chapter six:
rejections !
VIOLETTA WAS IN the midst of putting another blanket on the pile of other blankets on the couch when the doorbell rang. Her and EJ were having a movie night, the two of them deciding to do so since it had been snowing non-stop. It only felt like the right thing to do. Popcorn and hot chocolate was set up on the counter for if they wanted it, and Violetta's parents were upstairs, so her and EJ would be completely unbothered.
She turned around to look at the door, smiling slightly. Violetta then walked up to the door and opened it, instantly shivering as the cold air entered her house. EJ was standing there, his eyes alight with excitement.
"Hey," Violetta greeted. She stepped aside to let him in, shutting the door. EJ took off his coat and shoes before facing her. "Why do you look so happy?"
EJ said nothing. All he did was hold up an envelope in his hand.
Violetta's eyebrows knit in confusion. "What is it?"
Once again, he didn't reply. All he did was hand her the envelope. Violetta took it and looked down. Her eyes scanned everything, but one thing stood out — Duke. Violetta's eyes widened and she looked up at him.
"Is this your acceptance letter?" Violetta asked excitedly.
EJ nodded. "And I want you to open it."
"Yeah," EJ continued. "I want it to be you who tells me everything about how I'm in."
Violetta let out a small laugh. "Okay. Come on."
She led him over to the couch. Violetta sat down, her knees tucked under her, while EJ sat next to her, placing his elbows on his knees. She looked back down at the envelope and took a deep breath. For some reason, she was nervous, and it wasn't even her getting into college.
"Ready?" Violetta questioned, but it was more for herself.
"Just open it, V," EJ encouraged with a large smile.
Violetta then opened the envelope. She pulled out the piece of paper that was in it and stared down its folded state. Her heart beating fast, she unfolded it and her eyes went to the top, looking at the Duke University crest. Violetta's eyes went down and started to read the main part of the letter.
Dear EJ Caswell,
It is with real regret that I write to let you know that we will not be able to offer you a place in the class entering Duke this fall.
Oh no.
Violetta felt her heart stop and her breath slightly catch in her throat. She was sure that the once happy expression that she had from EJ's excitement had all melted away. Violetta stared down at the letter in shock. EJ was so sure that he was getting in, pretty much basing his whole college career around this one school. And yet here it was — rejected.
"So, how much scholarship money am I getting?" EJ inquired, bringing Violetta out of her trance.
Violetta looked up at him, her eyes softening. "EJ."
"What?" He noticed her saddened expression. "Is is nothing? I mean, that's fine, but—"
"EJ," Violetta cut in.
He stared at her in confusion. She anxiously rubbed her thumb against the paper she was holding before handing it to him. Violetta didn't want to, because seeing EJ upset wasn't really on her agenda, but he had to know. She watched, her heart shattering, as EJ looked down at the letter in disbelief.
"I'm not . . . in?" EJ voiced.
"EJ," Violetta repeated quietly. "Baby, I'm so—"
"How?" he interrupted. "I'm — my family's been nothing but Duke. My grandparents met there, my parents met at grad school there . . ."
"My dad's going to be so disappointed in me."
That sentence honestly hit Violetta like a truck. Apparently, his whole family had been counting on him to get into school there because it was generational. EJ might've thought he wanted to continue it through generations, but now everything was clear. He did it for his parents.
Violetta didn't want that for him.
"No he's not," Violetta stated. "Sure, he might be upset, but—"
"Please don't try to make me feel better, Violetta," EJ protested, finally looking from the paper to her.
Violetta blinked in shock, not quite used to him using her full name. "What?"
"I — I have to go."
He stood up from the couch, walking back over to the door. Violetta stood up as well, frozen in place as she watched him put his shoes and jacket back on.
"EJ, wait," Violetta insisted.
He turned to look at her, opening the door and pausing for a moment. "I — I think I just need some space right now, Violetta. Some . . . time, to myself."
Violetta felt her heart sink to her stomach. Space. Time. Space and time were all Violetta knew throughout her entire life. Her parents had pushed her away time and time again. She never knew a feeling of comfort, besides from Athena's family. EJ had then come into her life and broke down all her walls. He was the one person who meant the most, but here he was, pushing her away too.
And Violetta stood there, tears pricking in the back of her eyes as EJ shut the door behind him.
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THE SNOW REFLECTED Violetta's cold mood.
