17. The copy-paste-but-dif.-color-world
I'm so sorry for the long wait for this chapter. It's quite long, as an apology ):
Reminder: This story is about to get a little... Weird. But just remember that we are in the tangled universe, and demons and dimensions are COMMON and CANON!
The copy-paste-but-different-color-world
I think we've settled now, that Varian had gone through some pretty hurtful things in life. But absolutely nothing could compare to eating that chocolate.
The chocolate didn't melt on his tongue like it was supposed to. It felt like it literally melted his tongue, along with his inner organs. He remembered screaming, crying, and coughing up blood.
And now that he was awake again, he could feel absolutely nothing. It was like all of the pain had vanished, and his organs had peacefully been restored.
He was very sweaty, yes, and his body felt extremely hot, but besides from that, he would go as far to say, that he was completely fine.
He took a few seconds to clear his head, nonetheless. Then he looked at his surroundings.
He had been to another dimension before. However, this was totally different from what he had expected.
The world looked somewhat normal, yet so different. Much more colorful. The sky was pink, with a shade of purple, while the clouds were yellow. The grass was dark blue, and the dirt remained brown. Otherwise, it looked like a totally normal world, build-wise.
He slowly got up to see he was on an endless flowery-field. Or, at least it seemed endless.
He probably would've thought he was dead, and that this was heaven if it hadn't been for the two panting figures beside him - Eugene and Rapunzel. They were struggling to get up, and so, Varian offered them a hand.
"W-where are we?" Rapunzel stammered, as she got up and looked around.
Varian and Eugene stretched. They didn't know why, it just felt right to do, while waiting for their bodies to work properly again. "My guess is, we have made it to the right dimension." Varian slowly said. This was the world in between heaven and hell. A place where demons and other creatures from ancient myths were held captive. Or, should he say, stored.
The alchemist looked around once again, this time not observing, but searching. If he was in the right place, you should be here somewhere.
"Okay! Sooo..." Eugene breathed, placing his hands on his sides. "What's the plan?"
Varian thought a little bit, before answering. "We have to find (y/n). Argo and/or some of his men might already be here, trying to revive the demons."
Rapunzel nodded, brows knitted together. "Right. She'll know what to do. If anyone can defeat Argo, it's her."
"And now the question is - how do we find her? Something tells me that this world isn't small." Eugene added, messing with his beard.
But before Varian even got a chance to even open his mouth, the ground beneath them began shaking violently. Varian had to grab Eugene's sleeve, in order not to fall.
"What's happening!?" Rapunzel yelled, as she desperately tried to run to the side. But it was impossible to move.
While the three fought to keep their balance, the ground before the cracked open, and up came a large head, with fiery red eyes, and green scale. It took Varian a few tries to get a proper look at it, due to his shaky vision, but he did notice the creature looked like a great mix between a snake and a dragon.
The giant head (That was the same size as Varins room), rose further and further above the ground, looking down at them. It made a menacing whistling sound, opening its mouth, showing it's long needle-sharp teeth. And as that wasn't enough, smoke was coming out of it's flat, slimy nose.
The creature had gotten up from the ground completely now, revealing it's large dragon-face and 80 feet long snake-body. The ground closed again beneath it, stopping the little earthquake - which was the only good thing Varian could make out of this situation.
"O-okay." Rapunzel stammered beside him. Her voice shook with fear, which was understandable. The creature in front of them was horrifying, and it looked at them like they were its next meal. Besides, the Queen didn't have the power of the sundrop to protect her anymore. She didn't even have her frying pan. All of them were completely helpless. "If we just, stand still, and talk quietly, it might-"
"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IN THE WORLD IS THIS FUCKING THING SUPPOSED TO BE!?" Eugene screamed while waving his arms like a mad man.
Varian mentally face-palmed, while his mind was determined to find a plan. If he didn't, it would be his funeral. He studied the snake-dragon, while its attention was on Eugene. The creature slowly wound closer to his friend, looking like it would bite his head off any time - Rapunzel rushed to his side, and together they circled around it, making it dizzy. (Apparently, the creature was horrifying, not smart). It was an okay plan, and sure, it held it back for a little while, but it wouldn't last long.
