30| Not Without Sacrifice

With a large grin on his face, Bolic sat up while laughing. Esdeath's previous grin fell off her face as she put on an annoyed expression.

Bolic: "That's the General Esdeath I know! You took out every last assassin! Those pitiful thieves didn't know what they were getting into when they thought they could take me out! Fools! Scum of the earth! Serves them right!"

Ignoring whatever Bolic was spouting, his nonsense meaning nothing to her, Esdeath turned her attention to the Incursio user. Tatsumi was still vulnerable, unconscious and rendered immobile. She began walking towards him, an eager feeling within her as she wishes to unmask him.

Esdeath: "I can't help but wonder... Now. Let's see who's under the mask."

Seeing that Esdeath was no longer listening to him, Bolic sighed. However, his demeanor quickly lightened up as he turned to the wounded Leone. He licked his lips in eagerness, his eyes showing a predatory nature as he gazed at her voluptuous body. Bolic begins to happily skip in her direction.

Bolic: (thoughts) 'Now then... I'm going to teach that lovely young lady a lesson or two in love...'

Kurome: "Don't go by yourself." (grunts in pain while holding neck wound) 'Kuh... That wound that girl gave me is acting up again... I can't believe one measly little needle prick is causing me this much pain...'

Before Esdeath could even begin to pull on the face plate of Tatsumi's mask, the glass roof above them broke and shattered. From above, Mine and Akame were descending down, finally entering the fray.

Esdeath: "New players joining this late in the game!?"

Mine: "Pumpkin!"

Landing on the cathedral's marble floor, Mine raised up her Teigu. The icy general of the Empire had prepared a large ice chunk for them, beginning to send it towards them. But thanks to the added danger, it increased Pumpkin's firepower and Mine pulled the trigger, a large blast of spiritual energy leaving it's barrel.

Obliterating the giant ice projectile, the small ice dust scattered throughout the air. Akame took in her surroundings made her decision. Ignoring her anger towards Esdeath, she heads straight for her target, instantly dashing for him.

Esdeath: "Oh, no, you don't!"

The cryomancer was about to head off towards Akame and intercept her, but she felt a presence behind her. It was Tatsumi, having recovered from his unconscious state and got back up to fight. Esdeath dodges a kick Tatsumi sent her, retaliating by punching him in the chest. But Tatsumi was fast enough to react to this, raising up both his arms and blocked the punch with both of his palms.

Esdeath: "You reacted!?"

Tatsumi: (thoughts) 'I have to keep... Esdeath back...!'

Leone: "Akame!"

Just in time, Leone had woken up. Bolic began to make an attempt to flee, but was halted, the blonde lioness had gained enough energy back and grabbed onto Bolic's leg, keeping a firm grip on it. From behind Bolic, Kurome leaped into action and prepared to intercept her older sister with Yatsufusa unsheathed. 

As she was heading towards her, another figure dropped from the ceiling. His tattered cloak was now even more tattered, from one the bottom corner of the cloak to the middle was entirely ripped off. Parts of his leather and light armor was in complete shambles and broken, Gin's sword on his back as he had an ice sword in his hand. It was Akira, the icy blue-eyed teen intercepting Kurome as he blocks her katana with his own icy blade.

Akira: "I won't let you!"

Kurome: "Tch...!"

Meanwhile, Akame reached her target and leaped onto him. Planting her feet onto his chest, her free hand grasping onto the front of his jacket, Akame dragged the tip of Murasame across his neck. Blood flew into the air as Bolic let out a pained grunt, coughing up blood as she leaped off him. The assassination was successful, all they needed was time and Bolic would drop dead.

With his duel against Kurome, the two backed off, Akira's boots skidding across the marble floor. He was about to make another move, however, a sharp pain in his ribs prevented him from doing so.

Akira: (thoughts) 'Shit...! The wound from the battle with Wave did a number on me. I'll have to pull back soon...'

Seeing his open window of invulnerability, Kurome took this chance in attempt to kill the Ice Cold Reaper and hopefully add him to her collection. However, Akame jumped right in, blocking Yatsufusa's attack with her own.

Kurome: (growls in anger) "Sister... How dare you...!?"

Akame: (gritted teeth) "Kurome..."

Over with Tatsumi's and Esdeath's battle, it was soon coming to an end. The two backed off of each other as they kicked off of each other's feet, getting a considerable distance away from each other. Esdeath looked over to Bolic, who had soon fell over and succumbed to Murasame's curse.

Gritting her teeth, she pulled her cap down to cover a bit of her face. She was very angry, as show by her angered expression.

Esdeath: "My mission is a failure..."

A booming noise was soon heard, the walls and roof of the cathedral shook. Esdeath turned her head around and her eyes widened, not expecting the sight she was beheld. 

It was Susanoo, his form having been reassembled, along with his core. 

Esdeath: "You were able to full recover...!? That's...!"

Najenda: "It's the third Magatama Manifestation!"

The former Imperial general had poured in the last remaining energy of her life force into Susanoo, bringing him back. However, due to the nature of Susanoo's Trump Card, Najenda would soon die. Normally, doing in succession would be impossible, but had she not forced it, they would all die. This was Najenda's last card to play, essentially.