There was a huge storm scheduled for later that day. Snow whirled around in the air as the trees shook violently. That basically summed up Violetta's mind.
She hated how much this was affecting her. But come on, it was EJ. Her boyfriend, only about two months into them dating, asking her for space already. Violetta gets it, he was extremely upset about his rejection from Duke, but wouldn't he go to his girlfriend for comfort? They always went to each other when they were sad. It sort of made Violetta think about their future. Was this an inkling to how well they would do when EJ was away at college, wherever he went now?
Violetta now sat on the first row of the risers by herself, the rest of her cast members (besides EJ, who was literally M.I.A.) gathered in the bomb shelter to work on the musical. Her knee was tucked into her chest and her chin was resting on top of it. She could feel Athena's stare on her on the back of her head, but she didn't dare look around, because she knew one look at her best friend and she would just immediately break down. Violetta had kept to herself all day so she wouldn't just blurt out everything in her mind.
Miss Jenn came back into the room, making Violetta's eyes avert from the floor to her. "Okay, everyone, gather around. We have got a two hour window before the storm is expected to hit, and I intend to use every minute of it. Big, splashy group numbers always succeed at the Menkie Awards. So we need to workshop a punchy, breathtaking number that will put us in the number one spot."
Carlos stepped forwards to join her side. "As our head choreographer, I am so happy to announce that today we will, at last, begin rehearsing one of the most show-stopping, iconic, and bar-raising numbers of the entire show."
"Be Our Guest," Gina announced, standing by Carlos. "Yeah, it's Be Our Guest, guys." Gina placed a large smile on her face and then turned to see Carlos staring at her. "What?"
Violetta rolled her eyes slightly. Gina and Carlos would butt heads so often in choreography. She didn't really want to deal with that. All Violetta wanted to do was go home, get a pint of ice cream, cover herself in her covers, and eat her feelings away.
"Before we begin, I'm going to tell you a little story about hospitality," Miss Jenn revealed.
Carlos leaned his head closer to hers. "Maybe we should—"
"Once, when I was a little girl, my mom and I heard a clatter come from the kitchen. We thought it was a burglar. So my mom ran over, hog-tied the man, and promptly called the police." Ashlyn was the only one to react with a gasp. "As we waited for the cops to come, I watched my mother place a bowl of iced tea next to his face. Because, she said, until the police come and get him, he's still our guest."
"So, did he, like, get arrested, or . . ." Kourtney trailed off.
"No," Miss Jenn responded. "Turns out, it wasn't a burglar at all. Just a repairman who entered the wrong unit. But, the point remains the same. Just like our intruder, we need to make Belle—" she gestured to Athena "—and our entire audience feel welcome. And with that, Carlos and Gina, take it away."
Ashlyn, once again, was the only one to react. She clapped loudly for the story and for Carlos and Gina. Violetta didn't have the strength in her to smile, her brain cloudy.
"Thank you, Miss Jenn, that wasn't terrifying at all," Gina said. She picked up two feather dusters. "Okay, so. My vision to make this dance really soar is to stage, wait for it, a Cancan style dance that features a feather dusting spectacle. I don't know, it'll probably go a little something like . . ."
She then started to do high Cancan kicks. Everyone started to praise her. Violetta would've reacted by maybe complimenting her form, but all she did was watch.
"Interesting," Carlos commented. "I had a different path that's a little more elevated and less basic. Think. A noir inspired performance that Lumière guides our audience through the entire time."
"M'kay, but I actually spent a month in France once, so I kinda know this dance inside out," Gina argued.
"And I choreographed all three of my sister's quinceañera dances, despite not getting one for myself, so I think I know how to twirl with a salad fork, okay?"
"Okay!" Miss Jenn interjected cheerfully, stopping their argument. "You know what? Let's stick a pin in Be Our Guest and brush up on Gaston. EJ and Big Red, to the front of the room, please." Only Big Red got up, and Miss Jenn glanced around the room. "Wait, where's EJ?"
Violetta felt her heart drop at the mention of her name. She hated that it did that.
"So no one has seen EJ," Miss Jenn continued. "Violetta, honey, do you happen to know where he is?"
And that's when Violetta snapped.
Well, it was only a matter of time.
She felt her blank expression morph into a stone-cold one. "What? You think just because we're dating I have to know where he is at all times?"