And therefore; thank god, Varian noticed the following: The creature's slimy and green scale was covered in burn marks. Blood was even coming out of some of them, meaning they were newly made. That's why it was so angry. It had lost a battle against you.
And just like that, without even being there, you had just given him an idea for how to defeat it.
"Eugene! Rapunzel! Throw rocks at it!" Varian yelled, fiddling with his backpack.
"WHAT?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" Eugene stared, but Rapunzel didn't hesitate to follow orders: She picked up the largest rock in sight, and aimed at the dragon-snake's eyes. It hit perfectly.
Just like Varian had planned, the creature's mouth fell wide-open, as it let out a furious hiss. It began lunging forward, but Varian was quick: He threw a yellow splash-potion that explodes when broken, right inside of its open mouth, and not many seconds went by before it literally exploded inside of it, turning it into ashes.
Like, it disappeared in the blink of an eye. And for a second, Varian was confused about whether it had been real or not. He knew for a fact, that other dimensions could mess with the mind. The last time he had been in one, the blue streak in his hair had turned into a snake. But the reactions from his friends told him otherwise.
Eugene literally tackled him in a giant hug, and Rapunzel let out cheers.
"Ye-heah, team AWESOME! That was epic, little V!" Eugene laughed, messing with Varian's hair.
"How did you do that?" Rapunzel demanded to know, brushing some ash off Varian's clothes.
"I, uh-" Varian started. "I saw burn marks on it. Probably made by (Y/n). I figured that if it was weak to fire on the outside, it would be even more so on the insides."
"Good thing we brought you along." Rapunzel breathed impressed. She still looked terrified, over what had just happened. A monster had just attacked them out of nowhere, and they didn't know if it would come back.
"Well, we better get going. We don't want to run into its friends."
"Sure thing sweetie, but how do we know which way (Y/n) went?" Eugene asked, walking around.
And that was a very good question. They were currently standing in the middle of a giant, blue field, with nothing but color insight. You could've gone in every direction. Varian began to think out loud. "If you have to do the ritual in both dimensions, in order to revive the demons, it would most likely be in the same parallel place. And those rocks we saw in the painting, was on a mountain in the west. My best bet would be, that we started going in that direction. The stars and sun can help us, knowing which way-"
"That, or, we could follow her footsteps," Eugene suggested, pointing at a trail of tall grass, pressed down into the form of a boot. Around your foot-size. Uh, not that Varian had paid close attention to your feet.
"Yeah, uh, let's, um, do that," Varian spoke, off guard. He gulped before he and his friends started walking off into this new dimension, on a quest to find you. He made sure always to keep an eye out for new monsters.
And new monsters were apparently very common. They appeared when they least expected it, attacking like their life depended on it. It was mostly bee-looking creatures, who came in swarms. But almost every time, Varian would have just the right potion to scare them off, or making them turn into ashes like the dragon snake they had fought earlier. (Thank god, he had brought his backpack with him) That, or Eugene and Rapunzel would kill them off with a stick they found on the ground or something. The bees weren't any good at staying alive for much longer, so it wasn't a hard task. Besides, the three of them were kinda educated in defeating evil stuff.
As for your footsteps, they were luckily not very hard to follow. Sure, sometimes they would get a little unclear, when there wasn't much grass, but they would always get visible again. And that was a huge relief for Varian.
He couldn't get you off his mind. He was so worried about you - to think you had been stuck in this dimension for days, along with all the monsters. And at the same time, he couldn't help but be amazed, because he knew you were doing just fine. That was just who you were. A total badass.
But that didn't mean they didn't have to hurry - and hurry they did. They had walked for hours and hours, following the footsteps that magically still was visible. Whenever one of them got a little tired, the other two would keep motivating the person to keep going. This meaning, that he and Rapunzel kept telling Eugene that it wouldn't be much longer.
The big field they had walked on, that seemed infinite at first, was finally coming to an end. Trees were beginning to appear, slowly forming a forest. The leaves were light green, and bark was dark red.
Varian's eyes had finally adjusted to all of the color replacing. The pink sky and blue grass didn't look so weird anymore. Yet just the fought of his real body, lying unconsciously in the medical room, while his mind was in another dimension was terrifying. He also had to be careful at what he did to his body down here, because it would happen to his real body, in the real world. He declared that when he first had seen your unconscious body bleeding from the chin.