She then fell onto the ground, now weak from pouring her life force into her Teigu. Susanoo smiled, knowing that this is the last stand.

Esdeath: "Najenda, you bitch!"

Susanoo: "Yakasani no Magatama!"

The organic Teigu dashed and appeared in front of Esdeath, reeling his fist back and thrusting it forward. The Imperial general reacted to this, erecting an ice wall in front of her as she freezes Susanoo's fist within it. But the ice barrier took on the force of Susanoo's punch, absorbing as much force as it could, but Esdeath was being pushed back. She could feel it.

Esdeath: (surprised hum) "Your power's increased."

Tatsumi: (lands behind Susanoo) "Su-san. I'll give you back up..."

Najenda: (weakly) "No... Run. The mission's over. Everyone, fall back."

Tatsumi: "Huh? But with Su-san as he is now...!"

Najenda: "It's only because I forced an impossible amount of use... It's not that Susanoo's has increased several fold. It's only a slight increase in strength. He still can't take out Esdeath... Besides, we've taken too long. Sooner than later, a huge army of soldiers will be swarming the place."

Tatsumi: "...Understood."

With the battle against Kurome, Akame does a back flip as she avoids a spear thrust from Natala. At the same time, Kurome leaped into the air and attempted to slash at her sister from behind. But she soon lets out a pained grunt as someone bashed into her, Akira bearing with his sharp pain in his ribs and hitting Kurome with his shoulder. The two were then sent crashing down to the marble floor.

Akame: "Akira!"

Akira: "Akame, go! You heard what the boss said, I'll keep them at bay while you retreat!"

Akame: (worriedly) "But...!"

Akira: "This isn't up for debate, just go!"

The boy then grunted as he turned to his left, Kurome having got up and looked at Akira with rage. She went to attack him, but clicked her tongue when a blast of spiritual energy went past her.

Mine: "No time for arguing, you lame ass couple! Akame, get your stupid boyfriend so we can get the hell out of here!"

Akame: "R-Right!"

On Kurome's end, she landed next to Natala. She grit her teeth as she watched as her older sister looped Akira's arm over her shoulder, supporting him as she began to help him over to the others.

Kurome: (thoughts) '...Kuh... I can't kill sister under these conditions...! And I don't have the physical strength to send out Doya... All because of that wound that girl gave me...!'

Tatsumi: (running up to Leone) "Leone! We're getting out of here!"

Leone: (weakly) "I'm sorry, but... Could you pick up my fingers and other pieces..."

The brown-haired teen nodded as he picked up the parts Esdeath had dismembered before he picked her up over her shoulder. Najenda continued to lie down, surrounded by the rubble from the battle. She was too weak to even move. Taking in deep breaths, she slowly closed her one eye, accepting her fate.

Najenda: (thoughts) 'This mission was a success. I'll be left behind though. I was the one who came up with this reckless strategy. So it's only fair...'

Just as she braced for her death, Najenda felt her body being picked up. She opened her eye and saw Tatsumi hoisting her up and over his shoulder.

Najenda: "Hey... I'm going to die, anyway. Just leave me here."

Tatsumi: "If you've got enough strength to be saying that, then we don't know that for sure!"

With Leone and Najenda onto his shoulders, Tatsumi regrouped with the rest of Night Raid. Mine had Pumpkin aimed towards the enemy, ready to fire should they make any moves. Akame would soon regroup with them, supporting Akira with his arm over her shoulder as they made their way over to the four. Susanoo soon appears, launched out of a dust cloud as he suffered a blow from Esdeath.

He soon comes to a stop, dragging his hand across the ground to slow himself down. He then looked up, seeing that was the best way for them to escape.

Tatsumi: "Su-san!"

Esdeath: "It seems you've gotten stronger to some degree. But you still have a long way to go. That's not enough to put a mark on me."

A plan ran through Susanoo's mind and there was only one way for them to make an escape. Grabbing Mine, Akame, and Akira by the back of their shirts. He then grabs the back of Tatsumi's cape, the brown-haired teen still holding onto Leone and Najenda. They all looked at him confusedly, but he simply smiles at them.

Susanoo: "Don't let go of Najenda or Leone."

Esdeath: "You think you can get away with them on your shoulders!? I won't let you!"

Susanoo: (thoughts) 'In my thousand year life as a Teigu... I met some good people. I have no regrets.' "Goodbye!"

The organic Teigu crouched down before he jumped with as much strength as he could, throwing the group out of the hole Mine and Akame had previously made. Tatsumi called out Susanoo's name one last time, but the organic Teigu only sends them off with one last smile.

The only way Night Raid was to escape is if someone stayed behind. And Susanoo made the choice to do so.

Without having anymore regrets, Susanoo turns around to face Esdeath. The blue-haired woman created more ice projectiles and sent them upwards, in hopes of preventing them from escaping. However, Susanoo throws the reflector on his back upwards, the reflective mirror blocking the hole and sending it back down. Once again, Esdeath grinned with excitement.

