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Cara walked in front of her clients as she approached the kitchen. This was the ending of their house tour whereas she would let the clients venture off for themselves to discuss and take a second look at the entire place, without the pressure of an agent being around.

"You guys are free to take a second look around, get some opinions, ask questions and more" Her eyes fell down to the couple's hands that were intertwined. They were probably one of her youngest clients thus far and she was proud to see it. She was even more happy when she saw that they were expecting a baby when she seen the baby bump that showed through the slim midi dress she wore.

"We love the house already but we will just check out the rooms one more time. The spacing of a nice master bedroom is one of our biggest wants when choosing a house" The man explained.

She gave them an assuring smile. "Sure that's no problem. I'll be right here let me know if you guys need water or anything"

The couple walked together through the dining room area and headed upstairs to discuss together while Cara pulled out her phone to confirm her schedule for the day. She only had a phone consultation but that was going to take place a few hours from now.

"I seen the way you were looking at her stomach. Please don't tell me you want to really start a family with this man?"

Cara tried her best to block out the questions being thrown out by her mother. She was having a normal day up until now. It's like she picked the worst times to get in her head.

"Please don't expect too much from a man like that"

"He's going to play you, or worst, do you like he did his ex"

"Is that what you want?"

"You want someone to murder you Cara?"

Cara's hand gripped firmly around her phone as she tried to get herself together. She was already having a hard time processing what Dee had done which would get overshadowed by the fact that he now loved her. Before Cara could open her mouth to finally respond, her clients were coming downstairs.

"I really can see myself in this house. I love it" The woman came back to the kitchen while her husband took another look at the backyard area.

"I'm so glad that you like it. I had a feeling you would" She watched as the woman sat down in one of the chairs at the Kitchen Island. Her hands fell down to her stomach. "How many months are you? If you don't mind me asking"

"I'm only five months but I feel like it's been nine months already" The two of them shared a laugh. "I'm just ready to get the pregnancy part over with and just actually hold my baby. Do you have any kids?"

Cara shook her head "No, not yet. I can hardly wait for that time to come"

"Well just make sure it's with the right man. Trust me if I was with anybody else other than Luke I would not be doing all of this but when you find a good man you have to hold on to him you know? They are very rare to find"

Cara sighed. "Oh Trust me I definitely understand"

Cara stood next to Bari on the side of the stage while Dee's performance went on. The energy in the building was definitely there, it was a sold out show and she could see why. The people really knew his songs word for word.

This was Cara's official first time actually seeing him perform. Either their schedules were tied or it was an out of town show. But since he told her in advance this time she was able to make sure she didn't have anything planned.

"This nigga never smiling" Bari shook his head as Dee grabbed one of the females phone from the front row. He flipped the camera and recorded himself rapping along to his lyrics, while the girl screamed loudly, probably could hear her more than him in the video.

"I have to remind him everyday to at least smile once" Cara crossed her arms over her chest. She hated that he didn't smile alot because it was one of her favorite features of his.

A few of his fans occasionally recorded videos of her while she stood off to the side. She didn't mind them doing so but she definitely didn't see the reason why they would want to record her. She wasn't a artist and honestly hated the media, which is why they kept their relationship very much private.

Once he was done with her performance he let the crowd know that his next album was almost done and that seemed to drive them crazy.

Many of the backstage crew and some people from his team were now quickly moving around him as he came backstage. Dee stopped walking when he didn't see Cara. He moved through the crowd, ignoring questions and any other comments that were thrown his way. When he seen Cara he grabbed her waist and guided her down the hallway. He didn't feel right if he couldn't see her.

"If I can't see that you're safe then I don't feel safe myself" he said in her ear as they went in his dressing room.

Cara appreciated the concern he had for her but she was definitely capable of taking care of herself. "You don't have to always worry about me. I know this is your career here so I'm sure you're the priority"

He let one of the crew member take off the wired microphone piece he had on. "That doesn't even make sense. If we together, WE are the priority not just me. You still going out later?" He really didn't like when she went out with her friends because that means they lacked time together but tonight he hated that they were going to a club.

The club scene wasn't his favorite and he only did it whenever the payout was good. So when Cara told him it would be a girl night out he wished she would cancel.

Cara nodded "Yes I'm going to get ready and head out as soon as we get home. Don't look like that I promise I'll just be in and out I don't even feel like partying forreal"


"I should've wore something different" Cara pulled at the end of her dress trying to pull it down further as they walked through the club. Cara, Katie and Ari were all out just for a girls night while eventually turned in a night of being wined and dined by some ballers.