Miss Jenn blinked at her, and somewhere deep inside, Violetta felt guilt, but hurt was the more prominent feeling. "N-No—"
"You know, maybe he just needs some time to himself." She stood up from the risers. "And so do I."
"Violetta," Athena voiced.
She ignored her and just walked straight out of the bomb shelter, feeling everyone's eyes on her back. Violetta completely disregarded the fact that her backpack was still in the bomb shelter and just walked down the hallway. She tucked her hair behind her ears and tried to ignore the sound of footsteps behind her. Violetta knew who was following her, so she quickened her pace.
"Vi," Athena called.
Stop running away, her brain echoed to her. Stop bottling it up. Stop running away. Stop bottling it up.
She listened.
Violetta stopped and turned around, not even bothering to hide the hurt expression on her face — Athena knew better, anyways. "What? Did Miss Jenn send you out here to come get me so she can yell at me? I really don't need that right now."
"No," Athena answered, standing in front of her. "But you wouldn't blow up on Miss Jenn like that normally, not unless something's going on." Violetta couldn't bare to look at her best friend anymore and looked down at the floor. "Violetta, what happened?"
Stop running away. Stop bottling it up.
"EJ didn't get into Duke," Violetta told her quietly. "He's distraught over it. I tried to comfort him last night, but . . . he told me that he just needed some space for a little while." She let out an exasperated breath. "I don't get it, Athena. We always went to each other if something was wrong."
Athena paused for a moment. "Listen, maybe he should have communicated better that he just needs some time alone. I'm guessing this is a huge shock to him. But if I've learned anything from being in a relationship, it's that you have to wait until they're ready to talk while also reminding them that you're always there."
Violetta rubbed her eyes. "This is frustrating."
"I know. But EJ will come around. I promise. And I know you hate it, but you just have to be patient. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll immediately go to you when the time is right."
Violetta stared at Athena, starting to feel herself slightly feel better just by talking about it. "You're the best best friend ever, you know?"
"Thanks for finally acknowledging it," Athena replied. "I've been waiting for you to say that."
"Don't make me take it back."
Athena put an arm around her shoulders, the two of them slowly starting to go back to the bomb shelter. "I'm glad to see you back to your regular self. Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen you sulk so much than you had back in there."
Violetta scoffed, trying to play it off, even though she knew that's what she was doing. "Ew. I do not sulk."
"Uh, yeah you do, homegirl. It looked like somebody just kicked your puppy."
Violetta suddenly stopped in her tracks. Standing in the hallway was the familiar figure of Nini. She had a duffle bag on her shoulder and was carrying her ukulele in its case in her hand.
"Nini?" Violetta began.
Athena looked at her and gasped. "Oh my God, Nini!"
Both Violetta and Athena ran straight at the girl and threw their arms around Nini in a tight hug. Nini laughed and hugged them back tightly, all three of them rocking back and forth from he force of the hung. Violetta, Athena, and Nini had all made time to hang out with just the three of them while she was back from drama school visiting for Valentine's Day. She might've had mixed feelings about Nini last semester, but Violetta had to admit, she really missed Nini.
"Hey," Nini responded, resting one hand on Violetta's arm and the other on Athena's arm.
"What are you doing here?" Athena asked in excitement.
"I just came to say goodbye to the whole crew before I head back to YAC." She pulled her phone out of her pocket when it chimed. "Oh, no. My driver just canceled because of the snow and the next car is twenty minutes away. Great. Watch me literally not make it back to school."
"Hey, no, we're going to get you back," Violetta insisted. "I can drive."
Nini gave Athena a look. "Still no drivers license?"
Athena smiled sheepishly. "It's a work in progress."
"Anyways, I'll force Big Red to give me his car," Violetta reassured Nini. "He'll give it to me if I intimidate him. It's not hard to do."
"Nonsense, honey, we're still in the middle of rehearsal," Miss Jenn cut in, and the three girls looked to see Miss Jenn standing outside of the bomb shelter. "I can take you to the bus station and then zip back to school. Sound good?"
Nini nodded in response. "Yeah, that works."
Miss Jenn walked past the bomb shelter, Violetta assuming she was getting someone else to watch over them. Athena let out a sigh and pulled Violeta and Nini in for another group hug.
"Have so much fun, okay?" Athena said to Nini. "Don't be afraid to call. We'll always be here."