"Hey, Varian," Rapunzel called out his name, snapping him out of his thoughts. He stopped walking and looked back at her, waiting.
"The footprints have stopped."
Varian looked down to clarify, and noticed that she was indeed right. There were no longer any footprints in the grass. And it wasn't like it had slowly faded out, it had literally just disappeared from the one step to the other, just beside a large tree.
Varian furrowed his brows, as he slowly felt his heart-race speeding up. What if they had walked the wrong way? what if they had followed the footsteps of a demon? What if something had happened to you right here, and you had turned into ashes? What were they going to do now?
But before he could think any further, he heard something from above. In the tree. Leaves were whistling.
And then he heard a thump from behind him. Eugene let out a scream, Rapunzel squeaked, and VArians mouth fell open as he turned around. There you stood, as good-looking as ever, and stared shocked at him.
Then your shocked state turned into your famous grin. "I knew you would figure it out, Varian."
Varian was speechless. God, he didn't even realize how much he had missed you. Before even thinking about your lack of physical comfort from a human being overall, he pulled you into a tight hug. And surprisingly for him, you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him.
"It's, uh, good to see your, (Y/n)!" Rapunzel spoke, sounding as enthusiastic as possible.
You let go of a pretty much star-struck Varian, and smiled at the Queen. "You too."
"H-How long have you been here? Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" Varian rapidly shook your shoulders - in fact so hard, that you almost fell backwards.
"Relax pretty boy, I'm just fine." You shook his hands off, while Eugene, who stood a few steps away from you, narrowed his eyes. He had always thought you were a little... Off. And your reaction right now didn't really help his growing suspicion, of there being something wrong. Why weren't you more surprised by their sudden appearance?
Rapunzel stepped forward and looked you in the eyes. "(Y/n), we came to help you. We figured out- or, well, Varian figured out the riddle, and I think we've solved it."
Your arms hang loosely by your side. You rose your brows. When Rapunzel didn't continue, you waved your hand for her to do so - But Eugene was faster.
"We translated it to the following: To achieve what you want, to revive those who have been forgotten - you must be on the verge of death yourself. The kingdom's most valuable objects shall be the key to their downfall. One sacrifice and a new world will rise in its ashes."
You nodded, acknowledging. "Damn Eugene, I'm impressed. You memorized all of that? I didn't think you had it in ya', big guy!"
You punched Eugene on the shoulder, as his face went fiery red. Eugene began to mumble a lot of angry things and stopping himself mid-sentence like he did when he was mad. Varian stood behind you and watched helplessly. He couldn't tell what it was, but something about you seemed weird.
You were about to say something more, when Rapunzel stepped in. "(Y/n), listen" the queen sounded plain serious, which caught your attention, you turned to her, smiling innocently.
"Look, it was a really hard time, figuring that riddle out, believe it or not. And we just discovered that the world really is in great danger, if Argo was to revive the demons. Corona needs the royal staff in this crisis, and yet, Eugene, Varian and I risked our lives to help you. We traveled to another dimension, and fought plenty of monsters on our way here."
You gulped, and stared blankly in the air for a few seconds. You slowly opened your mouth, to say something like "well, I didn't ask you to.", but you quickly closed your mouth again.
"You could at least say thank you." Eugene huffed, crossing his arms.
You felt the three persons stare at you, waiting for a response. They had to wait a while before getting one.
"I, uh." You tried. you weren't really any good with words in situations like these. "Wait, you came to this dimension... for me? You wanted to save me?"
This time Varian spoke up. "Well, of course. We're a team, aren't we?"
And just like that, something in your chest hurt. Or well, not hurt, but it sure was a strange feeling. You had only felt this once before - when Kiara offered you to come live with her.
You turned your head, to face Varian. He smiled at you. You didn't return it. You just looked at him. You looked beneath his layers, like he had looked beneath yours. This boy cared for you. Someone genuinely cared for you.
And you truly didn't deserve it.
You blinked your eyes rapidly because you could tell, they were beginning to get teary. And if there was something you hated more than crying, it was for people to see you cry. "I, uh. Thank you. No one has ever eaten poisoned chocolate for me before."
This lead the group to let out a chuckle - except Eugene.
