well, Ron's told us all about you two, of course. When did they get here?" He asked his wife.
"This morning." She answered. "Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night." She turned back to the food she was making, probably for Ginny and herself.
"Did you really! How'd it go?" He asked, curiously, before catching the eye of his wife as the kids (except for Percy) were hiding their laughter.
"Now that's what we call a fun parent." Bonnie said.
"I mean that was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you." He scolded but his kids knew he didn't care about their trip from last night and the consequences as much as their mother. "Now, Harry, Nora, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"
"What?" Finn asked confused.
"That's unusual." Elena said.
"Oh, uhm..." The two stuttered, not expecting such a weird question however before one of them could reply everyone heard the screeches off an owl in the distance.
"Well, that'll be Errol with the post." Mrs. Weasley said as the Weasleys and the Potters all looked outside the window just to see Errol slamming into the window and falling down the ground. "Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?"
"He's always doing that." Ron told the twins.
Percy stood up and walked over to the window, "Errol." He said and the owl came rising up. As he opened the letter he spoke. "Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us Harry and Nora's as well."
"Dumbledore must know you're here, Nora, Harry. Doesn't miss a trick, that man." Mr. Weasley said.
"Oh, no." Mrs. Weasley said, agreeing with her husband.
"This lot won't come cheap, Mum." Fred spoke up. "The spell books alone are very expensive."
"We'll manage." She said as she took Nora's letter out of her hands so she could see what the list was. "Right then. There's only one place we're going to get all of this: Diagon Alley."
"Look at the bright sight, brother." Finn started. "What could possibly go wrong in Diagon Aleey?" He asked.
He however did not know that during that trip to Diagon Alley, Nora would meet one of the people that annoy her the most till this day still.
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Wish me luck guys because my psychology exam is gonna kill me tomorrow...
But anyways new chapterrrrr!!!!!
Next chapter: Thursday 28 March 2024!!
Words: 4125
Posted: March 20, 2024
Be sure to comment. I love reading them and it keeps me motivated!
xx Kat
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