Nini grinned at them sadly. "I miss you guys already. I'm not sure the next time I'll be back, so . . . see you soon."
Violetta and Athena (reluctantly) allowed Nini to leave. She sighed, crossing her arms as she entered the bomb shelter, feeling awkward after her whole outburst. Violetta slowly walked to stand sort of near Ashlyn. Ashlyn offered her a small smile, which Violetta reciprocated.
"Listen up, everyone," Miss Jenn announced as she came back into the room. "I am going to step out for a little while to make sure that Nini catches her bus. Please go back to workshopping Be Our Guest concepts until I return, and find a path forward. I've asked Mr. Mazzara to pop in." Mr. Mazzara then quite literally popped in through the doorway, making Violetta jump. "And make sure that you don't get too rowdy while I'm gone. Thank you, Benjamin."
Miss Jenn left to go take Nini. Mr. Mazzara left as well, apparently deeming them okay for now. Violetta decided to do the thing that calmed her down the most — dance. Well, stretching in a split wasn't really dancing, but it still managed to make her mind clear of its cloudiness. She often joined in with Athena and Seb on conversations, since they were playing the piano together and Violetta was by the piano. Everyone else was basically doing their own thing too.
"Has anyone seen EJ?" Ashlyn questioned to the room as a whole, and Violetta felt her heart sink again.
"Everybody, listen up," Gina stated, and Violetta pulled herself out of her split, sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.
"Great news," Carlos admitted. "Gina and I agreed to joint custody of you all."
"Oh, so who gets us on weekends?" Kourtney inquired.
"We're gonna workshop our Be Our Guest visions on you guys separately before adding the dancers," Gina explained. "The winning version—" she mouthed mine while shielding Carlos away from her lips with her hand, but Carlos clearly noticed "—will then be decided in an anonymous vote. Fun and easy."
"Yay," Ricky said unenthusiastically.
"All right, Athena, table," Carlos ordered, pointing to the table set up in the room.
Athena did as she was told and sat at the table. Violetta pushed herself up off the ground and walked over to the risers, sitting in the spot she was earlier, now paying way more attention. Everyone was paying attention to Carlos, well, except for Gina, who was flipping through her script.
Carlos he picked up the candelabra. "This number was inspired by my second oldest sister's quince. Theme, sultry jazz. Sebastian, you may begin."
Seb faced the piano keys and started to play. However, just as he did so, the lights flickered and made a crackling sound before they went completely out. Violetta stared up at the ceiling.
Ashlyn stood up. "Oh, what was that?"
There was a loud thud.
"Maybe a power line went down," Gina suggested as Carlos left the room.
"Oh, no, you guys," Seb voiced. "I missed an alert from my Farmer's Alman-app. Salt Lake just got half a foot in half an hour."
"My dad says the roads are completely closed," Ricky added, staring at his phone.
Violetta pulled hers out of her pocket. No notifications. She sighed, putting her phone back and looking down at the ground.
"Oh my gosh, you guys, get out here!" Carlos shouted from the hallway.
Violetta stood up from the risers and followed everyone else out of the room. Her eyes instantly widened once she looked out the window. Snow was coming down heavy and was swirling around even more in the wind.
"This is insane!" Ricky exclaimed. "Are we the only ones stuck at school?"
"Looks like every other club went home," Kourtney commented. "Should I check on Nini? I'm checking on Nini."
Big Red leaned closer to Ashlyn. "I don't mind the idea of being stuck together all night."
"Maybe we should hold each other for warmth?" Ashlyn flirted.
Violetta raised an eyebrow, her stomach churning in slight disgust. "Um, I hate to interrupt — actually, I don't, because you said it in front of everyone, but I really don't think this is the time."
Gina faced them all. "Listen up, folks. We need to act fast and gather supplies in case this gets worse."
"Love the commitment, Gina, but I don't think it's that serious," Carlos lightly argued.
"Rehearsal can wait. Follow my lead. Contact your parents every half hour, but conserve your phone batteries. Waters, flashlights. Let's move, people."
Ashlyn let out a squeal of excitement as her and Big Red ran down the hallway together. Violetta rolled her eyes and decided to follow them, starting to make comments about how they were being gross. She was teasing, of course, but there was a slight bitterness in her tone, noticing how okay they were and how her relationship wasn't like that at the time.
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