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The cup of tea that was once hot, sat in front of Deion as he just watched Cara move around the room. This week he was sick so he stayed in the house unless he really needed to go do something. Cara went in the clothes to hang up a few of the clean jackets and then returned back to the bedroom. "You need to drink that" she pointed to the cup.

"I told you I didn't want it. Ion like tea"

Cara sat on the side of the bed near him. "It's not about the taste. It's about it making you feel better"

"You here now so I already feel better" Deion anticipated being around Cara the moment she walked out the house for work today. He had no shame of being clingy and she knew that. "Why you aint change yet?"

She looked down at the time on her Apple Watch "Because I'm about to go out with Katie and Ari"

"Why?" He frowned.

"It's our usual thing to go out after work on Friday's. I missed the last two weeks with them just so I can be with you" She was starting to feel bad about tuning everybody out lately. Especially when Rubin called and said he missed her, so she added that to her calendar for things to do this weekend as well.

Deion didn't say anything, he just nodded.

"I left you some food downstairs if you get hungry. If not just leave it and I'll put it away when I get back" She stood up from the bed to go get her jacket.

"I'll eat when I come back"

Cara raised her eyebrow "Where you going? You need to stay in the house"

He glanced at the white envelope on the dresser and then back at Cara. "I need to go drop that off to somebody"

Cara shook her head "I'll do it. Just send me the address" She went over to the dresser picking the envelope up.

Dee wanted to say no to her but he just couldn't. Besides Cara was going to do whatever she wanted to anyways. "I'm sending it now. When you get there just put it in the white mailbox by the door" he picked up his phone and texted her the address to his mom's house.

Cara put the envelope in her purse and went over to his side of the bed, leaning down to kiss him. He really wanted to be selfish and tell her to just stay with him but he knew her friends weren't going to do anything but continue to complain and call her all day if she didn't go.

Once she pulled back from the kiss she couldn't control the excitement in her face. The way he looked at Cara tantalized her. "Don't look at me like that I'll never make it out of here"

"Good. But I guess I'll just sit here all abandoned and shit until you come back" he sighed.

Cara laughed "You're so dramatic"

The sun was just setting as Cara pulled up to the address that he sent to her. She cut the engine to her car and got out. The neighborhood was fairly nice and quiet. She walked up the pathway to the front door and spotted the whitemail box. Before she could put the envelope inside the front door opened. "May I help you?"

Cara extended her hand out "I'm just dropping this off. It's from Dee?"

The lady looked down at Cara's hand and then back up to her face. "And you are?"

"My name is Cara, I'm Dee's girlfriend"

The lady looked her up and down again before speaking "Deion. I didn't name him Dee" she politely took the envelope from Cara's hand that was still extended.

Cara remained respectful even though this lady had a hint of rudeness in her voice. "Oh Okay" She was about to walk back down the pathway to her car.

"Come in" The lady moved back so she could open the door wider for Cara to come in.

Cara looked at her once again and then walked in the home. The inside was nice, super clean, and spacious. Now that they were inside where it was brighter she could see the resemblance Dee had with his mother. "Oh wow" she mumbled.

"I'm Danielle, nice to meet you Cara" she said in a much calmer tone than she previously had. "Here, take a seat. Can I get you anything?" she pointed at the huge Italian Modern Belia sofa.

Cara sat down on the sofa and admired it "You have a beautiful home Danielle" she looked around the living room once again.

Danielle sat on the opposite side so that she could give Cara some personal space. "Thank You. So you said you're his girlfriend? How long have you two been together?"

Cara smiled "Yes, we made it official about a month ago"

Danielle didn't mean to stare at Cara but it just blew her mind how much she looked like Deion's ex. "Well it's good to know that he is with someone. How is he doing..honestly"

Cara wasn't the type of person to just tell everyone's business, parent or not. She knew if he wanted his mom to know everything about him, he would've done so. She decided to keep it short and simple "He's fine, so focused on his music that's all"

His mom just cracked a smile and nodded. "You look like his ex. Have you seen her before? I'm sure he had some type of picture around since he loved her so bad"

Cara's right eye twitched a little. Is this lady trying me right now? She had to have a conversation with herself first before speaking. "Nah, I haven't seen her before" she lied. "Even if he did have a picture or anything from her, I would personally make sure it's gone because anything or anyone from his past who's not contributing to his future needs to be gone" she returned the same smile.

Danielle liked her. Keisha would never speak up this much or even say anything like that to her. The one thing Danielle hated was a weak minded woman and she saw that written all over Keisha. "Touche. If we being honest I didn't really like her"

The two of them shared a laugh. Cara started to loosen up a bit but still kept a guard up. "May I ask why the two of you haven't spoken to each other in a while? If it's personal I completely understand you don't have to tell me"

Danielle looked at the photo frame that sat on the glass table by the couch. It was a baby picture of Dee. Cara shifted her attention to the picture as well and her baby fever went up by one thousand. She just imagined how their children would look if they ever got that far in life together.

"We may have different stories but on my end. I haven't spoken to him because he pretty much shut me out from his life. After jail he came back with the intention of changing his life around but he did not get around to completely do so. I mean he stayed out of trouble for a while but it didn't help him mentally. I love my son and miss him so much but he needs to learn that not everyone is against him. As well as a few other things in life. But I do hope one day he comes to see me"

Cara folded her lips because she couldn't speak on her opinion.

The silence that fell between the two of them was broken when her phone started ringing. Cara pulled it out of her purse and answered it. "Im on my way right now" she said as soon as she picked up.