Cara wasn't really interested in it but only went along with it for Ari. This was usual girls routine when you look good you don't have to pay for anything while you're outside.

"You look fine Cara stop it. You're worried about it being too short or something?" Ari grabbed her hand as they approached the section.

Cara nodded "Yes. I feel like it's too short I won't be able to dance"

Ari scoffed "Yes you will girl. Since when have you been worried about your dresses being too short? Let's please enjoy this night besides your man not here you're acting like he's going to come in here and kill everybody if they see your outfit"

Cara raised one of her eyebrows but didn't say anything else. Ari pulled her friends to the section of one of her little flings and introduced them to his friends. Cara just gave them a quick wave and Katie went right into a conversation with one of them.

Cara sat down next to one of the other guys in the section who seemed to be very reserved. "Hey you're friends dragged you out tonight too huh?" She asked.

He nodded and took a sip from his cup. "They definitely did and they would've harrassed me if I didn't" he spoke up. He extended his hand out to her "I'm Kenyada nice to meet you"

Cara shook his hand "Nice to meet you Kenyada, I'm Cara"

Kenyada laughed. "I know who you are. You date that rapper right?" he squinted at his own question.

Cara bit down on her bottom lip and smiled. "Yeah that's me"

It didn't take long for the two of them to become comfortable with eachother. Cara found out that Kenyada was actually married to a man and only came out so his friends would get off of his back about being a homebody.

Katie and the person she was talking too, joined them as they danced together. Katie forgot she had Bari on her page as she posted their videos of them. Bari just so happen to see the video of Cara and Kenyada dancing together. He showed Dee who was cool with it until she started bending over and started twerking on the guy.

He texted her phone immediately and told her he was on his way to get her.


Cara held on to her dress as she tried to keep up with Dee. "Okay you can let my arm go now" She mugged him as they approached his truck. He didn't acknowledge what she was saying. He just opened the passenger side door and practically shoved her in the car.

She rubbed her arm looking at the slightly red mark that was now there. She was sure a bruise would be there by the morning time. "I thought you were in the studio anyway? When did you have time to.." she hiccupped. "Come over here?"

Deion just glanced at her and then back at the road in front of him. "I left early since I seen you on the internet wilding"

Cara leaned her head against the window in an attempt to stop it from spinning. "I don't need you clocking everything I do Deion. You really just did too much over what? Me dancing on someone who isn't even interested in women"

Dee just kept quiet he didn't want to say anything that would make the situation worse.

"Now you can't hear me? Okay then" Cara continued on.

He gripped the steering wheel tight before turning to her. "Just Shut the fuck up. Can you do that?" he questioned.

Cara's eyes widen and then she chuckled. "No I can't shut the fuck up, Matter of fact" she pressed the unlock button on the side of the door and took off her seatbelt. Although there were other cars behind them since it was a red light she didn't care. She hopped out of the car and started walking down the street.

Moment's later a car approached her side, revealing a older guy as he rolled the window down. "How much?" he asked as he eyed her up and down.

Cara stopped walking and tilted her head looking at him with a disgusted expression on her face. "What did you just say?" she indeed felt uncomfortable but not too much because she knew that Dee was following her from afar.

"How much. You're beautiful I'm willing to pay whatever" the guy said again clarifying his question. "You're selling it right?"

Cara looked down at her outfit and then back up at the guy. She hadn't released any real anger in such a long time so this was her opportunity. She looked further down the street at Dee's truck and then walked closer to the guy's window bending down some so he could see her face. "You name a price"

The middle aged guy smiled and unlocked his car doors. "Get in"

Cara strutted to the other side of his car and slid in the passenger's seat. "Follow my directions I'm going to take you to my house if that's fine. That's the only place I really feel comfortable" her voice came off softer than usual.

The guy nodded and started heading in the direction she gave him. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Dearra" Cara quickly thought of a name that came to her head.

"Nice to meet you Dearra I'm Jace" he turned up the music just a little so the ride wouldn't be so awkward and quiet.

Cara wanted to throw up so bad when he placed his hand on her thigh. She really couldn't show how bothered she was by it.

The ride was a little longer than usual since they were coming from the Downtown Area. Cara kept a casual conversation going with him to keep his mind gone and not focus on how far out she was leading him.