Susanoo: "Your Trump Card... Does indeed appear to be good for only one use." (thoughts) 'I'm glad I was forced to go three rounds. I reached maximum capacity before she used up all her life force. Now, Najenda... Should be able to survive at least a little bit longer.' "I won't let you go after them."

Once more, Susanoo created his long sword as he brandishes it in front of the icy general. Esdeath's grin only widened even more, hungry for the battle to come.

Esdeath: "So you're making yourself a shield to give your friends time to escape. The people who work for Najenda are all a bunch of saps."

Susanoo: "I'm a humanoid Teigu. I've run out of Trump Cards. This is the perfect role for me to play."

Esdeath: "Your name... Is Susanoo, is that right?"

Susanoo: "Yes."

Esdeath: "I'll remember that name... Not as a Teigu, but as a warrior. Your final moments of life... Your final struggle... Entertain me with them!"

Coming at each other with their all, the two warriors come to settle this duel. Susanoo's long sword and Esdeath's own blade clash together, the two locked into a fierce clash as the sounds of their blades and metal struck against each other.

With their mission a success, Night Raid begins to head back to their rented home in the city of Kyoroch, not forgetting about their comrade's sacrifice so they could escape.


In the meantime, Lubbock was currently seeing running along a path in the forest. While wounded, it wasn't severe and life threatening, able to jog at a moderate pace as he heads for the city of Kyoroch.

Lubbock: (chuckle) "That jerk had a poor endgame. He fell for my ultimate certain death technique: Playing Dead." (falls to ground, panting heavily) "But... L-Like this... It'll be tough to escape."

Some rustling in the nearby bushes could be heard as Lubbock was immediately on guard. He was about to play dead, but his eyes widened when he saw it was a large man and a young woman that had entered into his field of view.

Woman: "Are you okay!?"

Lubbock: "Oh... I met you back with the four Rakshasa chase."

Pais: (smiles) "I'm with the Revolutionary Army's spy unit. I'm Pais. We're here to provide backup for our comrades' escape."

She then giggled cutely, making Lubbock have a light blush as he scratched his cheek.

Lubbock: (thoughts) 'Hehe... Uh-oh... I think I'm in love.'

The large man then picked up Lubbock and hoisted him onto his back. He then looked down at Pais.

Large Man: "He saved you, my precious. Of course we're going to help him!"

Pais: "Thank you, Litone.~"

Now realizing that the two were an item, Lubbock grumbled to himself quietly. Litone and Pais soon run off with Lubbock on his back, who still continued to grovel quietly. In the end, he never seemed to impress a girl.


A few days later, Tatsumi was standing on a cliff, staring off into the distance as it overlooked the city of Kyoroch. With their mission complete, it was now time to head back to their hideout back near the Capital.

Footsteps could be heard behind him as it was Mine walking up to him.

Mine: "I guess this is goodbye to this place."

Tatsumi: "I can't believe we managed to survive. We owe it all to Su-san."

Mine: "Yeah..."

The pink-haired girl then stayed silent after uttering out her previous word. She then looked to Tatsumi, to whom was deep in thought and had a frown on his face, no doubt he was thinking of their fallen comrade. To knock him out of it, she slapped him hard on the back, making Tatsumi look at her with an angered expression.

Tatsumi: "Ow!"

Mine: (smugly) "It was Pumpkin that saved us from the crash-landing when he threw us out of there though. Slowed down our descent. So be thankful for that too."

Tatsumi: "Wha...!? My armor did a good job too! Anyway, wasn't there something you wanted to talk to me about? What is it?"

Mine: (blushes while pushing Tatsumi) "I-I'll tell you on the way! Come on! The carriage is waiting!"

Tatsumi: (confused) "What gives? You don't make any sense!"

From a high place, the leader of the Path of Peace was looking down upon the two. He simply smiled at their interaction.

Priest: "...Oh, good. I'm relieved to see that they're getting along well. I wanted them to treasure the time they have." (thoughts) 'And... I pray... That the future I saw when I met the two of them changes. My power of foresight that comes so rarely... Will be wrong... However...'

His eyes then travel elsewhere, looking down upon the black-haired individuals of Night Raid. Akira's arm was wrapped in a cast with a sling looped over his shoulder, the boy noticing he had a broken arm and a few broken ribs due to his fight with Wave. 

The icy blue-eyed teen was about to pick up his bag before Akame leaned up and pulled on his ear, scolding him that he shouldn't work himself too hard. In the end, he sighed and nodded and let Akame grab his bed, the two making their way to the carriage they were taking back to the Capital.

Priest: (thoughts) 'Those two will continue to face a plethora of hardships and suffering. And many battles still lie ahead, that much is obvious... But... Why does their future still remain undecided for them?'


Capital, Imperial Palace

In a dimly lit room, a tanned skinned man could be sitting upon a chair. A wide grin bore his face as he looked ahead, five people standing in front of him.

???: "Everyone's been gathered. Perfect. Our toy this time is the entire country. I, the great, Syura, am going to enjoy myself fully."

Remaining Night Raid Members: 8

Remaining Jaeger Members: 5

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