Danielle took her time to look over Cara's outfit. She was dressed nicely, her Yves Saint Lauren Cassandra heels looked brand new, her hair feel down to the middle of her back in a loose curl. Her makeup was very light and natural, giving it a business setting.

Cara hung up her phone and stood up. "My bad Im supposed to be meeting my friends right now" she glanced at Dee's baby picture again and Danielle got up and walked over to the frame. She took the back piece out and handed the actual photo to Cara.

"You can keep it. I can tell you like it" She chuckled. "I have a thousand of those around here. Just do me a favor and tell my son whenever he's ready to talk I'm always here. Even if he doesn't believe it"

Cara held the picture close to her and nodded "I'll be sure to tell him and Thank You" Cara and Danielle exchanged numbers before she left and headed towards the restaurant. She did not think that meeting his mom would go that way. She actually seemed pretty cool so.


"Wait are you still going to come out for Rubin's birthday next week?" Katie sat her drink down. The girls were finally relieved when Cara showed up. She told them it was alot of traffic on top of meeting Dee's mom.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything" Cara looked at Ari who was busy typing away on her phone. "You good Arianna?"

Ari looked up and nodded. She didn't realize that the girls had a fresh round of drinks since her head had been down for the past fifteen minutes. "Yeah Im okay. Are you good?"

Cara jerked her head back a little since she felt like Ari had a attitude. "I'm just asking because you're so quiet. Which isn't like you"

Ari shrugged. "You been Missing in actions for weeks, which isn't like you but I'm not complaining"

Cara furrowed her eyebrows together "Are yall mad at me?Did I do something wrong?"

Katie budged in the conversation "No of course not. Ari just in her feelings that's all"

Arianna locked her phone. "I'm not in my feelings at all. I'm just speaking facts ever since that nigga got in your mind you just disconnected from all of us"

Katie smacked her lips. "That's not true Ari, she still texts and calls us sometimes"

Ari glared at Katie "You just kissing her ass for no reason. She need to know the truth" She turned to face Cara "Cara your nigga killed his ex girlfriend and I don't want the same shit happening to you. So if it seems like Im being a bitch whenever you bring him up, that's why"

Katie couldn't believe Ari was saying all of this, knowing that she was supposed to wait on some actual evidence to come through first. "Ari, now you know you wrong. That's not your business at all and it's possible not true"

Cara counted backwards from ten very low. She loved Arianna too much to go off on her but she couldn't control it. "Can we talk about something else other than me. I feel like I'm a good ass friend I will sit and listen to Katie talking about her problems with her husband and never judge her. I will also sit here and listen to you talk about to multiple million dollar men you are fucking and won't judge you nor question. I also don't feel like arguing with you over allegations about MY nigga" She looked between her two friends.

Katie agreed but Ari just rolled her eyes. She really wanted Cara to wake up and listen to her.

Cara dug in her purse pulling out a hundred dollar bill and sat it down on the table. "Actually I'll leave. I really don't even feel like dealing with you right now" She stood up from her chair and left out.

Katie took the hundred dollar bill "Her drink was only about $17 dollar. That's hella change left over. Waiter can I get another round please" she pointed at her glass while Ari just scoffed.

"I can't believe her"

Katie snapped her neck to face Ari "No. I can't believe you why would you say something like that knowing that she is the happiest she has been in years. As a best friend you should know better. You could've at least waited"

Ari sighed "Waited for what? Until she's dead? Nah Im not doing the shit like they do in those scary movies. I'm going to speak up I used to think he was cool but nah not anymore "

Meanwhile Cara waited outside for her car in the Valet line. She ended up Facetiming Deion so she would calm down.

"Ion like seeing you cry Cara" he looked away from the phone while she moved the camera so she could wipe her tears. "You should've just stayed here like I told you. What you want me to do Ma? I'll come up there and strangle her with a-"

Cara lowered the volume on her phone and started to laugh. "No. Nothing like that at all, I'll be fine I'm on my way back now."

Later That Night

After making it back to Dee's house Cara took a shower and prepared to go to sleep. Instead of going to sleep he was forcing her to watch his music videos. She was fond of his music but this was her first time seeing his video to his "Computer Murderers" song.

Dee laid in between her legs as he recited his lyrics.

Cara scrunched her face up. "How you rapping about giving somebody a headshot and then laugh about it"

Dee shrugged "You not vibin' right now. You worried about the wrong shit"

Cara just sighed she had Ari on her mind heavy. Dee could sense it because she was so quiet. "You wanna get some shit off yo chest or you aint ready to talk yet?" He sat up some so he could look at her.

Cara shook her no. "Nah I feel like If I talk about it again I might start crying again. But I do want to show you something" she rolled over and got out of the bed going over to her purse. She pulled out the picture that Danielle gave to her earlier. Cara climbed back in the bed and crossed her legs as she sat next to him. "Look what I got" she passed him the photo.

Deion looked at the picture for a while and then passed it back to her.

Cara was confused why he didn't say anything. "You don't like it?"

Dee reached for the remote and turned the tv down. "I told you to drop the money off not go in her crib Cara"

"I know but she literally opened the door and invited me in. What was I supposed to do? Say no and walk away" She looked down at the photo in her lap.

Deion nodded "Yea, you coulda done just that"

"Well I didn't because that would be rude and you need to call her. She said she missed you" Cara reach for her phone that was on the night stand.

"Ian gotta do shit" He retorted and then moved when he felt her pop him on the side of his face. "She probably was just telling you that out of sympathy, something I don't need."

Cara took a picture of the photo and made it her wallpaper. "I said what I said. Go talk to your mom Deion. I'm serious"

I didn't know how to end this chapter ๐Ÿ˜ but anyways ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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