When the bonding session was over, the four of you once again came straight back to business. They told you everything about how they had construed the translation. You were the sacrifice, sent to another dimension. And they told you everything about how Lance on the other side, was sending messages to each of the kingdoms, telling them to prepare for war, and how he had sent himself and the guards to the stones in the west, where the ritual would take place. And so, your plan was now to get to those stones in this dimension, so you could prevent the ritual from happening in this world. You had all figured that Argo and/or some of his men were on their way down here as well, to fulfill the ritual - and therefore, you had to hurry.
"But if this world is an exact copy of the real world, how come we don't recognize anything?" Rapunzel asked.
You bit your lip. "I've thought about this. If you look at the nature, it's really similar to the one we know in Corona. I think that this is Corona, but without anything man-made. Like houses and such."
Varian rose his brows, looking at the circumstances. "That would actually make sense." He walked around a little bit, when his eyes winded. "H-hey! I'm pretty sure we're in old Corona right now!"
"How do you know that?" Eugene asked, looking around. He didn't seem to find any similarities.
"I recognize it! Rudiger have walked around in this forest lots of times! Right here is where the well is supposed to be! And right over there is Rudiger and Max's favorite apple tree!" He pointed in a lot of directions, and you all followed his glance.
"You're right," Rapunzel said amazed. "Then that means, that the western mountains are this way." She pointed a finger, in the direction you had already walked in.
"Sweet." You smiled. Everything was going as planned.
Suddenly the whole mood got lifted. You all could see the light at the end of the tunnel now. You finally thought you had outsmarted Argo. "Oh, isn't this exciting!? Heroes and a villain, on a quest to save the world together!" Rapunzel squeaked. You snorted.
"Hey there, blondie, careful not to get too excited. The world is still at risk." Eugene took her hand.
"Blondie? Why do you call her blondie, when she's clearly a brunette?" You asked, tilting your head. You just couldn't help but point out everything Eugene did.
"Guess it's a habit. Besides, she will always be blondie to me." Eugene narrowed his eyes at you, just before Rapunzel gave him a huge kiss. You and Varian looked awkwardly at each other.
You nodded slowly, before clicking your fingers. "I'll call you brownie."
Rapunzel laughed, while Eugene rolled his eyes. It was honestly fun how he was the only one not really trusting you. You figured it had something to do with him being an old criminal himself, and therefore he knew just how hard it could be to just switch "sides" like that. And judging by his behavior towards you, he clearly still thought that you were an evil-ass bitch, playing them all.
"So, how long will it take us to get to the western mountains?" Varian spoke, his soft voice clearing up the tension.
"A day or so, I believe." Rapunzel guessed.
You shook your head. "I would say two or three days. There will be a lot of obstacles along the way. You might not know this, but demons are incredibly smart. They know perfectly well that they have a chance to get revived, and that we're here to prevent that from happening. They will do everything in their power to stop us from getting to that mountain. And they will be much harder to defeat, than the ones we've already fought against."
The three eyes winded. "Crap, I've already used many of my explosion potions!" Varian said.
"And I don't have a frying pan with me!" Rapunzel added.
"I'm just tired and hungry." Eugene shrugged. You crossed your arms thinking.
"Varian, you'll have to save the rest of the explosion potions for when we really need them. In the meantime, you'll have to be creative with the other stuff and potions you've got in your bagpack. Or breed some more, as long as it doesn't take long. And Rapunzel, we'll find you a nice weapon, okay? Or, you know what, take my knife. I can work just as well with a spear. Besides, I have my lighter." You tossed Rapunzel your knife, and she gratefully took it.
"Eugene, you can starve to death, I don't care." You said.
"Kidding. But we can't only rely on our weapons. We have to sharpen our psychical abilities as well. If Varian loses his backpack, he's as good as dead, and the same with the rest of you and your stuff." You thought out loud. You really weren't used to taking care of others on quests, but you had to do your best. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do." You spoke, when you had made up your mind about something. "We'll take this day off, where I teach you every surviving and fighting skill I know."
Everyone processed what you had just said. when they were done, they still looked dumbly at you.
"But... A day? To prepare us for Is that enough?" Varian asked, raising his one brow.
"Oh, please." You smirked, getting closer. "Varian, I can make a man out of you in less than an hour."
Anyways, the next chapter will be the animation. cAn yOu gUeSS thE SonG~
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