When they approached the path way to the large building, Jace started to get a little skeptical. "You sure this is the right way?" He eyed the building and then the trees that sat directly behind it. Not a sight of light or anyone being near.

"Yes we usually come here because it's off grid. I have rich parent's as well as the other girls so I don't like to be anywhere in the city. It'll be humiliating for my name to be in the news for prostitution" she smiled and placed her hand on the back of his neck to relax him.

Dee drove further behind them when he realized where they were headed.

Jace parked in the designated spot Cara pointed to and cut the engine. He turned towards Cara and leaned over to kiss her. She quickly jerked her head back and shook her head. "Uh no I told you everything goes down inside" she pointed towards the building.

Jace who was extremely thirsty believed her as he took the keys out of the ignition and opened his door.

Cara got out as well and waited for him to meet her around the car. She hooked her arm with his as she led him in the building.

Jace's eyebrows furrowed when he saw how dark it was at first. The eerie feeling was strong in the air as they continued walking down the hallway. Even with Cara assuring that everything was fine he was starting to have a change of heart.

Cara brought his to the same area that the glass cage sat at. She hit the light switch on the wall and Jace's eye's widened. "What typa freaky shit do you do here?"

She leaned against the wall as she unbuckled the strap around her ankles to take her heels off. Thankfully she had a pair of slides with her. "You're so funny. Nothing freaky is happening here" She pushed her body weight off the wall and moved her hands in a circular motion. "This is where everything ends for you"

Deion came from around the corner with a lit blunt in his hand. "You too old to not know that you shouldn't just be following anyone home"

Jace immediately put his hands up in defense since he seen the gun in Dee's waistband. Deion looked down at the gun and the chuckled. "Ain't nobody gone shoot yo scary ass"

Cara jumped up on the counter in the corner and swung her legs back and forth. She was still pretty drunk but very much aware of what was going on.

Jace looked at Cara with his jaw dropped. "You set me up?"

Cara nodded rapidly. "Duh! Does it look like I sell coochie? The fuck" she scrunched her face up at his stupidity.

He was in so much disbelief "Wow. What did I even do to you guys? If you let me go I promise I won't say a thing"

Dee looked at Cara. "He won't say a thing. What you think Ma, should we let him go?" He shrugged when Cara shook her head no and jumped down from where she was sitting.

"I feel like if you let him go, he's going to go run his mouth and then we will go to jail and you know I can't let that happen to us" She wrapped her arms around Dee.

He licked over his lips and pecked her lips. "You right. You know I'll go crazy if we ever get separated like that"

Jace just watched as the two of them kissed on each other as if he wasn't there. He did the unthinkable and started yelling out for help.

Dee politely removed Cara's hands from around him as he reached into his waist band to pull his gun out. He shot Jace twice in both knees making him fall down to the ground. "What the fuck man!? I thought you said you weren't going to shoot me" he hissed in pain.

Dee sat the gun down he was now fed up with Jace. "That was until you started screaming like somebody can actually hear you. Now let's speed this shit up what you want me to do Cara?"

She looked around the room thinking of something different. When she spotted the gasoline can she went to go pick it up and bring it over to him.

Dee nodded in amazement "Good choice" he kissed her forehead and then went over to Jace's body pouring the gasoline on him. Jace screamed out when he felt the liquid on his now open gun shot wounds.

Dee threw the gasoline can to the side when he was done and tapped his pockets for his lighter he had previously used to light his blunt.

"Oh I have one" Cara dug in her purse and pulled out a brand new Bic lighter she then replaced it in her purse and went over to the counter she was sitting at and picked up the matches. "Even better" she slowly walked over to him but kept the matches in her hand. "Can I do it?"

Deion stepped back and let her take control. Cara struck the match against the back of the box and as soon as the flame lit up she threw it on Jace's body. His screams pierced her ears as she stepped back so she could watch. Deion also watched in amazement, he wore a smile on his face though. This was satisfying for him and helped him release built up anger he had in him.

He made his way over to Cara and stood behind her. She was quiet as she took in what she had just done. She didn't regret it she instead questioned it. Why did it feel so different than any other time she had harmed someone.

Deion's hands found her waist as he held her close. "You Okay?"

Cara hummed. "Mhm.. I just feel so relaxed and good"

Dee showcased a huge smile "That's good now we feel the same way"

I was supposed to update days ago sorry yall. Anyways I have a King Von Book sitting in my drafts that's ready to be published soon. Look out for "Scheming" coming next month.

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